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Stolen Page 7

by S L Davies

  “I’m not serving under no fuckin’ bitch,” the first comment came from one of the lower ranking men, David.

  Branwen shrugged her shoulder, “very well,” she said as the silent shot zipped through the air and planted itself in the centre of David’s forehead. His head snapped back, and his eyes widened before he slumped down onto the table in front of him. The men that were sitting beside David jumped aside with wide eyes. Branwen looked over her shoulder at Karney and he gave her a wink, placing the gun back in its holster on his side.

  “What the fuck?” one of the men that had been sitting next to David cried.

  Branwen ignored the cry and continued, “anyone else want to leave?” she asked, looking around the room. All the men that were sitting there shook their heads rapidly, causing her to smirk, “I didn’t think so.”

  “Now, that, that is sorted, the next thing, Karney, Finnbarr, Kodiak and I are in a relationship. This family although will be run by myself, will have not only Karney and Finnbarr at the head, but the backing of the Isakov family. As of last week, Andre stepped down from his role and Kodiak has taken his place. The Murphy and Isakov families are no longer two separate families, but one. We will share resources and employees, so I suggest if you can’t stand the thought of working with the Isakov family or seeing myself with three partners, two of those who are my stepbrothers, then you leave,” she spoke looking around the room. Some of the men were looking at the four of them with disgust, it was something she had expected but hoped she wasn’t going to have to kill most of her men.

  Kodiak had spoken to the Isakov men earlier in the week, only two of his men had shown any reaction, the rest didn’t care. “This is sick, I understand you grieving lass, but they’re your brothers,” Simeon said.

  Simeon had been like an uncle to Branwen, he had been close to the family for a long time and had worked for her da and Uncle Dyfed for years. Branwen nodded her head, “I understand your feeling Simeon, do you remember where I came from? It wasn’t from me mam’s womb was it?”

  “Yeah I remember, sad and fuckin’ sorry state it was,” Simeon growled, “but lass, you only ever knew them boys as your brothers, you can’t start fuckin’ them.”

  “I can. Listen, me mam knew this was going to happen, before she died, she wrote letters, she said in those letters, that although people might not understand our relationship, this would make the Murphy family stronger. There is no blood relation between me, Finnbarr and Karney. You’re right I did know them as my brother’s growing up, but I also know that this is the time that the Murphy family needs to be stronger than ever. Me da and Uncle Dyfed were strong and look what happened, the Ricci family slaughtered them. The Ricci family are going to expect Karney or Finnbarr to take over, they will never expect me. But for my leadership to be successful I need these three men by me side.”

  “But you don’t need to fuck ‘em to do that,” Simeon argued.

  Branwen shrugged her shoulder and sighed, “no, you’re right, I don’t, but they have such pretty dicks, I can’t deny them.”

  Some of the men chuckled, while others hid their laughter behind coughs, Simeon on the other hand scowled, his face red with anger. Branwen knew at that moment that he wasn’t going to be able to accept her relationship choice.

  “Simeon, I will give you the option, you can either walk away, but that means you lose all support from the Murphy family, or you can stay and get with the program,” she said tightening her arms across her chest.

  Simeon sighed, “if I walk away does that mean I’m gonna end up like David,” he asked pointing to the dead man whose blood was slowly oozing its way across the table he was slumped on.

  “No, I trust you Simeon, you have been with the Murphy family for a long time, I know that you will make the right decision in keeping your mouth shut and not selling us out. However, if you do,” Branwen said as she lowered her voice and leaned forward and put her hands on the table in front of her, “I will hunt you and your family down like dogs and erase every last one of you from God’s green motherfuckin’ earth.”

  Simeon’s eyes widened and he sat back in his chair, before nodding his head, “I love you Little Raven, I really do, I’ve watched you grow into a beautiful and confident woman, who clearly has a deadly streak that will take this family far. But I can’t accept your relationship with not only three men, but two being your brothers. I’m sorry child,” he said as he stood.

