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Jacob's Sweet Temptation

Page 13

by Angela Franklin

  “Yeah you did, but you were in those pictures too, sweetness.” Jacob said kissing the palm of her hand.

  “Stop.” Chasity glared at him.

  “Why, are you afraid someone will be lurking with a camera?” Jacob asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “This is all your fault.” She snarled again.

  “Your sounding like a broken record.” Callie told her.

  “How so sweetness.” Jacob asked her.

  “If you would have just slept with me and got it over with, the heat would be gone.” Chasity said glaring at him. The idiot smirked at her.

  “Who needs cable with you as a sister.” Callie said beside her.

  “Damn it, Jacob. Out, now!” Chasity said pointing a finger at the door.

  “I’ll be downstairs when you need me.” Jacob said and kissed her before he walked away.

  “Well that wasn’t very nice.” Callie said when he was gone.

  “I can’t think with that man in the room.” Chasity sighed.

  “Yeah, I noticed.” Callie laughed.

  “It’s not funny. He still won’t go home. When I woke up this morning, he was in bed with me.” Chasity told her annoyed.

  “That’s good.” Callie told her.

  “We weren’t naked and I was asleep when he put me to bed.” Chasity informed her.

  “That’s so sweet.” Callie said quietly, but Chasity glared at her.

  “Why do you have people watching me?” Chasity asked her.

  “I don’t, but when something like that happens, I’m glad they send me the evidence. Good lord those were hot.” Callie said fanning herself.

  “Not all of them.” Chasity said quietly.

  “Huh?” Callie asked her confused.

  “Some of them had too much emotion in them.” Chasity told her.

  “What do you mean?” Callie asked her.

  “Give me your phone.” Chasity asked and started flipping through pictures when she got it. She showed her the two that she had gotten tripped up on. “What do those look like?”

  “Like a couple totally in love…” Callie started and trailed off. “Did you look at the ones after these?”

  “No.” Chasity told her.

  “I think you should.” Callie told her. Chasity forced herself to scroll on. The pictures weren’t in order, but there was several of him looking at her. In those the look in his eyes was soft and dreamy, it looked a lot like love. That wasn’t right, she shoved the phone back to her sister.

  “We were just playing.” Chasity said nodding trying to convince herself.

  “I saw a few where you were playing, but not him, and in most of them, you weren’t playing either.” Callie said firmly.

  “I really need to get home.” Chasity said as she jumped off the bed.

  “Fine, you can run from me, but don’t run from this. It could be the biggest mistake of your life if you do.” Callie said as she walked away. When she got to the steps she heard Luke’s voice.

  “Damn you Luke. Why do you hate me? Did you really have to send her those pictures?” Chasity started her tirade before she even hit the bottom step.

  “Hello to you too. You really should be in a better mood this morning.” Luke told her folding his arms across is chest.

  “Why, because you took pictures of me for no good reason?” Chasity said with a huff.

  “Man your grumpy. After that display in the diner, I assumed you got some and would be relaxed.” Luke said looking at her. He had barely finished his speech before she planted her fist in his jaw with all her might. Jacob was by her side instantly.

  “Are you okay?” He asked taking her hand to check it.

  “I knew I would regret you teaching her to hit. My jaw hurts, thanks for asking.” Luke said rubbing the red mark that looked like it might bruise.

  “You need to mind your own business.” Chasity glared at him.

  “I was. You’re the one who asked me to get rid of him yesterday, then you come in all kissy at the diner today.” Luke said as he worked his jaw back and forth.

  “What is going on in here?” Chase asked as he walked into the living room.

  “Miss Crazy over there hit me.” Luke said pointing to his jaw.

  “You’re turn.” Chase said looking at Chasity.

  “He said I was grumpy for someone who just got some, which is wrong, because I didn’t, jerk.” Chasity said crossing her arms.

  “Dear god, why can’t ya’ll act like adults.” Chase said shaking his head. “And what’s your part in this?” He asked Jacob.

  “Well…” Jacob started.

