Army of None
Page 18
Unlike in the F-22 International Date Line incident or the automobile hack, the Air France Flight 447 crash was not due to a hidden vulnerability lurking within the software. In fact, the automation performed perfectly. However, it would be overly simplistic to lay the crash at the feet of human error. Certainly the pilots made mistakes, but the problem is best characterized as human-automation failure. The pilots were confused by the automation and the complexity of the system.
Normal accident theory sheds light on the Patriot fratricides. They weren’t merely freak occurrences, unlikely to be repeated. Instead, they were a normal consequence of operating a highly lethal, complex, tightly coupled system. True to normal accidents, the specific chain of events that led to each fratricide was unlikely. Multiple failures happened simultaneously. However, simply because these specific combinations of failures were unlikely does not mean that probability of accidents as a whole was low. In fact, given the degree of operational use, the probability of there being some kind of accident was quite high. Over sixty Patriot batteries were deployed to Operation Iraqi Freedom, and during the initial phase of the war coalition aircraft flew 41,000 sorties. This means that the number of possible Patriot-aircraft interactions were in the millions. As the Defense Science Board Task Force on the Patriot pointed out, given the sheer number of interactions, “even very-low-probability failures could result in regrettable fratricide incidents.” The fact that the F-18 and Tornado incidents had different causes lends further credence to the view that normal accidents are lurking below the surface in complex systems, waiting to emerge. The complexities of war may bring these vulnerabilities to the surface.
Is it possible to safely operate hazardous complex systems? Normal accident theory says “no.” The probability of accidents can be reduced, but never eliminated. There is an alternate point of view on complex systems, however, which suggests that, under certain conditions, normal accidents can largely be avoided.
There is a robust body of evidence supporting normal accident theory, but a few outliers seem to defy expectations. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) air traffic control system and U.S. Navy aircraft carrier flight decks are two examples of “high-reliability organizations.” Their rate of accidents isn’t zero, but they are exceptionally low given the complexities of their operating environment and the hazards of operation. High-reliability organizations can be found across a range of applications and have some common characteristics: highly trained individuals, a collective mindfulness of the risk of failure, and a continued commitment to learn from near misses and improve safety.
While militaries as a whole would not be considered high-reliability organizations, some military communities have very high safety records with complex high-risk systems. In addition to aircraft carrier flight deck operations, the U.S. Navy’s submarine community is an example of a high-reliability organization. Following the loss of the USS Thresher to an accident in 1963—at the time one of the Navy’s most advanced submarines and first in her class—the Navy instituted the Submarine Safety (SUBSAFE) program. Submarine components that are critical for safe operation are designated “SUBSAFE” and subject to rigorous inspection and testing throughout their design, fabrication, maintenance, and use. There is no silver bullet to SUBSAFE’s high reliability. It is a continuous process of quality assurance and quality control applied across the entire submarine’s life cycle. Upon installation and at every subsequent inspection or repair over the life of the ship, every SUBSAFE component is checked, double-checked, and checked again against technical specifications. If anything is amiss, it must be corrected or approved by an appropriate authority before the submarine can proceed with operations.
SUBSAFE is not a technological solution to normal accidents. It is a bureaucratic and organizational solution. Nevertheless, the results have been astounding. In 2003 Congressional testimony, Rear Admiral Paul Sullivan, the Navy deputy commander for ship design, integration, and engineering, explained the impact of the program:
The SUBSAFE Program has been very successful. Between 1915 and 1963, 16 submarines were lost due to non-combat causes, an average of one every three years. Since the inception of the SUBSAFE Program in 1963 . . . We have never lost a SUBSAFE certified submarine.
It is hard to overstate the significance of this safety record. The U.S. Navy has more than seventy submarines in its force, with approximately one-third of them at sea at a time. The U.S. Navy has operated at this pace for over half a century without losing a single submarine. From the perspective of normal accident theory, this should not be possible. Operating a nuclear-powered submarine is extremely complex and inherently hazardous, and yet the Navy has been able to substantially reduce these risks. Accidents resulting in catastrophic loss of a submarine are not “normal” in the U.S. Navy. Indeed, they are unprecedented since the advent of SUBSAFE, making SUBSAFE a shining example of what high-reliability organizations can achieve.
Could high-reliability organizations be a model for how militaries might handle autonomous weapons? In fact, lessons from SUBSAFE and aircraft carrier deck operations have already informed how the Navy operates the Aegis combat system. The Navy describes the Aegis as “a centralized, automated, command-and-control (C2) and weapons control system that was designed as a total weapon system, from detection to kill.” It is the electronic brain of a ship’s weapons. The Aegis connects the ship’s advanced radar with its anti-air, anti-surface, and antisubmarine weapon systems and provides a central control interface for sailors. First fielded in 1983, the Aegis has gone through several upgrades and is now at the core of over eighty U.S. Navy warships. To better understand Aegis and whether it could be a model for safe use of future autonomous weapons, I traveled to Dahlgren, Virginia, where Aegis operators are trained.
