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Jacob's Sweet Temptation

Page 11

by Angela Franklin

  “I’m glad.” Chasity said smiling as she rubbed Callie’s belly.

  “Now it’s your turn.” Callie said helpfully.

  “Nothing to tell. I told him we were done last night before crying myself to sleep. Only to wake up to him cooking me breakfast this morning.” Chasity shrugged.

  “I need a lot more than that.” Callie told her with a nudge.

  With a sigh Chasity told her all of it. Just talking about it brought tears to her eyes and she wiped them away. Callie was shedding a few tears of her own by the time she finished her story. Chasity sat there quietly for a minute trying to get her emotions back under control.

  “You love him, don’t you?” Callie asked quietly.

  “That’s not the point. He can’t be the man for me, I need more.” Chasity said avoiding giving an answer.

  “Maybe he is trying to give you more.” Callie said softly.

  “I gotta go. Tray’s coming over for dinner and a movie so I need to get ready.” Chasity said wiping her eyes as she got up.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Callie said looking concerned.

  “Why not? He makes me laugh and takes my mind off everything.” Chasity told her.

  “What about Jacob?” Callie asked her.

  “What about him? I’m not inviting him to stay.” Chasity shrugged.

  “And you think he is going to leave?” Callie asked her.

  “I have no idea, but I want to have Tray over so I don’t care what he wants.” Chasity told her, and she laughed.

  “Okay, have fun.” Callie told her as she walked out.

  She heard voices and knew Jacob was there, but it wasn’t a surprise. He brought her here after all. She had no clue how she was going to get him to leave. Maybe she should talk to Luke before she left, she could hear him down there too. They were all laughing like nothing was out of the ordinary, while she was so frustrated she wanted to kill them all.

  “There’s my girl.” Jacob said as she came down the stairs, but she ignored him.

  “Luke, can I talk to you for a minute?” Chasity said as she walked behind the couch away from Jacob toward the kitchen.

  “Sure.” Luke said and followed her. “What’s up?”

  “Make him go away.” Chasity said as soon as they were alone.

  “Nope, but have fun.” Luke grinned at her.

  “What do you mean no? You said if I ever needed you, that you would help me.” Chasity said wrinkling her nose at him.

  “Yes, and if I truly thought it would help you I would, but it won’t. You need to let this happen.” Luke told her crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Let what happen? Whatever you think this is, it’s not. I just need him to leave me alone.” Chasity pleaded with him.

  “Not going to work. I really don’t care what kinda puppy dog eyes you can do. You have to face this.” Luke told her sternly.

  “There’s nothing to face.” She huffed.

  “Good, then go back out there. If there’s truly nothing going on, it won’t bother you to spend some time with him.” Luke told her with a smile.

  “You’re an asshole. I have plans tonight.” Chasity scowled at him.

  “I know you do. You have Jacob to deal with.” Luke smirked.

  “No, not him. Tray is coming over for dinner and a movie.” She told him.

  “Oh that should be fun.” Luke said laughing.

  “You seem to have the wrong idea about all of it. Tray is a really good friend and he makes me laugh. Jacob is just a big pain in the butt, but won’t go away.” Chasity fumed.

  “Looks like you have a full day, so you better get to it.” Luke told her smiling.

  “Great, then take me home.” Chasity said and smiled when Luke nodded.

  “Jacob, she’s ready to go.” Luke hollered as he walked away.

  “Traitor.” She said slapping his back.

  “Hey sweetness, let’s go home.” Jacob said scooping her up again.

  “I don’t need you carrying me, and your welcome to go home anytime you want. In fact, I encourage you to do it now.” She told him wiggling to be put down.

  “We are baby. As soon as I have you buckled in.” Jacob said putting her in his truck and buckling her in.

  He looked at her and she gave him a look daring him to try kissing her again. Jacob shook his head and laughed. She watched him walk around the truck and sighed at the site of him in those tight jeans before she remembered she wasn’t suppose to let him get to her. As he had on the way over, he grabbed her hand and wouldn’t let her pull away, with a huff she gave up. He pulled their hands till they were laced together on his thigh.

