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Burning for Love

Page 16

by Evangeline Anderson

  Slowly, she opened the towel, baring herself for the big Kindred. She was glad he was behind her, so she didn’t have to watch him looking at her—that might have made her too nervous, she thought. But she liked leaning back against his broad chest like this. His big body seemed to surround hers in a protective blanket of safety and his wild, fresh scent was making her feel almost dizzy as she breathed him in.

  “Gods, you’re beautiful,” James breathed. “Your breasts are so full and lovely, Princess.”

  “Oh, do…do you like them?” Rissa risked another glance over her shoulder, to see that his metallic blue eyes were half-lidded and admiring. “Lady Mildew always says they’re too big for a proper lady.”

  “They’re not too big—they’re perfect. May I touch them?” he asked softly, his hands resting lightly on her bare shoulders.

  Rissa liked the contrast of his skin against her own—tan against brown—but his request surprised her. She had thought he would want to do something to her forbidden area right away. But she supposed that if she was going to get to know her body, this was a good place to start.

  “All right,” she whispered. “I guess that would be all right, James.”

  “Thank you for trusting me, Princess,” he growled softly in her ear. And then his big hands were sliding from her shoulders to her breasts, cupping them gently but firmly.

  By this time she had begun to feel hot again and his cool hands felt wonderful on her heated flesh. They felt even better, however, when he began to lightly thumb her nipples, just barely caressing her points and causing hot sparks to rush straight from their tips to the spot between her legs.

  “Oh…Oh, James!” she whispered, arching her back to thrust her breasts more fully into his hands and squeezing her thighs together. “What…whatever are you doing?”

  “Touching you to make you feel good,” he answered simply. “I didn’t want to start between your thighs—it’s better to build the pleasure slowly.” As he spoke, he continued to circle her nipples lightly, making Rissa moan softly under her breath and writhe against him.

  “I…James, I have never felt such things,” she whispered.

  “Because you have never been allowed to feel them—never been allowed to touch yourself for pleasure,” he murmured. “But this is your right, Ka’rissa. It’s your body—you should be able to touch it any way you want to.”

  “Th-thank you. But I thought you were going to…to introduce me to the forbidden part of myself,” she moaned breathlessly.

  “I am,” James promised in that deep, dark voice of his that seemed to fill her like a glass filling water as he spoke in her ear. “If you’ll spread your legs for me, Princess.”

  A little spasm of terror went through her. Should she really do this? Wasn’t it wrong to let a man touch her so intimately?

  But he’s only going to help me know myself, she thought. Isn’t he? It’s not like he’s going to kiss me on the mouth—I would never allow that.

  James seemed to sense her reluctance, just as he had when he was bathing her.

  “Ka’rissa,” he murmured in her ear. “I swear you have nothing to fear—I would never hurt you. Can you open yourself for me?”

  The soft rumbling tone of his voice seemed to loosen something that was almost like a clenched fist inside Rissa. Slowly, she parted her legs for him, trusting him as she didn’t even trust herself to touch her sensitive, forbidden area.

  “Thank you, Princess,” he murmured. “Now spread a little wider—there. Perfect. Now, look.”

  Rissa looked down and saw that he had propped a small mirror between her open thighs—it must have been what he had gotten from her dressing table, she realized.

  “What…what are you doing?” she asked uncertainly. The mirror’s shiny surface reflected an image of her outer mound with its soft curls and vertical slit. Why would he want to show her such a thing?

  “I’m introducing you to yourself,” James said simply. “First of all, we’re no longer going to refer to this part of you as your ‘forbidden area’.’’

  “We’re not?” Rissa asked, surprised. “What…what are we going to call it?”

  “There are many names for it,” James told her. “You could call it your sex… your feminine core. Many Kindred call it a ‘pussy’, which is, I think, a reference to an Earth animal sometimes called a ‘pussy cat.’ It’s soft and sleek and feminine and it loves to be stroked,” he added in explanation.

  “A…pussy. My pussy,” Rissa repeated.

