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Army of None Page 21

by Paul Scharre

  Part of this is due to the early stage of research in neural nets, but part of it is due to the sheer complexity of the deep learning. The JASON group argued that “the very nature of [deep neural networks] may make it intrinsically difficult for them to transition into what is typically recognized as a professionally engineered product.”

  AI researchers are working on ways to build more transparent AI, but Jeff Clune isn’t hopeful. “As deep learning gets even more powerful and more impressive and more complicated and as the networks grow in size, there will be more and more and more things we don’t understand. . . . We have now created artifacts so complicated that we ourselves don’t understand them.” Clune likened his position to an “AI neuroscientist” working to discover how these artificial brains function. It’s possible that AI neuroscience will elucidate these complex machines, but Clune said that current trends point against it: “It’s almost certain that as AI becomes more complicated, we’ll understand it less and less.”

  Even if it were possible to make simpler, more understandable AI, Clune argued that it probably wouldn’t work as well as AI that is “super complicated and big and weird.” At the end of the day, “people tend to use what works,” even if they don’t understand it. “This kind of a race to use the most powerful stuff—if the most powerful stuff is inscrutable and unpredictable and incomprehensible—somebody’s probably going to use it anyway.”

  Clune said that this discovery has changed how he views AI and is a “sobering message.” When it comes to lethal applications, Clune warned using deep neural networks for autonomous targeting “could lead to tremendous harm.” An adversary could manipulate the system’s behavior, leading it to attack the wrong targets. “If you’re trying to classify, target, and kill autonomously with no human in the loop, then this sort of adversarial hacking could get fatal and tragic extremely quickly.”

  While couched in more analytic language, the JASON group essentially issued the same cautionary warning to DoD:

  [I]t is not clear that the existing AI paradigm is immediately amenable to any sort of software engineering validation and verification. This is a serious issue, and is a potential roadblock to DoD’s use of these modern AI systems, especially when considering the liability and accountability of using AI in lethal systems.

  Given these glaring vulnerabilities and the lack of any known solution, it would be extremely irresponsible to use deep neural networks, as they exist today, for autonomous targeting. Even without any knowledge about how the neural network was structured, adversaries could generate fooling images to draw the autonomous weapon onto false targets and conceal legitimate ones. Because these images can be hidden, it could do so in a way that is undetectable by humans, until things start blowing up.

  Beyond immediate applications, this discovery should make us far more cautious about machine learning in general. Machine learning techniques are powerful tools, but they also have weaknesses. Unfortunately, these weaknesses may not be obvious or intuitive to humans. These vulnerabilities are different and more insidious than those lurking within complex systems like nuclear reactors. The accident at Three Mile Island might not have been predictable ahead of time, but it is at least understandable after the fact. One can lay out the specific sequence of events and understand how one event led to another, and how the combination of highly improbable events led to catastrophe. The vulnerabilities of deep neural networks are different; they are entirely alien to the human mind. One group of researchers described them as “nonintuitive characteristics and intrinsic blind spots, whose structure is connected to the data distribution in a non-obvious way.” In other words: the AIs have weaknesses that we can’t anticipate and we don’t really understand how it happens or why.




  Acknowledging that machine intelligence has weaknesses does not negate its advantages. AI isn’t good or bad. It is powerful. The question is how humans should use this technology. How much freedom (autonomy) should we give AI-empowered machines to perform tasks on their own?

  Delegating a task to a machine means accepting the consequences if the machine fails. John Borrie of UNIDIR told me, “I think that we’re being overly optimistic if we think that we’re not going to see problems of system accidents” in autonomous weapons. Army researcher John Hawley agreed: “If you’re going to turn these things loose, whether it be Patriot, whether it be Aegis, whether it be some type of totally unmanned system with the ability to kill, you have to be psychologically prepared to accept the fact that sometimes incidents will happen.” Charles Perrow, the father of normal accident theory, made a similar conclusion about complex systems in general:

  [E]ven with our improved knowledge, accidents and, thus, potential catastrophes are inevitable in complex, tightly coupled systems with lethal possibilities. We should try harder to reduce failures—and that will help a great deal—but for some systems it will not be enough. . . . We must live and die with their risks, shut them down, or radically redesign them.

  If we are to use autonomous weapons, we must accept their risks. All weapons are dangerous. War entails violence. Weapons that are designed to be dangerous to the enemy can also be dangerous to the user if they slip out of control. Even a knife wielded improperly can slip and cut its user. Most modern weapons, regardless of their level of autonomy, are complex systems. Accidents will happen, and sometimes these accidents will result in fratricide or civilian casualties. What makes autonomous weapons any different?

  The key difference between semi-, supervised, and fully autonomous weapons is amount of damage the system can cause until the next opportunity for a human to intervene. In semi- or supervised autonomous weapons, such as Aegis, the human is a natural fail-safe against accidents, a circuit breaker if things go wrong. The human can step outside of the rigid rules of the system and exercise judgment. Taking the human out of the loop reduces slack and increases the coupling of the system. In fully autonomous weapons, there is no human to intervene and halt the system’s operation. A failure that might cause a single unfortunate incident with a semiautonomous weapon could cause far greater damage if it occurred in a fully autonomous weapon.


