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Starlight Over Bluebell Castle (Bluebell Castle, Book 3)

Page 21

by Sarah Bennett

  Steve laughed again. ‘From the boys. They’ve told me about everyone here. It’s good to know they’ve got so many people looking out for them.’

  ‘They’re a credit to you. The whole family adores them, you should see the pile of presents underneath the tree ready for later.’

  ‘I hope you’ll find room for everything, because I’ve got a boot full of stuff already.’ Steve raised his eyes to the castle. ‘Not that you’re short of space.’

  ‘Very true.’ Tristan rubbed his hands, reminding Jess of how chilly it was outside. ‘Look, let’s not stand around here, come inside and have a coffee.’

  ‘I won’t, but thanks, I appreciate the offer.’

  Tristan shrugged like it was nothing. ‘As long as your boys are under this roof, I want you to feel welcome here.’

  Jess felt her heart swell as she watched them interact. Here was the crossover between her past and her future, and it could’ve been awkward as hell. Instead, she felt only blessed to know these two very decent men, and her boys were blessed too for no matter whether they were with her or their father, they’d have a wonderful role model to guide them.

  It was later that evening, when Jess slipped out from the chaos of the family room for a quick check on their guests. Elijah and Isaac were in their element, any upset they were feeling at being separated from their dad skilfully deflected by the fuss Tristan and the rest of the Ludworths had made of them. A stack of presents sat next to the small tree they’d put up in the corner. Nothing too grandiose, rather lots of small things including practical gifts like new wellies and coats as both were already threatening to outgrow what they had. The main gift had been a contribution from them all, and she’d left the boys sprawled on the carpet between Arthur and Tristan, a couple of big kids themselves, as they slotted together the tracks of an amazing train set. There would be enough track to cover half of the playroom floor as well as a fantastic array of old-fashioned locomotives, heavy goods diesels with stacks of shiny trucks to tow behind them and even the latest version of a high-speed passenger train.

  Closing the door behind her, she pressed her back to it and listened for a moment to the piping laughter of her sons. They were so happy here, and it made the decision she’d been moving towards that much easier to make. Yes, there would be risks to starting a new business with Tristan, but that feeling which had started in the church – no, before that, when they’d first sat together beneath the starlight – cemented itself in her heart. This was home now, not just for her, but for Eli and Isaac, as well. She couldn’t wait to put the boys to bed so she could be alone with Tristan and tell him.

  ‘Here she is!’ Tim’s warm voice greeted her the moment she entered the library to find him and Charlie sprawled in a pair of wing-backed leather chairs, china cups full of coffee and a pair of brandy balloons on the table between them.

  ‘I was just coming to check on you but looks like you’re already well taken care of.’

  ‘That marvellous butler came through not ten minutes ago,’ Charlie replied. ‘We were just plotting to steal him away. Speaking of which,’ he held out a hand to her as he rose from his chair. ‘Come and sit for a minute, we wanted to talk to you.’

  ‘Everything’s okay?’ she asked, taking the vacated seat while Charlie perched opposite on the arm of Tim’s chair.

  ‘Everything’s fine, couldn’t be better. We’ve both been so impressed with what you’ve done here, haven’t we?’ Charlie glanced down at his partner, who nodded in agreement.

  ‘That’s what we want to talk to you about, Jess. You’re wasted up here, and I am mad as hell we didn’t fight harder to keep you at the firm. We should’ve done more to help you manage your personal situation.’ Tim said.

  ‘And that’s why we want you to come back,’ Charlie burst out. ‘Whatever you need, we’ll work out a package to help you. Rent allowance, childcare provisions, flexible working so you’d only need to be in the office one or two days a week. Whatever it will take to bring you back, we’re ready to do it.’

  If she hadn’t already been sitting down, she might have fallen over. Part of her was exhilarated to know all her hard work here at the castle had left them with such a good impression, the other part … the other part wanted to throw itself on the ground and cry at the unfairness of it all. Just when she thought she knew what she was doing, these two came along and pulled the rug out from under her. Heart had been able to overcome head when she’d not had a solid career option on the table, but this was more than that. She wouldn’t be starting over, she’d be going back to a place where people knew her, to a job she excelled at, and if what they were saying was true, she might even be able to afford somewhere in her old neighbourhood so Elijah would be able to go to school with the friends he’d made in pre-school. Isaac could go back to his old nursery, too. Her finances would be stable, as well. Although she’d been paid a regular salary for her work here at the castle, if she and Tristan were to start their own business, there’d be no certainty of income for at least the first few months.

