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The Continuing tales of Bo Jon Littlehorse, P.I.

Page 6

by Danny E. Allen



  ~~~“This is DJCJ-TV News, a triple-murder occurred 48-hours ago at the “Okay Homa Saloon” in the outskirts of Tulsa… By a man, native-American, 6’8”, long black-hair... …Eyewitnesses say it was unwarranted as he was personally, identified…”- …“Well, it was around Ten-ish, I was seated-over in one of the corner-chairs ‘enjoying’ a beer, when all of sudden a large-Indian in a red-leather vest, brown Indian deco-shirt, black jeans and black galpas, fired a double-barrel shotgun point-blank.” “They didn’t even see what was comin’…” …“All right, thank you.” “Police have an all-points bulletin out for the assailant, this is DJCJ-TV reporting…

  Aboard a moving police patrol-car, riding the out-land interstate traveling a lonely back-country highway…: ”Another Indian on-the-run, here pass-me another donut”, said the police-officer riding with his-partner along I-47 near-reservation country. “That’s all we need is another wild-native chase.” They turned-on the flashing-lights, and sirens and headed toward Indian-territory. There was an all-points bulletin, for one-Savora Tekashaw; thought to be the assailant of a double-murder. This, was an immediate-alert…

  …Bo Jon Littlehorse, was riding the out-land lanes when he heard the APB over Indian Police- band… Both Native-Indian, Suma-county of N. Oklahoma-police and state-troopers, were advised. Bo was on his way to the border-line, after having an advisory-board meeting in Texas as an assistant-council. He had decided to get involved, nearing the native-territory, when he-hailed the call… “Reservation-patrol, this is Bo Jon Littlehorse p.I., with surveillance-inquiry of one Savora Tekasaw, over.” “Suma reservation police HQ, copy-Littlehorse.” “Info-runs one-T. Savora, expected murderer-in bar-incident, immediate-search has been announced...” “Tribal-cooperation, is given stat per-diem confer with native-bureau for future-entailment…” “10-4, native-patrol.” Bo was acknowledged by Indian-authorities in becoming an active-censure. Bo was known in many of the regions’ criminal-agencies immediately ok’d by Indian legal-proponents. He headed West and South-down into the area of Custard township, stood 25-miles below the reservation. It was in fact a reservation-town most of the work was Indian-employed, derived from Indian-contracts, or thereof. Bo Jon was aware of this, a close-contact community espoused of “white”-imprint, developed-by native-monies… Yet very few Co-opts came out of their relationship, sociably. So the public, on-part, remained-divided and inciting, at times. But much of what was important, was the foundation of a small-community, most of all. With many of the same things, in common they worked till there-was a mutually, beneficial and with many of the social-principles till they-lived in-peace, over the many decades….

  With this new-incident appearing suddenly, at a critical-occurrence for them-both, the general ideology-was that the native-community could be considered-to blame and possibly, chanced-against in potential, at-stake… It was now, in the process-of being expedited across the area. As law-enforcement began taking the reigns of the search, it was becoming potentially, a ‘sparked powder-keg‘. Bo realized this as a possibility. Also, he recognized that a man was being hunted-down, as a man crossing the law. Bo Jon knew the law would-be on the supra-structure of legal-class… Knowing that as he entered Indian-territory. He had a better-chance against this, and the existence of conscious-imperil. The accused had greater-chance to receiving ordinal-justice…

  Bo appeared at the town‘s crime-unit, three-days after the incident a warrant of murder was already, being readied. Bo asked many characteristic-questions, as a legal-affiliate of the Indian-territory. Taking notes of all-crime evidence. Savora Tekasaw was prime-suspect, Bo asked questions of the prevalent-circumstances… -“…It was thought, he was involved in a dispute with two men-over a bar-conflict. The two-men, rubbed him the wrong-way and S. Tekasaw-left. It was said, he went home to return with his personal double-odd 12 gauge sawed-off, a typical weapon of Indian-shootings…” “Also, we interviewed family and friends, who said he was wearing, said clothing.” “He seemed distraught over something for several days. When his friends were asked of him, he seemed distracted. …Someone said, he’d been drinking over some job-conflict.” “His neighbors thought that he was saddened by his recent career-change.” Bo listened and caught preliminary, secondary and higher-order-wagings… It could have as easily, been a rediscovery-of actuation…there were many areas of leeway for ulterior-motive. Bo Jon was neither-taking what was ‘total‘-of scenario; nor deviating, from what could have been an insightful-‘root-cause‘.


