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Prince Charming (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 9)

Page 20

by V. Theia

  She did something she’d never done before, and she blew him a kiss.

  Few would recognize what he did as a sport.

  They would see the sheer violence, the horrible aggression.

  But when done right, it became a masterpiece of pure determination, agility, and skill.

  His athleticism caused her mouth to flood each time she watched him in training. Each hard muscle so defined on his slab-solid body, it was a wonder he didn’t break furniture just by sitting on it.

  The first round she was scared out of her mind for him, watching through her fingers.

  The second round she was up on her feet, shouting as loudly as everyone else, swept up in the adrenaline.

  Caught up in Tag, he was so fucking magnificent, playing with his opponent like he was the cat and the man his little bird.

  “He’s in the zone.” Laughed Butcher. “He’s got this.”

  Tag so had this.

  Only four rounds and he got the pin. His punches, kicks and grapples were flawless, as if choreographed by a professional dancer. The man grimacing beneath Tag’s massive frame. He tapped out and Tag was the winner.

  He won!

  She screamed so loud her throat hurt.

  Veins throbbed as she watched the referee holding up Tag’s arm in victory. The crowd going crazy with cheers, everyone around her worshipping the man she couldn’t take her eyes from as he lapped up the adulation.

  Marianna could hardly breathe, she was so tight in her skin and she didn’t know why.

  “You’re looking at the champ like he’s a plate full of Thanksgiving gravy you want to slurp up.” Roux nudged her, laughing.


  The fight had turned her on.

  God. Yes, of course she was horny. Her knees pressed tightly together.

  Seeing him grappling, the sweat dripping off his torso; the shorts molded to his lean frame. She’d become hotter and hotter with the passing minutes.

  Now the desire was ringing in her ears and buzzing her clit.

  Needing him badly.

  Never would she have thought a show of violence would turn her on.

  If she could, she would have crawled over the top of the chairs just to get to him.

  In a sea of hundreds, his blue-blue eyes sought hers and held firm.

  Touching her with invisible fingers, claiming her in ways she’d never been claimed before.

  Everything within Marianna flamed to life.

  Her clothes felt restrictive, her breaths labored as she ate him up.

  The moment felt private… personal only to them, and she smiled shyly as he winked. Floodgates burst wide, making her inhale hard as she went on watching him.

  It was then a shrieking scream of “there’s my baby champ!” cut in.

  Marianna’s head snapped around to see Sofia standing on a chair, wearing a red bodycon dress, her golden hair cascading down her back.

  She got a sick, perverse pleasure when Tag never looked her way.

  Minutes went by. Tag left the cage and headed toward the back rooms.

  Only half tuning in when Butcher and Roux were speaking to her. Marianna was far too busy bursting out of her skin.

  You don’t fall in love with men like Tag. You get consumed by them.

  Marianna, in such a short time, was consumed.

  The realization hit her out of nowhere. How crumbly her defense walls had been against him for a long time.

  She’d been falling in love with him forever.

  Her traitorous, begging heart no longer walled up in titanium keeping her safe. It sprang a leak, inviting Tag inside.

  She had the sluttiest heart.

  Doors wide open.

  Subservient need waiting.

  Feeling hot and sticky, she excused herself for a breath of fresh air outside. She didn’t know if she were to wait for Tag or if Butcher and Roux would take her home. Phone in hand to text congratulations to Tag when a set of muscular arms came around her from behind and a face she knew out of thousands buried in the side of her neck.

  “You are not leaving.”

  “I wasn’t.” she said breathily, slipping her phone away. “I was about to text you.”

  “Yeah?” Neck kiss. She moaned. “What were you texting me?”

  Another kiss. This one lingered on her thrashing pulse.

  A wall came up at her back when he walked her backward.

  A beautiful, towering man.

  “I—I was congratulating you.”

  “You had fun?”

  “Da. You were amazing, Luke.”