  “What else are we doing today?” He asked her as he made circles across the back of her hand with his thumb.

  “Well first, you are going to go home. Then I’m going to get dinner started so that when Tray gets there it’s ready and we can eat and watch tv.” Chasity stated simply, but his hand tightened on hers.

  “I am going to be home with you, but why is he coming?” Jacob asked her with his jaw clenched.

  “You need to go to your own house, Jacob. I want Tray to come over and hang out, and that’s none of your business.” Chasity told him.

  “Fine, I guess Tray is coming over. What are we watching?” Jacob asked casually.

  “WE aren’t watching anything. Me and Tray will pick a movie when we finish eating.” Chasity said through gritted teeth.

  “Okay, so we don’t need to go by the movie store. Do I need to pick up dinner so you don’t have to cook?” Jacob said as he rubbed the back of her hand.

  “No! You aren’t coming. I invited Tray over so I could cook him dinner and we could relax while watching a movie together. None of which involves you.” Chasity said fuming.

  “You’re so adorable.” Jacob glanced at her and smiled.

  “What are you talking about?” Chasity said trying to pull her hand away again.

  “You really think I am going to leave.” Jacob said as he kept her hand in his.

  “Why won’t you just leave?” Chasity huffed.

  “Because I don’t want to. You were wrong, and I will prove it.” Jacob told her.

  “Jacob, I said what needed to be said last night. You need to let go of this idea that we are going to be together.” Chasity said as see looked out the passenger window.

  “It’s not an idea, we are together. You’re just taking a while to acknowledge it, it’s okay for you I can be a patient man.” Jacob told her as he parked the truck and got out.

  Chasity raced to her front door with Jacob right behind her. He really wasn’t taking the hint. She didn’t know what else to do. Luke was supposed to be her fall back and fix this. He was not being cooperative, the brat. Maybe Tray would help when he got here, or just by him coming it would piss Jacob off and he would leave. With the door open she went in to the kitchen to find something to make for dinner tonight.

  She hadn’t even got the fridge open when Jacob spun her around and pressed her back against the counter. He took advantage of her shock and kissed her. His kisses were like drugs for her. She got lost in the taste of him and wrapped her arms around his neck moving in as close as she could get. He slowly ended the kiss and when he pulled back to look down at her he was smiling.

  “Jerk.” Chasity said and shoved him as hard as she could.

  Laughing he stepped back and she opened the door to look in the fridge. She found things to make spaghetti, so she started her sauce and went to her room to change into comfy clothes. She had barely got her yoga pants on when Jacob came waltzing in without knocking.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Chasity snapped at him.

  “I am checking on you.” Jacob told her as he went to sit down on the bed.

  “You shouldn’t be in here. You need to leave.” Chasity said stomping her foot. She knew she looked like a two-year-old, but nothing else had worked.

  Jacob reached for her, but she tried to step back. She re
ally should have enough body weight to keep him from being able to pull her down. With one little tug, he pulled her on top of him. She struggled to get up, but he sealed his mouth to hers and she lost her mind. With her distracted, he laid back on the bed pulling her with him. Her head knew she needed to stop and probably kill him, but her body had already taken over. She moved her legs to either side of his hips and rocked against him. Jacob groaned, then flipped them over. With only a few movement she went off like a rocket. Her world was all fireworks and colors as she came back to earth.

  “I’ve got you sweetness. I’ll always have you.” Jacob was murmuring in her ear as she finally collected herself enough to make out his words.

  “What is wrong with you?” Chasity asked as she tried to push him off.

  “You trying to push me away is a problem right now, but other than that nothing at all.” Jacob said letting her take more of his weight to keep her still.

  “Why do you keep doing this?” Chasity said with a catch in her voice.

  “I want to show you how much I want you, how much you mean to me.” Jacob said as he turned her face so he could see her eyes.