  A simple malfunction in an automatic weapon—a machine gun—provides an analogy for the danger with autonomous weapons. When functioning properly, a machine gun continues firing so long as the trigger remains held down. Once the trigger is released, a small metal device called a “sear” springs into place to stop the operating rod within the weapon from moving, halting the automatic firing process. Over time, however, the sear can become worn down. If the sear becomes so worn down that it fails to stop the operating rod, the machine gun will continue firing even when the trigger is released. The gun will keep firing on its own until it exhausts its ammunition.

  This malfunction is called a runaway gun.

  Runaway guns are serious business. The machine gunner has let go of the trigger, but the gun continues firing: the firing process is now fully automatic, with no way to directly halt it. The only way to stop a runaway gun is to break the links on the ammunition belt feeding into the weapon. While this is happening, the gunner must ensure the weapon stays pointed in a safe direction.

  A runaway gun is the kind of hypothetical danger I was aware of as an infantry soldier, but I remember clearly the first time I heard about one actually occurring. We were out on an overnight patrol in northeastern Afghanistan and got word of an incident back at the outpost where we were based. An M249 SAW (light machine gun) gunner tried to disassemble his weapon without removing the ammunition first. (Pro tip: bad idea.) When he removed the pistol grip, the sear that held back the operating rod came out with it. The bolt slammed forward, firing off a round. The recoil cycled the weapon, which reloaded and fired again. Without anything to stop it, the weapon kept firing. A stream of bullets sailed across the outpost, stitching a line of holes across the far wall un
til someone broke the links of the ammunition belt feeding into the gun. No one was killed, but such accidents don’t always end well.

  In 2007, a South African antiaircraft gun malfunctioned on a firing range, resulting in a runaway gun that killed nine soldiers. Contrary to breathless reports of a “robo-cannon rampage,” the remote gun was not an autonomous weapon and likely malfunctioned because of a mechanical problem, not a software glitch. According to sources knowledgeable about the weapon, it was likely bad luck, not deliberate targeting, that caused the gun to swivel toward friendly lines when it malfunctioned. Unfortunately, despite the heroic efforts of one artillery officer who risked her life to try to stop the runaway gun, the gun poured a string of 35 mm rounds into a neighboring gun position, killing the soldiers present.

  Runaway guns can be deadly affairs even with simple machine guns that can’t aim themselves. A loss of control of an autonomous weapon would be a far more dangerous situation. The destruction unleashed by an autonomous weapon would not be random—it would be targeted. If there were no human to intervene, a single accident could become many, with the system continuing to engage inappropriate targets until it exhausted its ammunition. “The machine doesn’t know it’s making a mistake,” Hawley observed. The consequences to civilians or friendly forces could be disastrous.

  Risk of Delegating Autonomy to a Machine


  With autonomous weapons, we are like Mickey enchanting the broomstick. We trust that autonomous weapons will perform their functions correctly. We trust that we have designed the system, tested it, and trained the operators correctly. We trust that the operators are using the system the right way, in an environment they can understand and predict, and that they remain vigilant and don’t cede their judgment to the machine. Normal accident theory would suggest that we should trust a little less.

  Autonomy is tightly bounded in weapons today. Fire-and-forget missiles cannot be recalled once launched, but their freedom to search for targets in space and time is limited. This restricts the damage they could cause if they fail. In order for them to strike the wrong target, there would need to be an inappropriate target that met the seeker’s parameters within the seeker’s field of view for the limited time it was active. Such a circumstance is not inconceivable. That appears to be what occurred in the F-18 Patriot fratricide. If missiles were made more autonomous, however—if the freedom of the seeker to search in time and space were expanded—the possibility for more accidents like the F-18 shootdown would expand.

  Supervised autonomous weapons such as the Aegis have more freedom to search for targets in time and space, but this freedom is compensated for by the fact that human operators have more immediate control over the weapon. Humans supervise the weapon’s operation in real time. For Aegis, they can engage hardware-level cutouts that will disable power, preventing a missile launch. An Aegis is a dangerous dog kept on a tight leash.

  Fully autonomous weapons would be a fundamental paradigm shift in warfare. In deploying fully autonomous weapons, militaries would be introducing onto the battlefield a highly lethal system that they cannot control or recall once launched. They would be sending this weapon into an environment that they do not control where it is subject to enemy hacking and manipulation. In the event of failures, the damage fully autonomous weapons could cause would be limited only by the weapons’ range, endurance, ability to sense targets, and magazine capacity.

  Additionally, militaries rarely deploy weapons individually. Flaws in any one system are likely to be replicated in entire squadrons and fleets of autonomous weapons, opening the door to what John Borrie described as “incidents of mass lethality.” This is fundamentally different from human mistakes, which tend to be idiosyncratic. Hawley told me, “If you put someone else in [a fratricide situation], they probably would assess the situation differently and they may or may not do that.” Machines are different. Not only will they continue making the same mistake; all other systems of that same type will do so as well.