  His smile was smug, and she loved that about him. He never held his feelings back. Cupping the side of his face, she leaned up and kissed his lips gently. “Well done, Prince Charming. I am so happy you were not injured this time.”

  “You and me both, darlin’.”

  Maybe it was the cover of darkness that made everything so clear for her. But it came like a bolt out of the blue as she stroked his jaw. He smelled clean from a shower and she had the urge to roam her nose all over his body.

  “You are not only my friend.” She declared. So clear now.

  He didn’t smile, his face was intense. Beautiful. “No, I’m not. It’s about fucking time you noticed that. Now give me your mouth.”

  He didn’t wait.

  He took, and she moaned with open longing.

  A mouth so commanding slid over hers sensually, lips brushing, warm and nice at first before they turned possessive. An owning kiss that eviscerated her from the inside. Strong hands moved up her neck, cupping along her jaw, angling her head back to give him the access he was seeking. An impressive rumbling groan pushed out of Tag, a noise made for sex and for making her weak in the knees.

  Marianna was all but quivering in his arms.

  He pressed his lips harder, opening hers. The first touch of his tongue fired a buzz of electricity between her legs.

  His grunt was sex.

  The rub of his tongue and the masculine flavor of his mouth liquefied her insides into a needy simmer.

  There were no doubts in her mind at that moment.

  She knew one thing, and that was how much she wanted him.

  Another drugging kiss. “I want you.”

  The sizzling burn.

  The fire and the thunder.

  She needed a hug that turned into primal sex.

  It didn’t need to be voiced, Tag got the message really clear.

  A hysterical giggle erupted from her lips. Almost like a fire-breathing dragon had taken possession of her body.

  His cock… wide, like an angry fist angled against her stomach.

  Oh, he wanted her.

  The knowledge of his arousal spurred her on.

  His massive body pressed her into the wall, using his knee to widen her legs. The move was gut-clenching good.

  His first grind got her eyelids flickering under the onslaught of pleasure.

  Lust slithered up her spine, hardening her nipples, drenching between her legs.

  With his golden locks, easy blue eyes, even the rogue-like scar, he was still the kind of man grandparents would call a nice young man.

  Marianna saw beneath his depths though, something darker slithered in his eyes and it made her shiver with desire.

  She wanted it all over her, not holding anything back.

  She’d glimpsed more and more of the duel sides of Tag lately. When his eyes roamed over her from across the gym. Or when he put his hand on the bottom of her spine to lead her somewhere. Not to mention when he controlled her orgasms, he was every inch the darkened man then. Pushing her through barriers, making her ache for things unknown.


  It was a long time coming between them.

  For months, weeks and heavy-ladened days, it swirled between them. Building into this forest fire as his hands pulled her dress up around her waist.

  “Are you sure, Anna?”

  Her body felt like a bruise. She was lightheaded, and as her hips hit
ched forward, she grabbed handfuls of his shower wet hair. “I will die if you stop.” She murmured into his lips.

  “Fuck.” He responded, grabbing her hips tight enough to hurt so good.

  He pressed their bodies flush together.

  Overpowering her with brute strength and a gentle touch.

  She wanted that—to be safe in his hands. She softened against his power, because in that moment, it was all she craved.

  She felt him more than half-hard, plumping up in the sweatpants.

  A needy noise flew out of her. There was no coordination to her hands or her lips.


  It was so much, so fast, and she was glad of it.

  “Open wider.” He rasped, pinching her chin to gain access.

  His taste had a direct line to her weeping pussy, and she nearly shot off like a rocket when a calloused palm rolled up her inner thigh and knuckled beneath the leg of her cotton panties.

  She was blazing hot; feeling her own wetness coating his hand as he trailed his fingers along her sex. Hot enough to set fire to the snow.

  Marianna didn’t want to control this.

  She needed Tag to do it his way.

  Wreck her.

  Tear her down to ashes.

