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Stolen Page 8

by S L Davies

  “Jesus,” Branwen moaned as her eyes rolled again and she thrust her hips, forcing Finnbarr’s fingers deeper inside her. There was no question, she did want to see that and more.

  Finnbarr moaned, and when Branwen opened her eyes, she saw that Kodiak had unzipped Finnbarr’s jeans, releasing his cock from its confines, and was stroking the hardened length. Kodiak watched Branwen’s face, before he leaned forward and licked up the length of Finnbarr’s shaft. Finnbarr hissed in a breath as he rocked forward in Kodiak’s touch, his eyes closed, and head thrown back in pleasure. Kodiak let go of Finnbarr’s cock, going to the drawer beside the bed, and pulling out a tube of lube.

  Branwen’s eyes widened, she didn’t even know they owned lube. Kodiak pulled, Finnbarr’s pants down to his ankles, as Finnbarr continued to slide his fingers in and out of Branwen. As much as she wanted to close her eyes and succumb to the pleasure that Finnbarr was building inside her, she couldn’t take her eyes off everything that Kodiak was doing. He stepped behind Finnbarr and Branwen heard the cap of the lube snap open, before the wet sounds that came with it.

  Finbarr bit his lip in anticipation, and his fingers slowed in Branwen’s pussy, before he let out a long groan and his eyes rolled back in his head. “That is just my finger’s,” Kodiak growled, as he continued to slide his fingers over Finnbarr’s prostate.

  “Jesus,” Finnbarr moaned again, lowering his head, to Branwen’s shoulder, which allowed her to see more of what was happening behind him. Kodiak continued to stroke at Finnbarr’s ass, as he watched Branwen’s pleasure at what she was seeing.

  “Take your panties off, Branwen,” Kodiak said. Finnbarr lifted his body enough to allow Branwen to slide her panties down over her hips and down her legs, before kicking them to the floor. With Kodiak’s free hand he guided Finnbarr’s hardened cock inside her, causing simultaneous groans from both her and Finnbarr.

  “Are you sure you want to take my cock, Finnbarr?” Kodiak asked.

  Finnbarr bit his lip and nodded his head, looking back over his shoulder at Kodiak, who nodded in acknowledgement, “yes, Jesus, yes,” Finnbarr moaned.

  Branwen didn’t know what this meant, whether Finnbarr was gay or bisexual, or just curious, they had never talked about their sexual orientation. She just assumed all the men in her life were straight, but the way that their relationship was, it didn’t bother her. In fact, she had never been more turned on than watching Finnbarr in such a state of ecstasy.

  “I’m going to go slow,” Kodiak said through gritted teeth as he started to push forward. Finnbarr let out a long moan, as Kodiak’s hips thrust Finnbarr into Branwen deeper. She whimpered at the sheer pleasure that she felt, her pussy was clamping hard around Finnbarr’s cock, milking him for everything. She knew that she wasn’t going to last long before another orgasm was taking over her body. And by the look on Finnbarr’s face, he too wasn’t going to last long.

  Kodiak placed his hands on Finnbarr’s hips and looked down at where they were joined, before looking over Finnbarr’s shoulder at Branwen and giving her a wicked smile. Finnbarr’s eyes were closed tight and a small frown puckered his brow.

  “Kodiak, for the love of god man, you gotta move, I can’t take it,” Finnbarr groaned.

  Kodiak winked at Branwen and started to thrust his hips hard. With every thrust, it powered, Finnbarr’s cock into Branwen. She couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer as she clasped the sheets and screamed out in pleasure. Her orgasm was racing at her fast and powerfully. She lifted her hips, feeling her clit grind on Finnbarr’s pelvic bone, suddenly stars flashed behind her eyes as she fell over the edge. Branwen clawed at Finnbarr’s arms, as wave after wave crashed over her. Finnbarr roared as his cock twitched and she felt him swell inside her, filling her with cum. It was only just a few more thrusts and she heard Kodiak cry out, as he bit down on his lip, frowning, his eyes closed in tight concentration.

  Kodiak slipped out from Finnbarr’s ass, and flopped on the bed beside her, while Finnbarr slipped out of her pussy and landed on the other side.

