Temper Him: A Dark High School Romance (Rebels at Sterling Prep Book 6)

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Temper Him: A Dark High School Romance (Rebels at Sterling Prep Book 6) Page 22

by Caitlyn Dare

The noise of the room around me begins to lessen as Vager starts organizing the first lot of letters in the alphabet to line up.

  "You want me to make you come in front of our entire class, K?"

  She shakes her head from side to side, but I know it's not a refusal. She's already too close to her release to care about anything right now.

  I crowd around her, ensuring that no one can see what's going on as I capture her lips with mine.

  Her hips grind against my finger, her juices running down my hand.

  "Come, K," I demand into her kiss, and her body shudders as pleasure washes through her.

  Her pussy clamps down on my fingers as I continue to thrust into her, allowing her to ride every second of it out.

  "Jagger. Conner Jagger," a deep voice booms across the vast room, dragging me back to the here and now.

  "Conner," Kenny seethes, "they're waiting for you."

  "I'm so fucking hard for you right now."

  "Conner Jagger?"

  "Bro, get your fingers out of your girl. We need to go."

  Kennedy's face flushes so red I swear it lights up the entire room.

  "Later," I promise her as I allow Cole to lead me toward where Vager is about to burst a blood vessel.

  "Can't fucking take you anywhere," he mutters as we stand in line.

  "Me? Have you seen yourself with Hadley?"

  His lips part to argue, but he soon slams them shut.


  "You really going for the entire summer?" It's the same question he's asked me at least ten times in the past few weeks.

  "Yeah, we are. After the wedding, we're hitting the road." It's going to be the first time in our entire lives that Cole and I are going to be apart, and although I might not be showing it, I'm feeling as weird about it as he is. We've always been each other's constant. We might be twins, but we've always been best friends too, and not just because we had to be. "We'll let you know where we're heading. I told you that you're welcome to come meet us somewhere."

  "Yeah, maybe."

  "You won't even notice we're gone. You'll be getting ready to become a Colt, and you'll have Hadley to keep you busy."

  I glance over his shoulder as Kenny stands in line just a little down from us, her eyes trained on me. I blow her a kiss and Cole groans.

  "On second thoughts, maybe you two disappearing will be for the best."

  The ceremony itself passes in a blur of names and cheering, and before we know it, the six of us are high school graduates and able to move on to the next part of our lives.

  Cole and Hadley are headed for Colton, leaving Ace and Remi here. Ace has his place at community college and his job secured with G, while Remi has finally convinced her parents to allow her to take a year out to do some volunteer work before making any serious decisions. I think secretly she's hoping she'll convince Ace to go to college with her the year after, but she might be a little disappointed. Ace and college as a combo I'm sure I'll never see.

  "We fucking did it," I bellow when the six of us find each other again and rip my mortarboard from my head. "Ready?" I ask, looking around the five of them, my family, to see if they're set.

  "Hell, yeah."

  A cheer erupts from our little crowd as we launch our hats into the air.

  "We did it, motherfuckers," Cole barks, pulling Hadley into his arms and slamming his lips to hers. Ace does the same to Remi, and Kenny steps into my body as I look around once more at our happy classmates and their proud parents.

  How the fuck did this end up as our lives? We were once waste of space Heighters, and here we are graduating from one of the fanciest prep schools in the state.

  I shake my head as my eyes land on James. He's watching us with a smile on his lips, pride oozing from him as Sarah wipes a tear from her eye.

  James nods at me, and a lump so fucking huge I can barely breathe jumps into my throat.

  I fucking did it. We fucking did it.

  And we did it in style.

  "You okay, babe?" Kenny's hand slides up my chest and wraps around the back of my neck.

  I look down at her, my eyes swimming with tears.

  "We did it, K. We did it, and we're together. This... this right here is everything I ever wanted."

  "Conner," she breathes, throwing her arms around me and holding me tight as I pull myself back together.

  We stand there holding onto each other for long minutes, just breathing each other in and absorbing the moment.