  Excavate her from her sins.

  Set her on fire.

  Make her burn with his name screaming from her lips.

  The promise of Tag and this kept her awake so many nights when she was too achy, too wet to sleep. When she dreamed he was taking her, moving with ferocious speed inside her.

  The promise of him was more than she could have fantasized about.

  “Goddammit,” Tag grunted, wrapping a hand around her throat eliciting a sex fueled moan from Marianna. Oh god, she loved that. “You’ve had my dick hard for months, you know that? I can’t get enough. This obsession isn’t going anywhere. Gets deeper every day. I’ll never get enough, even if we don’t go any further right now.”

  God, he was such a good boy.

  Had his hips not been pinning her, she might have swooned.

  “You have my permission, Luke. Now will you give me what I need?”

  “You got it.” He smirked down at her, hitching her up, she suspended in mid-air for a second before he settled her around his hips.

  Oh yes, right there. It felt incredible.

  His overpowering size crushed her against the wall, vibrating with strength. His hands tangled in her loose hair. A mouth made for sex devoured her gasp. Eating it from her throat until all that was left was Marianna’s trembling desire.

  Despite the urgent tension in his body, his kiss was tender, coaxing her into tasting him by licking across her lips, parting them dirtily with his tongue, and sank slowly inside.

  They shared a thousand unspoken whispers, tasting and savoring each one.

  Beneath the kisses, however, lurked something more primitive, carnal.

  His cock pressed hard against her, he drove up in a sign of the act to come and she cried out into his mouth as her sex pulsed.

  Savage control vibrated out of Tag.

  She realized he wanted this as much as she did.

  In her native tongue, she pleaded to be fucked.

  To belong to him.

  Her words affected him when his grip tightened. A lick so dirty stroked over her tongue, making her see bursting stars of pleasure.

  Bracing his legs wider, they groaned together when he reached into the waist of his sweatpants and fished his length out.

  It was too dark for her to see, but oh… she felt him notch himself in place.

  Not an inch of her body was left out of the liquifying as she cocked her hips as far back as she could.

  “Hold tight, baby.” He told her, hot breath washing over her face.

  The moan hadn’t even left her lips when he speared forward, impaling Marianna in one smooth thrust. Her cry got lost in his throat.

  If his kisses drugged her into a euphoric state, his thick cock sent Marianna somewhere near the moon. Her cry was soundless.

  They seemed to freeze from one breath to the next.

  Oh, god. The collision was better than anticipated.

  “Jesus. There it is.” He groaned, one hand on her hip, the other on the wooden slats behind her back. “You feel how good we are?” He drew back and threw his pelvis forward, dragging the same noiseless whine from her.

  “Oh, god. Luke.” She panted. Her nails dug deep into his shoulders when he started increasing effort.

  And when he moved, Marianna clutched her pussy around him tightly, the girth felt like he was splitting her open in the best way.

  It was heaven.

  “Luke,” she whined again, English failing her. He anchored his head, giving her his darkened gaze while his fuck increased—deepened, sharpened with each shove.

  “You feel so fucking sweet.” He rasped, dropping his mouth to the dip in her neck. She felt the suck deep in her womb as her pleasure gathered like a speeding bullet.

  While Tag fucked her, he squeezed a hand on her ass cheek, pulling her into his thrust. Owning her. Showing her he was the one taking her.

  Her pulse gave a sluggish thump.

  She breathed in his scent, tasting his passion on each exhale.

  On and on. He fucked her to a hard tempo, her walls collapsing soft and wet around his cock. Clinging to his neck, he kissed a necklace along her throat and gruffed dirty words in tune to the steady pump of his hips.

  “Get there.” He commanded. And she was. She was getting there so fast. He hit spots that made colors pop behind her flickering lids. “Ah, fuck, baby. I wish I could slow this down.”

  “Nyet.” She groaned and went for his mouth. “Faster. Go faster.”