  “Well Christ, if that wasn’t the hottest fuckin’ thing I’ve ever seen,” Karney said from the door.

  Branwen looked up before chuckling. She was so caught up in two of her men fucking each other that she had forgotten about Karney being in the room. He stood against the closed door, his soft dick hanging between his legs, dripping with cum. Branwen closed her eyes with a smile on her face and let sleep take over. That was how every day should come to an end.

  Chapter Sixteen

  A knock roused Branwen from sleep, she didn’t know how long she had been out for, but she was surrounded by hard bodies. When she looked around, she saw that Karney was curled up on one side of her, while Kodiak was on the other and Finnbarr was circled around him. Glancing at the clock on the table beside the bed told her it was just after four in the morning. Branwen shuffled her way out of bed, slipping on her pyjama bottoms and singlet as she headed towards the door.

  On the other side of the door was Niall, one of the men that worked for the Murphy family. He wasn’t much older than Branwen and had started working for them when he was only thirteen, Branwen’s da having picked him up off the streets of Belfast. Apparently, Niall had been selling some of the Ricci family drugs and had been scuffed up bad. Da and Uncle Dyfed offered him a better deal and so it was that he came to work with them. The Ricci family probably didn’t even notice the kid missing.

  “We have got Giovanni held in the warehouse,” Niall said with a slight head nod and pinkening cheeks. Karney and Finnbarr had always teased her mercifully about Niall and his crush on her, Branwen just ignored them. Niall had never acted on his crush and if he did, she would have to let him down. But until then she just let it go.

  “Wow that was quick work, very well, I’ll be there soon,” she said with a smile, turning to wake the guys up and get dressed. She needed a shower before they went anywhere, the last thing she wanted to do going into a torture session was smell like sex, and she had no doubt it oozed from her.

  Branwen shut the door and went back to the giant bed, she cocked her head to the side to see that Kodiak and Karney had moved together to take over the place where she had been sleeping. Karney had his head on Kodiak’s bare chest, Branwen put her hand over her mouth to suppress a giggle. She didn’t know if Karney shared the same feelings for Kodiak that Finnbarr did, but she didn’t mind.

  “What are you up to sweetheart?” Finnbarr’s husky voice sounded in the quiet room, pulling her from her perusing over her men.

  “Niall just came by, they have Giovanni in the warehouse, I said we would be there soon, but then I got distracted by my gorgeous men,” she said with a broad smile.

  Finnbarr chuckled and extracted himself from where he was curled around Kodiak’s back. He shook Kodiak’s shoulder, before kissing his bare back. The tenderness, warmed Branwen’s heart as she watched Finnbarr interacting with Kodiak. This new part of their relationship she looked forward to exploring further. Branwen had never given much thought to how much watching two men together could turn her on, but her pussy was still on fire at the thought of them.

  “Are you sore babe?” Kodiak asked, looking back at Finnbarr, who chuckled and shook his head.

  “No, not at all,” Finnbarr replied, giving Kodiak a tender kiss on the lips. Karney groaned and ran his hands up over his face.

  “That’s gonna take a wee bit to get used to seeing,” he said. There was no disgust in his voice, but it answered the question that Branwen had floating around, that Karney didn’t share the same desire to be with Kodiak.

  “I’m going to go and take a shower, then we will go to the warehouse and play with an Italian rat,” Branwen said with a snarl of her upper lip.


  The warehouse was one of many that the Murphy family owned and utilised for a variety of purposes. The one that Karney pulled them up to, was hidden in amongst functioning factories, and was primarily used for torture. Branwen shook her h
ead, she was so cold to it, maybe she was a sick bitch, but seeing grown men reduced to whimpering, pissing babies didn’t make her flinch at all.

  Branwen led the way into the warehouse, where in the otherwise empty room sat a chair. Very cliché, the chair under the light bulb, swinging in the breeze. However, that was the vision that Branwen took in as she walked towards the man tied to that single chair. His eyes were swollen and bruised, blood coated his face and his hair was stuck to his forehead, with sweat and blood. Obviously, her men had given him a going over before she got there. Branwen was slightly disappointed with his state, she would have liked to be the first to make a mark on him. She had studied his picture and he was pretty. Giovanni Ricci had big brown eyes that were framed by long dark eye lashes. His hair was slicked back and styled; his olive skin looked like it hadn’t seen a single pimple ever. His shrunken, bloodied and bruised face in front of her was a far cry from what his photos portrayed.

