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Trust Me (The Trust Me Series Book 1)

Page 12

by K E Osborn

  “Welcome, everyone, to the farewell dinner for one of O’Connell Finance’s best, longest-serving, and most loyal employees, Vice President of O’Connell Finance, Donald Parker.”

  Mr. O’Connell continues with a long-winded and boring monotone speech about Donald’s service with O’Connell Finance. A few other speakers, who also like to hear the sound of their own voices, take the stage and proceed to give their drawn-out speeches. I’ve all but tuned out when Niall announces Donald to the stage. He’s an elderly gentleman, quite rotund in the stomach, with gray hair in a combover. His equally gray suit looks particularly expensive as his burgundy tie conveniently matches the décor of the night.

  Aiden’s father and Donald shake hands as I slump back in my chair, bored out of my freaking mind.

  “Thank you, everyone, for attending this evening. It means a lot to know that you’re all here. I’ve spent the last forty-odd years with Niall at O’Connell Finance getting to know all of you. Working with this team has been my utmost pleasure. Thank you for this big farewell…” He continues to drone on and on with his speech, forcing me to tune him out.

  Everyone laughs, grabbing my attention, and I listen back in. “Here’s looking at you, Aiden and Matthew. One of you will be taking over my position. Good luck, boys, and may the best man win.”

  My eyes widen at Aiden in surprise. Now I understand Matthew and his inside joke. Aiden waggles his eyebrows at me.

  Niall, which I now know is Aiden’s father’s name, raises his glass. “To Donald,” he toasts.

  Everyone raises their glasses. “To Donald,” the people in the room cheer in unison, then take a sip of their drink.

  “So, it’s with great pleasure that I present this gift to Donald as a memento of his time and outstanding service working in our company.” Niall steps over to a small table where a burgundy cloth is covering something. He pulls the cloth off and underneath is a gold statue of a golf bag and golf clubs. The bag has the company logo embroidered on it, which is also burgundy.

  Ah, it’s starting to make sense as to why everything is burgundy in the room.

  It has a big forty-year symbol coming out the top. Actually, it’s quite a nice gift. Donald looks over it with a beaming smile.

  “Thank you, old buddy,” Donald beams at Niall. They briefly hug, and everyone in the room claps again as Niall goes back to the microphone.

  “This concludes the formal proceedings. The menus are on the table, and the waiters will be around shortly to take your order. I hope everyone has a great evening and, once again, a big thank you to Donald for all his hard work over the last forty years. Now, let’s have some fun,” Niall instructs, then downs the last of his drink.

  Thank God the boring stuff is over.

  Hopefully, I can enjoy the rest of the night with Aiden’s family without monotone speeches.

  Why are business functions always so damn boring?

  Killian swoops up the menu on the table, taking it upon himself to read it out loud to us. “Okay, for the appetizer… we have a soup that no one likes, but everyone will pretend to. For entrées… we have a choice of a fancy Atlantic salmon or a rib-eye steak, you know meat-and-potatoes sort of thing. Now for the best part. Dessert! Drum roll, please… we have chocolate mousse served with decadent bits and pieces that I can’t pronounce.” He finally takes a breath. “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m hungry, and I’ll have one of everything.”

  We all laugh at his very enthusiastic interpretation of the menu. My stomach inadvertently growls at the mention of food. How can I possibly be hungry after the breakfast we had this morning at Nanas and the big lunch I had with Chris and Sarah? At this rate I’ll never have to eat again!

  Daniel smiles at Killian, making me believe there’s more than meets the eye to their friendship as I glance back at Aiden. “Know what you’re having?” I ask as he takes my hand under the table.

  “Probably the steak.”

  I grin. “Thought you might.”

  “What are you having?” he asks me.

  “Probably the salmon.”

  He smirks. “Thought you might.”

  We both chuckle. “Dessert sounds nice,” I mention as he moves closer to me, the closeness sets my heart into a flutter.

  “I know what I want for dessert.” His tone’s seductive as he leans in kissing me on the forehead, then he winks at me.

