Book Read Free

Wild Jaden

Page 7

by Shayne Ford

  “What is it then?”

  “I don’t know... I guess I miss a real home.”

  She places the pie dish in the oven, turns to the table and takes a seat across from me.

  “How is her place?”

  I lean back in my chair and clasp my hands behind my head, softly grinning.

  “Great... If you are into designer homes that look as if no one lives there.”

  A small smile brushes her lips.

  “What about her? How is she?”

  I straighten my back and unclasp my hands, curling my fingers around my beer. I bring the bottle to my lips, a grin tickling my lips as well.

  “Twisted... and hot,” I say before I take a swig.

  “That’s hard to miss. She is beautiful. Why does it sound as if that is a problem?”

  I set the bottle on the table.

  “It’s not. It’s just that I don’t know how far we can go,” I say.

  Concern rolls over her eyes.

  “I was afraid you’d say that,” she says, sounding disappointed.

  I stare blankly at my beer.

  “The thing is, I’ve never been with anyone before. And I don’t know if I can be too close to her. She’s far from being whole as well.”

  She takes a sip of tea.

  “What do you mean?” she asks, setting the cup on the small porcelain plate.

  Our eyes connect for a moment.

  “She had some family issues.”

  “What kind of issues?”

  “She got in some sort of disagreement with her family a few years back. She left her parents’ home and struck on her own. She did well for herself. She hasn’t been in touch with them until recently. I met her family. They couldn’t have more disdain for me even if they tried. They didn’t even know who I was and they despised me. That pretty much sums it up.”

  “Does she like you?”

  “Yeah... I think she does, but that doesn’t mean anything. Things can change... you know.”

  “I think it’s more than liking for her. It’s not her I’m worried about. And I told her that as well,” she says after a moment.

  I glance at her, surprised.

  “What exactly did you tell her?”

  She gives me a pointed look that reminds me of my mom.

  “I told her that you might leave.”

  The blood draws out of my face.

  “Why would you tell her that?”

  The chair scrapes against the floor as she pushes to her feet and pivots to the oven. She runs an expert eye over the pie before she returns to the table, and sinks back into her chair.

  “Because it’s the truth. I don’t know if she’s the woman for you or not. If she is, it has to be more than a good fuck between the two of you. I don’t see you falling for that thing only.”

  “How do you know it’s not more than that?”

  “Had you fallen for her, you wouldn’t be here with me, missing my kitchen. You’d be home with her.”

  I study her for a few moments.

  “What did she say when you told her that?”

  “She blanched. Like you now. She looked as if her heart stopped. That’s why I said that you mean a lot to her, but I don’t know if that’s enough to make you stay.”

  I chug more beer.

  She searches my eyes.

  “Am I right?”

  “You probably are,” I mutter. “It’s not as if I want to leave.”

  “I know you don’t.”

  “I care for her, but there are other things... bigger than us.”

  “What things?”

  “Money for one. She made a lot of money. She struck gold with an online venture that curates content and cashes in on the advertising. The traffic is huge and the money pouring into her bank account reflects that. I, on the other hand, wouldn’t make the money that I make right now if it wasn’t for her. Nowhere in the real world, I could make that amount of cash without an education and solid, work experience.”

  She muses for a moment.

  “Are you good at it?”

  “Yeah, I am. But I want more than that. I want to make my own money. And not under her roof. It just doesn’t feel right.”

  Her eyes turn dull.

  “You don’t need to worry. I’d never make a hasty move. I’ve started working on some projects that may transition into something bigger and better. I’m not gonna leave her just to make a point. I like Senna. And I wouldn’t think about all of this if she wasn’t important to me.”

  “Let’s hope things work out,” she says with a quiet voice.

  “They will.”


  It’s two o’clock in the morning when I roll the car through the gates and slowly steer it into the garage. Quietly, I unlock the door and slip into the house.

  The place is shrouded in darkness except for the faint light coming from Senna’s laptop. I tiptoe my way through the living room, and just as I pivot toward the bedroom, I spot her sleeping on the sofa.

  I turn around and stop next to the couch.

  For a few moments, I watch her in silence. Lips parted, she breaths softly. Her head rests on her arm, her features looking peaceful and relaxed in the pale glow.

  Strands of hair brush her lips. She looks innocent and pure. That’s who she must’ve been before her world came crashing down.

  We would’ve been great together... then.

  A soft exhale escapes my lips before my eyes swing to the screen. I do a double take.



  A couple of windows are still open, clips running on a loop. In one of them, it’s me–– my hand curled around my dick, my fingers sliding up and down, my chest heaving. In the other, it’s that old flame of mine sucking my cock. Her blonde hair sways as she bobs her head. The volume is turned low, but even so, I can hear her moans and my heavy breaths.

  Nothing spells home like sharing personal porn with your sweetheart.

  Damn it.

  I swing my eyes to Senna.

  Her body shifts, her eyes slowly peeling open. Sleep still lingering on her eyelids, she props herself on her elbows.

  “Hey,” she says, blinking a few times, a bit confused.

  She swivels her head and cranes her neck out, trying to check the time displayed on the screen behind me.