  But if she went to London, she wouldn’t have him. And the boys wouldn’t have him, or all the other wonderful members of this eclectic, loving family they’d found themselves in the middle of.

  ‘What’s the matter?’ Charlie asked, deep lines furrowing his brow. ‘We thought you’d be over the moon.’

  Jess forced a smile, trying to cover the heartbreak and turmoil inside her. ‘I am, I mean, thank you. I’m just a little taken aback, as it was the last thing I was expecting. Can I have some time to think about it?’

  ‘Of course.’ Tim leaned over to pat her hand. ‘Take all the time you need.’

  Rising on unsteady legs, Jess sent them both a more grateful smile. They really were two of the most wonderful, generous people she knew. ‘Thank you again. I’ll let you know as soon as I can.’

  She made it out of the library and around the corner before sliding down the wall to hug her knees in a tight ball. What the hell was she going to do?

  Chapter 19

  New Year’s Eve dawned crisp and bright. Scowling at the beam of bright sunshine breaking through where he’d forgotten to close his curtains properly the previous evening, Tristan climbed out of bed to drag them shut, then crawled between his sheets once more. How had everything gone to shit in the space of forty-eight hours? He’d been so sure, so bloody certain Jess was going to stay – especially after the way she’d been with him on those few stolen nights when the boys had been away.

  Only Tim and Charlie had opened their very generous hearts – and wallets – and offered her the one thing he didn’t have to give her right now – financial security. Oh, he knew they’d be fine. Arthur wouldn’t let them starve, for God’s sake, and he was sure in his heart that between him and Jess they had the perfect combination to make a success of a new business. But he didn’t want to have to go cap in hand to Arthur, and he was damn sure Jess would baulk at the idea. He didn’t even have a proper home to offer her, as he’d not had time to sort out the renovations on the gatehouse, so, he’d be expecting her to squat up in the attic for the foreseeable future.

  If he was her, he knew which option he would choose, so he couldn’t be mad at her about it. At Tim and Charlie, sure, that pair of interfering bastards were off his Christmas card list forever. But he knew Jess well enough to know she’d make the right decision in the best interest of her boys. It didn’t have to spell the end for the two of them; he’d sworn he would wait for her, and he’d meant it. He could split his time between here and London, assuming that’s what she wanted, and work hard to establish the business so once the boys were older and he could prove to her that he could give her that security she needed, they could build a future together.

  It hurt. It hurt so much he felt like he’d been punched in the gut, but they weren’t kids, and whatever he’d told himself before about wanting to be her Prince Charming was a fantasy more suited to a child than a man. Life didn’t care about aching hearts and e
mpty beds, it just kept rolling inexorably forward and it was up to him to adapt. He was the free agent, the one who could afford to be flexible. Give and take, that’s what love was. Well if he had to spend the next few years giving, so what? Jess was worth it.

  He didn’t have much time to sulk over the next few hours as he worked with Arthur, Lancelot, Will and Maxwell to dismantle the enormous round table. Unlike the original, the replica had been designed and put together in sections, and although it took several hours of hard work, sweat and enough swearing from Will to fund as many luxury weekend breaks as Iggy could possibly want, they finally had the last piece stacked in one of the store rooms. Mrs W and her little crew moved in straight afterwards, scrubbing and polishing the tiles until they gleamed. The dogs and all their paraphernalia had been relocated to the family room, leaving the vast expanse of the great hall free for the dancing to come.