  I open my eyes wide in shock as he starts to chuckle. “Aiden,” I warn, looking around to see if anyone’s heard his insinuation. With a smirk, he leans back, sitting in his chair properly. He’s still holding my hand as the waiters come around to take our orders. His suggestion of dessert has me thinking about earlier when he had his muscular arms pinning me against the shelving in our steamy embrace. My breathing shallows as I remember his tender touch on my skin. He tightens his hand around mine, and I look up at him through hooded eyes.

  ‘You okay?’ he mouths with those seductive lips. I want to push everything off the table and take him right here, right now. My clit throbs, reacting to my thoughts as I cross my legs to try to stop the feeling of endless want.

  I nod to appease him. After the waiter leaves, I excuse myself for the ladies’ room. I need some damn air. Aiden raises his brow as I let go of his hand, then walk off toward the main foyer. My stomach’s swirling almost out of control. Sitting next to Aiden and having him drop innuendos like that after last night has me on edge. I’m not sure how tonight will pan out, but right now, I need some air to breathe.

  As soon as I’m out of sight, I lean against the wall and take some much-needed deep breaths, trying to calm myself. What’s wrong with me? I try to shake the images of Aiden and me making out on the table along with any other lustful thoughts I’m harboring. I steady my breathing and manage to compose myself enough to head into the bathroom. As I enter, I notice there are other ladies talking gibberish about finance. Well, it sounds like gibberish to me, anyway. As I step into a stall and lock the door, more ladies enter talking on their way in. “Oh my God, did you see her? She’s so not who I thought Aiden would date.”

  I freeze as I realize they’re talking about me.

  “I know. She’s very plain. I mean… I’m not trying to blow my own horn, but I’m sooo much prettier than her.”

  My mouth drops open in shock.

  “You’re so right, Josie. Don’t worry, though. She won’t be around for long. You only have to look at Aiden’s track record. I mean, he hasn’t had a serious partner in for like… ever.”

  I swallow a lump that’s caught in my throat.

  “Well, hopefully, I can change that. I’ll be his girlfriend soon, and that plain Jane will be history.”

  My heart hammers in my chest as they both laugh, and I sit back waiting for them to leave. My good mood all but vanished, and I exit the stall. My stomach sinks as I agree with them—I’m nothing special. I exhale and shake my head while walking to the basin. Checking my appearance in the mirror, I definitely need to pep myself up before I head back out there. I knew stepping into this hotel tonight I was out of place, but I damn well didn’t need to hear it confirmed. Right now, I feel so far out of Aiden’s league that I’m questioning why I’m even here. I wash my hands raising my chin in defiance.

  I need strong Jeni right now.

  So strong Jeni is who I will be.

  Fuck those bitches!

  Standing taller, I push back my shoulders and stride out into the foyer. To my surprise, Aiden’s waiting for me, and I smile when I see him standing there in his suit, hands in his pockets. His foot’s resting on the wall behind him, his eyes studying the floor. I step up to him, and when he notices me, his face lights up as he reaches out, taking both my hands in his. “Are you really okay?” he asks me, concern etched in his tone.

  “Yes, I’m fine.” I decide not to tell him about what happened in the bathroom, so I think of the next best thing to discuss. “It was all that talk of ‘dessert.’” I use air quotes. “You got me a little hot
and flustered.” My eyes drop to the floor at my admission.

  “I see.” He grins, pushing my chin up. Aiden stares deeply into my very soul with those smoldering and intense bright blue eyes, which make my knees weak for him. He leans in, softly and gently kissing me, and the whole world and everything in it disappears. His tongue gently caresses mine as my hand moves to his hair, drawing him closer to me. I can’t get enough of Aiden right now, and he seems to be enjoying this as much as I am.

  The kiss becomes more heated as his hands find my waist pulling me to him, his hardening cock pressing against my dress only makes this even more difficult to stop as we kiss feverishly in the foyer of the Intercontinental Hotel. Our breaths are rushed and harsh as we lose ourselves in each other. My clit throbs, aching, needing to be with him more than anything while Aiden grips his fingers in my hair tighter showing more dominance.

  I moan into his mouth.

  Please, give me a little more.

  “Woohoo! Go, big brother,” Brielle goads, walking past us to the bathroom, making our perfect moment fade, crashing me back to reality.

