Jacob's Sweet Temptation

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Jacob's Sweet Temptation Page 6

by Angela Franklin

  “What do you mean?” Chasity asked. She had no idea where this was going.

  “When Chase came up to bed the other night, he said you were in a, shall we say, awkward position.” Callie replied with a smirk.

  “Oh, that was just weird. And he even missed the ‘who gets to take Chasity home’ argument.” All of the annoyance she had that night was coming back just thinking about it.

  “Okay so he didn’t really tell me much, why don’t you fill me in.” Callie looked very interested in how that night played out.

  “I’m not your personal soap opera, you know.” Chasity grumbled.

  “Not normally no, but lately you seem to be all drama so fill me in.” Callie told her.

  “Fine.” Chasity wasn’t happy, but she started to tell her all about it.

  “Wait, you woke up laying on Jacob? I thought you said he didn’t want you.” Callie said confused.

  “I did, he doesn’t. I have no idea how it happened, but that is how I woke up.” Chasity said then continued her story.

  “You ended up in his lap? Seriously, what all am I missing being trapped in this room?” Callie shrieked.

  “Are you going to let me finish my story or not?” Chasity grumbled at her.

  “Fine, but don’t leave anything out.” Callie said in a huff. Chasity finished her story, then looked at Callie.

  “I know your bursting with questions, so go ahead.” Chasity told her. She wasn’t looking forward to her questions, mainly because she didn’t have any answers.

  “Have you seen Jacob or Tray since then?” Callie asked. Not what she expected, but that was the easiest to answer. Chasity told her about Sunday with Tray and Jacob coming by the bakery. She even told her about Tray’s busted lip and how Jacob and Luke laughed about it.

  “Do you have any idea the trouble your causing?” Callie asked laughing.

  “I haven’t done anything. Jacob doesn’t want me, and Tray and I are just really good friends.” Chasity couldn’t figure out how she could be doing anything wrong.

  “Oh this is going to be so fun to watch.” Callie said gleefully.

  “What are you talking about?” Chasity felt like they were having two different conversations.

  “I think I will wait and let it play out till you figure it out yourself.” Callie said cryptically.

  “You know what, I love you but I feel like you’re talking in code so I’m gonna go now.” Chasity told, getting up and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

  As usually there were voices down stairs and she knew them. She wasn’t even gonna try to avoid them this time. Might as well act like she knew what she was doing, fake it till you make it and all.

  “Hey ya’ll.” She said walking into the living room.

  “So you finally have an evening off.” Tray said getting up to hug her.

  “Yeah, it’s been a long week and it’s only Wednesday.” She replied leaning on him.

  “Want me to come over?” Tray asked her.

  “Nah, not tonight. When I get home, I’m going to bed.” Chasity smiled up at him.

  “Why don’t you come sit down.” Jacob said pulling her away from Tray.

  The living room was full. The sheriff was there and a couple other guys from the fire house and a few paramedics. There really was only two seats left on the couch, but as she watched Tray took one of those.

  “That’s okay, it’s a full house tonight. I can just head on home.” Chasity said as she tried to pull free of Jacob. He really wasn’t giving her the chance to pull away dang it.

  “There’s plenty of room right here.” Jacob said as he sat down and pulled her on his lap. What the hell was going on here?

  “Um, I really should be going.” Chasity tried to get up only to have Jacob put both arms around her to hold her still. “Tray, scoot over. If you and Jacob both scoot I can probably fit between you.” It sounded like a logical plan, but Tray was grinning at her.

  “Sorry babe, I need my space.” Tray said making himself as big as possible.

  “I will poison your dinner this week.” Chasity sent him a glare, but he only laughed. Chasity began to wiggle on his lap. She hoped if she wiggled enough he would let her go. After only a minute she felt him stir under her and froze.

  “Be a good girl and sit still sweetness. I’m enjoying the ride, but not in front of everyone.” Jacob whispered in her ear, his breath tickling her neck. She nodded. As if to reward her, he kissed her neck. She shot a quick glance at Luke and he was smirking at her.

