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Dungeon Crawl

Page 2

by Drew Jager

  "Don't be in such a rush to get going, these kinds of decisions can only be made once, and after that, there are no take backs!"

  Will felt a strong memory resurface of a small animal child speaking of an immutable law. "No Take Backsies!"

  "I understand, you're right Bel, but I am happy with the names we both chose. If you're ready to move on, I am too." Will offered.

  "I am, let's get this show on the road! Go ahead and say your name to Mr.Blue."




  Welcome to Bermin, Willem, and Annabelle!

  Before you can begin to test the people of Bermin with your prowess, you must first decide on the starting location for your Dungeon! Choose wisely, as each choice comes with advantages and drawbacks that may not be visible at first glance. Each available option has yet to be claimed by another Dungeon or has enough space within itself to provide enough room to support multiple Dungeons.

  Andel Mountains A vast expanse of mountains surrounding the borders of multiple races.

  Area Bonus - Provides camouflage during the formative months of the Dungeon. Granting the potential for much longer preparation time.

  Area Negative - Depending on where on the mountain range the Dungeon is placed (Random), it may be near impossible for the Sentient Races to find your Dungeon naturally.

  Ilvan Forest A large forest surrounding the Races of Elves and Gnomes. It is the source of a longstanding feud between the two Races. Boasts the largest variety of nature and wildlife in all of Bermin.

  Area Bonus - Access to more species of animals, and Resources that are available to most other Dungeon Locations.

  Area Negative - When discovered (Because you will be if this location is chosen) the Dungeon will be forced into the politics of two different races.

  Ferst Plains A grassland with small villages dotting the landscape, mainly occupied by the more barbaric Humans and savage Beast-men.

  Area Bonus - Bonus evolutions to all Beast type monsters.

  Area Negative - Potential for Dungeon to be spotted early increased. Increasing the likelihood of early destruction.

  Oceanic Depths Deep below the shore, far from all land Races. This area is inhabited by the Fish-Folk, as well as the Great Beasts that call the Ocean their home.

  Area Bonus - Some of the Greatest Beasts of the world are available in the Depths if the Dungeon has the capability to control them.

  Area Negative - Until the Dungeon can create routes to land, it will be limited to the semi-resource starved ocean.

  Krates Ravines A series of 1000+ meter deep ravines threading between the Andel Mountains and the Ferst Plains, few to no Sentients call this land their home. All except the hardy Cave-Men.

  Area Bonus - Protection on all sides provides easily defensible locations, as well as providing greater than average Mana access due to the few Sentients in the Ravine itself.

  Area Negative - The Cave-men in the Ravines live alone for good reason. If found, the Dungeon will almost certainly be destroyed on sight.

  Mt. Varnir A land of lava, brimstone, and all that fiery fun. A wasteland of obsidian and perpetual ash surrounds Mt. Varnir, the worlds largest active volcano. (No Dungeon Crawl has picked this location yet and I just can't figure out why!) Inhabited by the Dragons.

  Area Bonus - Monsters will have a natural fire affinity. Access to some of the strongest beasts in the world, if the Dungeon has the capability to control them.

  Area Negative - Almost all spawned monsters die in the harsh environment, those that do survive must contend with the territorial beasts of the wastelands.

  "Well, that looked like it took a long time for Mr.Blue to make." Bel said appreciatively.

  "No kidding, I don't envy that guy." He exclaimed. Now that he could finally get to the meat of being a Dungeon though, he felt overwhelmed. Who knew there were so many different kinds of places in this world? Not to mention all the different races and monsters the menu hinted at, just by virtue of explaining the choices. This Dungeon Crawl felt spoiled for choices.

  "Well, I think we can both agree that the Volcano and Ocean are out, right Will?" Bel looked at him expectantly.

  For once, though, he completely agreed with her. "Yeah... I don't want to have to contend with Dragons or weird Fish people, it'd be better if we could just stay on solid and safe ground where we belong." That being said though, I wonder what a Dragon is? None of the memories I gained have a mental image and I don't think showing interest in a choice I just declined would be a good decision. Best to just smoothly slip the question in at a later conversation.

  Bel hummed at him, and it filled him with such warmth that he briefly forgot he was making the most critical decision of his fifteen-minute lifespan.

  Will coughed to clear his non-existent throat, "I think it's going to come down to between the Forest or the Plains." Bel was nodding vigorously at his conclusion, and that was all Will needed to know he'd made the right choice.

  "We have to decide if the benefits outweigh the negatives." Bel started, "If we think about it in terms of our neighbors, we will either have the Humans and Beast-men, or the Elves and Gnomes. When it comes to civility the Elves and Gnomes are leagues above the Humans and Beast-men. Both of the Plains dwelling races are well known for their savagery."