  “That’s right, your soft little pussy,” James murmured. “Would you like to touch yourself there, Ka’rissa? Would you like to cup your pussy in your hand?”

  Rissa bit her lip. For years and years reaching between her legs had meant an instant, painful electric shock because of the Chastity Wire. It was terribly difficult to get over the conditioning that had caused her to equate pain with touching her forbidden area—no, my pussy, she reminded herself. But she knew that the wire was broken now—James had broken it so it couldn’t hurt her anymore.

  “All right,” she whispered at last. “I…I’ll try.”

  Slowly, she reached between her legs and—wincing a little with the automatic and ingrained anticipation of a shock—very lightly cupped her mound.

  “Good,” James murmured in her ear. “Feel it, Ka’rissa—how does your pussy feel? Describe it to me.”

  “It’s…soft,” Rissa said. “My curls are soft and springy. And it’s hot,” she added. “I…I think I might be heating up between my nether lips.”

  It was a shameful admission, but she couldn’t help it. Her points were heating up now, too.

  But James didn’t seem worried.

  “That’s all right, sweetheart,” he rumbled softly in her ear. “We’re going to explore there next. Would you like to spread your outer pussy lips open or should I do it?”

  Rissa’s heart started galloping in her chest again. Should she really be doing this?

  Evil…dirty…filthy, she seemed to hear Lady Mildew’s voice proclaiming in her head.

  No! Rissa pushed the voice and the bad memories away with all her might and tried to concentrate on James and the way he was cradling her against his big body. No, if I think that way, I’ll never be able to gain control of my Heat Cycle!

  Though to be honest, she still wasn’t sure how touching herself intimately could help her control it. But she had faith that James would show her. Still, she wasn’t sure about touching herself in the way he was asking her to quite yet.

  “You do it,” she whispered to him. “If you please, James. I’m not…not comfortable enough to do it myself quite yet.”

  “Of course I’ll do it, sweetheart,” he murmured, using the little nickname again, that seemed to make Rissa’s heart swell in her chest. “Just watch,” he murmured and his left hand—the flesh hand—slid down to cup her mound as Rissa pulled her own hand away.

  She watched as, slowly, two long fingers spread open her outer lips, revealing her inner pussy to her for the first time.

  Rissa stared at herself in the mirror in fascination. She had expected that she might be berry dark here, as her nipples were, when they were not glowing with heat. Instead, her inner pussy was a light, pinkish brown that was actually quite a lovely color.

  “It’s like…a seashell,” she murmured. “Or maybe the inside of a flower, with petals.”

  Indeed, the inside of her pussy did seem to have petals and folds and all of them were glistening and shiny. In the center was a tight little button or pearl, just as the book by her ancestor had described.

  “You’re beautiful inside, Princess,” James growled softly in her ear. “So gorgeous and sweet and delicate.”

  “And wet,” Rissa murmured. “Why am I so wet, James? Is that…is it normal?”

  “It is,” he assured her. “Your pussy makes honey when you feel pleasure, Princess. Earlier when I was stroking your nipples you were moaning for me—it probably started getting wet then.”
/>   “Oh, I…I see,” Rissa murmured breathlessly. “Is…is that the ‘pearl’ my ancestor, King Randolph the Thoughtful described?” she asked, nodding to the area in question in the mirror.

  “It certainly is. We Kindred call it a ‘Goddess pearl’,” James told her. “Would you like me to stroke it for you, Princess?”

  “If…if you like,” Rissa said. Her heart was pounding harder than ever, but somehow she didn’t want this to end.

  “Very well. Just relax,” James murmured. “Relax and watch me pet your soft little pussy, sweetheart.”

  Rissa watched as one long finger dipped down into her soft folds and then began to circle the little button at the center of her open pussy. The sensation that followed the big Kindred’s careful, gentle exploration of her secret area was immediate and intense.

  “Oh!” she gasped, as sparks of pleasure shot through her. Her hips bucked involuntarily as he continued to circle the incredibly sensitive area. “Oh, James! That…that feels wonderful!”