  She sat still and let them talk, occasionally she would give her opinion. She was starting to get tired and really needed to go. She moved to try and get up but Jacob didn’t allow it. Fine. If he was going to hold her here, she was going to get comfortable. She leaned back against him and wiggled down a little. She laid her head against his shoulder and sighed. She felt him place a kiss on the top of her head, but ignored him.


  Jacob knew she was trying to resist him. He wasn’t in the mood to allow it tonight. She felt like heaven in his arms. Her wiggling didn’t help any, but now she was letting him support her body completely. He looked down at her and couldn’t resist kissing her head. When he looked back up he saw everyone was looking at him. He had no reason to be embarrassed so he gave them a smile and tightened his arms around her.

  “I think I’m gonna head home.” Tray said getting up to go home.

  “Me too.” Chasity said trying to get up again.

  “No sweetness, I’m not letting you go yet.” Jacob told her and kissed her cheek. He wasn’t letting her go until he had to.

  “Jacob, I will have to leave soon. Since Tray is leaving, I can sit in his seat.” Bless her, she really thought he would let her get up.

  “Don’t even think about it, lean back and rest.” Jacob told her.

  “Tray, take it easy I will see you at work tomorrow.” Jacob said looking up at him.

  “I would hug you, but someone won’t let me up.” Chasity told him.

  “No worries. Just be careful when you go home. Later ya’ll.” Tray called to them as he left.

  After giving him the evil eye Chasity rested back against him. He knew she did have to get up early, but he wasn’t ready yet. He carried on a conversation with everyone else and little by little everyone left. Chasity had fallen asleep and turned so that her face was in his neck. It felt like this was exactly where he was supposed to be.

  “You know she probably needs to go home to bed, right?” Luke asked him when everyone had left.

  “Yeah. I will wake her up soon.” Jacob said looking down at her.

  “Have you figured out what you are going to do yet?” Luke wasn’t going to let him get away with anything. She needed someone like him to protect her.

  “I can’t think of any way to prove to her she is different. I can only take it day by day, but I can’t wait any longer.” Jacob said rubbing her arm gently.

  “I don’t think there is anything going on with her and Tray.” Luke told him.

  “Me neither. He wasn’t lying when he said they were only friends, but I hate her being so comfortable with him when she keeps pulling away from me.” Jacob told him, wishing he could fix it.

  “I know, but she still thinks you don’t want her. You kissed her and walked away without a word. Even I would think you didn’t want her if I didn’t know better.” Luke reminded him.

  “I really screwed up, but I will fix it.” Jacob replied solemnly.

  “You might want to wake her. It’s after eleven and she gets up around four usually.” Luke told him. “I’m gonna go on home. Lock up when you leave?” Luke asked. Jacob nodded and watched him leave.

  “Wake up sweetness.” Jacob whispered kissing her forehead lightly. She didn’t stir, instead she snuggled in closer. Jacob promised himself one day soon she would do this everyday.

  “Sweetness, it’s getting late. We should go.” Jacob tried again this time rubbing her arm as he spoke. She shifted and looked up
at him.

  “I was having a really good dream and you had to ruin it.” Chasity told him frowning.

  “I am sorry, but I need to get you home so you can get some rest.” Jacob told her smiling.

  “I tried to leave earlier but you decided to be a brute. I could have continued my dream and not even had to deal with you.” Chasity was not happy at having to be woke up.

  “I could take you home so you could go back to sleep. I could even carry you to the bed if you want me to.” Jacob told her kissing her cheek.

  “I don’t think so. I will be fine on my own jerk.” Chasity told him, but she didn’t try to pull away. He wasn’t going to point it out if she didn’t notice.

  “Of course you will, tough girl, but I’m afraid of the dark.” Jacob whispered in her ear. She giggled and it was music to his ears.

  “Yeah sure, and I’m a model.” She snorted.