  Shit! I forgot we were in public as I nuzzle my head into his chest, completely embarrassed.

  “Thanks, Bree,” Aiden murmurs sarcastically.

  I glance up and realize my lip gloss is smeared all over his lips. I smirk, then wipe it off slowly with my thumb. His eyes follow my finger in the tender moment as he purses his lips, kissing the tip of my thumb gently. A shiver rolls down my spine at just how undeniably sweet he is. “Guess we should head back in,” I murmur, slightly out of breath.

  He does that to me—completely takes my breath away.

  “Guess so,” he replies, sounding deflated that we have to head back and mingle when we would both rather be alone. Taking my arm in his, he walks me into the ballroom full of people. Like the gentleman he is, he pulls out my chair, then slides it back in when I sit. Then he pulls his chair closer to mine, once again holding my hand under the table as Niall joins us, sitting down with his wife on one side and his mother on the other.

  “Tell me, Aiden, who’s your new squeeze?” Niall asks abruptly.

  I don’t take offense, but I’m a little surprised at his blasé attitude toward his son and me.

  Aiden rolls his eyes. “Father, this is Jenifer Taylor.”

  Niall looks at me like I’m not worthy, with his lip raised on one side. I feel instantly uncomfortable and cheap, but I’m going to be pleasant. He’s not worth me getting myself upset over. I’ve let enough men walk over me in my life. “Mr. O’Connell, it’s nice to meet you,” I announce, ignoring his lack of manners.

  Niall turns his head away like he’s disinterested. “I give it a week, and that’s being generous,” he mutters under his breath.

  I scoff a little at his blatant rudeness. If he’s this forward with me in the same room as him, what the hell will he be like behind my back? Callie frowns, the strain on her face evident, so I force a fake smile to ease her concern and the tension in the room.

  Aiden inhales deeply as his hand tightens in mine. “Father, please. Be civil for once in your life.”

  Niall looks at Aiden with fierce intent. “Don’t talk to me like that! Know your place, boy.”

  Aiden’s nostrils flare, and his free hand clenches into a fist as his breathing increases, the tension in the air palpable. “Don’t talk about Jeni like she’s not here. No one cares about your opinion, least of all me,” Aiden snaps through gritted teeth.

  His father thumps his fist on the table, the loud bang making me jump slightly. “Jesus Christ, Aiden, if you want this promotion, you’re going about it the wrong way, boy! You’re showing a complete lack of maturity standing up to me like this in front of everyone. And for what? For this… this floozy?” he grunts, waving his hand at me dismissively.

  I swallow hard. The one thing I’ve never been called in my life is a floozy. This time, I do take offense as I look down at my lap and our entwined fingers, not knowing whether to stand up and say something or to let it go for Aiden’s sake. Matthew chuckles, and I look over and see him smirking as though he thinks he’s already winning the race to become vice president. I take an instant dislike to him, much like this situation.

  I don’t have to put up with this shit.

  I just want to get out of here.

  Aiden stands and opens his mouth to say something, but I grab his arm to stop him. He peers down at me with hurt evident in his eyes and pain written across his face.

  “It’s okay. Don’t make matters worse. I’m a big girl, I can handle it,” I advise him quietly, trying not only to keep the peace but his promotion still in play.

  He shakes his head but slowly sits as he glares at his imbecile of a father. Callie grabs Niall, ushering him away from the table. I’m not sure where they go, but the atmosphere relaxes as soon as he leaves. That man makes me uncomfortable, and I hate feeling like I’m not good enough. I’ve had enough of that shit to last me a lifetime.

  Aiden turns to me, his eyes conveying so much. “I’m sorry. My father, well, he’s—”

  “It’s fine. Honestly, don’t worry,” I interrupt, feeling disheartened, but I don’t want to let Aiden know, so I change the subject. “What’s with Matthew smirking like that?”

  Aiden nods his head assuring me he saw it too. “He’s one of those guys who’s a natural slimy son of a bitch. Since he joined the firm, he’s been out to get me. Or should I say, climb the corporate ladder above me.” He exhales. “He’s ridiculously competitive and never likes to lose… at anything. He is Father’s go-to guy, and he thrives on the fact that my relationship with Father is more than strained. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear Matthew was out to get me most of the time.”

