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My Christmas, My Crooked Bend: Men of Crooked Bend Book 6

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by Taylor Rylan

  Copyright © 2018 by Taylor Rylan

  Published in the United States by Taylor Rylan

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, copied, scanned, or transmitted in any format or by any means without the prior written permission from the author, Taylor Rylan. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are a product of the author’s imagination. Any similarities to actual persons, living or dead, is pure coincidence. As are any similarities to any businesses, events or locations.

  All products and brand names mentioned are registered trademarks of their respective holder and or company. I do not own the rights to these, nor do I claim to.

  Table of Contents

  Copyright © 2018 by Taylor Rylan

  Table of Contents


  Copyrights and Trademarks

  Note to Readers

  Simon & Sean

  Simon — 1

  Sean — 2

  Simon — 3

  Sean — 4

  Jasper & Liam

  Jasper — 1

  Liam — 2

  Jasper — 3

  Liam — 4

  Logan & Rhett

  Logan — 1

  Rhett — 2

  Logan — 3

  Rhett — 4

  Graham & Tyler



  Jacob & Isaac



  Christmas Eve

  Connect with Taylor!

  Current List of Books


  Cover Design and artwork by Jay Aheer of Simply Defined Art

  Editing by Sandra Dee of One Love Editing

  Proofreading by Judy Zweifel

  Copyrights and Trademarks

  Die Hard




  Land Rover




  Mickey Mouse

  Paw Patrol


  Note to Readers

  This book focuses more on family than it does the actual holiday of Christmas. It takes place in the two weeks before and leading up to Christmas Eve. Each section can be anywhere in that timeline.

  Simon & Sean

  Simon — 1

  It really shouldn’t have been this difficult. I mean, I’d been married to Sean for two years now. Why couldn’t I figure out what to get him for Christmas? We hadn’t been married nearly as long as either of our parents, and yet I was already out of ideas? How did that even happen?

  I thought about the past few months and tried to think of any hints that Sean might have given, but I had nothing. I was coming up blank. We’d spent a lot of our free time at Wild Creek, hanging out with our family, but that didn’t help when it came to figuring out what my hubby wanted for Christmas.

  Since I was drawing a complete blank, I decided that maybe it would be better if I asked for a little advice. After all, it couldn’t hurt, right? I got up from my desk and left the office, looking for someone to ask for suggestions. Graham was the first person spotted, so he’d have to do.

  “Hey, Simon. Did you get a chance to look over that contract I put on your desk?” Graham asked. He always looked so serious when it came to things pertaining to the ranch. I had to stop and think about that for a few seconds before nodding at my brother.

  “The contract for the Carmichael ranch?” I clarified because there were several contracts on my desk this morning when I arrived at my office.

  “That’d be the one. What did you think?”

  “It’s a generous offer. We’d certainly benefit from it, but who wouldn’t? I’d suggest we consider it.”

  “Good. That’s what I was thinking. Maybe have a meeting and discuss?”

  “Sounds good. Over supper would be preferred as we seem to get further when we’re distracted by food.”

  Graham nodded before turning to leave, but I was able to stop him with a hand on his shoulder.

  “You got a minute?”

  “Sure. What’s up?”

  “I need some advice,” I said pensively.

  “Sure. Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah. I just have no clue what to get Sean for Christmas. I thought I’d ask for ideas or suggestions and see what others have to say.”

  “Oh wow. Umm, I’m not sure. He’s not hinted at anything at all?” Graham asked while rubbing the back of his neck.

  “That’s the problem. I’ve been thinking about it for days now, and I can’t remember him hinting about anything. I’m drawing a complete blank.”

  “I’m not sure. Maybe a romantic trip away? You two haven’t gone away but once since your honeymoon.”

  “Oh, hey, that might not be a bad idea. I’ll look into it. Thanks, Graham.”

  “No problem. Let me know how that goes for you,” Graham said as he turned and walked back toward his own office. I let him go that time, thinking about what he’d said. He had a valid point though. We’d only gotten away once since we’d gone on our honeymoon, and that was for Valentine’s Day. But we’d both been crazy busy and hadn’t bothered to take a vacation. Maybe we should rectify that?

  I absently went back to my office and spent the rest of the morning going through paperwork. Specifically, contracts. What I really wanted was to take my hubby to lunch and maybe see how he felt about going away, but I was almost positive he was busy in his own meetings. Maybe someone would answer the office phone? I didn’t want to call Sean’s cell and interrupt if he was in a meeting, so I found the number to the office in town, thinking maybe someone would pick up.

  “Welsh and Andrews Design and Engineering. Jasper speaking.”

  “You know, I’m still not used to the name change,” I said, chuckling.

  “Simon, hey. Yeah, it was something we felt Collin deserved when he accepted the position. What’s up?”

  “Is my hubby busy? I didn’t want to bother him if he was.”

  “He’s in a meeting in the conference room as far as I know. I had the office phone transferred to my cell while I go out and grab lunch. Is something wrong?”