  Dusty and tired, he headed up to his room for a shower and a catnap. It would be a late night, and he had a couple of hours to kill before the final preparations got underway, and the castle had fallen silent as most of the other residents had decided on the same thing. As he entered his room he stopped short at the sight of something sitting on the end of his bed. Moving closer, he found he couldn’t stop a smile from tugging at his lips as he worked out what it was. A harlequin mask, crisscrossed in diamonds of dark blue and black with glitter-gold edgings stared up at him, a midnight blue silk handkerchief folded neatly beside it. A note rested on top of the handkerchief and when he unfolded it, it simply said ‘From your Columbine xxx’

  Feeling a lot cheerier, he set the little gift to one side and headed for the shower. No, things were far from perfect between him and Jess, but they had love and they had hope, which was a hell of a lot more than most had.

  Dressed in his tuxedo, mask in place and the new handkerchief spilling from his pocket, Tristan worked his way around the room to where his brother stood in a mask the same style as his, only pure black apart from a red glitter heart encircling one of the eye slits.

  ‘Nice mask,’ Tristan grinned as he offered Arthur one of the two champagne flutes he was holding. ‘Who are you supposed to be?’

  ‘The King of bloody Hearts,’ Arthur grumbled, taking the glass and swigging a mouthful. ‘I blame that girlfriend of yours for coming up with the stupid idea in the first place. Why can’t we have a normal party?’

  ‘Because that wouldn’t be as much fun.’ Tristan gestured with his glass across the room at the array of glitter, feathers and beads adorning all the faces. ‘And, besides, Jess is not my girlfriend.’ Not officially, anyway, until she chose to make it public.

  ‘Well, that’s not what Lucie reckons.’ Nudging his arm, Arthur pointed across the room. ‘And if she’s not your girlfriend, why did she make you matching masks, eh?’ Clinking his glass against Tristan’s he added. ‘I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into because that looks to me like a family waiting for you to fill the missing gap.’

  Tristan barely noticed his brother walking away, his gaze transfixed across the room. Beside the shining Christmas tree, stood Jess, bracketed by two little figures dressed in black shirts and trousers, their masks miniature versions of his own. The one fixed over Jess’s eyes was a more elaborate version, with blue and gold feathers rising from the centre of the eyepiece to form a delicate crown. Her gorgeous curves were draped in midnight blue velvet, just as they had been all those years ago when she’d stolen his breath and his heart. This version was a more grown-up take on the original, the waist tighter, the bodice cut lower in a stunning v which revealed enough of her creamy skin to make his mouth water.

  His feet moved of their own volition, the crowd already on the dance floor fading away until all he could see was the three figures waiting for him. ‘You look incredible,’ he murmured as he bent forward to press his cheek to hers, careful not to dislodge their masks. ‘Simply stunning, and I love you.’

  Her soft gasp made him realise it was the first time he’d said, and for a moment he couldn’t believe that was right. Surely, he’d told her that before? When they’d been curled up together in her bed. He’d certainly thought it, even if he hadn’t. She gave her a slightly lopsided smile. ‘I love you, too.’ It was barely a whisper of sound, but it was enough. It was everything. But this wasn’t just about the two of them, as much as he longed to sweep her in his arms and twirl her around the dance floor until they were both dizzy.

  Crouching down, he met two grinning little faces. ‘Wow, don’t you two look smart? Are you ready to party?’

  ‘I want to dance!’ Elijah said, tugging at Jess’s hand. ‘Can we dance, Mummy?’

  ‘Of course we can, Eli, though we’ll have to take care with Isaac as we don’t want him getting squashed.’

  ‘Here, I’ve got him.’ Tristan scooped the toddler up, accepting a sloppy kiss on the cheek from Isaac with a laugh. Offering his free hand to Jess, he led her and Elijah out onto the dance floor.

  Their moves were neither stylish, nor elegant, but that didn’t matter. Tristan twirled Isaac around in happy circles, while Jess held up the long flowing skirt of her dress and stepped from side to side in a rhythm that had nothing to do with the music blasting from the speakers and everything to do with the bouncing boy holding her hand. It was silly, and exuberant, and Tristan didn’t know when he’d had so much fun.

  They were joined on the floor by other members of the family, Lancelot foxtrotting up and down with a laughing Constance pressed cheek-to-cheek. Arthur and Lucie, who was in a stunning black lace gown and a mask covered in those red glitter hearts, swayed beside him and Jess as they chatted about anything and everything that came to mind. Iggy rocked up, looking a million dollars in a red velvet smoking jacket and black satin trousers, a black and red mask over her eyes. Will had eschewed a tuxedo for his beloved leather jacket, teamed with a white dress shirt and black bow tie. He’d opted for a Phantom of the Opera style white mask, which only served to make the ugly scar twisting down his cheek stand out.