  Shifting my position, I block her view.

  “Where were you?”

  She glances up, irritated. Her voice is hoarse and tinged with anger.

  “What time is it?” she asks, trying to push me aside.

  “Two o’clock,” I say, lowering myself to the edge of the couch, clearing her view.

  She searches my eyes for a moment.

  I motion to the laptop.

  “What were you doing?”

  She sinks her back into the pillow and crosses her arms across her chest. Her lips purse in discontent, her eyebrows pinching into a ragged line.

  “The next best thing I can do when you are not home,” she says, not sparing me the sarcasm.

  Quietly, I chuckle. A small smile crawls up her lips.

  “Were you touching yourself?”

  “It wasn’t that good,” she sneers.

  “Clearly. You wouldn’t have fallen asleep. Remind me to ban you from my website.”

  She starts to laugh.

  “No, no,” she says, grinning.

  “Yes, yes.”

  She goes silent, her expression changing as her hand slides on top of mine.

  Her smile withers away.

  “Where were you, Jaden?” she asks softly, concern pulsing in her words.

  My smile vanishes as well.


  The silence is so thick I can hear the wind sweeping the windows and the distant clock ticking in the kitchen.

  “Why?” she asks.

  Panic flashes through her eyes.

  I take her in for a few moments, and then I bring my hand to her face and run my fingers along her jawline, a sm
all smile playing on my lips.

  “It’s not what you think,” I mutter. “I stopped by and had a drink before I went home to pick up some things for Sara and Emma. And then I went to Sara’s place.”

  “How was it?”

  “At Jill’s? Strange. Some undercover cop came on to me.”

  Her eyebrows lift in surprise.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah... Someone must have ratted me out, and they tried to set me up. I was probably on their list.”

  “Fuck, Jaden. Can they come after you?”

  “No. I don’t think so. They would’ve done it already.”

  “Was it a man?” she asks hesitantly. “The cop?”

  Our eyes connect.

  I breathe out another quiet chuckle.

  “You’d think so, right? No. It was a woman...”

  “Was she hot?”

  “Yeah... she was.”

  She purses her lips, irked.

  “So what happened?”

  “She gave me a hard-on before I brushed her off,” I say, keeping my mug under control while gauging her reaction.

  She bites her lip, stifling her retort.

  “Why would you go to Jill’s?” she asks, sadness washing over her eyes.

  “I didn’t go there looking for women.”

  “Yeah, but that’s exactly what you found.”

  “What can I say? I’m irresistible,” I say with self-deprecating humor.

  She doesn’t taste it.

  “Seriously. Why did you go there?”

  “Comparing notes.”


  “I wanted to see if I missed anything about my old life,” I say, the irony lost on her.


  “I didn’t,” I say, serious this time. “I didn’t expect that I would. It was rather unpleasant, but it was also a relief when I realized I no longer had to do that for a living.”

  Her hand slides to my thigh.

  I glance at the laptop.

  “So, you’ve waited for me...” I say with a softer voice.

  Her fingers crawl on top of my hand. Her skin is soft and warm.

  I flick my eyes to her. A beautiful smile graces her lips.

  “Yes, I have. I also cooked for you.”

  I look at her, incredulous. She nods a couple of times.

  “Yes. My first ever meal made from scratch.”

  I glance at the kitchen and sniff a couple of times.

  “It doesn’t smell like food.”

  “That’s because the food is in the oven.”

  “What is it?” I ask, curious.


  “You’re shitting me.”

  She shakes her head, grinning.


  “I don’t believe you,” I say, teasing her.

  “Why it’s so hard to believe?”

  I breathe out a soft chuckle.

  “Because it’s hard to imagine you in the kitchen. Your brain taking a break from work. How do I know you didn’t order the food?”

  “You’ll know when you taste it. It’s homemade, and it’s really good.”

  “How do I know it’s not your hot ass chef who cooked it for you?”

  She flashes an amused smile.

  “Stop fucking with me, Jaden. It was not my chef. Besides, he no longer works for me.”

  “Since when?”

  She smiles slyly.

  “How come you didn’t tell me?” I ask.

  She laughs.

  “I just did.”

  I grin wolfishly.

  “Because I pressed you.”

  She waves me off.


  “I hope you didn’t fire him on my account,” I say.

  “No, I didn’t. He moves to Italy in a few weeks and plans on spending some time there. He also shared with me a few of his recipes.”

  “Hopefully, it wasn’t part of some sort of trade,” I say, the image of the dark-haired, good-looking man with olive skin, flashing in front of my eyes.

  Her eyes twinkle with a naughty smile.

  “No, it wasn’t. Are you jealous?”

  “Do you want me to be?”

  Smiling, she bites her bottom lip and nods a couple of times.

  “Yes, I am,” I say, amused but also serious.

  “Good,” she says, cheerful.

  “So are we gonna eat or what? It’s only two o’clock in the morning.”

  A mischievous grin lights up her eyes.

  “Yes, we will, but first...” she says, pushing upright and propping herself on her arm, “I want to do something else.”