Captain Pete Galluch is commander of the Aegis Training and Readiness Center, where he oversees training for all Aegis-qualified officers and enlisted sailors. The phrase “steely-eyed missile man” comes to mind upon meeting Galluch. He speaks with the calmness and decisiveness of a surgeon, a man who is ready to let missiles fly if need be. I can imagine Galluch standing in the midst of a ship’s combat information center (CIC) in wartime, unflappable in the midst of the chaos, ordering his sailors when to take the shot and when to hold back. If I were flying within range of an Aegis’s weapons or was counting on its ballistic missile defense capabilities to protect my city, I would trust Galluch to make the right call.
Aegis is a weapon system of staggering complexity. At the core of Aegis is a computer called “Command and Decision,” or C&D, which governs the behavior of the radar and weapons. Command and Decision’s actions are governed by a series of statements—essentially programs or algorithms—that the Navy refers to as “doctrine.” Unlike the Patriot circa 2003, however, which had only a handful of different operating modes, Aegis doctrine is almost infinitely customizable.
With respect to weapons engagements, Aegis has four settings. The manual setting, in which engagements against radar “tracks” (objects detected by the radar) must be done directly by a human, involves the most human control. Ship commanders can increase the degree of automation in the engagement process by activating one of three types of doctrine: Semi-Auto, Auto SM, and Auto-Special. Semi-Auto, as the term would imply, automates part of the engagement process to generate a firing solution on a radar track, but final decision authority is withheld by the human operator. Auto SM automates more of the engagement process, but a human must still take a positive action before firing. Despite the term, Auto SM still retains a human in the loop. Auto-Special is the only mode where the human is “on the loop.” Once Auto-Special is activated, the Aegis will automatically fire against threats that meet its parameters. The human can intervene to stop the engagement, but no further
authorization is needed to fire.
It would be a mistake to think, however, that this means that Aegis can only operate in four discrete modes. In fact, doctrine statements can mix and match these control types against different threats. For example, one doctrine statement could be written to use Auto SM against one type of threat, such as aircraft. Another doctrine statement might authorize Auto-Special against cruise missiles, for which there may be less warning. These doctrine statements can be applied individually or in packages. “You can mix and match,” Galluch explained. “It’s a very flexible system. . . . we can do all [doctrine statements] with a push of a button, some with a push of a button, or bring them up individually.”
This makes Aegis less like a finished product with a few different modes and more like a customizable system that can be tailored for each mission. Galluch explained that the ship’s doctrine review board, consisting of the officers and senior enlisted personnel who work on Aegis, begin the process of writing doctrine months before deployment. They consider their anticipated missions, intelligence assessments, and information on the region for the upcoming deployment, then make recommendations on doctrine to the ship’s captain for approval. The result is a series of doctrine statements, individually and in packages, that the captain can activate as needed during deployment. “If you have your doctrine statements built and tested,” Galluch said, the time to “bring them up is seconds.”
Doctrine statements are typically grouped into two general categories: non-saturation and saturation. Non-saturation doctrine is used when there is time to carefully evaluate each potential threat. Saturation doctrine is needed if the ship gets into a combat situation where the number of inbound threats could overwhelm the ability of operators to respond. “If World War III starts and people start throwing a lot of stuff at me,” Galluch said, “I will have grouped my doctrine together so that it’s a one-push button that activates all of them. And what we’ve done is we’ve tested and we’ve looked at how they overlap each other and what the effects are going to be and make sure that we’re getting the defense of the ship that we expect.” This is where something like Auto-Special comes into play, in a “kill or be killed” scenario, as Galluch described it.
It’s not enough to build the doctrine, though. Extensive testing goes into ensuring that it works properly. Once the ship arrives in theater, the first thing the crew does is test the weapons doctrine to see if there is anything in the environment that might cause it to fire in peacetime, which would not be good. This is done safely by enabling a hardware-level cutout called the Fire Inhibit Switch, or FIS. The FIS includes a key that must be inserted for any of the ship’s weapons to fire. When the FIS key is inserted, a red light comes on; when it is turned to the right, the light turns green, meaning the weapons are live and ready to fire. When the FIS is red—or removed entirely—the ship’s weapons are disabled at the hardware level. As Galluch put it, “there is no voltage that can be applied to light the wick and let the rocket fly out.” By keeping the FIS red or removing the key, the ship’s crew can test Aegis doctrine statements safely without any risk of inadvertent firing.
Establishing the doctrine and activating it is the sole responsibility of the ship’s captain. Doctrine is more than just a set of programs. It is the embodiment of the captain’s intent for the warship. “Absolutely, it’s automated, but there’s so much human interface with what gets automated and how we apply that automation,” Galluch said. Aegis doctrine is a way for the captain to predelegate his or her decision-making against certain threats.