  “Would you like to try it yourself?” he murmured and his other hand, the metal one, was cupping her right breast again and slowly circling her nipple. “Would you like to try stroking your soft little pussy, sweetheart?”

  For some reason the naughty things he was saying in that deep rumbling voice in her ear made Rissa almost as hot and bothered as the way he was touching her.

  “I…I guess so,” she whispered.

  “Go ahead then,” James encouraged her. “I’ll hold your outer lips open and you can try stroking your Goddess pearl to give yourself pleasure.”

  There was still some guilt in the back of her head, but Rissa pushed it aside firmly. After all, if she was going to control her Heat Cycle, she had to do this—had to learn how to give herself pleasure. Also, as James kept reminding her, it was her body and she ought to have the right to touch it any way she wanted to.

  Slowly, hesitantly, she slid her own finger between her spread nether lips and tried touching herself as James had been touching her.

  The sensation was different when she was touching herself instead of being touched, but it was no less pleasurable.

  “Oh…” she whispered, sliding her fingertip around and around the tight little button at her center. “Oh, James, this feels so good. But I still don’t understand how it will help me control my Cycle.”

  Indeed, her points and her inner pussy, as James had taught her to call it, were both beginning to heat up alarmingly. Already her points were glowing a dull red and her pussy was becoming hot to touch.

  “It only helps if you can have an orgasm,” he rumbled in her ear. “Or ‘reach the pinnacle,’ as the books I showed you put it.”

  “But what is an orgasm? What pinnacle are they talking about?” Rissa asked breathlessly.

  “It’s a physical release you feel after stroking and touching yourself for a while,” he explained. “Think, Princess—do you feel anything building inside you?”

  As a matter of fact, she did. There was a feeling—almost like a wire tightening in her lower belly—that felt as though it must snap soon. Rissa told him this, trying to explain the strange sensation, and the big Kindred nodded.

  “Yes, that’s it,” he said encouragingly. “Just keep stroking your Goddess pearl until the wire snaps.”

  “But…but I’m not sure if I can make it before my Cycle gets too high,” Rissa panted. “My…my points are getting so very hot, James. I’m afraid I’ll need another cold bath soon!”

  “No, you won’t, if you’ll let me cool them down,” James said confidently.

  “Cool them down? How?” Rissa asked breathlessly.

  “With my mouth,” he murmured. “I can drop my body temperature there as well as I can in my hands and the rest of my body when I touch you, Princess. Will you let me?”

  “Yes, but…but how can you reach me?” Rissa panted. She really was beginning to get overheated, now. But the pleasure was building and building inside her and she didn’t want to stop.

  “Like this,” James growled. Picking her up easily, he turned her around so that she was straddling his lap and facing him instead of sitting between his legs. “Keep touching yourself, Princess,” he murmured, his blue eyes half-lidded with desire. “Keep petting your soft little pussy while I suck your ripe nipples.”

  Rissa moaned as he took one of her hot points between his lips and sucked it into the cool depths of his mouth. Oh, Goddess—that felt so good! She had never imagined such sensations in her life. No wonder Lady Mildew had been so adamant about keeping her from touching herself—nothing that felt this good could be quite legal, she was certain. And yet, she still didn’t want to stop.

  But though her fingers flew between her thighs as the big Kindred sucked her hot, sensitive nipples, the pleasure wasn’t progressing fast enough. Rissa could tell that, though she was building towards something, the wire in her belly wouldn’t snap until it was too late. Her Fire blood was rushing too quickly, forcing her temperature higher and hotter every second.

  “James!” she gasped, panting with heat. “I…I’m not going to make it! I’m afraid I’ll explode before I can reach the pinnacle.”

  He let her nipple slip from his mouth and frowned.

  “No, you won’t sweetheart,” he said firmly. “Here—let me.”

  He reached between her legs again—this time with his right hand—the metal one. Rissa wasn’t sure what to expect but, just as it had when he touched other parts of her body, his metal hand felt exactly like his flesh hand.