  A frequent refrain in debates about autonomous weapons is that humans also make mistakes and if the machines are better, then we should use the machines. This objection is a red herring and misconstrues the nature of autonomous weapons. If there are specific engagement-related tasks that automation can do better than humans, then those tasks should be automated. Humans, whether in the loop or on the loop, act as a vital fail-safe, however. It’s the difference between a pilot flying an airplane on autopilot and an airplane with no human in the cockpit at all. The key factor to assess with autonomous weapons isn’t whether the system is better than a human, but rather if the system fails (which it inevitably will), what is the amount of damage it could cause, and can we live with that risk?

  Putting an offensive fully autonomous weapon system into operation would be like turning an Aegis to Auto-Special, rolling FIS green, pointing it toward a communications-denied environment, and having everyone on board exit the ship. Deploying autonomous weapons would be like putting a whole fleet of these systems into operation. There is no precedent for delegating that amount of lethality to autonomous systems without any ability for humans to intervene. In fact, placing that amount of trust in machines would run 180 degrees counter to the tight control the Aegis community maintains over supervised autonomous weapons today.

  I asked Captain Galluch what he thought of an Aegis operating on its own with no human supervision. It was the only question I asked him in our four-hour interview for which he did not have an immediate answer. It was clear that in his thirty-year career it had never once occurred to him to turn an Aegis to Auto-Special, roll FIS green, and have everyone on board exit the ship. He leaned back in his chair and looked out the window. “I don’t have a lot of good answers for that,” he said. But then he began to walk through what one might need to do to build trust in such a system, applying his decades of experience with Aegis. One would need to “build a little, test a little,” he said. High-fidelity computer modeling coupled with real-world tests and live-fire exercises would be necessary to understand the system’s limitations and the risks of using it. Still, he said, if the military did deploy a fully autonomous weapon, “we’re going to get a Vincennes-like response” in the beginning. “Understanding the complexity of Aegis has been a thirty-year process,” Galluch said. “Aegis today is not the Aegis of Vincennes,” but only because the Navy has learned from mistakes. With a fully autonomous weapon, we’d be starting at year zero.

  Deploying fully autonomous weapons would be a weighty risk, but it might be one that militaries decide is worth taking. Doing so would be entering uncharted waters. Experience with supervised autonomous weapons such as Aegis would be useful, but only to a point. Fully autonomous weapons in wartime would face unique conditions that limit the applicability of lessons from high-reliability organizations. The wartime operating environment is different from day-to-day peacetime experience. Hostile actors are actively trying to undermine safe operations. And no humans would be present at the time of operation to intervene or correct problems.

  There is one industry that has many of these dynamics, where automation is used in a competitive high-risk environment and at speeds that make it impossible for humans to compete: stock-trading. The world of high-frequency trading—and its consequences—has instructive lessons for what could happen if militaries deployed fully autonomous weapons.


  Flash War




  On May 6, 2010, at 2:32 p.m. Eastern Time, the S&P 500, NASDAQ, and Dow Jones Industrial Average all began a precipitous downward slide. Within a few minutes, they were in free fall. By 2:45 p.m., the Dow had lost nearly 10 percent of its value. Then, just as inexplicably, the markets rebounded. By 3:00 p.m., whatever glitch had caused the sharp drop in the market was over. However, the repercussions from the “Flash Crash,” as it came to be known, were only beginning.

Asian markets tumbled when they opened the next day, and while the markets soon stabilized, it was harder to repair confidence. Traders described the Flash Crash as “horrifying” and “absolute chaos,” reminiscent of the 1987 “Black Monday” crash where the Dow Jones lost 22 percent of its value. Market corrections had occurred before, but the sudden downward plunge followed by an equally rapid reset suggested something else. In the years preceding the Flash Crash, algorithms had taken over a large fraction of stock trading, including high-frequency trading that occurred at superhuman speeds. Were the machines to blame?

  Investigations followed, along with counter-investigations and eventually criminal charges. Simple answers proved elusive. Researchers blamed everything from human error to brittle algorithms, high-frequency trading, market volatility, and deliberate market manipulation. In truth, all of them likely played a role. Like other normal accidents, the Flash Crash had multiple causes, any one of which individually would have been manageable. The combination, however, was uncontrollable.


  Stock trading today is largely automated. Gone are the days of floor traders shouting prices and waving their hands to compete for attention in the furious scrum of the New York Stock Exchange. Approximately three-quarters of all trades made in the U.S. stock market today are executed by algorithms. Automated stock trading, sometimes called algorithmic trading, is when computer algorithms are used to monitor the market and make trades based on certain conditions. The simplest kind of algorithm, or “algo,” is used to break up large trades into smaller ones in order to minimize the costs of the trade. If a single buy or sell order is too large relative to the volume of that stock that is regularly traded, placing the order all at once can skew the market price. To avoid this, traders use algorithms to break up the sale into pieces that can be executed incrementally according to stock price, time, volume, or other factors. In such cases, the decision to make the trade (to buy or sell a certain amount of stock) is still made by a person. The machine simply handles the execution of the trade.


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