  “You could be. You star in my dreams every night.” Jacob told her seriously, then leaned down to kiss her.

  “I gotta go. See you around.” Chasity said jumping up and running out the door.

  Jacob chuckled to himself. She had run when he went to kiss her, but before that she had been perfectly content to sit on his lap and argue with him. He didn’t even think she realized she was just sitting there. She wanted to be strong and say she didn’t want him, but when she let her guard down she showed him how much he affected her. Maybe this was a sign that he hadn’t completely lost her. Tomorrow was a new day and he planned to show her just what he wanted.

  Chapter 6

  Chasity woke up and went to open the bakery like always. She was still mad at Jacob for waking her up. She had been in the middle of a steamy dream which he had starred in. She wished she could feel that way about anyone else, but it was only that jerk that sent her heart soaring. It was busy this morning and that kept her distracted from her own thoughts. Tina came in at ten to cover and she went back to the back to get caught up.

  After Luke didn’t come by at eleven she figured she was clear of him so she turned her radio up and got serious about her baking. Hips swinging singing along, she put muffins in the oven then pulled out some cupcakes to decorate. She was enjoying her alone time when she felt strong arms wrap around her. She knew those arms.

  “Hello sweetness.” Jacob whispered in her ear.

  “What are you doing here?” Chasity gasped. She hadn’t expected to see him till she ran into him again at Callie’s.

  “I had to see you.” Jacob said without turning her loose.

  “I wasn’t aware you were supposed to see me.” Was Chasity’s snarky reply.

  “I want to see you every day.” Jacob replied honestly.

  “Listen, I don’t know what game you are playing, but I’m not interested.” Chasity tried to jerk out of his hold.

  “No games. Just you and me.” Jacob said spinning her around to face him.

  “Just stop. I’m don’t want to be another one night stand for you. We have to see each other too often and that would be weird.” Chasity said pushing against his chest.

  “That’s great, cause you are too good for a one night stand.” Jacob said pulling her closer.

  “Jacob please.” Chasity whispered. She wasn’t sure what she wanted though.

  “Anything for you. Just tell me what you want.” Jacob said gazing into her eyes.

  “Let me go.” Chasity finally got up the courage to say.

  “Anything but that sweetness. I can’t let you go.” Jacob pulled again and she fell into him.

  “I can’t do this again, Jacob.” Chasity told him.

  “I promise this time is different.” Jacob vowed to her.

  “How, why? What makes this time any different?” Chasity asked. She truly wanted to believe him, but she didn’t know what could be different. He didn’t do relationships and she didn’t do one night stands.

  “Because it’s you and your too important. Give me a chance, I’ll prove it to you.” Jacob whispered against her lips.

  Him being this close was too much. She couldn’t resist the temptation. With a whimper she pushed her lips against his. He pulled her in so tight his arms felt like steel bands around her. His lips were firm against hers, and when he traced her bottom lip with his tongue she immediately opened to him. He took full advantage of it leaving no part of her mouth unclaimed.

  Chasity brought her arms around his neck and held on tight. He was definitely the one in control here. She had no problem responding to him, that was actually part of the problem. When he was this close and kissed her, she responded heart, body, and soul. She knew if he walked away again it would be worse, but she couldn’t make herself walk away. Slowly he pulled back and rested his forehead against hers.

  “You’re amazing sweetness.” Jacob said as he kissed the tip of her nose. “Is Tina closing for you tonight?”

  “Um yeah, I’m getting off around five.” Chasity said trying to clear the lust fog from her brain.

  “Good. I’ll be at your place by six.” Jacob said smiling at her.

  “Why?” Chasity asked. She was having a hard time keeping up with the conversation.

  “We need to go out on our first date and tonight will be the perfect chance.” Jacob kissed her again quickly.

  She nodded. She heard him, but when he kissed her all thought fled her mind. She was sure she heard something about a date, but even if he asked her out she knew he wouldn’t show. She watched as a brilliant smile appeared on his face showing off his dimples she wanted to lick.

