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Figures of the One Must Go

Page 8

by Victor Living

  “Wow! From whom but from the father. I didn’t expect such a turn.”

  “I’m glad. But I made my judgment only after in-depth learning about the related matters.”

  “For me, it resumes to become popular soon. I presume as an influence of high technology. Did you find out the main problem?”

  “I’m confused.”

  “Would you tell me, please, where is the place for warm believers in God in all such informational flings?”

  “Oh, you are accusing such a practice, if your reaction sounds…”

  “Not at all, today’s discovery about these significant innovations of genetics is only the beginning.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Let me answer by asking, what do you know about my profession?”

  “Oh, as I learned, your role is to make connections between God and people.”

  “That is right, but I'm not looking for an artificial link with God. I’m spending my time bringing people to a full relationship with the Lord. Have you ever observed how a clergyman acts?”

  “Not so cautious…”

  “Okay, let me help you. Look, a prelate baptizes a newborn, correct?”

  “Not all in our time.”

  “I agree, but thanks to statistics, almost eighty percent of modern Christians do it as a tradition before a child grows to one-year-old.”

  “I understand…”

  “Sorry, let me finish the routine duties of the priest.”


  “Look,” he turned his eyes and said, “I’m blessing teens before college as moms ask. When young men sign a contract for the army, I help. Or, by myself, I serve as a military chaplain. I’m attending hospitals if somebody is sick. We are praying together, or only for him. I have to help the funerals and requiems after people have died. As you didn’t forget, I am very busy and never count my time as actions for anyone’s needs.”

  “I respect your lifestyle, Father, but why do you rehearse this? I have heard about that.”

  “It’s just for one purpose. Would you suppose how a new organism can enter society?”

  “I don’t know, but why religion?”

  “Sorry, you misunderstood me. No one tells about beliefs. We need to predict how creatures will mature such needs.”

  “That is unforeseen for me. Excuse me, Father, do you mean human cloning and religion?”

  “Excellent,” the chaplain exclaimed. “I’ve waited for such broad questions from you.”


  “Let’s consider the outlook when human copies get adopted into the world. The question comes up whether to accept our religions.” He stopped speaking as if he were studying what I would say next. That pause wasn’t painful for me. I wanted him to complete his idea. “Though here, there is the issue of what happens if that human double starts asking to create a strictly clones religion,” concluded the priest.

  “What is that?” I said with a breath of repose.

  “Young man, I note you are not saddened but quite discouraged.”

  “I haven’t thought too far ahead.”

  “Let’s presume many risks appear while the official church keeps silent.”

  “Okay, now it’s clear, but what about simple people?”

  “I don’t know, and I guess that vast propaganda would be a big help. It looks like people are not ready for these advances.”

  “Oh, now I am more advised. Thanks for opening my mind. Do you, infer, Father? I feel like my relation to the church has changed.”

  “Oh, I’m glad and had no intention of agitating you about something.”

  “No problem,” I answered, ready to finish our discussion. I noticed that the priest wanted to ask me something.

  “I’d like to ask you, as the younger generation, what’s your position?” he asked.

  “Thanks for asking, Father. My vision could emerge as too pragmatic.”

  “See, and…”

  “I suppose, when such proliferation gains maturity and penetrates society, in a short time, it would realize many bad things. And here is a question: if a clone realizes that he is just part of a plan to substitute organs for diseased people, or dirty robotic labor, or as a disposable object for hazard missions, can he protest?”

  “Is that becoming human?”

  “Yes, and such 'being' could bring disturbances in social life. Who knows? Maybe it comes to the madness. When a clone becomes a strong fighter for their own rights, it will be a new era of history. Isn’t that bringing us, at first, to shock, then later keeping restless attitudes?”

  “I agree with you. Maybe it even turns an official church to admit peril in cloning.”

  “But Father, what if that ‘flesh and body’ understands the intact plan for his appearance in the mortal world? For instance, when he doesn’t grade his condition of being an anthropoid, before and after adaptation, he could doubt his sense of our existence. Do you cite that as a thumping poser?”

  “So far, the public has to pick up the level of perception about such genetic engineering. As I learned from one geneticist’s magazine, it formed a new ideology for the humanistic approach. And as I see the picture, it expected a few decades to gather proof that such an ‘industry’ only benefits society and doesn’t impose any danger.”

  “Thank you, Father, for such an edifying talk.”

  “You’re welcome. See you.”

  After such a conversation, I didn’t sleep all night. His position occupied my thinking as something fresh and very reasonable.