  “He’s the one that was supposed to give her some.” Luke said loudly. “When you came by the other night, I thought I explained this.” He said looking at Jacob.

  “You came to talk to Luke about me?” Chasity asked her jaw so tight her teeth were grinding.

  “Now sweetness…” Jacob started only to be stopped again, this time as her fist flew at him catching his jaw.

  “Chasity, you solve problems with talking, not fists.” Chase told her trying to stay calm.

  “Screw you, I broke up a fight between you and Luke so don’t lecture me.” Chasity told him shaking out her hand.

  “Are you okay?” Jacob asked reaching for her hand.

  “I swear if you touch me, I will make you sing soprano for a month. Are we clear?” She gritted out.

  “Alright, enough. Everyone to your corners.” Chase said as he pushed them to opposite sides of the room. “Now let’s go around the circle and tell me what is going on. Do not interrupt each other, you will get your turn. Luke, I’m gonna start with you since you were the first one hit.”

  “Okay sounds good. Well, Rocky over there is mad cause that idiot won’t sleep with her.” Luke said and nodded as if that explained it all.

  “Huh, that didn’t explain anything. Chasity let’s break this down a little better. Why did you hit your brother? Crap, I have a feeling I’m gonna be saying that a lot when the twins grow up with you two around.” Chase said blowing out a breath.

  “Yeah, you probably will. I hit him because of his grumpy comment. It was rude.” Chasity shrugged.

  “Okay make’s a little more sense. Why did you hit Jacob?” Chase asked her.

  “He refuses to leave me alone, but has no problem running to Luke apparently.” Chasity huffed.

  “Have you asked him to leave you alone?” Chase asked her.

  “Yes, actually I asked Luke and Tray both to help but they won’t.” Chasity said glaring at Luke.

  “Why does this just get more complicated?” Chase asked them all. “Luke you got anything to add to this so far?”

  “Yeah, go talk to Callie.” Luke told him.

  “What does she have to do with this?” Chase asked him, but Luke just cocked one eyebrow. “Fine, I’ll be right back. Nobody is allowed to leave their corner understood.”

  “Yes daddy.” Luke and Chasity smarted off, and Jacob nodded.

  When Chase went upstairs they all looked at each other. Jacob and Luke both had the beginnings of a bruise on their cheeks and she felt kinda smug about that. They deserved it. Jacob made eye contact, but she looked away quickly. Luke just glared at her, she stuck her tongue out at him.

  “This is all your fault.” He told her.

  “How?” Chasity asked him glaring back.

  “If you would just stop fighting everything, it would fall into place like it’s supposed to.” Luke snapped at her.

  “What are you talking about?” She huffed back, but Luke turned to glare at Jacob.

  “I thought we were supposed to stay in our corners.” Jacob said looking at them.

  “We’re in our corners.” They both snapped at him, and he threw his hands up in surrender.

  “Can’t even leave ya’ll alone for five minutes and you’re ready to kill each other.” Chase said shaking his head as he came down the stairs.

  “It’s all her fault.” Luke said again

“Stop saying that. I didn’t do anything.” Chasity snarled and stepped forward.

  “Don’t even think about it Chasity.” Chase said holding a hand out to her. “Luke, you’ve caused enough trouble. Go back to your cabin, I will be down in a bit to talk to you.” Chase said and Luke stomped away.

  “Now you two.” Chase said turning to them. “I saw the pictures and have no clue what happened from then to now, but you need to fix it.”

  “Nothing happened. It was just a…” Chasity started.

  “Don’t even think of finishing that thought.” Jacob snarled from his corner.

  “Mind tell me what’s going on?” Chase asked.

  “It’s just a game.” She said quickly before Jacob could stop her, but when she looked over he was glaring at her.

  “Game my foot. I’ve seen less heat in x rated movies.” Chase told her.

  “I’m telling Callie.” Chasity said, anything to deflect the truth.

  “Go ahead, she will tell you to stop changing the subject. Would you like to go talk to her?” Chase said calling her bluff.