  “I understand Simeon, I do. Have a good life,” she said turning her back, as he walked out the door. The rest of the men that were sat around the table watched the dynamic, not saying a word. She knew that none of the other men would leave. They all knew the only reason that she let Simeon walk out the door was because other than Uncle Dyfed, Simeon was the only other man that her Da trusted completely and without question.

  “Right,” Branwen said looking at the remaining four men, “where the fuck were you all when me da and uncle were being slaughtered?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Branwen told the men to let the cat out of the bag, she wanted the Ricci’s to know that she was now the head of the Murphy family. She wanted them to underestimate her. So, when Tobias, one of the younger employees, came to her office early one morning, she knew that it was regarding the Italians.

  “Good morning Little Raven,” he said with a smile.

  “Tobias, you have some news for me?” she asked, waving at one of the seats on the other side of the desk.

  She had papers set out across the desk, going through the financials, the Murphy family dealt in drugs and money, but they also had legitimate businesses, that she took care of.

  “I do, there is a rumour floating about that Frank Ricci has put the word out that the Murphy family is now a joke, with a woman at the top,” Tobias said with a wince. This just made Branwen smile, it meant that the head of the Ricci family underestimated her and how much she wanted their blood.

  “What else?” she asked.

  Tobias wriggled in his seat and twisted his hands in front of him, signs that he was suddenly nervous, “they’ve put a hit out on you,” he quickly replied.

  Branwen sat back in her seat, she had expected such an action from them, but it still shocked her to hear it confirmed, “who has he ordered to do the hit?” she asked.

  “Giovanni,” Tobias replied.

  Branwen’s eyes widened, “he is sending his son? He really does think I’ll go down easily, doesn’t he?” she said with a shake of her head.

  If Frank was prepared to risk his son, then he truly underestimated her strength. Branwen looked up at Tobias and nodded her head, “right, well bring him in, I will take care of him.”

  “Sure thing, Little Raven,” Tobias said with a grin, that told Branwen that, that had been the answer he was hoping for. Branwen smiled and shook her head, before chuckling as Tobias left her office whistling.

  The reason that the men that her da had picked were in the inner circle was because they were all blood thirsty. They all loved violence and thrived on the work they did. She had heard the grumblings over the following days after she made the announcement that she was not only taking over as head of the Murphy family but she was also in a relationship with all three of her closest men, two being her step brothers. For the most part the men accepted her, however, there were a couple of louder mouths, that were doing a lot more grizzling. Those were the few men, that she was watching closely. There were only three men in her life that she trusted implicitly, the rest she would shoot in the face before they had the chance to stab her in the back.


  Blood curdling screams drew Branwen from the office early the next afternoon. She followed the god-awful sounds to the room that they used for interrogation, it was one of many rooms. When she walked in, she noticed that Kodiak had a man sitting in a chair that he had just finished chaining up. The man wasn’t one she recognised, not that it would have been easy to recognise him anyway, his face was covered in blood. His blonde h
air was caked red, his eyes were swollen to slits, and she noticed he was missing several teeth.

  Karney and Finnbarr were standing against the wall watching the man, with narrowed glares. They looked over at Branwen as she walked into the room. “What is this?” she asked.

  “This is Carl.” Finnbarr answered.

  Branwen shook her head, “who is Carl?” she asked with a raised eyebrow and amusement in her eyes.

  “Carl is a snitch, he was caught giving information to the Ricci family,” Kodiak explained.

  Branwen’s eyes widened, “what information?” she growled.

  Kodiak, Karney and Finnbarr shared a look, “he told them where our drop off points were and what days we did our drops. He was telling them so that the Italians would know where we were,” Kodiak said.

  Branwen grinded her teeth together and folded her arms over her chest before cocking her head to the side and looking at Carl. He started to shake his head and trying to lift his hands that were chained beside him.

  “Please, Branwen, the Italians threatened to kill my family if I didn’t give them the information,” he pleaded.

  “So instead, you had my family killed?” she asked.

  “I didn’t know they were going to ambush your Da and Uncle, I promise I didn’t know,” Carl rambled, his eyes were wide and sweat was breaking out on his top lip, mixing with the blood from his nose.

