Charm City Part 1 (Welcome to Bodymore Murdaland)

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Charm City Part 1 (Welcome to Bodymore Murdaland) Page 33

by S. L. Walker

  The girls heard the shot, screaming, and scrambled out of the limo.

  Treach, Nine and DJ leaped for their guns on the ground.

  “BONES!” Big Willy cried out.

  “Shut the fuck up!” Treach shouted, now putting Big Willy in the same position he was in with his gun to his head.

  “I was just fucking with y’all, bruh! That’s it! I swear to God!” Big Willy whined.

  “Oh yeah?! Well fuck with this!”


  Big Willy’s brains flew out the back of his head with Treach’s Desert Eagle. Raven almost threw up in her mouth but stood her composure. The girls all stopped in their tracks as they saw the horrid in front off them. Before they knew it, DJ let off another shot into the other dudes head who didn’t even flinch. He knew he was next and accepted it.

  “Go see if you can find that shit and hurry up so we can get the fuck outta here before people find out what happened,” Treach ordered Nine and DJ to go retrieve their cocaine in the guest house if they could. The music was still blasting, people were drunk and didn’t hear any of the deadly shots that transpired.

  “Good lookin’, ma,” Treach looked at Raven. “Let’s roll,” he told them as he darted towards the limos. “Get in the car!” He yelled at the girls who were all trembling, but obeyed him and ran back towards their assigned limos. Nine and DJ came running out with the cases of coke.

  “Nigga didn’t even put this shit up dumb ass,” DJ said, throwing the briefcases into Treach’s limo with him.

  “Fuck that weak ass nigga! Let’s roll!” Treach yelled to the limo driver and they screeched off.

  Kaitlin sat at the corner of the mansion staring at everything that happened; the cigarette she was smoking fell from her fingers, in shock.


  It was all still a blur in the car up until they dropped us back off where they picked us up. The image of Big Willy’s body dropping to the floor and his brain guts leaking out of his head kept replaying over and over in my mind. Eva was sobbing the whole time and Nine and Canon were talking amongst each other. I was so in shock it was all muffled. I came to when the Limo stopped.

  “Here,” Nine gave me and Eva stacks of cash each. “Five stacks.”

  “I thought it was only three? You already gave us-” I started to say.

  “Just shut up and take the money,” Nine interrupted me.

  “Come on, Tori,” Eva pulled at me, taking her half of the money and wiping her tears. We got out of the Limo not saying anything else. It was freezing cold and Raven and Angel hadn’t got out of their Limo yet. Eva shut the door and we hugged each other on the corner to keep warm until they exited theirs. Finally, Raven got out first and then Angel, both shutting their doors and the Limos drove off. Angel instantly ran up to us crying. We took her in our arms. Raven had no emotion.

  “Shhh, Angie, everything will be okay,” I hugged her.

  “Raven, what the hell, Vee?” Eva asked, almost pleading. Raven seemed to just now realize what she had done.

  “Treach trusts me now. Treach wants to see me tomorrow. Only me. Did he give you guys your cut?” She asked us.

  “What? Why?” Eva asked.

  “Yeah, he gave us more than he told us,” I told her.

  “Us too,” Raven said.

  “Let’s go, it’s late,” she lead the walk to our hidden bikes. I had totally forgot about the time. I took out my pager which had now had a dead battery.

  “Damn,” I said to myself.

  “Angel, you okay?” I asked her. She looked terrified and stuck. She nodded her head as she got on her bike. We did the same and road into the dead of the night to Ravens’.

  I thought I would be up first, but when I came to, Raven wasn’t in the room and Angel and Eva were curled up in sleeping bags on the floor. I still had my dress on, hair a mess and an earring was missing. I rubbed the crust out of my eyes and searched for my pager I made sure I had charged. I fell asleep so fast that I didn’t get a chance to see any missed pages. My eyes lit up when I saw the pager code “goodnight”-13, which was Lances signature. I expected one from my mother, but I was happy there wasn’t. I searched around for my small backpack to shower and change clothes when Raven entered the room. She was already dressed in baggy ripped blue jeans and a black long sleeve thermal and tennis shoes. Her braids tied under a black bandana showing off her hoop earrings. She was no longer the princess she was last night, but her looks still complimented her even without the fancy jewelry and makeup.