  “No.” She huffed.

  “Jacob, your turn. What’s going on?” Chase asked him.

  “Long story, but I think you got the gist of it from Callie and you’ll probably get the rest from Luke later.” Jacob said shrugging.

  “Your right, but do you plan to retaliate for her hitting you?” Chase asked him sternly.

  “Not like your thinking. I would never hit her.” Jacob said threw gritted teeth.

  “I didn’t think you would, but I had to be sure. Are you going to leave her alone?”

  “Not a chance.” Jacob said.

  “Okay, you can take her home then.” Chase said.

  “You’re just gonna let him take me?” Chasity asked him.

  “Do you have any reason to fear him physically?” Chase asked her.

  “No.” Chasity said and hung her head. Jacob would die before he hurt her, she was sure of that.

  “Good, now go home, and Rocky, keep your fists to yourself.” Chase said sternly.

  “Yes daddy.” She said like a five-year-old.

  “Jacob, if she gets out of hand, call me.” Chase told him.

  “Are you going to talk to Luke about what he said to her?” Jacob asked him.

  “Yes, there was no reason to say that.” Chase said nodding. “Chasity, one more thing. Don’t be mad at him for talking to Luke, after all you talk to Callie don’t you?”

  “That’s different she’s my sister.” Chasity told him.

  “No it’s not. Normally, Luke and Jacob are close like that. When you need advice, you go to Callie or the girls. This is the same thing.” Chase said and waited for her to nod she understood. “Call me if you need anything.”

  Jacob opened the door and held it as she walked out. She wanted to be mad at him she really did, but Chase was right. It was no different than her talking to Callie or the girls. She got in and buckled herself in. It felt odd doing it herself since he always did it for her. She actually missed it. Before she could think better of it, she reached over and put her hand on his thigh. He glanced over at her and grinned then laced his fingers with hers, before kissing her knuckles and putting them back on his thigh. It was only noon, but it had been a long day. She had a lot of house work to do when they got home. Wait, had she really just thought that? Crap!

  Chapter 12

  Chasity went straight to her room when they got to her house. She changed into yoga pants and a tank top so she would be more comfortable while she was cleaning. Jacob could go or stay, but either way she had to get it done. Tomorrow would be another busy day at the bakery especially since she closed Saturday. When she walked out, Jacob was sitting on the couch watching TV. She went straight to the laundry room and started a load of towels, then went to the kitchen to clean out the fridge and wipe down the counters. Once that was done, she swept the floor, then mopped. Next was the guest bathroom, usually it didn’t require more than wiping down and a quick sweep and mop, but since Jacob had been there she figured it would need more work.

  When she walked into the bathroom, it was sparkling clean. She only had to mop, then she went to her bathroom. While she was doing her room, she heard the vacuum turn on, and shrugged going back to making her bed. She had just finished when Jacob opened the door and proceeded to vacuum her room. She smiled at him, then went back to the laundry room to switch it around. With that done, she walked into the living room, then remembered she had noticed a cob web over her bed so she grabbed her broom and went that way. Jacob gave her a questioning look and followed her knowing she had already mopped.

  “Why are you sweeping the ceiling?” Jacob asked while he watched her.

  “I noticed a cob web the other day, so I’m gonna go ahead and run this across the ceiling to get rid of it.” Chasity explained, but he laughed.

  “You are really sweeping the ceiling?” Jacob asked her.

  “Yes, how do you keep from getting cob webs?” Chasity asked him confused.

  “I have a cleaning service come in.” He told her with a shrug.

  “Not all of us have that luxury.” She told him and put her broom up.

  “Anything else we need to do?” Jacob asked her.

  “Not until the laundry finishes. Want to watch TV?” Chasity asked sitting down on the couch.

  “Sure.” Jacob said sitting close and putting an arm behind her.