  “I will see you soon, sweetness.” Jacob told her as he kissed her forehead and stepped back. She nodded again as he slowly pulled his arms from around her, letting his hands explore her generous hips as he moved out of reach and walked away. He stopped at the kitchen door, turning back to wink at her.

  Holy crap. Her brain was on overload as she watched the way his jeans clung to his firm butt as he left. Try as she might she couldn’t convince herself she didn’t want him. His little visit had blown her concentration. She was useless now.

  “Tina, I’m gonna take off. There should be plenty of goodies made up for the rest of the day.” Chasity said grabbing her stuff to go home.

  “Okay, enjoy your evening.” Tina called back. She could see the humor in her eyes but chose to ignore it.

  As she drove home enough of her lusty fog cleared for her to remember Jacob said something about coming over. She went to the grocery store and got what she needed to make a lasagna. It was her favorite and could be froze when he didn’t show up.

  When Chasity got home she went ahead and started the lasagna, then cleaned up her mess before heading for a shower. The warm water melted away her tension and by the time she finished, she was relaxed as she went to the kitchen. The smell of her dinner was amazing. Walking in the kitchen she quickly made her garlic bread so that she could put it in as soon as the lasagna was done. She had just finished removing the foil and sliding the dish back in to brown when she heard a knock at the door. She barely had the door pulled open when strong arms grabbed her.

  “I’ve been thinking about you all day.” Jacob said as he brushed his cheek against hers. “From the smell in here, I assume you want to stay in.” She could feel his chest rumble against hers as he spoke.

  “I didn’t really think you would come.” Chasity confessed as she pulled away to go check on dinner.

  “There’s nowhere else I want to be. Hell, you just got out of the shower didn’t you.” Jacob said following close behind her.

  “After I put the garlic bread in, I will go dry my hair and change.” Chasity told him as she sat the lasagna on the oven and recovered it, before putting the bread in.

  “I’d rather you didn’t.” Jacob said as she turned and ran straight into him.

  “Why not?” She asked looking up at him confused.

  “You look hot as hell in those tight yoga pants, with your wet hair dripping onto your tank top.” Jacob said, his hands squeezing her voluptuous hi

  “Yeah right. I look like an oversized drowned rat.” Chasity snorted, but looked up to see his eyes locked on her neck. She went to wipe whatever was there off, but he closed his hand around her arm and pulled her close.

  Before she had a chance to ask what he was doing, he leaned over and she felt his breath on her neck. As if in slow motion, she felt his tongue slip out to glide slowly up her neck. The sensation turned her knees to jello, but as she felt herself fall, Jacob locked his arms around her holding her up. His lick turned into open mouthed kisses and small bites. She could have stood there forever if the oven timer hadn’t went off causing her to jerk away.

  “Have a seat at the table. I will have everything there in just a second.” Chasity told him as she pulled the bread from the oven. She took a few deep breaths to steady herself before turning back to the table.

  Jacob had done as she asked and she was grateful for the small amount of space. She gathered everything, but she was taking her time. She saw the smirk on his face and knew he knew she was procrastinating. This was going to be a long night in so many ways.

  “What would you like to drink. I have beer, wine, soda, tea.” She told him still refusing to look at him.

  “A beer would be fine.” He told her softly. She poured her wine and grabbed his beer before going back to the table.

  “So, did you rescue any kittens today?” His work seemed like a safe topic.

  “I was supposed to be off today, but there was a big fire a couple towns over and they needed our guys to help, so I went to the station and sat around till they got back.” Jacob told her.

  “That explains why Luke didn’t come by today. I hope no one was hurt.” Chasity told him. Fire was dangerous for everyone, including the firefighters.

  “Yeah, it was an old factory so they let it burn, but had back up in case it got out of control.” Jacob was very open with her.

  “That’s good. I’m glad it was that simple.” Chasity said dishing out her plate.

  “Me too. Things can go bad quick. This looks great, but I was going to take you out.” Jacob told her filling his own plate.


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