  No doubt every person has grounds to inquire about their personal begotten birthplace. However, it’s not soil only for the first walk. It’s somewhat of a natal place where you are blessed to open the eyes of your mind. Perhaps, you don’t speak about it often, but you remember all the time. What is always in your heart is a call to love, tenderness, and kind feelings. We all have a memory of the childhood-home place. That’s why patriots of any country kill invaders with honor and can give their lives to shield their motherland from danger—unless we are talking about clones. They would rather assassinate their science fathers for entering such birth without permission. Is it probable to receive emotional responses? We don’t know yet. We hope that proper conclusions still bloom in billions of the youngest hearts and will come to ripe inspiration. It’s like the millennium tradition: when such a novelty gets closer to the mind, no one pays attention to it. But later, after a new conception blows problems, everybody worries and asks, “What’s left for us?” The answer is uncertainty as we wait for the truth. While no one wants to show their position, human cloning is considered a significant fall of morality. And nobody has predicted yet how to stop hostility over clones as a contradiction to the human spirit. We are not prepared for such consent. Let’s assume we can conclude by answering these questions:

  For whom is the begotten beneficial? Is there a guarantee for zero gimmicks regarding expectations?

  Is there any estimation to make such a 'subject' without drama because knowledge pacifies and brings a savvy finale to move forward or stay with


  In a world of gigantic information, an issue about clones is untouchable until it doesn’t affect your precious persona. Would you like an answer?

  Will you take part in the project for science as a new human exemplary and let them use your body to create a copy because you believe those


  Could be it your natural circumspection to name clones a puzzle or phenomenon, and what do you think about


  If you are a secular person, would you like to forbid cloning with no


  If somebody started tongue-in-cheek jokes about problems with cloning, how would you estimate that hysterical


  Will a person of modern globalization deduce for clones a


  When you compreh
end human cloning as a philosophical key, can you analyze the dilemma to never


  6. Targets and Hits


  Nobody likes advice if they haven’t asked for it, and only legal counsel claimed is permanent. But, if you are bemused during the hardest period, maybe my symbolical guide will help. Doesn’t it sound strange? If it comes from the hypnotist-predictor, it’s a salt suggestion. And you will look unintelligent when you estimate any gasser advice as liable. Even if it arrives from a hilarious circus clown, you can’t assume it is proven. All the nonstop images you can adopt only with a sense of humor and symbolism. So, would you like to model with me essential life advice in the form of symbolical tips? Designed for reflective youths, such angles of views could be a sardonic help to keep moving forward and becoming more productive. They meant experienced people to be metaphorical comparisons to their proceeds. But, on behalf of seniors, as former best executives, such maxims can prove their correct way of success. So, they would confirm, “It’s literally like that.”

  Sometimes, you meet an unknown person and receive right answers to a lot of questions. I remember a spontaneous, short talk in Queens, New York, with a newcomer from Nigeria. After quick philosophical reflections about life goals, he told a reasonable African proverb: “The wolf can climb the stairs and get food, but it can’t get back down to the ground.” Isn’t this the best advice about roads to success but with a severe consequence? And why do we pay more attention to large goals—even supported by many small ones—and not notice any deviations? It’s the same way you control minute targets. What is more intentional? We don’t care about the aim that demands convoluted steps. If you have already made your monetary first million, have you thought to remember the gain of your first hundred thousand, and what pushed you forward? Was it greed or ardor that fostered an almost sports-like interest about money? After you earned a Harvard-level degree, what was important for you to see: wider issues or having a status in solving problems by thought-out approaches? Was it narcissism, snootiness, or excitement about the finest opportunity? When you contested the highest rank as a government official, did you seal in your mind the moments of losing ground? Was it your triumph over an achieved dream to get it at any cost, or was it eagerness for distinguished service to your country? Sorry about the applied irony here, but it explains that only big successes show us the winners. And as for the next step, I’d like to invite you to rethink which motivations make your move forward meaningful in the common sense:

  Hither and yon.

  Even your main course is always moving in parallel; you should depict the prize of every contour. If it’s doable, keep the lines of advance without declination, but make careful consort with your special station of destination.


  Stressing the sought-for strength is your role. But in your searches, involve thoughts and sensors too. You must learn how to feel success.

  Point of Winning.

  The skills to set convenient place helps to visualize the opinions. Always build an environment where you will pick up the most important decisions. Disorder of such an area helps to breed failure.


  The frozen glance doesn’t bring a reference to points. Even you are cautious of going ahead, don’t rush. It misleads many reasons.


  The shadow of important people acts as an implication, but shade by itself is a secret of your enemy, as was the first snakebite. Learn how to pretend sleep and prevent your deadly mistakes. Find out how to recognize people-ghosts.


  If you hear any allegories on authority, don’t refuse it. While you are subordinate, and your boss speaks about you, the indefinable change of status is coming. If you are the chief and hear jokes about yourself, someone dislikes your last word. Flexibility is the best pick up for succeeding.