  Except then it began to vibrate.

  She gasped in surprised pleasure as his long fingers buzzed and hummed, circling her Goddess pearl and doubling, then trebling her pleasure.

  Suddenly, she was there—at the pinnacle—the summit of pleasure. Her back arched, her muscles tensed and her toes curled as warm waves of sensation drenched her like ocean waves. At the same time, Rissa felt the fire inside her rise upwards like a gout of flame…and then extinguish itself all at once.

  And all the time, James was talking to her, holding her eyes with his own and murmuring how beautiful she was when she let the pleasure overtake her—how gorgeous and brave she was when she let herself “come.”

  It was the most intense physical sensation Rissa had ever felt—and the closest she had ever been to another person. To be spread out, naked on the big Kindred’s lap, to feel his fingers stroking inside her so gently, opening her, making her his…to hear his deep, growling voice murmuring encouragement and praise as she looked into his eyes…it was all too much.

  “Oh, James…James!” she gasped, and surprised herself with a sob. “Oh, Goddess…”

  She collapsed against his broad chest, wetting it with her tears as the emotions overwhelmed her. The orgasm was such a release after years of pent-up frustration. And the feeling of having the fire inside her suddenly quenched was beyond wonderful. She knew that crying wasn’t the right response, but somehow she couldn’t seem to help herself. The intensity of the emotion was just too much to bear.

  But if her emotional display bothered the big Kindred, he didn’t show it. He just wrapped her in his arms and held her close, pressing her to his chest and letting her cry as he stroked her trembling shoulders.

  “James,” she whispered again, when she could make herself talk. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t…didn’t mean to cry all over you like that!”

  “It’s all right, sweetheart.” His voice was warm and soft, very different from the robotic tones he’d used during their first meeting, Rissa thought. “I know that intense physical sensations can bring up intense emotions in feelers,” he told her.

  Rissa wondered if she ought to ask if he was having any emotions of his own. It didn’t seem possible to her that he could have been so kind and gentle and caring during their intimate encounter unless he felt at least something for her. And hadn’t he said to her that some men on his planet had problems with their emotion dampers failing?

  But she didn’t think now was th
e right time to ask such things. Right now she simply wanted to be held in his arms and feel safe and cared for.

  “How do you do that with your hand?” she asked softly, snuggling against him. “I mean, how did you make it vibrate like that?”

  He shrugged, his broad shoulders rolling.

  “It’s just a function of my electrodes. I thought it might help you reach orgasm.”

  “You thought right!” Rissa gave a shaky laugh. “I’ve never felt such pleasure in my life. It was so strong, James! So intense.”

  “But did it work?” He gave her a concerned look. “Did it help back down your Heat Cycle?”

  “Help it? It extinguished it!” Rissa exclaimed. “My ancestress was right! The moment I reached the pinnacle, it was as though the pleasure inside me smothered the fire in my blood completely.”

  “That’s wonderful, sweetheart.” A genuine smile spread over his dark face—not just an upward quirk of one corner of his sensual mouth, but a real, relieved smile, Rissa thought.

  Then the big Kindred pulled her to him for a hug and she found herself enfolded in his muscular arms. Rissa cuddled against him gladly, happy to press her whole body against his long form and feel completely engulfed by him as he stroked her back and shoulders and nuzzled her hair, breathing her in as though he could never get close enough to her.

  “Do you think I’m cured now?” she asked, some time later, as they lay entwined on the bed. “I mean, do you think my Heat Cycle has burned itself out?”

  James frowned and stroked her hair thoughtfully.

  “I don’t know but if I had to guess, I would think not,” he said at last, reluctantly. “From what your ancestor, Queen Lola the Outspoken said, I would imagine that you’ll have to continue pleasuring yourself to orgasm on a regular basis in order to keep your Cycle under control.”

  Rissa bit her lip.

  “But…but I didn’t really bring myself to orgasm,” she pointed out in a low voice. “You did it for me, James.”


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