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Army of None Page 22

by Paul Scharre

  Some trading algorithms take on more responsibility, actually making automated trading decisions to buy or sell based on the market. For example, an algorithm could be tasked to monitor a stock’s price over a period of time. When the price moves significantly above or below the average of where the price has been, the algo sells or buys accordingly, under the assumption that over time the price will revert back to the average, yielding a profit. Another strategy could be to look for arbitrage opportunities, where the price of a stock in one market is different from the price in another market, and this price difference can be exploited for profit. All of these strategies could, in principle, be done by humans. Automated trading offers the advantage, however, of monitoring large amounts of data and immediately and precisely making trades in ways that would be impossible for humans.

  Speed is a vital factor in stock trading. If there is a price imbalance and a stock is under- or overpriced, many other traders are also looking to sweep up that profit. Move too slow and one could miss the opportunity. The result has been an arms race in speed and the rise of high-frequency trading, a specialized type of automated trading that occurs at speeds too quick for humans to even register.

  The blink of an eye takes a fraction of a second—0.1 to 0.4 seconds—but is still an eon compared to high-frequency trading. High-frequency trades move at speeds measured in microseconds: 0.000001 seconds. During the span of a single eyeblink, 100,000 microseconds pass by. The result is an entirely new ecosystem, a world of trading bots dueling at superhuman speeds only accessible by machines.

  The gains from even a slight advantage in speed are so significant that high-frequency traders will go to great lengths to shave just a few microseconds off their trading times. High-frequency traders colocate their servers within the server rooms of stock exchanges, cutting down on travel time. Some are even willing to pay additional money to move their firm’s servers a few feet closer to the stock exchange’s servers inside the room. Firms try to find the shortest route for their cables within the server room, cutting microseconds off transit time. Like race teams outfitting an Indy car, high-frequency traders spare no expense in optimizing every part of their hardware for speed, from data switches to the glass inside fiber-optic cables.

  At the time scales at which high-frequency trading operates, humans have to delegate trading decisions to the algorithms. Humans can’t possibly observe the market and react to it in microseconds. That means if things go wrong, they can go wrong very quickly. To ensure algorithms do what they are designed to do once released into the real world, developers test them against actual stock market data, but with trading disabled—analogous to testing Aegis doctrine with the FIS key turned red. Despite this, accidents still occur.


  In 2012, Knight Capital Group was a titan of high-frequency trading. Knight was a “market maker,” a high-frequency trader that executed over 3.3 billion trades, totaling $21 billion, every single day. Like most high-frequency traders, Knight didn’t hold on to this stock. Stocks were bought and sold the same day, sometimes within fractions of a second. Nevertheless, Knight was a key player in the U.S. stock market, executing 17 percent of all trades on the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ. Their slogan was, “The Science of Trading, the Standard of Trust.” Like many high-frequency trading firms, their business was lucrative. On the morning of July 31, 2012, Knight had $365 million in assets. Within 45 minutes, they would be bankrupt.

  At 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time on July 31, U.S. markets opened and Knight deployed a new automated trading system. Instantly, it was apparent that something was wrong. One of the functions of the automated trading system was to break up large orders into smaller ones, which then would be executed individually. Knight’s trading system wasn’t registering that these smaller trades were actually completed, however, so it kept tasking them again. This created an endless loop of trades. Knight’s trading system began flooding the market with orders, executing over a thousand trades a second. Even worse, Knight’s algorithm was buying high and selling low, losing money on every trade.

  There was no way to stop it. The developers had neglected to install a “kill switch” to turn their algorithm off. There was no equivalent of “rolling FIS red” to terminate trading. While Knight’s computer engineers worked to diagnose the problem, the software was actively trading in the market, moving $2.6 million a second. By the time they finally halted the system 45 minutes later, the runaway algo had executed 4 million trades, moving $7 billion. Some of those trades made money, but Knight lost a net $460 million. The company only had $365 million in assets. Knight was bankrupt.