  “Please, don’t.” Chasity whispered softly.

  “I know we have led very different lives and that we show things differently, but that doesn’t mean that one way is better than the other. I will make you see it one day, I promise you I will.” Jacob told her and kissed her forehead.

  Chasity had no idea what to make of him. She felt a tear slip down her cheek, but before it could fall all the way, Jacob kissed it away. He kept stroking her cheek as she let a few more tears slip. Whatever game he was playing, he was good at it. She couldn’t get a read on what he was really after. He kept giving her these little peeks of how it could be, but then he always took it away.

  “Jacob, I know you think you are right, but it’s better if we just leave well enough alone. If we walk away now, I can run into you and it not kill me.” Chasity said turning her head away from him.

  “If I walk away, I couldn’t live in the same town as you sweetness. I would always be trying to get you, so there is no point in trying to stop now.” Jacob said and kissed her cheek.

  “I have to get up. It’s time for me to put everything together for dinner.” Chasity said, but she didn’t try to push him, she knew she wouldn’t be able to get up until he was ready to let her. She wasn’t scared of him, physically she knew he would never do anything to hurt her, but emotional she was already broken and he was only making it worse.

  “Okay, go finish dinner.” Jacob said as he leaned down giving her another deep kiss before getting up and helping her to her feet.

  Chasity walked to the kitchen in a daze. Her mind was all over the place, but her body was in tune with where he was at all times. He stayed at the table as she cooked, and she could feel how his eyes followed every move she made. By the time Tray knocked on the door she was a nervous wreck. Dinner was taking her longer than normal, and she needed Tray to distract her. She ran to the door and through it open.

  “Hi, I’m so glad you’re here.” Chasity said grabbing him around the neck and dragging him in for a hug.

  “Now that’s a greeting, but why is Jacob here?” Tray whispered in her ear. “If you were gonna get lucky you were supposed to cancel remember.”

  “Trust me, I remember. He won’t leave and Luke won’t make him, would you make him?” Chasity asked him hopefully.

  “What have you gotten yourself into this time honey? No, I will not help. If Luke said no, then I’m with him.” Tray said kissing her cheek.

  “Ya’ll are mean.” Chasity said as she glared at him.

  “Would you rather I leave?” Tray asked and turned for the door.

  “No! Stay, I made spaghetti.” Chasity gave him a fake smile.

  “This is going to be a long night.” Tray muttered as he followed her to the kitchen.

  “Hey Tray.” Jacob said with a nod of his head.

  “Hi chief.” Tray replied.

  “As soon as the garlic bread is done we can eat. What kind of movie do you want to watch tonight?” Chasity asked Tray ignoring Jacob.

  “Um, maybe just dinner and no movie tonight.” Tray said cautiously.

  “No, we agreed on dinner and a movie. You aren’t backing out now.” Chasity told him firmly. Tray looked at Jacob and he shrugged. “None of that man talk behind my back. This is my home, and only one of you were invited.”

  “Okay. So, I’m thinking comedy cause you seem to have drama covered.” Tray said.

  “Nope. No drama here, just me and you hanging out for the night.” Chasity said with a tight smile.

  “This is awkward.” Tray muttered under his breath, and Jacob nodded.

  “Dinner’s ready, fix your plate.” Chasity told him as she got him out a beer and poured her wine. She was pretending Jacob wasn’t here.


  Jacob got her message loud and clear, but he wasn’t leaving. He grabbed a beer and made his plate sitting at the table with Tray and Chasity. She was doing her best to ignore him and for now, he was going to let her. Tray kept shooting him odd looks, but he just shrugged and kept eating.

  “Let’s go pick out a movie. I’ll do the dishes tomorrow.” Chasity said to Tray as she wiped her mouth and stood up to walk to the other room. Tray gave him a questioning look, but Jacob nodded for him to go ahead.