  "Congratulations," James and Sarah say when they come to join us. Thankfully, when I pull my head back from Kenny's neck, I find them going to Ace and Remi first.

  Scrubbing my hand down my face, I blow out a shaky breath.

  "I love you, Conner," Kenny says softly, lifting up on her toes and brushing her lips against mine.

  "I love you too, K."

  "You are in so much trouble for that little stunt back there."

  "Hmm..." I lift my fingers to my nose. "You didn't seem to be arguing."

  "You're insufferable."

  "Just the way you like me." I wink before James comes over and pulls me into his arms.

  "I'm proud of you, Son. You too, Kennedy."

  "Thanks," I say coldly.

  "We ready to eat?"

  "Yes," I say excitedly. "Lead the way."

  Much like after Cole's big win, we head to a steakhouse. I'm pretty sure it's for my benefit, but I'm not going to complain as I order the biggest one on the menu.

  "Before the food comes, there's a couple of things I want to say."

  I groan because it would almost be rude not to as James stands to give us his big speech.

  "Thanks, Son. Glad you're excited." He winks at me, and I fight my need to smile at him.

  Things are still weird between us. I felt betrayed after fighting for him when we first moved here, only for him to betray me and Kenny the way he did. I want to believe he did it for a reason, that it really was in our best interests, but with him keeping so much to his chest, it's hard to know what to believe.

  "I just wanted to say how proud I am of each of you. I'd been desperate to be a part of my boys’ lives for years, and now, not only do I have them around me, but I've gained three daughters too.”

  "Watching the six of you up there today getting your diplomas was one of the best moments of my life.”

  "I know I've made many, many mistakes. But I can promise you that every single decision I've ever made has only been with you all in mind. You are the single most important things in my life, and your safety and your futures are my highest priority.”

  "I know that things are about to change once again for all of us," he reaches out and takes Sarah's hand in his, "but I hope there will be many, many more occasions where we'll get together like this, as a family.”

  "So, what I really wanted to say was..." He grabs his glass and lifts it in the air, waiting for the rest of us to join him. "To you all, your achievements, your strengths, your hearts… they blow me away daily, and I'm honored to be able to stand here now congratulating you and wishing you luck in everything you do from here on out. To you, graduates." He lifts his drink higher and we all lift ours.

  "Congratulations all of you," Sarah adds, once again with tear-filled eyes as she reaches for Remi's hand. "I'm so proud of you all."

  "Thanks, Mom."

  "You ready to make an honest man of him, Sarah?" I ask, nodding at our dad with my eyes narrowed.

  "Conner," Kenny hisses, her hand squeezing my thigh in warning.

  "More than ready."

  "I sure hope you know him better than we do," I say with a smile playing on my lips. James’ movements falter as he lowers himself back to his seat and his own eyes narrow at me in warning.

  "I know everything I need to know, that I'm marrying the right one this time around." She presses her hand to James’ chest and gazes up at him.

  "I really hope you're right," I grate out through gritted teeth.

  Something tells me she
has absolutely no clue about the kind of man she's soon to marry.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  Everything is perfect from graduation to dinner with Conner’s family. I’ve smiled so much today my cheeks hurt.

  But from the way Conner’s hand grips my thigh possessively, I know there’s still more smiling to come... possibly some screaming.

  Heat floods me and I press my legs together.

  “Are you thinking about dessert, babe?” he whispers against the crook of my neck as Mr. Jagger’s driver, Harry, drives us home. James and Sarah stayed at the restaurant, but we were given a free pass to return to the house and celebrate, just the six of us. Although if the sounds coming from Cole and Hadley and Ace and Remi are anything to go by, we’ll all be celebrating in our own private parties for two.

  “Thank fuck,” Ace grumbles when the house comes into view.

  “You say that like Remi doesn’t put out at least twice a day,” Conner teases.

  The second the car rolls to a stop, Ace shoulders the door and yanks Remi out, the two of them disappearing around the side of the house.