  It was their wet, messy, frantic claiming kiss that became both of their catalysts. Sending them to a shared space of bliss.

  Holding her up, Tag nailed her to the wall, shoving, shoving, shoving until she lost vision and became only toneless sounds.

  Marianna went first, coming in great big trembles when Tag slammed as deep as he could go, grunting her name. His hand gripping around the back of her neck to hold her to his mouth felt sweet and intimate in contrast to the frantic sex.

  He said her name over and over so beautifully, she just fell apart in his arms.

  When he followed, he pulled out of her. She whined his name, grabbing his shirt, trying, trying, trying desperately to fuse them together.

  He spilled on her outer thighs, some of his pleasure splashing across her stomach, grunt after grunt aided his release as his great big body shudder against hers.

  In that moment of coming down, she wanted to tell him so much.

  Thank you.

  You’re wonderful.

  I think I’m falling for you.

  I waited my whole life for a person like you to love.

  Words became labored breaths as her face found a home in the side of his neck. He let her legs slide down and he steadied Marianna on her feet.

  He kept her close, fixing her clothes. Holding her closer.

  It was Tag who broke the silence, tipping her chin up with a knuckle, he glided their lips together. “Fucking perfect, darlin’.”

  Fucking perfect.

  She smiled up at him.

  They were the right words too.

  Fucking perfect.


  “My baby boy.”- Marianna

  “You have to understand something, darlin’. I was gonna take it easy on you. I had a plan, to be a romantic bastard. I was gonna spread you open and tease pleasure out of you. But then you flashed me this perfect pussy, and all games ceased. Now I gotta rip it out of you.”

  “Luke,” she laugh-breathed, color staining her face.

  The way he was prowling toward her after dumping her clothes made her stomach flip over in a lovely roll of feeling. His eyes so masked by his lids they looked closed.

  The eroticism electrified the surrounding air.

  Only thirty minutes
to drive them to his home, he’d skipped out on his own celebration party. Clinging to him the entire way, she hadn’t protested at all.

  Tag’s prowling gait brought him back to her. She tipped her head to better look at him, and he dropped his chin to gaze back.

  The flat of his palm cupped her fully without warning, feeling her wetness seeping out into his hand, and she shuddered for his coarseness.

  The flash of his eyes from summer to winter caused a riot inside her, and Marianna exhaled a loud breath.

  “I need you to know that was my plan. But I can’t now, Marianna. It’s impossible when you’ve made me crazy. Only been inside you once and now I’m a fucking animal, you get me? I’m going to destroy this pussy until she’s crying her bliss all over me.”

  He rubbed. He rubbed her so slowly, grazing her clit, she felt it shuddering everywhere.

  This wild man was explaining his intentions, and she’d never felt so safe and wanted before. So cared for, knowing her pleasure was handled.

  He looked for consent silently, and her blazing eyes gave it.

  There was no other choice. She was his.

  The world turned neon when he pushed two fingers into her and found the place to contort her body up from the seat. Oh, god. Pleasure fired at will.

  “I’m about to trash this pussy, Marianna, until you can’t stand the orgasms coming at you from all corners. Not like a gentleman would, easing you in. I’m an animal, remember?” Bobbing her head, she inhaled hard. “This is the only time you can tap out, your last chance.”

  Not even invading little green men would get her to stop.

  His filthy mouth did it for her.

  “Luuuuuuke.” She whined out her answer, pitching forward to lean her damp forehead on his shirt front.

  “Goddamn. My name, really? You’ve done it now, Anna.”

  Her tummy flipped as he straightened to his full height like a god emerging from a bolt of lightning.

  So incredibly sexy, masculine, and athletic.

  Using his given name seemed to affect Tag as much as his using darling did to her. So she whined it again, watched how his teeth bared.

  His eyes burned as he towered over her.

  The veins more pronounced on his forearms while his fists flexed, hanging at his sides.


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