  “Hey,” she said to me.

  “Hey,” I replied.

  “I’m meeting Treach in an hour,” she said. Angel was slowly waking up, trying to figure out what we were saying.

  “It’s 9 o-clock in the morning. Why so early?” I asked her, grabbing my bag and pulling out my black Victoria Secret sweatpants and matching black zip up hoodie.

  “It’s the time he wanted. Y’all good to stay until I get back if you want to, my dad went fishing early this morning,” she told us.

  “You’re leaving now?” Angel asked, trying to get her composure and wake up.

  “Eva!” I pushed at her to wake up. She was sound asleep and mumbled and curled over. “Eva, dude come on get up,” I pushed her again.

  “Fuuuuck,” she moaned, still with her eyes closed. She finally opened her baggy eyes to us frowning. “What time is it? Why you heffas even up?” she started to curl back in her sleeping bag.

  “Raven’s going to meet Treach in a bit,” I told her.

  “What?” Eva’s eyes opened wide now.

  “You sure he doesn’t want us there?” I asked Raven.

  “He specifically said me. “Y’all can stay,” she said.

  “Fuck that, I’m not tryna have Deon asking me a million questions about last night,” I quickly took my dress off and threw my sweats on. By now, Angel was changing into a black sweater dress and black tights.

  “Raven, what’s the plan? What are you gonna do now? You realized you just killed someone last night, right?” Eva told her. We all paused. That was reality. And we were all witnesses.

  “I’ll page y’all when I’m done. Stay by your pagers so we can meet later. Lock my door when you leave,” she grabbed her small backpack and left. We all let out a sigh of worry.

  “This shit is too much,” Eva said, shaking her head and trying to get up.

  “You guys wanna get breakfast or something?” I asked, trying to at least get myself a bit decent, fixing my hair into a ponytail and throwing a black headband on to hide my flying strands.

  “I can’t eat,” Angel shook her head also now fully dressed. She started brushing the kinks out of her straightened hair.

  “You gotta eat something. Let’s go to Toneys downtown,” Eva mentioned.

  “You think we should be out eating breakfast and stuff after we just witnessed a homicide?” Angel looked at us crazy. But she had a point.

  “Okay, well let’s just hit up the Dunkin Donuts by the school and go home,” I grabbed my bag and stuffed my dress and shoes from last night.

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” Eva agreed, hopping up to get dressed, too. I had Lance on my mind and I really wanted to see him. I was going to reach out as soon as I got home until Angel mentioned being out. It was wise we stayed low. At least until we talked to Raven about all of this mess.


  There was a whole lot of action going on outside and inside of Treach’s warehouse. People were moving boxes and bags, busier than I had ever seen it. No hoes or thugs were hanging out, just goons at work. I slipped through the door and I could hear Treach on the phone in his office. I locked eyes with DJ and he smiled that smile again. I couldn’t help but have small butterflies. I smiled back and he nodded for me to go ahead in Treach’s office. Treach hung up at the exact moment I walked in.

  “Misses Raven,” Treach bowed. “Sit, sit,” he pulled out the chair for me to sit down. “You look like shit,” he teased. He poured me one of his famous shots
and gave me one.

  “Thanks,” I sat down, wanting him to get to the point. I was too tired and too cold and all I wanted to do was get to my next move.

  “As you can see we are doing a little moving. See, when shit get real like it did last night, you gotta change the game up,” he took his shot.

  “Moving? To where?” I asked.

  “I got a spot not too far from here. Like my own little safe house I can work out of and still get business done. No bitches or homies just people on the payroll. I’m gonna have you ride with me so we can talk business,” he stood up. I took my shot, trying not to gag; I wasn’t ready for the taste of alcohol so early.

  “Alright,” I stood up, too. I followed behind him as he motioned for DJ to join us and we hopped in the back of his all white Cadillac Escalade decked out with 22inch Chrome rims, limo tint, and plush black leather with that new car smell. DJ sat in the far back and we took the middle seats. Treach took out a joint out his pocket and lit it as we drove up.