  “Well Giovanni, it’s nice to finally meet the man that was sent to kill me,” Branwen said with a wide smile.

  Giovanni looked up at Branwen through the slits that were now his eyes, his head lolled back on his shoulder. Branwen frowned, he appeared to be hardly conscious, she was going to have to have a stern discussion with her men, about the meaning of get a victim in the chair, without near killing them first.

  Branwen stepped over to Giovanni and put her hand behind his head, lifting it so that he was looking at her. “You don’t look so tough now,” she said quietly, looking down at the man, whose eyes were rolled in the back of his head. Giovanni didn’t answer, so she let his head roll back again on his shoulders.

  She turned to where her men were standing along with some of her employees, Niall and Grant, “why was he beaten like this?” she asked.

  Grant and Niall looked between each other and shuffled nervously, before looking back at her, “sorry Little Raven, we didn’t think you would want to deal with him,” Niall said. Branwen could hear the nerves in his voice.

  Branwen raised an eyebrow and folded her arms across her chest, “so, when I said to you, I want you to bring Giovanni Ricci to me, I want him unharmed, that suggested to you that I wouldn’t want to deal with it?” she said, her voice calm, but cold as ice.

  Grant cleared his throat and looked down at the ground, while Niall looked everywhere but at Branwen. “Well?” she asked, “was it a case of you think I didn’t want to deal with it, or that I couldn’t deal with it?”

  Niall looked up at her and his eyes widened as he shook his head, “no, no, I knew you could deal with it, shit, Branwen, that’s not what happened.”

  Grant shot Niall a look and Branwen stepped closer to Niall, “Who gave you two the order to beat the living shite out of Giovanni?” she asked.

  Niall and Grant looked nervously at each other again before Niall looked up at Branwen, “it was Tobias, he didn’t think you would be able to follow through with the torture, he said for us to beat Giovanni enough that you would just have to put him out of his misery.”

  Branwen raised an eyebrow, while Grant groaned and ran his hands up over his face, “thank you for telling me,” she said, before turning to her men, Karney gave her a nod, knowing what she wanted and left the room. When she turned back to Grant and Niall, she noticed Niall’s eyes were wide and he was watching where Karney went.

  “Where, where is he going?” Niall stammered.

  “That is of no concern to you,” she said as she folded her arms across her chest and straightened her spine, “you and Grant can leave now.”

  Niall shook his head and opened his mouth as if to argue, but the glare that Branwen shot him, had him closing his mouth with a click. Grant grabbed Niall’s arm and started to drag him out of the warehouse, “you feckin’ ejit,” Grant growled on the way out.

  Branwen watched them leave before turning back to Giovanni, he was completely unconscious, and she wasn’t going to get any information from him. “Fuck,” Branwen growled.

  “Give him a few days, he will be okay, we will chain him up, he won’t be going anywhere,” Finnbarr said, as he stepped forward and ran his hand along the back of her neck.

  Branwen nodded her head and sighed, she had wanted this to be over quickly, she wanted to get the information from him, but she wasn’t going to get anything from Giovanni until he was at least conscious. Kodiak began to untie Giovanni, to move him where they could chain him, and have him lying down. As soon as the ropes were loosened from Giovanni’s wrists, his hand shot out with the speed of a striking snake and grabbed Kodiak by the throat. Kodiak’s eyes widened with shock, as Finnbarr let out a roar. Giovanni wrapped his beefy hands around Kodiak’s throat and started to squeeze, Kodiak wheezed out a breath and his face reddened. Finnbarr seemed frozen beside her, as Branwen pulled the gun from the waist of her pants and lifted it to Giovanni’s head, clicking off the safety.

  “Let go of my man,” she growled.

  Kodiak’s face was red, and he was starting to drool. Giovanni looked at her and smirked, “you are going to kill me anyway, so why not take him out first,” he growled.