  “No. I’m trying to figure out what to get Sean for Christmas, and Graham suggested a romantic getaway. What do you think?”

  “Yeah, that would be good. I don’t think he’d ever say no to getting away with you. I can check his schedule when I get back to the office if you want. But there’s something he’d want even more.”

  “Yeah? What? I’ve been thinking and I’m drawing a complete blank. I can’t remember him giving me any hints at all.”

  “He has, I just don’t think you’ve picked up on them. What has Sean been doing more and more of lately?”

  I leaned back in my desk chair and thought about the question while I heard Jasper pick up an order at what could only be the diner. I thought about the question, but again, I was drawing a blank. We’d simply spent a lot of time with the family. That was it.

  “Still thinking, huh?”

  “I’m at a loss here, Jasper. Can you give me another hint?”

  “Yeah, let me get back in the truck first though.”

  I listened through the line as my brother-in-law grumbled to himself as he got the food situated in his truck. It was quite comical, and I couldn’t help myself; I started laughi

  “Okay, when you’re through laughing, I might consider helping you.”

  “Sorry. Did you know that Sean does the same thing? He mumbles and bitches under his breath just like you do.”

  “Well, we are twins you know.”

  “True, but I’ve realized the only similarity is your looks. You two are drastically different.”

  “Yeah, well, once we hit college, our paths went in opposite directions. Okay, now, Christmas.”

  “Yes. You were saying something about what Sean’s been doing a lot of lately. The only thing we’ve been doing a lot of lately is spending time here at the ranch. All of a sudden, Sean’s become a homebody.” I ran my fingers through my hair, giving it a tug, knowing it was most likely standing straight up.

  “I have three words for you: Mack, Chloe, and Phoebe.”

  “What about them and what do they have to do…” Shit. If ever there was a lightbulb moment, that was it. Jasper was completely right though. We’d spent more and more time babysitting our nephew and my cousin’s two daughters. And anytime we were at a family get-together, Sean could almost always be found with one of the kids in his arms. “Shit. Why didn’t I see it?”

  “Well, glad I could help. Good luck with that. It’s not like you can simply go out and buy that gift. They either take nine months to brew or years to adopt.”

  “Thanks, Jasper, I really owe you. I can’t believe I didn’t see it before. We’ve talked about it, but I didn’t realize he was ready.”

  “You two have been married a couple of years now, and you’ve been together for three. Some might say that’s moving fast, but you’re both thirty-three and settled. Maybe he’s ready to be a daddy to more than Khan and Bones.”

  “You’re right. Thanks, Jasper. Hey, don’t say anything to Sean, okay?”

  “You know I won’t. I hope you get things figured out though.”

  “Thanks. Talk to you soon.” I disconnected the call and stared off into space. Shit. Jasper was completely right; Sean had been wishy-washy about becoming dads earlier in our marriage, but lately, he’d talked almost nonstop about Mack. And anytime he was around Chloe or Phoebe, he chased those girls around whenever possible.

  I was ready to be a dad. Actually, I’d been that way since about the time Sean and I got married, but I’d been waiting for my husband to get there. It would have been okay if Sean never wanted kids, but if he was finally to that point, I wasn’t going to say no. Now all I had to do was figure out how to bring the subject up since Sean hadn’t.

  Giving up on trying to focus on the paperwork I needed to sort through, I came up with an idea and started searching ideas for romantic getaways. Preferably ones that were warm. I loved seeing my husband in nothing but a speedo or board shorts whenever possible, and sadly, that hadn’t happened in too long.

  Once I had a location decided, I made a note before texting Jasper.

  Me: Hey, you busy?

  Jasper: Just drafting blueprints. What’s up? I didn’t freak you out, did I?

  Me: No. I have an idea. Is Sean busy in January?

  Jasper: Let me look.

  Jasper: Small things here and there. Why?

  Me: I want to take him away for a vacation.

  Jasper: He’d love a holiday. I’d say go right after New Year’s. We’re almost completely open, and Collin or I can cover for him.

  Me: You sure?

  Jasper: Yep.

  Me: Thanks, Jasper.

  Jasper: Anytime.

  Once that was settled, I went back and booked the resort in Nassau and then hesitated about airfare. I knew my fathers-in-law would insist on us using their plane, and I was sure Steve, their pilot, wouldn’t mind spending a week in the Bahamas, but…no, I decided to call and ask if their jet was available.

  When I glanced at the time, I realized my chances of getting my own lunch were nil, so it was better to push through and head home early. Maybe Sean would want to go out to eat? It’d been a few days since we’d gone out, and I was definitely in the mood for a steak.

  Me: Hey, baby! Supper at the Range?

  I had no idea if Sean was still in a meeting or available. Texting was usually a safe bet because he could turn off his ringer if he needed to. I watched as the typing dots started dancing across the screen.

  SAF Hubby: Yes! I need about a dozen of their rolls!

  Me: That bad?

  SAF Hubby: Worse. Tell you over supper. Gotta go. Call on the office phone. Love you.