  “I knew having you on my team was going to be good, Raven,” he inhaled and exhaled the ganga. He then handed it to me and I took it and inhaled. He smiled at that. “You are your brothers sister,” he said.

  I handed the joint to DJ who took it from me and also took a few puffs.

  “You ever smoked anyone before?” Treach asked me, eager to hear what I was about to say. I shook my head. The thought of me being a murderer was starting to sink in and made me sick to my stomach.

  “So, that was your first time? And yet you sit here like it ain’t shit,” Treach laughed.

  “It was either him or me,” I told him. “Plus, I couldn’t let him just down y’all like that.” I was lying through my teeth. Treach was saved because of my hidden soft spot for DJ that I didn’t even know I had. Everything in that moment was not planned. The plan was for Big Willy to take Treach out and then I take Big Willy out, not save the fucking day.

  I gritted my teeth in irritated failure.

  Treach nodded his head. “That’s real.”

  We pulled up to a bricked warehouse shop with a worn down used tires sign. It definitely looked abandoned with the exception of a couple black cars in front and a couple of what looked like Treach’s goons standing around. DJ handed the joint back to Treach who put it out in the middle ash tray.

  “Welcome to your new home,” he grinned, opening the door to get out. His phone rang. “Yo? Yeah, we here. Bring the rest of the product and go ahead and set that date wit Lo. Aye! Nothing is different, ya hear me? We gotta act like everything is all G. Aight. One,” He said to whoever was on the phone.

  DJ and I followed him into the chained glass doors into the warehouse. The warehouse was lit up like an office building but you could tell it used to be a tire shop. There was a big office desk off to the right with old papers and a 1999 calendar. It was half the size of Treach’s old warehouse. There was only one small sofa couch sitting against the wall. The ground was dirty and concrete and it smelled of old tires and oil. We followed Treach out a side door towards outside. About ten of his goons were sitting around smoking and talking surrounded by familiar couches and chairs.

  “What the fuck am I paying y’all to do?! Sit around?! Can we please get this stuff inside?!” He yelled at the men. They quickly put out their cigarettes and joints and started moving the stuff inside. Once the coast was clear he stopped us.

  “Listen, what happened that night is between us. My niggas don’t even know what happened. I don’t trust shit,” Treach emphasized. The look in his eyes told me he was serious and almost warning me to make sure I kept my damn mouth shut.

  “So this is the new spot now? Don’t you think moving looks suspicious?” I asked him.

  “Nah, this shit is a must. You should never stay in the same place for too long anyway,” Treach schooled me.

  “Listen, ma. I respect you and I got big plans for you and your girls. Bet on that,” he pointed at me. I wasn’t sure what that meant and I didn’t like it. I don’t know what made Treach think that this was something we wanted to do. I thought about Kaitlin and how easily she got sucked in. Was this how? Just following along trying to think of an escape plan until you find yourself too deep in it.

  “Big plans?” I looked at DJ and then back at Treach. I needed to know what the fuck was going on so I could figure this mess out. My plan was to take Treach out on my own, but I needed it to look anonymous, that way there was no backlash on anyone. Luckily for me, someone might be looking for Treach if they knew Treach was the last man Big Willy dealt with. Maybe even the cops. So, maybe all I had to do was wait for them to take Treach out. My mind raced. I could take Treach out and say it was Big Willys goons.

  I had to devise my own plan and fast.

  The fact that Treach was so comfortable even showing me his safe house was a small sign of weakness.

  “Yeah, we gone make some good money together, now come on and let me show you around,” Treach put his arms around me, guiding me back into the building with DJ following, unaware that he was signing his death certificate.