  "But while they are savage, it may also make them easier to control." Bel added, to which he tried to nod to as well, but really only managed to blink his light a little brighter. She continued, "While this is true, it's also true that the Elves and Gnomes have been at each other's throats for centuries now. While I don't think they are embroiled in a war right now, you never know when one may happen. It wouldn't hurt to be the Dungeon in the middle of a battlefield, lots of Two-legs to eat after all."

  At this, Will began to blink rapidly, the idea of eating Two-legs appealed to him like nothing else ever really had. The only thing tempering his hunger was the idea that he may become the focus of the two races if he did not play his cards right.

  "How important is having Resources close to us, Bel?"

  "Next to having a safe spot to place your Crawl, it is the most important thing. Resources are, in essence, everything to a Dungeon. You will see when we start building, but Resources are how you purchase Traps and upgrade the Dungeon. Mana also plays a part in that, but we can get to that when we have Mana to spend." Bel replied almost automatically.

  "What about being able to evolve my monsters?"

  Bel was getting excited at being able to flex her Dungeon knowledge, "Evolution is one of the main ways you can get stronger monsters, aside from just creating or taming them yourself. It isn't as important as Resources since they can help you evolve your monsters. Among other things. Having an initial evolution would definitely help boost our power in the early months our dungeon is active."

  "Okay. I think I'm starting to see the bigger picture here..." Will said with as much confidence as he could muster. While he really wanted the Forest, he was concerned it was for the completely wrong reasons. He wanted the Ilvan Forest because he was positive more of those Great Beasts were hiding in there.

  Who knows what kind of fearsome creatures existed in a Forest? One memory of his depicted a horrifying monstrosity known as a Deer. Will could see it now, a 15ft tall Beast stomping on feeble Two-legs with its superior four. He was nearly drooling, if it was physically possible, at the thought of such an animal. Or even the potential of an army of the creatures.

  Bel was snapping in his face, "Will? You there?" How long was I daydreaming about my unstoppable Deer empire?

  "Yeah, of course I am Bel, I've made my decision. I want to start our Dungeon in the Ilvan Forest!" Bel's concern was quickly wiped away at the mention of 'our' Dungeon.

  "Great! Mr.Blue, we want the Forest!"

  A perfect chime sounded out and suddenly Will's vision was once again assaulted by the floating box.

  Congratulations on choosing the Ilvan Forest as your start
ing Dungeon location!

  Only one choice remains before you may begin your adventures as Crawl and Herald. Please choose your starting monster. Know that you cannot choose another monster to exist within your Dungeon until you reach the required level (Information Locked). Each choice available can only be chosen if the Dungeon location Ilvan Forest has been chosen first. Choose wisely, as each choice comes with advantages and drawbacks that may not be visible at first glance.

  Beasts The beasts of the Forest can be vicious and gentle all at once, beginner Dungeons can command the Lesser Beasts of the Forest. While the more experienced can call upon Imbued and Enhanced Beasts with enough time.

  Monster Bonus - Dungeon Beasts are able to breed with different species, creating Hybrid Monsters that can be summoned for an additional Mana cost.

  Monster Negative - Lack the intelligence some of the other Forest Monster choices present, will never have the ability to speak, aside from the Greatest of Beasts.

  Nature Spirits Sprites and Fairies who call the Forest home will pledge to fight for the Dungeon. Beginner Dungeons can command the small Forest magic the children know. While the more experienced can call upon the great works of the Sprite and Fairy Elders.

  Monster Bonus - Access to nature magic that boosts dungeon growth in relation to plants. All Nature related Resource costs further reduced.

  Monster Negative - Perhaps the frailest of the Monster choice. While their magic is formidable, they have little in way of physical protection if cornered.

  Forest Pygmy The Pygmy is a nimble creature that walks on two-legs and runs on all four. A very primitive species that are fiercely loyal to their chosen deity. If they choose the Dungeon as their God they will protect the Crawl until their dying breaths. Beginner Dungeons can command small troops of the Pygmies while the more experienced can create vast cities and sprawling underground labyrinths supporting the small humanoids.

  Monster Bonus - The more Pygmies a Dungeon has, the stronger they become. So much so, that if enough are gathered they could petition to become a recognized Sentient Race of the world.

  Monster Negative - The other Sentients do not take kindly to competition, and if found, these Pygmies will be considered invaders. When discovered they will almost certainly be destroyed.

  Skeletons Skeletons don't belong in a Forest you say? Why not? These piles of bones require no sustenance and can take the shape of any absorbed beast or man the Dungeon comes across. Beginner Dungeons have access to Lesser Beast Skeletons and Basic Humanoid Skeletons. While more experienced Dungeons have access to Custom Creation, capable of creating some of the most dangerous Monsters the world has ever seen.

  Monster Bonus - Dungeons have the ability to choose from a wide variety of workable materials to create their Monsters.

  Monster Negative - Universally hated by the collective Churches of Bermin. Will take a *cough* Miracle, to not be destroyed on sight.

  Okay, Will play it cool, don't stare too hard at the Beasts. Make the Blue Box think you're actually reading all of the other choices so you don't hurt its feelings.