  Take analyses on pluses and minuses as self-assurance. Any tactical move of adversaries looks only for your weakness. Memorize the unpredictability not counted as power.


  Superb appetite is an automatic brake for your speeding. Fullness is death not only for poignant thinking but any acceleration. Moving up is only your competence.


  False restriction for a competitor is a golden practice. Obstacles made by others teach nothing special. In more detail, analyze deterrent factors devised by people. At any stake, never believe—verify!


  The sedatives are necessary spending. Sometimes circumstances lead your mood from moderate to fury, and you are not prepared for that. Guess medical stuff as weapons for self-defense.


  Healing by self-calming is also good practice! When you win arguments, that is a gift. And when you discuss difficulties to achieve growth, use your intuition, but never disregard the steps of wrestling as a traditional move forward. The effortless extraction of reasons always fail.


  Aromas are also resources to win. If the smell of a person occurs only during show up, don’t expect profitable deals. Better keep in touch with the curious man who snoops for what smells mean. It brings the most fortune.


  Admit, in danger, all good intents are destroyable first. Even if you are peaceful, take care of mental self-defense “weapons.” That’s why information about your next move should be known by nobody. Your worthy goal is a genuine secret!


  Only balanced ideas stop a lethal consequence. An intention to announce war on bad habits isn’t good until it touches your nature. Have you ever tried to overcome your own folly?


  An auction of human souls checks your instinct of self-preservation. Selling yourself only expensive works as litmus paper of your ambitions. Can you call such trading a critical field?

  And in final, dear reader, if you disagree with the smallest detail of such a design, I will be glad to have a dialogue about our thoughts from a distance. Let’s together fly over the objectives presented here. And you may crumble my arguments from A to Z.

  It was my general target to hit!

  7. Are We All Theater?

  Would you like to reckon and talk about these meanings without instigation:







  to figure out why we are crowding to such determinations only alone?


  For whatever reason, we oppose each other; we are loners. We appear on this materialistic globe at first, by flesh-bodies, and only later release our souls. Does everyone feel loneliness as pain? I believe yes. But perceive that feeling the lonesomeness in a developed society is more than ache. It depends only on your dilemma. Have you ever thought about how the peripheral world around the “flat you” considers you?

  Is that infantile, naïve man easy to beat or rob? Does he hold about the 'right you' in a crime-ridden world? Yes?

  Is that named ‘don’t care’ fellow defrauded, as he hasn’t any interest in even basic law, which reflects sharp lawyers, prosecutors, and judges of the legal world? Yes?

  Is that boy who easy spends money the one who has never earned the smallest wage for regular working hours? And can the commercial world expect any useful production from him? Yes?

  Can that former high-school student—the first hater of social studies in school—intend to serve his country and hypothesize about you in the political world? Yes?

  But if such uncertainty is applied, it can become an unstoppable hassle. Only one person knows the definite answers to such inquiries—you. But I want to ask you: have you tried finding a way to the optimism? If yes, I assume you will confirm these opinions as truth:

  A permanent search for solitude destroys a link with
a world.

  Self-seclusion can grow into repellency egoism.

  If you wish to have nobody and nothing bother you, it is unwise to trouble yourself with despair, because it confirms that

  YOU are ALONE—by your own accord.

  Even when you react to the assertion, not alone but “in a company”—everyone knows a location for everyone.

  Would be it wrong to guess you are trapped in desolation? No. It’s not singleness. You hear dialogues from yourself, but the reality proves your solitude on the vibrant scene of absurdity. And as the main agenda is brazen unresponsiveness, everybody says the same, “Do I prefer no involvement? Yes. It’s not my business.” People can also add, “I’m small and lawmakers are too far. I'm nothing—leave me alone.” For this second logo-root, I would like to again use the language's artistic capabilities to create the widest panorama of our Theatre of the Absurd.

  Even if you disagree, you can take part in today's masterpiece of a playhouse.

  Acting alone is an abstruse aloofness that abets absurdity.

  A dollish-boogie drama is daunting doddery-dread.

  Cackling-crying clowns in a circus show our critical crash in the current days because we're all characters and feel the fullness of partaking in

  the THEATER of the ABSURD, although we pretend nothing happens.

  And it’s not a distinct sign about our souls’ presence. We are not visible abreast of the side shadows in these scenes. Why? We guess that most of us stand only as observers. When we wonder how a top-notch skyscraper of one hundred floors does not fall, we assume the architect’s measurement of wages for construction is an austere exact. When we astonish at an engineer’s imagination for a marvel rocket-speed car, we admit the draft for assembling such a machine aligned with mil-micron precision. It’s also for the safety of the driver or surrounding populace.


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