  An influx of cash from investors helped Knight cover their losses, but the company was ultimately sold. The incident became known as the “Knightmare on Wall Street,” a cautionary tale for partners to tell their associates about the dangers of high-frequency trading. Knight’s runaway algo vividly demonstrated the risk of using an autonomous system in a high-stakes application, especially with no ability for humans to intervene. Despite their experience in high-frequency trading, Knight was taking fatal risks with their automated stock trading system.


  If the Knightmare on Wall Street was like a runaway gun, the Flash Crash was like a forest fire. The damage from Knight’s trading debacle was largely contained to a single company, but the Flash Crash affected the entire market. A volatile combination of factors meant that during the Flash Crash, one malfunctioning algorithm interacted with an entire marketplace ready to run out of control. And run away it did.

  The spark that lit the fire was a single bad algorithm. At 2:32 p.m. on May 6, 2010, Kansas-based mutual fund trader Waddell & Reed initiated a sale of 75,000 S&P 500 E-mini futures contracts estimated at $4.1 billion. (E-minis are a smaller type of futures contract, one-fifth the size of a regular futures contract. A futures contract is what it sounds like: an agreement to buy or sell at a certain price at a certain point in time in the future.) Because executing such a large trade all at once could distort the market, Waddell & Reed used a “sell algorithm” to break up the sale into smaller trades, a standard practice. The algorithm was tied to the overall volume of E-minis sold on the market, with direction to execute the sale at 9 percent of the trading volume over the previous minute. In theory, this should have spread out the sale so as to not overly influence the market.

  The sell algorithm was given no instructions with regard to time or price, however, an oversight that led to a catastrophic case of brittleness. The market that day was already under stress. Government investigators later characterized the market as “unusually turbulent,” in part due to an unfolding European debt crisis that was causing uncertainty. By midafternoon, the market was experiencing “unusually high volatility” (sharp movements in prices) and low liquidity (low market depth). It was into these choppy waters that the sell algorithm waded.

  Only twice in the previous year had a single trader attempted to unload so many E-minis on the market in a single day. Normally, a trade of this scale took hours to execute. This time, because the sell algorithm was only tied to volume and not price or time, it happened very quickly: within 20 minutes.

  The sell algorithm provided the spark, and high-frequency traders were the gasoline. High-frequency traders bought the E-minis the sell algorithm was unloading and, as is their frequent practice, rapidly resold them. This increased the volume of E-minis being traded on the market. Since the rate at which the sell algorithm sold E-minis was tied to volume but not price or time, it accelerated its sales, dumping more E-minis on an already stressed market.

  Without buyers interested in buying up all of the E-minis that the sell algorithm and high-frequency traders were selling, the price of E-minis dropped, falling 3 percent in just four minutes. This generated a “hot potato” effect among high-frequency traders as they tried to unload the falling E-minis onto other high-frequency traders. In one 14-second period, high-frequency trading algorit
hms exchanged 27,000 E-mini contracts. (The total amount Waddell & Reed were trying to sell was 75,000 contracts.) All the while as trading volume skyrocketed, the sell algorithm kept unloading more and more E-minis on a market that was unable to handle them.

  The plummeting E-minis dragged down other U.S. markets. Observers watched the Dow Jones, NASDAQ, and S&P 500 all plunge, inexplicably. Finally, at 2:45:28 p.m., an automated “stop logic” safety on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange kicked in, halting E-mini trading for 5 seconds and allowing the markets to reset. They rapidly recovered, but the sharp distortions in the market wreaked havoc on trading. Over 20,000 trades had been executed at what financial regulators termed “irrational prices” far from their norm, some as low as a penny or as high as $100,000. After the markets closed, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority worked with stock exchanges to cancel tens of thousands of “clearly erroneous” trades.

