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Prince Charming (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 9)

Page 28

by V. Theia

  Thank god—despite their attitudes, they were straight-A students. Tag couldn’t wait to ship them off to college in a few years, just for a bit of peace.

  He bit back his grin, watching them slink over.

  Where his girl was delicate as a dancer, like Anna.

  Pasha was everything Tag. Down to the way he walked, held himself and talked. They might be wild, but he was proud as hell of his kids. They fought like cats and dogs, but Pasha waded in a few times when little brats had been mean to Lily.

  As her brother, he could wail on her, but god help anyone else who touched his sister.

  Family came first, they knew that.

  Protect our own first.

  “Right, quit yer bitching, me and your mom kiss. Get over it. One day you’ll have someone and wanna kiss them, and in front of your ungrateful, whiny kids.” Tag started and watched them both scowl.

  “I don’t whine.”

  “I’m not ungrateful.”

  They spoke at the same time.

  “Now tell me what today’s drama is about.” When they talked over each other, Tag emitted a high pitch whistle. “Lily first.”

  “She always goes first!”

  Thirteen-year-old Lily, two minutes older than her brother, smirked at Pasha. Then turned her beautiful eyes on him, so like Anna’s.

  “He saw Zane kiss my cheek and this dickhead—”

  “Lily.” Tag warned.

  “This turd went off on him for no reason.”

  God save him from these kids and their burgeoning hormones.

  He wasn’t even surprised.

  Rider’s second son, Zane, had been friends with Lily for years. It was only recently this kissing shit started. Which meant Pasha stepped up as her protector to make sure Zane treated her right.

  “He had his damn hands on you, Lil. Where’s your self-respect?” Pasha accused. Before they could start bickering again, Tag snapped his fingers for focus.

  His Anna thought it was romantic how Zane watched out for Lily.

  Tag, not so much.

  Zane was a good kid, but he was still a guy with a dick. When he came over to their house, Tag made sure he gave the boy a withering stare. Let him know he was prepared to whoop his ass if he stepped out of line. Thankfully, they were still just kids. And he trusted them. To a point.

  “Was he disrespecting your sister?”

  “No, he was not.” Lily butted in. And Marianna stopped her, “Lily, we don’t talk over each other in this family.”

  Where Lily had her long dark hair in two braids, Pasha’s hair was a messy mop on top of his head. He rushed a hand through it.

  “Nah, dad. I was making sure he didn’t, you know?”

  Tag twitched a grin, almost fist bumped his kid for that.

  “Can I go now, dad? Zane is making us pizzas in the kitchen.”

  “Yeah. Stick to where we can see you, you know the rules, no rooms with boys alone.” She rolled her pretty eyes but launched forward to hug him fast and kiss Marianna.

  “Don’t forget we’re going for school clothes later.” Anna reminded her.

  “I won’t.” she was already gone, running off to that boy.

  “I would have grounded her, dad.” Pasha chimed, like he was twenty years old and not thirteen. “I’ll keep an eye on them.”

  “Try not to annoy your sister, yeah? We gotta live with her.”

  Marianna chuckled. She got it. Their house was usually a noisy war zone.

  At that, one of Capone’s boys sauntered by. He was a mini Capone. Tall for his age, dark hair, darker scowl, dressed in club gear like he was ready to prospect in a few years’ time.

  That wasn’t what Tag noticed though.

  It was the way Mateo and Pasha stared daggers at each other. Pasha looked away first.

  “What was that about, Son?”

  Pasha—usually unflappable, turned his gaze away fast. But Tag caught the color highlighted on his son’s cheeks. Was there some beef between them?

  “Nothing. He’s an entitled prick.”

  Sauntering off in the same direction as Mateo, Tag watched his son’s strong stride. He’d already made noise about prospecting for the club when he turned sixteen.

  There wasn’t an engine that Pasha couldn’t fix, he loved being in the shop with his uncles. And he mostly only did it in his spare time when he wasn’t studying. His boy was clever and could do anything he wanted to. Tag was happy with whatever he did, even if it wasn’t Souls related.

  His flighty, domineering girl was still undecided about her future. Tag reckoned he’d end up bailing her out one day.

  “Christ, these kids are walking fucking hormones, Anna. I might not survive the next few years.” He complained, making her laugh.

  He was serious. Mostly.

  It was further proved when Sebastian strolled into the club. Closely followed as always by his blond-haired shadow, Sunny. And her shadow, that was Tanner.

