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Charm City Part 1 (Welcome to Bodymore Murdaland)

Page 52

by S. L. Walker

  “Cash didn't have to let you go, nina,” he told me.

  “If you don’t look for her, I won’t stop!” I told them, my tears now drying up from the rage. I meant it.

  “Call it off, Tito,” my dad gave in. “Just call him and see.” Tito nodded his head and called Cash back, putting him on speaker phone.

  “What!” Cash yelled picking up the phone. He then yelled at someone in the background to turn into a parking lot.

  “Cash? It’s Tito again,” he looked at me while he talked.

  “Did she arrive okay? My man said he dropped her and is looking for Treach,” he said.

  “Si, thank you, primo. Uh, I need a favor from you. A big one. Those girls you have. Are her friends. And her friends, see, they helped her and they have become very close-” Tito tried to explain.

  “Wait a minute! You are telling me those girls are friends of hers?! You are fuckin’ kidding me right?!” Cash sounded out of breath. He laughed. “Well well! She wouldn’t know where they had gone, then, now would she?!” He sounded sarcastic.

  “I don't understand,” Tito looked at me for answers. I shrugged.

  “They escaped! Get it now?!” He roared. A smile crept onto my face. Relief filled my heart. “I can’t let anybody go I don’t have anymore!”

  “So, then just let them go, Cash,” my uncle urged.

  “No! I have the Jamaican Mafia on there way here! My people can’t find Treach anywhere! I think that punto skipped town! These girls are mine!” Cash yelled at someone to keep circling. “You fix this Tito, and then maybe I will think about letting this go. But right now, them little bitches better hope I don’t catch them!” He hung up. My smile went away and my heart grew heavy with fear and regret. I hoped that they were long gone on a bus somewhere, hitchhiking, anything. Raven was smart, and I knew she would think of something.

  “Papa?!” I looked at my dad who shook his head that it was out of his control. Tito hung up the phone and looked at me with the same regret.


  We were in a single file line to get onto the GreyHound bus that was leaving. It was almost day break and we were surprised at how many people were leaving out. There was a local 24 hour convenience store next to the Greyhound station. We bought a couple of single pack Tylenols, chapstick and other little stuff for the road. My lips were so dry as I spread the smooth vaseline over my lips with my pinky finger.

  “You sure we shouldn’t call someone to meet us, Vee. I really want to talk to my mom,” Eva complained as we moved along in line.

  “No! The faster we are out of here the better. When we touch down in Baltimore we can call them, okay?” I reassured her. I didn’t trust anything or anybody. I was tired of looking over our shoulders every time we stopped. Victoria had to pee at one point, which I was paranoid about, and then the stop in the store. Even while purchasing the bus tickets, I was staring at the front door, knowing that Cash’s goons could pop up at any moment. What drove me crazy was not knowing if they even knew we were gone or not. Hours had passed by and I couldn't help but think someone noticed something by now.

  My feet tapped and I kept shaking as I watched people one by one check their bus ticket in. I looked behind me at the same people in line. I stared at the bus stop, praying that none of Cash’s people pulled up. I could see the sun in the distance, glowing orange, ready to rise. It would be harder to hide in the daylight. Finally, Angel got to the bus driver and checked in. Victoria, Eva and then me. We all sat at the far back of the bus, plopping down in the seats, releasing every bit of tension that we had. I sat next to Eva who held my hand, the look she gave me told me she knew that everything would be okay. I smiled back at her. I looked over at Angel and Victoria; and Angel had her head on Victoria’s shoulder. I looked out of the window next to me and breathed deeply. I checked the clock in front of the bus, happy that the bus would be leaving in a few minutes.

  “I’m gonna use the bathroom,” I excused myself past Eva to get to the bathroom right next to us.

  I rinsed my face in the tiny sink, rinsing away the anxiety I had. I looked at the half gone makeup on my face and I could hear the girls through the bathroom walls.

  “I can’t wait to sleep, I’m so tired,” Angel said.