  “That leaves the four of us,” Conner says. “We could always finish what you girls started...”

  “Don’t you have shit to take care of?” Cole mutters, and I glance at him.

  “What shit?”

  “Ask your boy.”

  We all climb out and Cole wastes no time hoisting Hadley into his arms. “Enjoy,” he flashes me a rare smile. “I know I will.”

  Hadley shrieks as he stalks off toward the house.

  “They’re cute.”

  “Not as cute as you.” Conner advances on me, pulling me into his arms. “Happy graduation day, K.”

  “I can’t believe high school is over.”

  “Believe it.” His eyes sparkle with promise. “Are you ready to see her?”

  “Really?” Excitement spreads through me.

  Betty has been a secret project. For the last couple of weeks, she’s been down at G’s auto shop and Ace and Conner have worked nonstop to fix her up. But given that Conner is pulling me toward the Jaggers huge double garage, I figure she must finally be ready.

  “This is it, babe. Just you, me... and Betty.” He yanks open the door and lets me past.

  “Oh my God,” I breathe. “She’s beautiful.”

  “She’s something, right?”

  The pale blue metallic paint glitters under the strip lighting. Betty hasn’t just been restored to her former beauty, she’s been given one hell of an upgrade.

  “I can’t believe you did all this.” I mean, I can. Money is no object for the Jaggers, but the fact that Conner has been slaving away to make something so perfect for us… Well, it makes a ball of emotion lodge in my throat.

  “I love it.”

  “Her,” he corrects, running his hand over the paintwork. “She’s a little temperamental, but I like a girl who keeps me on my toes.” Humor dances in his eyes. “So what do you think? Can you see yourself on the road in her?”

  “Hell yeah. I can’t wait to leave the Bay.” I lace my arms around his neck.

  “We should probably take her for a test run, you know, just to make sure everything is okay.”

  “A test run?” My brow arches as I let my lips ghost over Conner’s.

  He grips my hips, dragging me closer. I can feel him at my stomach, already long and hard.

  “Do you have any idea how badly I want you?” The words flutter over my mouth. “Sitting through that meal was torture. All I could think about was sliding to the floor and burying my face between your legs, eating you for dessert.”

  “Con,” I breathe as his lips trail hot, wet kisses down the slope of my neck.

  “Get inside the van, K. Now.”

  My stomach coils tightly at the dominance in his voice. He pulls open the side door and I climb inside. The bed is already pulled out. There isn’t much room, but I can’t think of anything better than spending long summer nights here with Conner.

  He leans inside and grabs something. I snag his wrist when I catch a glimpse of the sign.

  “Please tell me that’s not what I think it is.”

  He holds it up proudly, grinning from ear to ear. “I had it custom-made, what do you think?”

  “If the van’s a rocking, don’t come a knocking. Conner,” I snicker, “you cannot put that on the door.”

  “Why not? It’s better than some poor unsuspecting camper getting an eyeful.”

  “Oh my God, you’re crazy.” Laughter bubbles in my chest as I watch him hang the sign on a hook I want to believe he didn’t put there on purpose... but I know without a doubt he did. Because Conner Jagger is that guy. The one who will make you laugh and constantly keep you guessing as to what zany idea he’ll come up with next.

  And I love him for it.

  I love his passion and loyalty and the way he cares so fiercely about his family and friends. The way he wears his heart on his sleeve for all to see.

  Conner climbs into the van, sliding the door closed behind him.

  “It’s a little tight.”

  “That’s what he said.”

  I swat him on his chest, but he snags my wrist, rolling on top of me. I’m pretty sure his feet are hanging over the bed and there’s barely any room to sit up, but we’ll make it work.

  “Perhaps I didn’t think this through.” His brows knit.

  “It’s perfect. I have all I need right here.”


  I nod, smiling so hard my cheeks start to hurt again. “I can’t wait for next week.”

  James and Sarah get married next Saturday. Conner and I plan to leave on Sunday. We don’t want to stick around a second longer than we have to.