  When they had walked in the other room and were going through her DVDs, he started clearing the table. He didn’t mind doing the dishes. He put away the leftovers and filled the sink. He could hear their voices, but couldn’t make out their words, then he heard her laugh. Her laugh was like music to him, especially after her tears earlier. When he finished, he went to watch the movie with them. Tray looked up from the couch, and Chasity was ignoring him from her place in the other end of the couch.

  Jacob went back to the kitchen and filled her glass of wine, then grabbed him and Tray a couple beers before going back to the living room. Tray nodded as he put the beer down. Chasity was still ignoring him, but he was tired of it, so he went to her, picked her up and sat down draping her over his lap. She gasped, but he locked his arms around her so she couldn’t get up. He knew he was pissing her off, but he wanted to hold her. Tray looked over and smiled before turning back to the movie. After a while Chasity relaxed.

  About an hour in the movie she was asleep and he was happy to just hold her. She sighed and wiggled until she was turned sideways and had her face buried in the crook of his neck. When she was comfortable she sighed again and went completely limp in his arms. He felt like he was on top of the world. She may be trying to be mad at him, but she still trusted him, or she wouldn’t have cuddled closer while she was asleep. He looked up and saw Tray watching them.

  “She wanted me to make you leave.” Tray told him looking back at the TV.

  “That’s not a fight you would win.” Jacob said casually.

  “I know, if I thought you were just trying to screw with her I would start it though. She is tough, but she is scared. I don’t know what’s going on, but she is worth fighting for.” Tray told him.

  “I know she is. I will fight the devil himself for her. I think if she just stops fighting long enough she will give in, but till then she is the devil I’m fighting and she’s mean as hell.” Jacob said with a smile.

  “Yeah, she can be mean, but when she lets you in she will fight to the end for you.” Tray told him quietly. “She is one of a kind, and the best friend anyone could ask for. Don’t hurt her, or I’m sure I could round up an army to help me kick your ass.” Tray told him.

  “I’m doing everything I can to keep her from getting hurt. I know she is hurting now, but that is more of a misunderstanding.” Jacob told him with a shrug.

  “So you being here when she doesn’t want you to be is a misunderstanding?” Tray asked with a smile.

  “Sort of, but I won’t leave until we have it straightened out.” Jacob told him.

  “Okay, bu
t if you try to keep her from seeing me I will have a problem.” Tray told him.

  “She likes watching movies with you for whatever reason, so as long as you stay out of my way and don’t cause problems I don’t care when she wants you to watch TV with her.” Jacob told him looking down at the most beautiful woman in the world.

  “I’m gonna head out. You’ll make sure she’s taken care of right?” Tray asked as he stood to go.

  “Yeah, I’ll lock up and put her to bed. I’m not leaving though.” Jacob told him.

  “This may be the only way you can make her see she is worth more than quickie, but I hope you have something more in mind for her.” Tray said as he got to the door.

  “I do, trust me I do.” Jacob said and waved as Tray shut the door behind him.

  Jacob slowly got up and sat her gently in the chair. She squirmed when he stepped away, and he smiled. He locked the door and checked the windows and made sure everything was off. When he got back to her, she was frowning in her sleep. He gently picked her up and she cuddled back into him. He walked her to her bedroom and sat her gently on the bed. He carefully slid her pants off, then unhooked her bra and pulled it off slowly before putting her shirt back down. Then he pulled the covers back and laid her down carefully. He stripped quickly and got in behind her. She rolled so that her head was on his chest and he fell asleep with her curled around him.

  Chapter 11

  Chasity woke slowly to the feeling of contentment. It made her want to stay here and not get out of bed. She was warm and happy and felt like she was right where she was supposed to be. She wiggled to cuddle down more and felt something warm move on her back. She concentrated on the feeling trying to figure out what is was. If it was something that had come to kill her in her sleep she would rather not know what was about to happen. She felt the rough texture of a man’s hand slid under the back of her shirt and remembered the man. It was just Jacob, she was safe. No she wasn’t, he wasn’t supposed to be there she remembered with a start and jerked up.

  “Easy sweetness.” Jacob said as he steadied her.


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