  I thought about the hours of sleep we would get on the bus ride home, but then the agony of not wanting to sleep, still afraid of being followed. What if Cash had goons waiting at all the Greyhound bus stops? How far did his power stretch? There really would be no real rest. Cash had downright paid money for us, so I know he wouldn’t just let us go and whoever he had sold us to, probably had money too.

  “Oh my God, look. Isn't that one of the fuckers from Lila’s house?” I heard Victoria say. My heart raced as I hurried and flushed the toilet and let the water from the sink run over my hands for a split second. Before I could even open the door, Victoria banged on it.

  Suddenly, my heart felt like it broke into a million pieces. I could see right out the window, the same men that had taken us were looking around like hunting dogs. And then a knot formed in the back of my throat when Cash’s face also appeared around the corner. Luckily, two other buses had also pulled up and there were lines forming. I could see Cash directing them to split up and check all three buses.

  “Oh my God, they’re coming,” Angel freaked out. She looked around, panicking as the last of the people boarding took seats.

  “Y’all lay low, we are about to pull off anyway, don’t panic,” I told them sitting down and slouching in my seat next to Victoria. I was definitely panicking.

  “What are they gonna do if they see us? They can’t just snatch us off the bus in front of all these people,” Victoria told me.

  “The hell they can, we don't know these people. They might kill everybody on this bus for us,” I told her. Angel and Eva looked at me wide-eyed.

  “Don’t listen to her. Eva, can you see them?” Victoria asked. Eva was sitting next to the window seat slouched as well. She peaked her head up a bit, just revealing her eyes above the window.

  “Noooo,” she slouched back down in fear. Victoria looked above our seat and then the driver started the bus.

  “It’s 6am, it’s leaving,” she said, relieved. Then I saw her eyes get wide again. “Oh fuck! It’s one of them,” she quickly slouched down again, curling up next to me.

  “Oh my God,” Angel began to tear up.

  “Shhhhh,” I looked around for something, anything we could hide under or protect ourselves with. We had nothing but the clothes we came in on.

  “I’m just looking for someone, mind if I take a look?” I heard the guy tell the bus driver.

  “Sure, make it quick,” he told him.

  All of us tensed up at the same time. Then some older African American lady stopped at our seat about to sit down.

  “Oh, I am sorry ladies, I thought this seat was empty,” she reminded me of one of the old church ladies that went to our church when my mom was alive. She had a big white dress hat on, matching her white flowered sun dress and white low heeled pumps. She was fairly chubby and her curly hair stuck out the sides of her hat. Her face and tone were as warm as her smile. The looks on our faces only bared fear. She could easily give us away. Our eyes told her to please go away.

  “Y’all alright?” She asked before turning away from us. Angel’s eyes teared up and I saw her point at the man who was after us. The lady slowly turned around and came to see exactly who we were running from. She didn’t make a sound but slowly began to walk back towards the front to look for an empty seat and then she dropped her purse in front of him.

  “Oh, Oh! I am so sorry! I am so clumsy with my things,” she fake panicked. We all peaked over our seats as she distracted the man, but he was trying to push around her than help her.

  “Excuse me, mam!” He yelled at her as she slowly bent down to get her purse, blocking him from making his way back. He was at least about 16 seats ahead of us. Then, when she grabbed her purse, she let some of her stu
ff fall out. Lipstick, her wallet, peppermints, and all kind of goodies came rolling out of her purse.

  “Oh!” She fumbled for her things.

  “Look, mam!” He grew irritated.

  “Aye, why don’t you help her instead of pushing her, dude!” A tall white man, noticing the commotion over his Novel he was reading, got up out of his seat. “Where are people’s manners,” he told the guy bending down to help the lady with her purse.

  “Aww, you are sweet. You, young man need manners indeed!” She poked at our kidnapper.

  “Look! I don’t have time for this shit!” He yelled back at her pushing her aside.

  “Aye, don’t do that to her!” The white man came to her defense, pulling him by the arm. He didn’t hesitate to punch the guy in the face, causing the bus to uproar and us to once again slouch quickly in our seats.