  “We could always skip the wedding and go tomorrow,” he says.

  “We can’t skip the wedding. Sarah would never forgive you.”

  “I don’t know about that. I think she’d understand.”

  “Your brothers wouldn’t.”

  “Life is changing, K. We’re not kids anymore.”

  “No, you’re not.” I slide my hand against his cheek. Conner might have the sense of humor of a child, but he’s grown into an amazing young man.

  I rub myself on him, needing to feel him.

  “Yeah?” His eyes light up.

  “Well, that’s what you brought me out here for, wasn’t it?”

  “Fuck yeah.” He starts fumbling between us. It’s a tight squeeze, him trying to hike my skirt up and me trying to push his jeans over his hips. But eventually we get there and Conner slides his hands under my ass, rocking into me with one smooth stroke.

  “Fuck, K,” he groans. “You feel so fucking good.”

  I hitch my legs around his waist, letting him go deeper as we rock together. Conner kisses me, plunging his tongue into my mouth over and over, mirroring the way he fucks me hard and fast, as if he can’t get enough.

  “Just think, babe,” he whispers against the corner of my mouth, slowing his pace and grinding his cock into me in a way that steals my breath. “We get to do this every night...”

  “We already do it every night.” I bury my fingers in his hair, dragging my nails over his scalp.

  He’s insatiable. But so am I.

  Forever will never be enough with Conner, and I can’t believe I almost lost him, for good.

  “Yeah, but we won’t have to worry about anyone hearing you scream.” He reaches between us and pinches my clit, making me cry out his name.

  “That’s it, babe, scream for me.” He pounds into me so deep and hard my eyes roll back. It’s so fucking good. Conner slides his tongue down my jaw and neck, tearing at the neckline of my shirt and latching his mouth onto my breast. My body bucks beneath him, overwhelmed by sensation: his perfect cock buried deep inside me, his fingers on my clit, his tongue wrapped around my nipple.

  “God, it’s...” The words get stuck in my throat as I cry his name over and over.

  “I love yo
u, K. I love your body... your heart. I love every single piece of you.” He drives into me, pinning me to the thin mattress as intense waves of pleasure begin to crash over me.

  “I’m close...” I pant, tugging his hair to bring his face back to mine. We kiss dirty, wet kisses that I feel all the way down to the tips of my toes.

  Nothing will ever be better than this. Conner fucks me the way he loves me: with complete unrestraint.

  “I love you,” he breathes against my lips. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”

  “Conner.” His name fills the camper van as my walls ripple and clench, milking him.

  “Fuck, babe... fuck,” he roars, jerking inside me.

  He presses a kiss to my collarbone as we both come down from the high. We’re sweaty and breathless but so damn happy.

  “Hey.” He lifts his eyes to mine, smiling.

  “Hey.” I press my hand to his cheek.

  “That was... you rock my world, K.” Conner kisses me, letting his tongue lazily slide against mine. I feel him grow hard inside me.

  “Again?” I press my hands to his chest, and he grins down at me.

  “What did I tell you, babe? Forever will never be enough.”

  The next morning, we’re the last ones to breakfast.

  “Finally,” Cole grumbles. “We thought you were never going to come up for air.”

  My cheeks heat at his words. “We slept in,” I say at the same time Conner says, “Like you weren’t fucking your girl all night.”

  Cole shrugs, a hint of a smirk on his face.

  “I can’t believe we did it,” Hadley changes the subject. “We survived high school.”

  “We didn’t just survive, Dove.” Cole hooks his arm around her neck and pulls her close. “We fucking aced it.”

  “Damn straight, bro,” Conner drops onto a stool, fitting me between his legs.

  “I’m just glad it’s over,” Ace adds.

  “Oh, I don’t know.” Remi shoots him a knowing smile. “We had some fun there.”

  “And we’ll continue to have plenty of fun not there.”

  “So how was Betty?” Cole asks, and I blush again.

  “Fucking great,” Conner answers before stuffing a pastry in his mouth.


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