  “Yeah, I can see it. Be careful of him,” I warn because Matthew rubs me the wrong way too.

  Aiden nods in agreement as Nana steps over and sits in Brielle’s seat, probably to distract me from feeling the emotions of this draining evening.

  “Darling, you look wonderful tonight…” Nana pauses and exhales like she’s frustrated, “… I’m sorry about my ignorant son. He’s become arrogant and downright mean over the years, much to my disappointment. Unfortunately, Niall is more and more like his father every day. Insults and intimidation seem to be his only way of communication.” She tilts her head with a shrug. “It’s not how I would’ve liked him to turn out, but he is his father’s son. So please, take everything he says with a grain of salt, okay, dear?” She pats my leg kindly.

  Even though it doesn’t make up for his abuse, I nod and smile to appease Nana. “Sure. Thanks for letting me know.”

  She smiles and exhales like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders. I’m glad I’ve made her feel better. “When are you and Aiden coming back for a visit and some more of my cooking?”

  I smile as I remember the incredible breakfast she served us. “Hopefully soon. I’m impressed you run a little café on your own.”

  She smiles a heartfelt smile, which warms my heart. “It’s something I love to do, and I don’t have Patty here anymore. God bless his soul. I have a lot of free time, and I love to cook, so I decided to open my own little café.”

  I raise my eyebrows. “I’m sorry to hear about your husband.”

  She tilts her head, patting my arm. “Oh, never mind, honey. He’s been gone coming up on eight years now. Life goes on, you know? It has to.”

  “You’re certainly a brave woman,” I declare just as Brielle comes back and hugs her grandmother from behind. Nana stands, smiles and nods, and then moves back to her seat, leaving Brielle to sit.

  She leans in toward me. “Sorry if I embarrassed you out there before. I got excited to see Aiden and you kissing. It’s been so long since he’s had a girlfriend… I think he gets caught up in work. Father’s such a slave driver.” She laughs at her own joke.

  “You work there as well, right?” I ask, trying to keep the conversation going. I would like to impress at least one member of Aiden�
��s family here tonight.

  “Yeah, I’m Father’s personal assistant. I’d actually like a position in finance, but Father always says, ‘Finance isn’t a place for females.’” She deepens her voice to mimic her father’s, causing me to let out a small giggle. “I’m happy Aiden found you. Hopefully, you guys get married, and I’ll be your bridesmaid, and you’ll live happily ever after,” she spouts.

  I laugh a little anxiously. What the fuck!

  “I’m kidding,” she corrects. “But really… stick with him. He’s a great guy, and you’re so cute together.”

  I like her, I mean, truly like her. She’s sweet and not tainted like their old man. Hearing someone call her name, her attention is suddenly taken away, so I turn back to face Aiden. “She’s quite happy about us,” I tell him quietly.

  “Us?” he asks with the cutest smirk I’ve ever seen as he raises one eyebrow.

  I pause at his question, suddenly feeling like maybe I used the wrong word and overstepped the mark. “What I meant to say is… she’s happy that I’m here with you tonight. Not that there’s an us or isn’t an us. She’s happy that we’re here together. Not that we’re together or anything… it’s like—”

  “Do you want there to be an us?” he interrupts my ranting. The look on his face is one of complete seriousness. I desperately want to say ‘yes.’

  My heart races so damn fast as I try to calm my breathing, so I don’t hyperventilate in a room full of his family and co-workers. “Do you want there to be an us?” I respond barely in a whisper.

  He inclines closer, and my heart rate spikes as he smiles wide. He’s leaning so close, his expensive aftershave floods my senses. It’s intoxicating and making this tension all the more exhilarating. My stomach rolls in excitement as he stares into my eyes. Aiden grips onto my hand as we stare at each other, the tension and anxiety I feel waiting for him to answer has me almost out of breath.

  His lips almost meet mine.

  My breaths are short and shallow.

  His lips part infinitesimally as he whispers, “Yes.”


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