  “Fuck!” I shrieked.

  “Hey! Hey!” I heard the bus driver shout. “Aye, you got to get off my bus! I am on a time schedule and you can’t be coming on here hitting people!” I assumed the bus driver got up. All we could do was imagine what was happening as we played invisible in our seats.

  “Get off my bus or I will call the cops!” He told the kidnapper.

  “Fine! Alright!” He said and I could hear footsteps storm away. I peeked my head up just in time for the bus driver to close the bus door.

  “He’s gone,” Eva said looking out the window. “He’s gone!” She said more excited. Angel and Victoria both sat up in their seats. We could see the old lady turn to us and wink and then sat next to the white man who was holding his face. She patted him on the shoulder and gave him a tissue. She was definitely an angel to us.

  “Oh my God, we are free,” Angel closed her eyes in satisfaction. The bus slowly pulled off and I looked out of Eva’s window and watched as the idiot who failed to see us walk up to his other friend, clueless. The bus turned and headed towards the highway.

  I sighed in relief.

  “We are going home,” Victoria took my hand and put her head on my shoulder. It sure felt good, but I knew Cash would not stop looking for us.


  Since Cash was after the girls, we knew he wouldn’t give them up, not unless we at least gave him something to ease the pain and that was Treach. I convinced my dad to let me come with him and Tito to Treach’s new warehouse, besides I was the only one that knew where it was. I don’t know why I had a feeling he wouldn’t be there, but I was right. The warehouse was as dead as Treach was gonna be. We eased into the dark warehouse. There was a light left on in Treach’s office that my dad went and checked, guns ready. He opened up empty cabinets and drawers, all empty. I suddenly remembered their conversation about Deon. I darted out of the office room, surprising both my dad and Tito.

  “Sweety!” My dad called after me. I ran around like a mad woman peaking my head into different rooms. I then found some stairs descending into a dark basement. I searched for a hall light and flicked it on. It was way creepy, but I had an instinct that this was where he would be. It smelled like sewer water and got colder as I walked down the stairs.

  “Deon!” I yelled out, turning a corner, leading to more and more darkness. “Ugh,” I sighed, looking for more light, but couldn’t find anything. I depended on the light from the stairs and let my hands guide on the walls. I finally came to a door I pushed open and covered my mouth. Through a room window I could see one of Treach’s men slumped over, bloody, and had a huge gash on his head. I slowly walked over, trying to prepare myself on what I was about to see. I pushed open the door and peeked over. Deon’s body lay lifeless on the floor.

  “Zara!” My dad called out to me, Him and Tito walking in at the same time.

  “Oh shit,” Tito said.

  “Who is this?” My dad asked me. I walked up to Deon and felt for a pulse. It was very faint, but he had a pulse.

  “This is Raven’s brother,” I told them. “He’s still alive. Barely. Help me papa,” I told him grabbing my friend’s unconscious brother.

  “And him?” Tito had walked over to Treach’s man.

  “He works for Treach,” I told him as me and my dad helped Deon to his back.

  “He is still alive, too,” Tito had checked for a pulse. “Too bad,” he cocked his gun ready to pull the trigger.

  “No! I think Raven had a thing with him or something. Probably why he looks like that. They need a hospital,” I pleaded with Tito.

  “No, what we need to do is put this punto out his misery,” Tito ordered.

  “Come on, help me take them to the car,” my dad sighed giving me my way. “There’s an ER close by, and then we are going to find this fucker.”


  Professor Heart walked out of another hospital looking for Eva. This was his third one. He had gone to the police station with the feeling of emptiness. He knew that checking on Eva would be a bit weird to them. He had to portray himself as a mentor, someone who was a little closer than a regular teacher. They wouldn’t give him any real information, other than the mother was in one of the hospitals and that was it. He knew that even if Eva was found, they still probably wouldn’t tell him, so he would check as many of the local hospitals as he could.

