Temper Him: A Dark High School Romance (Rebels at Sterling Prep Book 6)

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Temper Him: A Dark High School Romance (Rebels at Sterling Prep Book 6) Page 23

by Caitlyn Dare

  “Betty was great? Or the fucking was great?” He smirks.

  “Cole!” the girls and I grumble.

  “What? It’s a valid question. We’re family, we don’t keep shit from each other.”

  Conner snorts. “You really want to go there, bro?”

  “Says you. You almost got killed twi—”

  Hadley throws her hand over his mouth.

  “We’re not doing this,” she says. “Everything, the past, all the secrets and hurt and pain, it doesn’t matter. We’re here now and we’re okay, and we have our whole lives ahead of us.”

  “Fuck yeah, we do.” Ace lifts his glass of orange juice and tips it to her. “We’re family, all of us.” His eyes land on me. “And we’ll always have each other’s backs. Always.”

  “Thank you,” I mouth, feeling emotion swell inside me as I lean back against Conner’s chest. His lips go to my neck and I tilt my head slightly, giving him better access.

  “What are you thinking?” he whispers as the others start tucking into their breakfast.

  “That I love you.” I glance down at him. “And I can’t wait to ride off into the sunset together.”

  “We still have you for another week yet,” Cole barks. “So don’t get any fucking ideas about skipping out on the wedding.”

  “Yeah, yeah, bro. Keep your hair on,” Conner’s arms tighten around my waist. “We’ll be there. We wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  “I still can’t believe they’re getting married,” Remi adds, looking up at Ace. “We’re going to be—”

  “Don’t say it,” he growls.

  “Shit, bro,” Conner chuckles. “Imagine explaining that one to your kids. You’ll be their father and their step-uncle.”

  “Con,” Remi warns.

  “Oh, come on, that shit is funny.”

  “No, what’s funny is how you’ll have to rock up to the wedding in a wheelchair if you keep pushing.”

  “Relax, I’m joking. It’s a joke.”

  “This is nice,” Hadley says, trying to instill some order again.

  “What’s that, Hadley baby?”

  “The six of us sitting here with everything behind us.”

  A ripple goes through the room as Conner, Cole, and Ace share a brief look.

  “What?” Hadley frowns.

  “Nothing, Dove.” Cole drops a kiss on her head. “Everything is good.”

  “Damn straight,” Conner adds, but I hear the hesitation in his words. His concerns can wait for another day. Nothing is going to ruin this moment.

  “So long as we always look out for each other,” Ace says with a hint of pride, “nothing can touch us.”

  “I’ll drink to that.” Cole grabs his juice box and thrusts it in the air.


  “Family.” The word echoes through the room, and I know without a doubt I’ve finally found my place in the world. Right beside Conner and his two brothers.

  And I couldn’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be.



  I'm standing at the front of the biggest, fanciest hotel room I've been in in my entire life, wearing a fucking suit and surrounded by people I don't know.

  When James decided he wanted the three of us to be his best men, we all argued. But it seems what James Jagger wants, James Jagger gets, because here we all are, looking about as pleased as each other as we stand side by side, taking in the insanity around us.

  "Who are all these people?" Cole whispers to me.

  "Fuck if I know." Anger swirls around inside me.

  The vast number of guests that we don't know just point toward the fact that we once again have no idea who our father is.

  We've never met any of his friends, and the only 'work' colleagues were those who went storming into that warehouse before me and the bent cops at Joker’s a few days before.

  Are we surrounded by people who know what kind of man James Jagger is? Could I ask any one of these people, these men, and would they give me a better answer than the man himself?

  None of them scream I'm a member of a criminal gang but then, what do criminal gang members look like?

  I scan the room once more, wishing like hell that Kenny was here so that I knew she was safe. My need to have her right beside me, or at least in my eye line, is becoming a bit of an obsession, but right now it’s stronger than ever as I look at all these strangers.

  Did they know Warren? Do they know the secrets he unearthed? Do they want my girl too?