  She shifts her position, folds her legs under her, leans to me and slides her hand to my groin. Her eyes follow the smooth motion as she splays her fingers over my bulge.

  “Is this what she did?” she asks with a sultry voice.

  I pin my gaze on her face as she starts chewing on her lip and rubs my cock through my jeans. She strokes me methodically from my balls to the hard crown. That’s so much different than what the cop did, but I see no reason to interrupt her.

  “Mmm-hmm,” I mutter.

  Smoothly, she unfastens my belt, runs the zipper down, and slips her fingers inside my jeans. My hard shaft springs against her hand.

  “Don’t stop,” I murmur as I spread my legs and sink my back into the sofa.

  She pulls closer, her knees pressing against my thigh, and her fingers wrapped around my girth, tenderly squeezing my hard flesh.

  “Mmm. You’re really, really hard,” she says, giving me a come hither look.

  “That’s the whole fucking point, isn’t it?” I toss at her, observing her through half closed eyes.

  A sly grin curves my lips as she slides her hand lower. She grabs my shaft and palms my balls.

  “I’m pretty sure the cop didn’t do that,” she says.

  I run my teeth over my lip, catching her attention, and then I purr.

  “Damn sure she didn’t.”

  “That’s what I thought,” she says, flicking all her hair over her shoulder and lowering her mouth.

  I stop breathing for a moment as she parts her lips, flicks her tongue out and slowly traces my shaft, from the root of my cock to the bulging tip.

  She looks up at me, and I do my best to keep my face straight as I twitch against her lips.

  She does it again, firing up every fiber in my body.

  “Damn it, Senna...” I murmur, tension flowing through my blood.

  I thread my fingers through her locks and watch her licking me again. She runs her tongue over her bottom lip and rolls her hand over my crown.

  Her touch sends tingles up my spine.

  “Shit, it hurts...” I say, shifting in my seat to ease some of the pressure.

  “I can do something about it,” she says.

  Teasingly, she wraps her lips around the crown and swirls her tongue around my hardness.

  “Oh, fuck...”

  Propped on my hand, I tilt my hips up. She makes sure she only strokes my tip.

  Raising an eyebrow, I smile.

  “You’re lucky I like you...” I say, jokingly.

  “Mmm-hmm...” she mumbles around my dick, sucking on the tip as if it’s a lollipop.

  My fingers get tense on the back of her head.

  She finally slides her lips down and uses her hand to spread the moisture, blowing me with passion and skill. The tension progressively increases as she starts massaging my cock.

  Pleasure surges through me.

  She uses her both hands now, one stroking my balls, the other rubbing my dick, her lips gliding up and down.

  “Oh, fuck...” I growl as she goes lower and lower and I slide deep into her mouth, stopping only at the back of her throat.

  I lift her hair to see her face.

  She keeps her eyes closed, and works me with her lips and tongue, giving me so much pleasure. She doesn’t rush or slack, loving and enjoying every inch of me.

p; She looks as if she slipped into a trance–– her features stunning, her neck perfectly arched, her lips soft and swollen around my girth. The rhythmical motion is hypnotic–– I admit, the pleasure par to none.

  Her chest starts heaving as she gets aroused, her back curving slightly, her butt pushing out.

  Holding her hair up in my fist, I run my free hand down her back, finding a patch of bare skin between the hemline of her top and the waistband of her sweatpants.

  A small moan vibrates in her throat as I slip my hand inside her top, and run my fingers up her spine, tracing her smooth skin.

  Goosebumps rise beneath my touch.

  She lowers her head, taking me even deeper, and once she slides up, she presses her wet tongue against my length, swirling and flicking the sensitive, underside spot, making it hard to hold myself back.

  I run my hand along her spine again and slip it inside her sweatpants, slowly carving her butt out. She lifts her hips as I slide the fabric past her rear, and down her thighs.

  She props herself on her knees and keeps sucking my heated flesh as I run my hand down her butt and brush the spot beneath her legs. She lets out a crying moan that makes my balls draw tight. I make an effort to control myself, prolonging the pleasure while building up the tension.

  My hand is wet between her thighs.

  “You do it just right, baby,” I murmur, slowly rocking my hips to fill her mouth.

  She arches her spines and spreads her legs a little more to give me more access. I brush the flesh between her lower lips and slide my fingers into her.

  Her body shakes, pulsing around my touch.

  I smile.

  “You like that, don’t you?”

  She mumbles and nods, throwing me a side glance, her eyes swimming with pleasure.

  “Come here, baby...” I mutter, nudging her up.

  She pushes off the sofa and rolls down her sweatpants, giving me a hungry gaze as I shed off my clothes.

  I crash back onto the couch and motion her to my lap.

  Naked from the waist down, the bottom of her breasts peeking from under her cropped top, she slides her knees on either side of me.

  My eyes slip to her cleft, my cock twitching, hard and wet.

  She sets herself astride, her warm, throbbing center gliding down my shaft.

  She starts moving.


  Curling an arm around her waist, I hold her tightly as I shift the laptop on the coffee table, making sure the camera is facing us.

  “Give me a second,” I say as I handle the laptop.


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