  He took out his cell and paged Eva’s number, not expecting a call back, but was desperate. He started his engine and prepared to drive out of the hospital parking lot when a truck whizzed by him.

  “What the fuck?!” He yelled as the truck barely missed his front end. He noticed Zara in the back of the pickup and an older man holding on to the back, hair flying. What’s going on with her?

  And like a flash, he remembered the girls getting into Zara’s Mercedes; her driving them to the big mansion and getting out; he remembered Eva’s warning to let it go. He stepped on the gas, making a U-turn to follow them. They were heading straight to the Emergency door. They parked right in front, both Zara and Tito jumping out of the back. Professor Heart pulled into a nearby parking spot where he could see everything perfectly. He stepped out of the car, but stayed by his driver door, hoping that Eva would appear from the truck.

  Instead, Manuel opened his back door and pulled Deon out of the back while Tito helped DJ. Zara ran inside just as paramedics walked out with a stretcher.

  “We need one more!” She shouted at the nurses. One ran back inside as two other nurses helped Deon who looked worse off than DJ.

  “What happened? Do you know this person?” A chocolate skinned black female nurse asked Manuel.

  “No, we found him,” he lied. Manuel knew better. He had already had a talk with them in the car that no one knew anything and to keep it that way. They can’t force you to answer anything. They would make sure they were safe and then leave. But Zara wanted answers. She knew only DJ and Deon could help them find the girls.

  “What about this one?!” A nurse shouted as they helped DJ onto his own stretcher.

  “This one is fading fast!” They shouted as they whizzed Deon away. Zara’s heart sank when she heard that.

  “This one needs fluids now!” They also raced DJ inside.

  “Sir we need some information!” The nurses tried to get from Manuel as him and Tito started to get back inside the truck.

  “We found them, that’s it!” Tito pushed pass the nurse as he got in the passenger side.

  “Dad, I need to stay with them,” Zara rushed over to the driver side where her father was.

  “Zara, we don’t have time for this, we will find the girls, we gotta go,” he said, quickly trying to get her to get into the truck before the nurses called the police.

  “Daddy, only Treach’s man can tell us what happened, just let me stay behind, I won’t tell them anything,” she pleaded. Another nurse was heading towards them.

  “Get in the truck, Zara,” he ordered.

  “No, daddy,” She stepped back. He looked at the nurse and back at her.

  “Fine, stay! Don’t go anywhere without telling me,” he pointed a finger at her and hopped in the drive
r seat. “Here,” he gave her an extra pager he always kept on him. “Keep this with you, I will page you if I find out anything. If I dial 911 it means you get out of here and you get home, fast!”

  “Sir! Sir! Can you answer some questions, please. Who are the two boys?” The nurse asked him. Manuel rolled his window up and reversed the truck out of there.

  “I can help you, mam,” Zara said to the nurse.

  “Thank you,” she said, escorting Zara into the Emergency double doors.


  Two hours had passed and the girls had a Bus transfer in Orlando. The sudden jerk of the bus woke all of them out of their much needed sleep. The people on the bus scrambled to get up, ready to stretch their legs.

  “Where are we?” Victoria asked, wiping the drool from her mouth.

  “Orlando,” Eva pointed at a big sign above the bus stop building. They all stood up and waited as people handed the bus driver their ticket to rip up for their transfers. As soon as the girls got off the bus, they each took in the little amount of freedom they finally had.

  “Excuse me, sir, do you know what time the bus to Baltimore leaves?” Raven asked the driver.

  “Yeah, you’re going to be at Gate E, leaves at 10am on the dot. You guys got some time to eat and stuff. Safe travels!” He told Raven.

  “Thanks,” she responded, motioning for the girls to follow her inside the building. “Angel, do we have anymore money, I’m starving?”

  “Only like fifty dollars,” Angel took out the wrinkled bills out of her bra.

  “Damn, let’s find some food then,” Raven led the way.

  The bus stop was crowded and full with early travelers. They walked in the large building and wasn’t short of any food stations and vending machines.


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