  The Flash Crash demonstrated how when brittle algorithms interact with a complex environment at superhuman speeds, the result can be a runaway process with catastrophic consequences. The stock market as a whole is an incredibly complex system that defies simple understanding, which can make predicting these interactions difficult ahead of time. On a different day, under different market conditions, the same sell algorithm may not have led to a crash.

  PRICE WARS: $23,698,655.93 (PLUS $3.99 SHIPPING)

  While complexity was a factor in the Flash Crash, even simple interactions between algorithms can lead to runaway escalation. This phenomenon was starkly illustrated when two warring bots jacked up the price of an otherwise ordinary book on Amazon to $23 million. Michael Eisen, a biologist at UC Berkeley, accidentally stumbled across this price war for Peter Lawrence’s Making of a Fly: The Genetics of Animal Design. Like a good scientist, Eisen began investigating.

  Two online sellers, bordeebook and profnath, both of whom were legitimate online booksellers with thousands of positive ratings, were locked in a runaway price war. Once a day, profnath would set its price to 0.9983 times bordeebook’s price, slightly undercutting them. A few hours later, bordeebook would change its price to 1.270589 times profnath’s. The combination raised both booksellers’ prices by approximately 27 percent daily.

  Bots were clearly to blame. The pricing was irrational and precise. Profnath’s algorithm made sense; it was trying to draw in sales by slightly undercutting the highest price on the market. What was bordeebook’s algorithm doing, though? Why raise the price over the highest competitor?

  Eisen hypothesized that bordeebook didn’t actually own the book. Instead, they probably were posting an ad and hoping their higher reviews would attract customers. If someone bought the book, then of course bordeebook would have to buy it, so they set their price slightly above—1.270589 times greater than—the highest price on the market, so they could make a profit.

  Eventually, someone at one of the two companies caught on. The price peaked out at $23,698,655.93 (plus $3.99 shipping) before dropping back to a tamer $134.97, where it stayed. Eisen mused in a blog posting, however, about the possibilities for “chaos and mischief” that this discovery suggested. A person could potentially hack this vulnerability of the bots, manipulating prices.


  Eisen wasn’t the first to think of exploiting the predictability of bots for financial gain. Others had seen these opportunities before him, and they’d gone and done it. Six years after the Flash Crash in 2016, London-based trader Navinder Singh Sarao pled guilty to fraud and spoofing, admitting that he used an automated trading algorithm to manipulate the market for E-minis on the day of the crash. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Sarao used automated trading algorithms to place multiple large-volume orders to create the appearance of demand to drive up price, then cancelled the orders before they were executed. By deliberately manipulating the price, Sarao could buy low and sell high, making a profit as the price moved.

  It would be overly simplistic to pin the blame for the Flash Crash on Sarao. He continued his alleged market manipulation for five years after the Flash Crash until finally arrested in 2015 and his spoofing algorithm was reportedly turned off during the sharpest downturn in the Flash Crash. His spoofing could have exacerbated instability in the E-mini market that day, however, contributing to the crash.


  In the aftermath of the Flash Crash, regulators installed “circuit breakers” to limit future damage. Circuit breakers, which were first introduced after the 1987 Black Monday crash, halt trading if stock prices drop too quickly. Market-wide circuit breakers trip if the S&P 500 drops more than 7 percent, 13 percent or 20 percent from the closing price the previous day, temporarily pausing trading or, in the event of a 20 percent drop, shutting down markets for the day. After the Flash Crash, in 2012 the Securities and Exchange Commission introduced new “limit up–limit down” circuit breakers for individual stocks to prevent sharp, dramatic price swings. The limit up–limit down mechanism creates a price band around a stock, based on the stock’s average price over the preceding five minutes. If the stock price moves out of that band for more than fifteen seconds, trading is halted on that stock for five minutes.