  Kaitlin woke up the next day in her own room with her purple silk pajamas and queen size bed in Lila’s all girl mansion. Kaitlin’s room had lavender walls and was full of white roses sitting on her shelves. Her large windows were covered with white sheer drapes that the sun woke her every morning through. She walked over to her vintage mirror and took off her fake eyelashes she had on at the party the night before. She looked at the matching vintage clock on her wall and realized she had a client in a couple hours. She was happy it was someone she had before, she didn’t feel like entertaining any new bullshit. She heard a small tap on her door and in walked Lila. Lila was dressed in an all yellow Gucci sweater dress that hung off the shoulder. She had knee high black boots that touched just the tip of the bottom of her long dress.

  “Good morning. How was last night?” Lila asked her, walking in with a full white envelope.

  “It was good,” Kaitlin smiled.

  “Joey enjoyed your time,” Lila walked over to Kaitlin staring at her through the same mirror Kaitlin was looking at herself in.

  “Yeah, he spent most of his time at the bar,” Kaitlin joked.

  “Still, he liked you. You did good, here you go,” Lila passed Kaitlin the white envelope. Kaitlin opened it to a wad of cash. She was now used to the money, but could never get entirely used to what she was doing.

  “Thanks,” Kaitlin smiled.

  “Oh, and I cancelled your 12 o-clock. Take a break. Go shopping or something. His horny ass can be seen by Tatiya,” Lila smirked. Kaitlin new that Tatiya would do the job just fine. Tatiya had big hair, hazel eyes, and a face carved by God himself. She was Lila’s highest paying and most requested girl. A lot of men that requested Kaitlin liked her because she looked innocent. It was almost downright disgusting that they would be turned on by a 17 year olds innocence. Lila kissed Kaitlin on the cheek and started to walk away.

  “Um, Lila,” Kaitlin remembered her promise to Eva.

  “Yes, love?” Lila turned around, concerned. Kaitlin wasn’t sure if she was stepping out of bounds and didn’t want Lila going back and relaying to Treach that the girls had doubts. Lila sensed her uneasiness and pulled Kaitlin by the hand and sat on the bed.

  “Talk to me,” Lila looked her in her eyes while holding her hand giving Kaitlin the comfort to tell her anything.

  “Do you plan on buying Raven and the other girls, too?” Kaitlin blurted out. Lila chuckled.

  “Those girls Treach deal with? Why do you say that?” Lila asked.

  “I saw the girls at the party last night. They said Big Willy wanted them there,” Kaitlin told her. Lila had heard about the shooting of Big Willy and his boys already. Lila smiled and rubbed the side of Kaitlin’s cheek.

  “I never asked if you were okay. Don’t worry, you won’t be going to any more of those. I should have known Big Willy couldn’t have a classy party. Dumb ass got his own self shot up,�
� Lila frowned. She then looked back at Kaitlin who was clearly looking for an answer.

  “No, honey, Treach had debt with me that’s all. And I saw how he was treating you. Fucking with those nasty ass niggas,” Lila played in Kaitlin’s tangled hair. “I’m sure he has plans for them, though, but not with me. And too bad cus they have potential, especially that girl with the green eyes. Now, get dressed, there’s a big breakfast downstairs. Some of the girls have already eaten,” Lila stood up and walked out the room, closing the door behind her and leaving Kaitlin with only her thoughts and still no real answer for the girls. The image of them being in the midst of taking Big Willy down stood out in her mind. Clearly Lila didn’t know who had done it but Kaitlin did and she’d make sure she’d keep it her secret and her ammo.


  Raven walked into the house exhausted and mind clouded. She couldn’t even go into her room before Deon snatched her out of the hallway into his room.

  “What the hell, D?” Raven pulled away from Deon’s grasp. He closed the door behind him.

  “Yo ass killed somebody? Are you fucking out of your mind Raven?! You thought I wasn’t going to find out!” Deon was screaming out the top of his lungs.

  “Shut up or dad will hear you!” Raven pushed him backwards away from the door.

  “Dad is outside bbqing!” Deon scolded, but lowered his voice. “The fuck is wrong with you?!”

  “It was either him or me, D, he shot at me first!” Raven defended herself. Deon took a deep breath so he wouldn’t lose it anymore on her.

  “Canon told me everything! Why you didn’t let them just blow that nigga brains out?!” Deon’s face was an apple red.


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