  Branwen turned to Kodiak, “who is his family?” she asked.

  Kodiak’s eyes widened at her before answering, “his wife’s name is Sharon, and together they have four children, Michael, Patrick, Shelley and Taryn.”

  “How old are the children?” she asked.

  Kodiak frowned, she knew that he had no idea where she was going with this, she had no intention of harming Carl’s family, that wasn’t how she worked, but she wanted to scare Carl, before she put a bullet in his head.

  “They are twelve, ten, seven and four,” Kodiak answered.

  Branwen nodded her head and turned her attention back to Carl who now had great droplets of tears running down over his cheeks, he dropped his face down to his lap and his shoulders slumped in resignation. Branwen stepped closer to him, and reached out, placing her fingers under his chin, lifting his face to look up at her.

  “What is stopping me from killing your entire family, wiping them out, just like your information did, to my family?” she growled.

  “Please, Little Raven,” he sobbed, “they are just children, with their whole life ahead of them. My wife, she doesn’t even know what I really do for work, she has no idea about this side of my life.”

  Branwen nodded her head, “I am not going to kill your family, I am not a child killer,” she said quietly. Carl physically relaxed, sighing out a breath. “However, you are not going to be leaving this room alive today.”

  “I understand,” he said, he was resigned to his fate, he had to have known what was going to happen to him when Kodiak, Karney and Finnbarr brought him in here.

  “What do you want your wife to be told?” Branwen asked.

  “Nothing, please, I don’t want her to know what I did for a job, she will be disappointed.”

  “So, you would rather that she believes you just disappeared. Carl, none of our bodies are ever found, she will think you ran off on her,” she said.

  Carl shrugged his shoulder, “that’s better than her knowing that I worked for the underbelly.”

  “Very well,” Branwen said, as she stepped back and watched Karney step forward, his gun already cocked. He pointed the barrel at Carl’s head, who was sobbing, the scent of urine filled the room, as the man chained to the chair, lost his bladder and pissed himself. The soft zip of the bullet being released from the gun. The metallic scent of gun powder filled the room. Carl’s head snapped back as the bullet penetrated his skull. His head bounced a couple of times before it rested back on his shoulders at an awkward angle.

  “I’ll ring the clean-up crew and get them in here, and then I will send an anonymous money order to his wife,” Branwen told her men.

  Kodiak took her in his arms and kissed the top of her head, “Little Raven, I really thought you were going to take his family out, for a while there,” he said into her hair.

  Branwen chuckled, “I wanted to scare him a wee bit more,” she said quietly, “I will never kill an innocent though.”

  Branwen looked up at Kodiak who leaned forward and took her lips with his in a deep passionate kiss. When they separated, both breathing heavy, she noticed that Karney and Finnbarr were watching with obvious bulges in their pants. Branwen grinned at them, “you know what, the clean-up crew can wait an hour, let’s go have fun,” she said, giggling at the bobbing heads of the guys.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Kodiak took Branwen’s hand in his and led her towards her bedroom, looking back over his shoulder now and then to smile wickedly at her. Branwen’s core was throbbing in anticipation with what was about to happen. She didn’t think she would ever get enough of being intimate with her men. When Kodiak swung the door open, however, her eyes nearly bugged out of her head.

  “What the… when did you do this?” she stammered, looking at the bed, that had been replaced. Where her bed had sat previously was now replaced by a huge bed, one that could easily fit them all.

  “Karney and Finnbarr did it early this morning while you were in the office,” Kodiak chuckled.

  “Well I guess we are going to have to test it out, aren’t we?” she grinned.

  Kodiak’s eyes darkened as he looked at her and stepped towards her, placing his hands on her hips and pulling her to him. Kodiak leaned forward and placed his lips tenderly on hers, running his tongue along the seam of her mouth. Branwen moaned and opened her lips to tangle her tongue with her lovers. Her eyes fluttered closed as he continued to kiss her breathlessly.