  “Has the club always been this filled with angst, Anna?”

  “No, baby boy. It’s all these damn kids.” She chuckled to appease his dad mood. He pinched her ass. She’d pay for that later, and he’d be the lucky one.

  He was always lucky with his wife.

  It felt like he’d been a part of the Souls forever.

  He’d learned to walk as a boy. Run as a man. And thrive like a Prince.

  But being Marianna’s husband, her lover, and best friend, he’d learned how to love.

  They loved each other so deeply. It still took his breath some days when she walked into a room and he realized she was his.

  It didn’t matter that his cage fighting career exploded to levels even he hadn’t thought possible over the last decade.

  Or that the Souls were thriving.

  His entire world was in his arms, curling her tired self into his ribs. His woman had become studious as fuck. Right before they got married, she’d taken a few night classes and then a few more. Now his Anna was a freelance translator, a kickass mom and sexy biker wife.

  “I’ve been thinking, Luke.”

  Oh, yeah. He loved that raspy tone she got when she was “thinking.” It meant only good and dirty things were in store for him soon.

  “Tell me.”

  “Well, the hog roast won’t be ready until 7 tonight, Zara said. Lily is busy with Zane and their pizzas.” Tag grunted, don’t remind me. “Pasha will be in the shop for a while. So we could…” her skinny fingers wandered up his shirt, and he swore he felt it in his twitching dick. “Luke, it’s been three days since you’ve been inside me.”

  He knew that. Because of those damn kids he loved more than life itself, and all their dramas. Plus, he’d been on a run with Reaper, which meant he’d missed his old lady’s hungry little cries. The hand she slipped between them molded the shape of his growing cock through his jeans. Tag’s groan was jet powered, and he climbed to his feet. Not caring that he might embarrass his kids. Those punks could get over themselves.

  He hoisted Marianna into his arms, carting her off to a secluded back room.

  “Gonna fuck you until you pass out,” he rumbled into her needy mouth as she grabbed for him.

  “Okay.” She puffed, eating his mouth like dessert. If she didn’t stop, he was gonna bust right there, “wake me up for the hog roast though.”

  Whistles and jeers followed them because nothing was ever secret around this place.

  Tag ignored them all. His woman needed him.

  “Oh, hey, guys.” A sweet voice laughed as he was about to find a spare room. They parted mouths to see a grinning Angela coming from Rider’s office. “Have you seen that man of mine anywhere?”

  “Sorry, we haven’t.” Marianna answered.

  “No problem, I’ll find him. Have fun, you two.” Eyes twinkled. She was another one who’d grown up before Tag’s eyes. Now she was a practicing attorney in Archie’s law firm, working closely for the Souls.

  That’s how the club threads worked.

hey grew over years, becoming stronger, tying everyone to this family, this brotherhood.

  All his focus, though, was on the squirming woman he dropped onto a narrow bed.

  Her eyes sparkled with want when he reached for his belt. Her little whimper was music.

  A decade on, and he was as in love with her as ever.

  Their life together didn’t have the most romantic of starts.

  But it was theirs.

  All the cracks and struggles.

  He fucking worshipped Marianna.

  And nothing was changing about that.

  “Get down here,” she demanded, thickening his cock while he ate up the sight of her slipping out of her panties. Tag’s heart ramped up in his chest. “Show me what Prince Charming can do in thirty minutes.”

  Goddamn, he was gonna make her stretch to the limit for that dare.

  Grinning like a lucky devil, Tag prowled over his woman.

  He had her screaming into his mouth within four minutes.


  More Renegade Souls MC coming in 2021.

  Also by V. THEIA

  Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Series:

  Dirty Salvation

  Preacher Man

  Tracking Luxe

  Hades Novella

  Filthy Love

  Finally Winter

  Mistletoe and Outlaws Novella

  Resurfaced Passion

  Intimately Faithful Novella

  Indecent Lies

  Law Maker Novella

  Savage Outlaw

  Renegade Souls MC Collection Boxset 1-3

  Taboo Love Duet:

  It Was Love

  It Was Always Love

  From Manhattan Series:

  Manhattan Sugar

  Manhattan Bet

  Manhattan Storm

  Manhattan Secret

  Manhattan Heart

  Manhattan Target

  Manhattan Tormentor

  Manhattan Muse

  Naughty Irish Series:

  Naughty Irish Liar


  Website: HERE

  Author Facebook: HERE

  Readers Group: HERE

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