  My heart races and sweat begins to soak into the collar of this ridiculous outfit James has us wearing. I'd have been more than happy to sit at the back of the congregation and watch this thing from afar; I didn't need to be up here, a part of everyone's attention as they wait for the bridal party.

  A smile tugs at my lips. That's where my girl is.

  She's with Remi and Hadley, getting ready to be Sarah's bridesmaids. I have no clue what they're wearing—none of them would tell us. But knowing Sarah, their dresses probably don't match the ideas the three of us have in our heads.

  I blow out a breath, getting more and more restless without her.

  "Boys, you ready? Sarah and the girls are on their way." James’ voice cuts through my thoughts as I have no choice but to take my position beside him.

  "Who are all these people?" Ace asks him.

  "Friends, colleagues... associates."

  My stomach twists once more at having my suspicions confirmed.

  "Are they all part of—" James cuts me a look that has my words vanishing.

  Well, okay then.

  A door at the very end of the room opens and James’ eyes jump to it. I have no idea if he thinks it's going to be Sarah, but seeing as the music's not yet changed, I think he's going to be disappointed. But despite the fact it's clearly not her, his face lights up a little at whoever he finds.

  Following his line of sight, I find an older man standing in the doorway.

  "Who's—" I don't get a chance to ask more, because he walks into the room, revealing two younger guys behind him.

  "Holy fuck, is that Bexley?" Ace barks, louder than necessary.

  He looks different now, and not just because the last time we saw him he was covered in his own blood, thanks to Ace's fists. He's bigger than he was, despite the fact that he clearly doesn't play football any more thanks to Ace fucking up his arm. He looks older, wiser, a little less like the pretentious prick he once was. But even with all that, my fists curl over what he almost did to Remi.

  "Fuck," Cole breathes, finally getting with the program. "He needs to fucking leave. He's not welcome—"

  Just as Ace takes a step forward, the music changes. "Fuck," he spits as the three of us watch Bexley Danforth and the guy, who I also vaguely recognize, slide into a pair of empty seats.

  "The second this is over, he's fucking out of here," Ace fumes. "He's not getting anywhere near Remi ever again."

  I totally understand. I don't want the motherfucker near any of our girls. But I also can't deny that I want to ask him some serious fucking questions.

  He was on that board. Warren knew shit about him. He must know shit.

  I need to get some answers.

  My head is still spinning when the doors once again reopen, but this time, the person I find standing there calms everything that’s bubbling over inside me.

  Kenny stands with Hadley and Remi, the three of them in matching floor-length emerald green gowns, the exact same color as the ties around our necks.

  All three of them look incredible, but my eyes firmly lock on my girl.

  My fists uncurl as her eyes find mine and I relax, knowing that she's safe, that she's been looked after by Sarah and the girls.

  The music changes again, and she takes a step forward. My heart pounds in my chest as she keeps her eyes locked with mine.

  I forget about everything else, and, as she moves toward me, the only thing that exists in the world is her. I guess that's exa
ctly how it's meant to be as your girl walks down the aisle toward you, even if they're not actually there to marry you.

  Not yet, anyway.

  Images of her in a white dress fill my mind and my cock hardens.

  I want that. I want that so fucking bad.

  Kennedy Jagger.

  It has quite a ring to it.

  By the time she's only a few feet away from me, I'm more than ready to pull her into my arms and say ‘I do,’ despite this being someone else's wedding. Watching her turn away is like a bucket of cold water thrown over me.

  I don't take my eyes off her for the entire ceremony. I can't help myself, especially as her cheeks heat with embarrassment at being in front of all these people and her hips start to shift beneath the fabric from being the sole object of my attention.

  As James and Sarah say their vows and exchange rings before us, I can't help myself. "Soon," I mouth to Kenny. I half expect her to freak at the suggestion, but all she does is smile.

  Fuck yes, let me make you officially mine, babe.