  ‘Here you are at last,’ Arthur cried out as they joined them. ‘I’ve been dying to share the good news with everyone, but I didn’t want to do it without you.’

  ‘What’s going on?’ Tristan’s gaze swivelled between his siblings.

  ‘Iggy’s decided to stay here at Bluebell Castle, haven’t you, Iggle-Piggle?’ Arthur tugged at the elegant French plait she’d drawn her curls into.

  ‘If you call me that once more, I’ll change my bloody mind,’ she snapped, before breaking out in a huge grin. ‘I couldn’t face the thought of going back to town, so Will’s agreed we can stay.’ She threw her arms around her lover and hugged him tight.’

  ‘Bluebell Castle is where we want to raise our kid,’ Will said. ‘All we need to do is sort out some proper living accommodation for us.’

  Arthur waved that away. ‘Easy as. We’ll knock a few rooms together, make you a suite like ours.’

  ‘There’s always the nursery,’ Jess said, her soft voice cutting through the celebrations and sending Tristan’s heart plummeting like a stone.

  ‘What are you talking about? I thought you were staying on here?’ Iggy shot Tristan a sharp glance.

  He curled his free arm around Jess’s waist. ‘Jess is going back to the city for a while. Tim and Charlie have made her a job offer that is too good to turn down.’

  ‘It is a good offer,’ she agreed, not making him feel any better. ‘But not the best offer I’ve had recently.’ She stepped closer into Tristan’s side, placing her hand over his heart. ‘They can have the nursery, because we’re going to be moving into the gatehouse with you.’

  Stunned, he swung around to face her. ‘But, I can’t give you anything like the financial security you need, and the gatehouse is a wreck!’

  ‘Well,’ she said, those ruby red lips beneath her mask stretched wide in a saucy grin. ‘You’d better pull yourself together and get on with the renovations, hadn’t you?’ Glancing down at Elijah, she cup
ped his cheek and hugged him to her side. ‘We had a talk about it this afternoon, and we decided, didn’t we?’

  Elijah gave an emphatic nod. ‘We want to stay here.’ His eyes lifted to meet Tristan’s, and the love and trust shining in them was enough to almost send him staggering. ‘With you.’

  ‘Oh, Christ.’ His eyes were growing wet behind his mask and he didn’t have enough arms to do everything he wanted to do. He hugged Isaac to his hip with one hand, and reached out to cup Elijah’s cheek with the other. ‘Having you all here will make me the happiest man in the world.’

  A sniffle came from behind them, and he glanced over to see Lucie laughing as she blotted her cheeks with Arthur’s handkerchief. Lancelot swooped in and before Tristan knew what he was doing, he’d taken Isaac from his arms and he and Constance twirled him around until his high giggles filled the air.

  ‘Come on, Eli, let’s boogie!’ Iggy took the boy by the hand, blowing a kiss at Tristan with the other as she and Will led him away to dance.

  The rest of the family melted away, leaving him and Jess alone in the centre of the dance floor. ‘Here we are again,’ he murmured, reaching for her hands to drape them over his shoulders.

  ‘Here we are again,’ she agreed, nestling against his chest with a happy sigh. ‘And I do believe you owe me a kiss.’

  His hands found her waist, his fingers relishing the dip and curve of her lush body which was his to savour, his to cherish and adore. ‘I do believe you’re right.’ Lowering his head, he claimed her lips with his and there was nothing and nobody on earth right then other than the woman in his arms. Wait, he’d promised her, and wait, she’d asked him to do, but no more. Tonight was the start of the rest of their lives, and he couldn’t bloody wait to see what the future had in store for him and his perfect little family.


  Arthur stood on the battlements of Bluebell Castle and stared out over the grounds of his home; his castle. Around him the excited chatter of his family and their guests filled the chilly air. More noise rose from the driveway below as the villagers gathered ready for the firework display.


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