  “Very well,” Branwen said quietly, as she pulled the trigger, watching it like in slow motion lodge its way into Giovanni’s brain. His head snapped to the side, his hands loosened, as Kodiak’s knee’s gave way and he slipped to the floor, Giovanni’s body followed and he crumpled to the ground, blood oozing from his head in a pool around him. Finnbarr ran to where his lover lay and took Kodiak in his arms, running his hands over his face.

  Branwen stepped up to Giovanni and gave his body a kick in the stomach, as Karney came into the warehouse, obviously roused by the sound of the gunshot that would have echoed through the factory. Karney stopped and looked between Branwen, the dead body of Giovanni and Kodiak who was sitting up rubbing his neck with Finnbarr beside him.

  “What the fuck?” Karney said.

  Branwen sighed and shrugged her shoulder, “the cunt tried to kill one of my men, and that just will not do. I guess we are going to have to wait for Frank to send his next assassin. Let’s send Giovanni’s body back to him,” she said, “in parts.”

  Karney’s eyes widened and his mouth opened and closed in shock. She knew that she sounded psychopathic, but she didn’t care. The Ricci family stole her father and Uncle from her, he tried to steal her man from her, she wasn’t going to let them get away with anymore.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kodiak had organised some of his men to carve up Giovanni’s body and send it back to Frank Ricci, they sent a body part back a day over a period of a week. Branwen ordered her men to keep their ears open for word of retaliation, but so far there was nothing. That should have made Branwen happy, instead it made her nervous. No father would be alright with receiving their dead son’s remains piece by piece, Branwen was nervous, she didn’t know what Frank was planning, but she knew it had to be something.

  Two weeks after Giovanni’s death one of the detectives the Murphy family had in their pocket, Carter McConnell, turned up on their doorstep. Branwen was in the office doing paperwork when Tobias guided Carter inside. She looked up with a frown on her face. For the detective to come to their home, and possibly out himself as being on their payroll, there had to be an issue.

  “Detective?” Branwen said standing and folding her arms across her chest with a frown.

  “Branwen,” he said as he rubbed the back of his neck, like he was reaching for the right words to say. A pit of panic started to well up in Branwen’s stomach. Karney and Finnbarr were out training some new recruits, Kodiak was visiting with his father, her hands trembled as she prepared for what might come.

  “Where are your, ah, partners?” he asked.

  “Out. What is going on Carter?”

  Carter sighed and shook his head, lowering himself down into the chair that was on the other side of the desk. He was one of the tallest men she knew, when she was little, Branwen had been convinced he was a giant. Yet although he was as dirty a cop as th
ere was, he was always so gentle and protective of the Murphy family, children. Her Da might have even considered Carter a friend, behind closed doors. In public the police were public enemy number one.

  “Branwen, we’ve got a small situation, well it’s not small, it’s fucking huge,” Carter said, looking at her with his bright blue eyes.

  “Right? And what situation might that be?” she asked, coming around the front of the desk. She looked up over at Tobias who was watching from the door with a frown on his face. The bruises around his eyes and cheeks that Karney had given him for the Giovanni fuck up, now starting to heal. She gave him a tiny head nod, one that he understood that she needed him to provide backup.

  Tobias stepped back into the shadows of the hall, but Branwen knew that he would be there, his gun cocked and ready to go. She had no idea where this was leading, but in this game, she learned very early on, that there were only a very small handful of people she could trust. After her Da and Uncle Dyfed were killed, that number was narrowed down to the men who she loved with everything, Karney, Finnbarr and Kodiak.

  “We received a suicide note from a prisoner, a paedophile, who was serving out a life sentence. He committed suicide this morning,” Carter began to explain. Branwen frowned, having no idea what a paedophile’s suicide had to do with her or the Murphy family, she waited for him to continue. Carter sighed and ran his hand up over his face.

  “In the suicide note it said that he knew who your real parents were,” Carter said.

  Branwen’s eyes widened and she raised an eyebrow, “yes, you know who my biological parents were, they are dead, you knew this.”

  Carter nodded, “yes, that’s what we thought, but Branwen, this is where the problem is. Those people, who your Da and Uncle Dyfed took you from, they weren’t your parents. According to this letter, you were stolen from a couple in Australia, straight out of the hospital and brought here to Northern Ireland. You were sold to those people, where you were supposed to be raised in a child sex trafficking ring, but your Da found you and saved you.”


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