  They had been sitting there watching Big Bang Theory for an hour when the dryer turned off. Chasity got up and got them out putting the last load in the washer before going back to the couch to fold her towels. She loved the feel of the warm fluffy towels, and with the scent beads she had started using, they smelled great. Jacob reached over and helped her fold the towels. After she had put them away in the bathrooms, she went back to watch TV. Another hour later and she took out the next load.

  “If you will bring me your clothes, I can go ahead and wash them too.” Chasity offered.

  “Thanks for the offer, but I only have two outfits that are dirty. I’ll have them done with the rest of my laundry.” Jacob said as she came back into the living room with the basket to fold them.

  “Sorry, I didn’t think about my panties being in here. I always fold here and didn’t think about it first.” Chasity said when he pulled out a pair and looked at her. She snatched them out of his and put them where they couldn’t be seen.

  “Not a problem, but they looked much better on you.” Jacob said and laughed when she blushed.

  Finally done, she put them away and went back to the couch. This time the dryer wasn’t what went off, her cell phone started ringing and scared her. She hadn’t been expecting it. Seeing that the number was Luke she grabbed it and answered quickly.

  “Is Callie okay?” She asked as soon as she had it to her ear.

  “It’s go time.” Luke told her.

  “Okay. I will meet you at the hospital.” Chasity said and hung up. “I gotta go.” She told Jacob quickly.

  “Calm down, you are closer to the hospital then they are. Let’s stop the dryer, then I will drive you over.” Jacob said getting up and going to the laundry room.

  “You don’t have to do that. I have no idea how long it will take and you shouldn’t have to be stuck there all night.” Chasity told him grabbing her keys.

  “It’s fine sweetness. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be, now breathe. I will get you there in plenty of time.” Jacob told her and kissed her forehead.

  He drove her to the hospital and they waited in the emergency room for Chase to get there. A police car pulled up first, but Chase was right behind him. Chasity had a wheel chair ready so that when Chase got her out it would be easy to get her into it. He moved her fast and started for the desk.

  “Luke, I will move the truck, you go on in with them.” The sheriff told them.

  “Did they call for an escort, Cam?” Chasity heard Jacob asked him.

  “No, but he was driving like a bat out of
hell, so I figure an escort would be easier then letting someone else try to pull him for speeding.” Cameron replied.

  “Good thinking. Thanks, we appreciate it.” Jacob told him.

  “So the rumors are true?” He asked Jacob.

  “Depends on what you are hearing.” Jacob said crossing his arms over his chest.

  “I heard you are with Chasity and it looks serious.” The sheriff told him.

  “Then you heard right.” Jacob told him.

  “You better get in there. Chasity will be in a panic not being able to do anything to help her sister.” The sheriff said clapping him on the back, and Jacob nodded.

  “Everything okay?” Chasity asked when he walked over to her.

  “Yeah baby, everything is perfect.” Jacob said kissing her temple. “Are they getting Callie checked in?”

  “Yeah, they said…” Chasity started.

  “Somebody better get these demons out of me!” Callie screamed and a nurse came running over to take her up to the labor and delivery area.

  “I guess we get to bypass check in for now. Apparently screaming kicks them into gear.” Jacob joked throwing and arm around her shoulders.

  “Just so we’re clear, there is to be no arguing in there with her. If any of you upset her I will kick all of you out, do we have an understanding?” Chase said quickly as they rushed down the hall following Callie’s speed demon nurse.

  “Why would we be fighting?” Chasity asked him and looked over to Luke and Jacob. “Ya’ll got any problems to air before we get there?” She asked them puzzled.

  “No, all good.” They said as they rounded the corner to the room they were taking Callie to.

  “Ya’ll need to wait in the hall while we get her in the bed and do the initial exam.” The nurse said blocking out everyone but Chase.

  “Chasity, get your ass in here before I kill him.” Callie yelled and the nurse moved for her.

  “I’ll be waiting.” Jacob told her with a wink, she smiled back and rushed to Callie.

  “How far apart are the contractions?” The doctor asked coming in as they got her settled in the bed.

  “About two minutes apart.” The nurse answered quickly.

  “Callie, how long have you been having contractions?” He asked her.


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