  After what feels like forever, the officiant finally brings the ceremony to an end and we're able to follow the happy couple down the aisle.

  I pull Kenny into my arms the second she takes a step toward me. We follow Ace and Remi and Cole and Hadley, and I don't miss the second both of the girls spot Bexley in the crowd.

  Ace and Cole keep them moving until we're out in the foyer.

  "What the hell is he doing here?" Remi seethes.

  "I don't know, Princess. It was as much as a surprise to us as it is to you."

  "Well, he'd better fucking leave, and fast. I want nothing to do with him."

  "We'll make sure he's gone," Ace growls.

  Kenny leans into my body. Her lips brush my ear, and a shudder runs down my spine. "The guy from the board?" she whispers so only I can hear. I still haven’t broached the subject with my brothers. I was hoping James would save me the bother, but it seems he's set on keeping all these fucking secrets.

  James steps up to us, his face hard and unreadable despite the fact that this should be the best day of his life. "He wasn't meant to be here," he admits.

  "Why the fuck is he then?" Ace takes a threatening step toward our dad, but James doesn't so much as falter. "He deserves to be dead for the stunt he pulled with Remi, not attending your fucking wedding."

  "I'll explain later. Just... trust me."

  My eyes narrow at him. "You know," I say, taking a step forward, "I'm finding that harder and harder to do with every new thing I learn. Why the hell is Bexley here, James?"

  "Later," he warns.

  The sound of excited chatter and footsteps head our way as all of James and Sarah's guests make their way from the ceremony room.

  We're directed to another where drinks are served. Thankfully, the waiters who walk around with trays don't give a shit about our ages as the six of us reach for whatever fancy looking cocktail sits on it.

  "You're drinking?" I ask Cole. It's the first time I've seen him have so much as a sip after his... accident.

  "I think I'm going to need it." He nods to where Bexley and the guy are heading this way.

  "I'm going to fucking kill him this time," Ace mutters under his breath.

  "Please, don't get blood on your suit. It'll ruin my fantasy for later," Remi says a little too loudly, but thankfully it seems to have the desired effect because Ace relaxes a little, pulling her into his arms and using himself as a barrier between her and Bexley as he and his friend join our circle.

  "Alex, it's good to see you," Hadley says, shocking the fuck out of us.

  "You know him?" I blurt as Cole just about loses his shit as the pair embrace.

  "Yeah,” she gives a shy shrug, “we went to school together in Gravestone."

  A growl rumbles up Cole's throat the longer Alex holds onto Hadley, and not two seconds later does he actually pull her out of his arms and into his own.

  "Cole, Hadley's fiancé," he grits out, although he refuses to take Alex's hand when he holds it out in greeting.


  "Why the fuck are you here?" Ace barks at Bexley.

  "I... uh... I was invited." He runs a hand over his head and down his neck.

  "Fuck off you were. Why would anyone want you here?"


  "Bexley, boys," James warns, coming to stand with us with the older man they arrived with at his side. "I'd like to introduce you to Marcus, my uncle. Marcus, these are my boys—Ace, Cole, and Conner."

  I glance at Bexley, who has a slight smirk tugging at his lips, before flicking my gaze to Alex's. My eyes narrow and I swear I recognize more about him than I should, but I know I've never met him before.

  My stomach twists painfully.

  Something is very, very wrong here.

  "It's so nice to meet you all at last. I've heard so much about you all, not just from James, but from Bex here. It was such a privilege to bring my nephew home when he needed a fresh start."

  My eyes narrow at Marcus as his words ring out in my head, but Kenny beats me to it. "Y-your nephew… but James just said you're his uncle... That means..."

  "Oh no... no fucking way," Ace hisses.

  I look between Ace, James and Bexley, my muscles growing tense and my need to fight beginning to get the better of me.

  There's no way this can be true. We'd know if we were... if we were related.

  The tension crackles and the atmosphere grows heavier as no one says anything.

  Kenny turns into my body and reaches up to whisper in my ear. "Let's get another drink."