  "What do you think Will?" Bel asks the question he has been preparing for over a quarter of his life for.

  "I think the Beasts seem like a good choice." I did it, I didn't stutter or anything! Deer you are as good as mine!

  "Oh wow, really? I thought for sure you would have gone for the Pygmies, what made you want the Beasts?"

  Oh fuck.

  "Well, the Pygmies do sound nice, but I really like the idea of being able to... breed my Monsters and have little Monster children running around the Dungeon...?" Oh, who am I kidding, who would buy that garbage? At least I don't have to pick the ske-

  "THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING!" Bel was purposefully moving right next to him to scream. Will blinked hard at her to try and get her to back off.

  "I knew you and I thought alike! Oh, Will, it's going to be just perfect! We are going to have cute little fur babies together!" Bel was in hysterics at this point, and so was Will. Although he was mentally crying because his goal of Deer Domination was one step closer to fruition.

  "Allow me, Bel." Will said with more confidence than he had ever felt in his entire existence.

  "Mr.Blue." Will decided the nickname was cute enough to stay for the Tutorial. "We pick Beasts as our starting Dungeon Monster!"

  A perfect chime sounded out and Will and Bel once again felt their minds go blank as everything changed around them.

  Chapter 2 - Small Beginnings

  Will was beginning to hate that chime sound.

  Why can't it ever just be a smooth transition? First, it was being given sapience, and then forced into the most important decisions of my life. Now, there's a devil chime silently lurking in the shadows, just waiting to scare me. Well, I'll be ready for it next time, just you wait!

  He took a look around and was happy to find himself in a damp cave. Home sweet home. He thought to himself.

  "It looks like Mr.Blue was being honest, he stuck us deep in the Ilvan Forest." Bel said appreciatively.

  Will had no idea how she knew where they were, considering they were somewhere underground, but he guessed that must be one of the bonuses to choosing the female sex. He was regretting his choice already. He would have spent longer thinking about this new development when his thoughts were interrupted by Bel.

  "Will! Look at me, Will! Notice anything new?" She was taking on a feverish pitch again, so he knew he better come up with the right answer. Luckily for him, it was pretty obvious. His little ball of light had arms and legs.

  "Bel! You're a two-legs now?! Don't worry I'll find a way to turn you back!" Will didn't like this new turn of events at all, he wanted his old Bel back.

  "No, you dummy, this is what happens when the Torial Mr.Blue gave us is done. I'm a full-fledged Dungeon Herald now!" Bel, still 4" tall, but now sporting a distinctly feminine body, as well as a cute pair of wings, stated this proudly for her Crawl.

  He was still really concerned she got accidentally mutated, but he held his tongue. If he had to describe her he would say she reminded him of a cross between an Elf, and a Human with fair skin and pointed ears. Dark brown hair that framed high cheekbones and curled at her shoulders bounced whenever she talked.

  She now also had a pair of translucent wings the color of a sprouting sapling. While before she was nothing but a grey ball of light, she now emitted a soft gold light. She was wearing a light Forest-Green dress that fell down to her knees, and gold filigree laced throughout the hem. She looked beautiful.

  At least he thought she did, maybe this was considered ugly to the Sapients? He wouldn't be the one to ask, though.

  I guess it isn't all too bad, at least now we have someone around the house with opposable thumbs.

  "Oh my gosh, I. Look. Perfect!" She was almost screaming again, but he didn't mind too much as he was already starting to get used to the new form. Change doesn't matter much to a Crawl when you're still only forty-five minutes old.

  "You look stunning, Bel, was the change everything you wanted?" He asked politely. To be honest, now he was starting to get jealous. Then he realized he was jealous of a Two-legs, and promptly sulked even further.

  "It was! I can finally tell that stuck up Tay I'm a full-fledged Herald now. Oh, he's going to be so jealous!" Bel was happily dancing now. Dancing looks pretty fun.

  "So Will, notice anything else? Maybe something about yourself?" Bel asked with a slight smirk.

  He didn't really feel any different, maybe a little more symmetrical. Symmetrical?

  If it was possible for a hunk of Mana to gasp, he would have. He was a perfectly faceted gem now, with hundreds of different sides glistening in the glow coming off of Bel. It painted him a brilliant gold, but even under the light, he could see his gem was the color of a Pine Tree's leaves. He was roughly the same size as she was, but more circular. He looked pretty dashing if he did say so himself.

  Bel was giggling at Wils amazed silence as he was
studying himself. "Mr.Blue also left us one more present."

  "Oh?" Will asked absentmindedly. "What would that be Bel?"

  Will's soon to be greatest enemy reared its ugly head as a horrifically perfect chime sounded out.

  Ta Daaa!

  Now I can help you with any Dungeon questions you have! Isn't this great Will, I can do this whenever you need help! So don't be afraid to ask any questions, okay?


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