  Circuit breakers are an important mechanism for preventing flash crashes from causing too much damage. We know this because they keep getting tripped. An average day sees a handful of circuit breakers tripped due to rapid price moves. One day in August 2015, over 1,200 circuit breakers were tripped across multiple exchanges. Mini-flash crashes have continued to be a regular, even normal event on Wall Street. Sometimes these are caused by simple human error, such as a trader misplacing a zero or using an algorithm intended for a different trade. In other situations, as in the May 2010 flash crash, the causes are more complex. Either way, the underlying conditions for flash crashes remain, making circuit breakers a vital tool for limiting their damage. As Greg Berman, associate director of the SEC’s Office of Analytics and Research, explained, “Circuit breakers don’t prevent the initial problems, but they prevent the consequences from being catastrophic.”


  Stock trading is a window into what a future of adversarial autonomous systems competing at superhuman speeds might look like in war. Both involve high-speed adversarial interactions in complex, uncontrolled environments. Could something analogous to a flash crash occur in war—a flash war?

  Certainly, if Stanislav Petrov’s fateful decision had been automated, the consequences could have been disastrous: nuclear war. Nuclear command and control is a niche application, though. One could envision militaries deploying autonomous weapons in a wide variety of contexts but still keeping a human finger on the nuclear trigger.

  Nonnuclear applications still hold risks for accidental escalation. Militaries regularly interact in tense situations that have the potential for conflict, even in peacetime. In recent years, the U.S. military has jockeyed for position with Russian warplanes in Syria and the Black Sea, Iranian fast boats in the Straits of Hormuz, and Chinese ships and air defenses in the South China Sea. Periods of brinksmanship, where nations flex their militaries to assert dominance but without actually firing weapons, are common in international relations. Sometimes tensions escalate to full-blown crises in which war appears imminent, such as the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. In such situations, even the tiniest incident can trigger war. In 1914, a lone gunman assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, sparking a chain of events that led to World War I. Miscalculation and ambiguity are common in these tense situations, and confusion and accidents can generate momentum toward war. The Gulf of Tonkin incident, which led Congress to authorize the war in Vietnam, was later discovered to be partially false; a purported gun battle between U.S. and Vietnamese boats on August 4, 1964, never occurred.

  Robotic systems are already complicating these situations, even with existing technology. In 2013, China flew a drone over the Senkaku Islands, a contested pile of uninhabited rocks in the East China Sea that both China and Japan c
laim as their own. In response, Japan scrambled an F-15 fighter jet to intercept the drone. Eventually, the drone turned around and left, but afterward Japan issued news rules of engagement for how it would deal with drone incursions. The rules were more aggressive than those for intercepting manned aircraft, with Japan stating they would shoot down any drone entering their territory. In response, China stated that any attack on their drones would be an “act of war” and that China would “strike back.”

  As drones have proliferated, they have repeatedly been used to broach other nations’ sovereignty. North Korea has flown drones into South Korea. Hamas and Hezbollah have flown drones into Israel. Pakistan has accused India of flying drones over the Pakistani-controlled parts of Kashmir (a claim India has denied). It seems one of the first things people do when they get ahold of drones is send them into places they don’t belong.

  When sovereignty is clear, the typical response has been to simply shoot down the offending drone. Pakistan shot down the alleged Indian drone over Kashmir. Israel has shot down drones sent into its air space. Syria shot down a U.S. drone over its territory in 2015. A few months later, Turkey shot down a presumed Russian drone that penetrated Turkey from Syria.

  These incidents have not led to larger conflagrations, perhaps in part because sovereignty in these incidents was not actually in dispute. These were clear cases where a drone was sent into another nation’s air space. Within the realm of international relations, shooting it down was seen as a reasonable response. This same action could be perceived very differently in contested areas, however, such as the Senkaku Islands, where both countries assert sovereignty. In such situations, a country whose drone was shot down might feel compelled to escalate in order to back up their territorial claim. Hints of these incidents have already begun. In December 2016, China seized a small underwater robot drone the United States was operating in the South China Sea. China quickly returned it after U.S. protests, but other incidents might not be resolved so easily.


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