The Aegis community uses automation in a very different way than the Patriot community did in 2003. Patriot operators sitting at the consoles in 2003 were essentially trusting in the automation. They had a handful of operational modes they could activate, but the operators themselves didn’t write the rules for how the automation would function in those modes. Those rules were written years beforehand. Aegis, by contrast, can be customized and tailored to the specific operating environment. A destroyer operating in the Western Pacific, for example, might have different doctrine statements than one operating in the Persian Gulf to account for different threats from Chinese versus Iranian missiles. But the differences run deeper than merely having more options. The whole philosophy of automation is different. With Aegis, the automation is used to capture the ship captain’s intent. In Patriot, the automation embodies the intent of the designers and testers. The actual operators of the system may not even fully understand the designers’ intent that went into crafting the rules. The automation in Patriot is largely intended to replace warfighters’ decision-making. In Aegis, the automation is used to capture warfighters’ decision-making.
Another key difference is where decision authority rests. Only the captain of the ship has the authority to activate Aegis weapons doctrine. The captain can predelegate that authority to the tactical action officer on watch, but the order must be in writing as part of official orders. This means the decision-maker’s experience level for Aegis operations is radically different from Patriot. When Captain Galluch took command of the USS Ramage, he had eighteen years of experience and had served on three prior Aegis ships. By contrast, the person who made the call on the first Patriot fratricide was a twenty-two-year-old second lieutenant fresh out of training.
Throughout our conversation, Galluch’s experience was apparent. He was clearly comfortable using Aegis, but he wasn’t flippant about its automation. What came through was a healthy respect for the weapon system. Activating Aegis doctrine is a serious decision, not be taken lightly. “You’re never driving around with any kind of weapons doctrine activated” unless you expect to get into a fight, he explained. Even on manual mode, it is possible to launch a missile in seconds. And if need be, doctrine can be activated quickly. “I’ve made more Gulf deployments than I care to,” he said. “I’m very comfortable with driving around for months at a time with no active doctrine, but making damn sure that I have it set up and tested and ready to go if I need to.” Because there can be situations that call for that level of automation. “You can get a missile fired pretty quickly, so why don’t you do everything manually?” Galluch explained: “My view is that [manual control] works well if it’s one or two missiles or threats. But if you’re controlling fighters, you’re doing a running gun battle with small patrol boats, you’re launching your helicopter. . . . and you’ve got a bunch of cruise missiles coming in from different angles. You know, the watch is pretty small. It’s ten or twelve people. So, there’s not that many people . . . You can miss things coming in. That’s where I get to the whole concept of saturation vs. normal. You want the man in the loop as much as possible, but there comes a time when you can get overwhelmed.”
Aegis philosophy is one of human control over engagements, even when doctrine is activated. What varies is the form of human control. In Auto-Special doctrine, firing authority is delegated to Aegis’s Command & Decision computer, but the human intent is still there. The goal is always to ensure “there is a conscious decision to fire a weapon,” Galluch said. That doesn’t mean that accidents can’t happen. In fact, it is the constant preoccupation with the potential for accidents that helps prevent them. Galluch and others understand that, with doctrine activated, mishaps can happen. That’s precisely why tight control is kept over the weapon. “[Ship commanding officers] are constantly balancing readiness condition to fire the weapon versus a chance for inadvertent firing,” he explained.
I saw this tight control in action when Galluch took me to the Aegis simulation center and had his team run through a series of mock engagements. Galluch stood in as the ship’s commanding officer and had Aegis-qualified sailors sitting at the same terminals doing the same jobs they would on a real ship. Then they went to work.
The Navy would not permit me to record the precise language of the commands used between the sailors, but they allowed me to observe and report on what I saw. First, Galluch ordered the sa
ilors to demonstrate a shot in manual operation. They put a simulated radar track on the screen and Galluch ordered them to target the track. They began working a firing solution, with the three sailors calmly but crisply reporting when they had completed each step in the process. Once the firing solution was ready, Galluch ordered the tactical action officer to roll his FIS key to green. Then Galluch gave the order to fire. A sailor pressed the button to fire and called out that the missile was away. On a large screen in front of us, the radar showed the outbound missile racing toward the track.
I checked my watch. The whole process had been exceptionally fast—under a minute. The threat had been identified, a decision made, and a missile launched well under a minute, and that was in manual mode. I could understand Galluch’s confidence in his ability to defend the ship without doctrine activated.
They did it again in Semi-Auto mode, now with doctrine activated. The FIS key was back at red, the tactical action officer having turned it back right after the missile was launched. Galluch ordered them to activate Semi-Auto doctrine. Then they brought up another track to target. This time, Aegis’s Command & Decision computer generated part of the firing solution automatically. This shortened the time to fire by more than half.
They rolled FIS red, activated Auto SM doctrine, and put up a new track. Roll FIS green. Fire.
Finally, they brought up Auto-Special doctrine. This was it. This was the big leap into the great unknown, with the human removed from the loop. The sailors were merely observers now; they didn’t need to take any action for the system to fire. Except . . . I looked at the FIS key. The key was in, but it was turned to red. Auto-Special doctrine was enabled, but there was still a hardware-level cutout in place. There was not even any voltage applied to the weapons. Nothing could fire until the tactical action officer rolled his key green.