  Me: Love you, too. Meet me at 5:30 if you can.

  That was a super-early time for us to eat, but I’d skipped lunch, and if Sean had his when Jasper was picking up lunch, he’d eaten early. I was in the middle of a contract when my phone chimed.

  SAF Hubby: Yes! See you then!

  Well, that settled that. Now all I had to do was survive a couple more hours, and then I’d be enjoying a nice night out with my husband. That meant I needed to get my grumbling stomach under control, so coffee it was.

  I got up from the desk and walked over to my coffee maker, and after putting a pod in it and a mug under it, I hit Start. Three little creamers later, I was blowing on the scalding nectar that I basically lived on.

  “Hey, you get things figured out?” Graham asked as he walked into my office and straight to my coffee maker.

  “Why can’t you get your own coffee maker?”

  “Why do I need to? You have one, and when I smelled it brewing, I remembered I wanted some. When I’m over at the arena, my husband has one in his office. Why do I need one?” Graham asked as he gave me a smile.

  “Ty only has one because he’s still sharing an office with Isaac,” I pointed out.

  “Doesn’t matter. They have a pod machine, too. Works for me.”

  I rolled my eyes at Graham but laughed at the same time.

  “Fine, but you need to buy a box of pods. You drink as much if not more than me,” I said as I narrowed my eyes at my older brother.

  “I’ll add it to my shopping list. So, did you?”

  “Did I what? Oh, yeah. I talked to Jasper, and I’ve booked the trip for the first week of January. We’re going to Nassau.”

  “Oh, that’s nice and sunny,” Graham said as he stirred his coffee. I gave him a confused look, which caused him to stop stirring. “What?”

  “Since when do you use creamer?”

  “Since Ty got me hooked on the stuff.”

  “Huh. Okay. Anyway, yeah, Nassau. So you know, I’m going to be gone the first week of January.” I leaned back in my chair and relaxed my hands on my stomach.

  “Works for me. Ty and I are going to be in Jackson, skiing.”

  “See, that sounds good, too. But I’m thinking about Sean in nothing but swim trunks. That sounds so much better to me.” And it did. I was sure I’d never get tired of Sean’s slim build.

  “Yeah, that can be fun, too. But so is peeling off all of the layers.” Graham winked, and with that, he left the office. He made another valid point, but I really wanted somewhere warm, so I was sticking with Nassau. Knowing I’d get hell if I didn’t first ask to use their plane, I picked up my phone and sent a text to my father-in-law.

  Me: Hey, James. I was wondering if you had time to talk? Please give me a call when you do.

  I swiped the screen and answered as one of my fathers-in-law called.

  “Hi, James. I need your help surprising Sean.”

  Sean — 2

  If I survived the next month without stabbing someone with my drafting pencil, I’d be surprised. It was my turn in the rotation, so it wasn’t as if Jasper and Collin gave me the client from hell on purpose. We had no way of knowing Mr. Browne was going to be a complete ass. But I was trying my best to be nice and get the job done.

  Trying. That’s definitely what Mr. Browne was. If we were unable to come to an agreement, he was going to have to look elsewhere for a company to build his vacation home. If it wasn’t for my dads having multiple houses, I’d wonder why anyone needed more tha
n one house. As it was, Simon and I only had one, and that was more than enough.

  That got me to thinking about my date with my husband. For a lawyer, he sure was down-to-earth. He spent more time on the ranch than anything, something I thought was sexy as fuck.

  I looked at the wall and noticed I needed to get my ass in gear and get out the door if I was going to make my date with Simon. As it was, I was probably going to be late, and that made me feel like shit. I’d been so busy the past few months that I’d had so little time and energy left for Simon when I got home. There had to be more to life than working.

  “Shouldn’t you be gone?” Collin asked from the doorway. He was bundled up for the weather, so he was obviously on his way out the door.

  “Yes. Over ten minutes ago. I should have set an alarm on my phone,” I said as I hurriedly shuffled papers into a pile. I left the blueprints out on the desk. I’d have to go back to them tomorrow morning; I needed a few more hours with them before they’d be ready for approval.

  “Hey, it’s not like you’re late or anything. Lately you’ve been working well past eight or nine.”

  “Yeah, but I’m meeting Simon. We have a date.” I got up from my drafting table and grabbed my messenger bag before I walked to the coat rack. I shoved the bag at Collin and put my coat on before retrieving my bag.

  “Okay, that’s different. Just give him a call and let him know you’re a little late,” Collin suggested as we walked out of the office.

  “I will once I’m in the truck. Tell Dalton hi for me, and I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said over my shoulder as I stopped to lock the door and set the alarm. Collin walked to his own truck and climbed in. Damn, it was cold out, and I hadn’t thought to come out and warm up my truck. Well, that’d be the perfect time to call Simon. So, after I climbed in, I started the truck and dug out my phone.

  “Let me guess. You’re not going to make it?”

  “Ouch. I haven’t been that bad lately, have I?”

  “Baby, I’ve hardly seen you in three weeks.”


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