  "No, I need—"

  "Conner, not now, yeah? Come on." She slips her hand into mine and I allow her to pull me away. She leads me out of the room until we're in an empty hallway.

  "K, I need to—" I look back at the door I just allowed her to drag me through. "I need to get back."

  "No, Conner."

  "But Bexley, he's... he's our... Fuck. I shake my head, a deep crease forming on my brow.

  "I know, babe. But now isn't the time to let it get to you. It's their wedding day."


  Her warm hands cup my face. "It doesn't matter right now, Conner. There are secrets, a lot of them, it seems. But him being related to you means nothing. It doesn't affect us in any way. Just focus on that, yeah? On Betty. On the road trip we've got ahead of us."

  She smiles up at me, excitement shining in her eyes, and I allow it to bleed into me.

  I look at the door one more time, but I know she's right. "Okay, yeah," I whisper.

  She brushes her lips against mine, our bodies aligning. "There's a chance there's always going to be secrets, babe. James is obviously… connected. But just focus on what's important."

  I nod, because I know she's right. If James wanted to give everything up, then he would have done it by now.

  "Just me, you, Betty, and the open road." The tension begins to ebb away. "Fuck, K. I want it so bad."

  "Tomorrow," she promises, making my lips pull up into a smile.

  "Tomorrow." Threading my fingers into her hair, I crush her lips to mine, desperate to taste her. I sweep my tongue into her mouth and take what I need, what I've been craving since she walked away from me this morning to go and get ready with the girls.

  "K?" I breathe when I let her pull back.


  "The next time you walk down the aisle toward me, you're going to be the one wearing a white dress."

  “You need to tell them,” Kenny whispers as I climb out of Betty after putting the last of our things inside.

  “I know, I just…”

  “It will be fine, Con. It’s not like we’re going forever. Unless you’ve changed your mind. You know I’m happy with whatever.”

  “No, we’re doing this. We need this.”

  She smiles up at me, running her hands up my chest and hooking them around my neck. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited.”

  “Me either. I’m just worried
about Cole,” I admit.

  “He’s got Hadley, Ace and Remi. He’ll be fine. We’ve all got cell phones; you can video call every day if you need to.”

  I know all of this, I do, but it still doesn’t stop me worrying. If something happens and he falls over the edge again, I’d never forgive myself for not being here. Not being at his side.

  “It’s time, Con. This is about you now. About us.”

  “It is.” My expression softens. “At last.”

  Voices float down to us and my stomach turns over.

  “It’s going to be okay,” K says again as I swallow loudly.

  “Are you all ready to set off?” Ace asks when the four of them appear from the side of the house.

  “Yep, we’re all set,” Kenny says for me, squeezing my hand in encouragement as I lock eyes with Cole.

  Something zaps between us, that twin connection we have, and I wonder if he already knows.

  “B-before we go, I need to tell you all something,” I say, swallowing down my nerves and pulling K into my side.

  “Oh my God, are you pregnant?” Remi squeals.

  “W-what? N-no. Wait…” I say looking down to K. “We’re not, right?”

  “No, Con,” she says with a laugh, tapping my chest in amusement.

  “Okay, good. Phew.”

  “What is it?” Hadley asks, her soft voice giving me some confidence.

  “Um… that acceptance I got from Colton U…” I start as Cole’s eyes narrow in confusion.

  “You didn’t accept?” he asks.

  “I did. But…”


  “I… uh… I deferred for a year. We think…” I hesitate, looking down to K when she wraps her arm around my waist. “We think we’ll probably go for longer than just the summer.”

  “What?” Cole asks, his disappointment written all over his face.

  “We need this. We need the time after…” I trail off, not wanting to go there. All of it is still too raw to really talk about, too painful.

  “Well, I think you’re doing the right thing,” Remi announces, stepping forward to give me a hug. “You’ve got to think about the two of you above all else.”

  “Thanks, Princess.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll keep them in line.”


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