  Branwen ran her hands up over Kodiak’s chest, feeling the muscles that were hidden under his clothes. Running her hands back down to the hem of his shirt, only releasing his lips long enough to slip the shirt over Kodiak’s head. With her nails, Branwen lightly scratched down over his chest, running her thumbs over his nipples, feeling them harden under her touch. Kodiak moaned into her mouth and jutted his hips forward so that she could feel his hardened length pressing into her stomach.

  “I want you,” Branwen murmured against Kodiak’s lips.

  Kodiak looked down into her eyes, his pupils were dilated, and the chocolate colour was darker than usual, as he watched her desire. “I want you too,” he said huskily.

  Kodiak slipped his hand down under the shirt Branwen was wearing and lifted it from her body, before slowly undoing the buttons on her pants and sliding them down over her hips, before watching them pool at her ankles. Kodiak groaned, as he took Branwen in, dressed only in her bra and panties. Taking her hand, Kodiak led Branwen to the giant bed, where they found bedding for such a massive bed, she would have to find out later. He encouraged her to lie down, before peeling, her bra from her body. Slowly he started to kiss down over her neck, and chest, before taking her nipple in his mouth.

  Branwen’s head fell back on her shoulders as she let out a long moan, feeling her nipples becoming impossibly hard under Kodiak’s touch. She scratched her nails through his hair across his scalp, causing him to hum around her peaked nipple. The vibrations adding to the sensitivity. Footsteps told Branwen that Karney and Finnbarr had come into the room, no doubt roused by the sound of her moans.

  Finnbarr climbed on the bed beside her and looked down into her eyes, “you like the new bed, Little Raven?” he asked with a grin that spread across his face.

  “Yes,” she moaned, just as Kodiak’s fingers, slipped into her panties and began to circle her clit.

  Finnbarr chuckled and kissed down over her neck, sliding his hand down her stomach, to where Kodiak’s fingers worked her pussy. Finnbarr slid her panties to the side, exposing her, he moved her thigh, spreading her legs, and opening her up. Branwen’s eyes rolled in her head
as Finnbarr filled her up with two fingers. When she opened her eyes, what she saw had her almost orgasming on the spot. Finnbarr, had Kodiak’s lips pressed against his, their tongues wrestling each other for control. Branwen groaned, and her hips thrust on their own, chasing the impending pleasure rush that was racing to pull her under. Kodiak flicked her clit again, sending her hurtling over the edge with a cry.

  Kodiak stilled his ministrations on her sensitive clit, as Finnbarr continued to slide his fingers in and out of her, the suction sound, showing just how turned on she was by their kiss. When she opened her eyes, they were both watching her with hooded lids.

  “When did that start?” she asked.

  Finnbarr gave her a lazy smile, “just now,” he said with a shrug, “it didn’t turn you off?”

  Branwen chuckled, “does it feel like I was turned off?” she asked, “on the contrary, I’m so fucking turned on.”

  Kodiak smiled, biting his lip, “how far would be too far?” he asked.

  Branwen frowned, not understanding what he meant, “what do you mean?” she asked.

  “Like if Finnbarr and I were to you know, go further than this?” he explained.

  “You mean if the two of you were to fuck?” she clarified.

  Kodiak’s cheeks stained red as he nodded his head, causing Branwen to smile. She hadn’t ever thought that Kodiak liked men, but it wasn’t something that turned her off, in fact the sheer thought of the two of them fucking and her getting to watch or even participate caused her pussy to clench around Finnbarr’s fingers. Finnbarr’s eyes widened as he felt her reaction to Kodiak’s question, a wicked grin spread across his lips.

  “Well, if you felt what I did, just now, I think it’s safe to say that she’d like to see you filling my ass with that monster cock of yours, while I pounded deep inside her,” Finnbarr said, causing both Branwen and Kodiak to groan at his words.

  “Fuck,” Kodiak said quietly, “Little Raven? You want to see that? You want to see my cock being fed down Finnbarr’s throat? You want to hear him gag as I hold his head and fill his mouth full?”


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