  …Scott Edwin, was killed by an unknown, assailant… He’d been running-for Head of the Regional-Union, against a man, who many thought was ‘on-the-take‘… He was found-dead with no clues to who had did it. His opponent was elected. …He’d been a friend, to Savora Tekasaw. They’d worked together to improve the Union. Both, were against the man thought to be a would-be mob-boss but no one could prove it…

  ~ “I want the job, done…” “We’ll frame him and no-one would be the wiser.” “Yes, sir.” “We’ll set-up 3 men, and they will suspect Tekasaw…” Said their boss and two of his Hench-man…

  He decided his first-stop was with those whom knew him ‘first-hand‘. His personal-relations, under the façade of “killer“, spur-of-the-moment reactor, or as uneven-headed. He started with an initial focus; a man was accused of first-degree murder. He checked-in with Indian reservation-law reinforcement. There, he discussed the case…

  “Savora. Our run-down of him, is that he is impeccable”, said the officer, his men pulled-up his record, as soon as they found-out. “Tekasaw was a community-leader, a man who stood-out.” “…If anything, he should have been lauded for his accomplishments.” Another reserve-aide intervened, “Savora was a leader of the people, he was a leader who rose from the poor and indigent up to the point of affirmed-benefactor. I know, I was one of his custodials…” “The man-lived to help the Indian-people; to have a voice, in the white-community.” Bo Jon went-on with his vital-questions which lend to a whole, different-aspect of one, Savora Tekasaw. He then, decided to trace his-roots, and up-till that night, what had become of him…

  After several-inquiries, discussions, portrayals and informs, he-decided a whole new-realm had both lent-to and drew-away, from who was explained to be, Savora Tekasaw… In all, Tekasaw, having problems though working-hard but he never let it get the best of him, quite alternatively, he fought his own-battles. And that’s what lead to autrification, of a new-order. Bo Jon was proposing new inter-rationales and new-orientation that even-handedly, put new-light on a steadily diminishing, scenario. If somehow, a pact-leadership had been achieved-by Savora, and a man named Edwin. During their time together, it was a bond of ‘resurrection’ and affirm that would impose, their fate… Savora was, by going-up into the holy-land, in fact a premise of strong ”belief”, and restitution that was leaving behind him a trail-of both disaster as well in greater-form: devotion, pragmatic and self-abasement. No-one alive accept him could fully, know the worth. Bo Jon knew, when he could see his personal-reasoning, it was never selfish or confused but well-planned and applicative, as much of his-life…

  All that was left, was to reach those delusional-”aversions” and instead, look beyond the mold of in-fracture set alone by greedy-men upon a simple, yet not always understood individual by others so easily, intending… If Bo was having anything-misunderstood, it was how evenly apparent a man would fall into defiance-for some, would super-cede their rightful trust-in justice, though-blind… Yet he didn’t rely-on the white man’s security-of-law, nor ‘super-cede’ the comfort of reservation-law. Which was, in such cases “stallied” by its own inactivated, en sub par. So now his key-register of the contact-in revealing, was ready-for exposing and utmost, be unveiled, to the “Light of D0ay”. Sub-strataed by men. The profile of Tekasaw’s individual-image. A conveyance intricately, expounded on a man-
selflessly, impeccable. That was the grading-basis, he was getting from his friends, relatives and coworkers… The most grounding-facts about what Savora Tekasaw was, the high-valued, distinctions and engaging-competence awarded-to him. But what gave the most compelling, was when the special closed-meeting of Pact Chapter 206 Native Workers’ Union… It came after wide-spread knowledge ofBo Jon’s p.I. ability. Lead-officer Joseph Tree-feather told him to appear-on the following-day.

  Bo had followed-up on his constructed-profile which did not in, any uncertain terms confirm the serious present-result… More was to be learned expectingly, sardonically-prevailing… He’d already stated, in-tracking perception needed-to resolve, the specifics of espoused, allegory… They met at seven in the morning. While the cool-air blew across the tree-groves on the grounds, Treefeather and Littlehorse entered the quiet meeting-room. He was told, convincing-him that what they had to say was ‘important’, ‘crucial’ and essential to Savora’s circumstances… This, was evident.

  ***Savora, had been at home when one of his friend’s came to his house &warned him that 2-men had been murdered & he was the suspect. Then two of his closest friends showed-up. He told them he wanted to go into the holy-land back-country they’d take his horses& supplies, as soon as possible…

  Four-men and two-women sat around a counsel-table. “Mr.Littlehorse, we believe you are here to deal with the situation of Savora Tekasaw, our union-leader and now, perpetrator of a supposed-crime. We have valuable information-in the involvement of our-leader…” Savora and Patrice were moving among the canyons and high-walls of the land-formations…- …It was a conference of union-heads, each spoke to Jon about the silent-distress of what had happened to a man of such caliber. A terminology of in-trepidation and trial of a venerable-member, of native-ness. They-fostered the mis-believing, of the ‘ominous‘ outcome that by a vivid-comrade. They input what was presented-by authorities, as an unknown long-shot.

  “Well, you see Mr.Littlehorse our incriminated co-member had been given a grievous-accusation by the law, and now, is on-the-run… We have need of your services to the extant that someone has framed him, and that who-ever it was on statutory grounds. We have explained ‘why’ we belief so, and what part our contention has played a role… We would be grateful of any aid you might be able to give. We will pay for any extension of your services. Please, use any local-requirements”… They listened attentively, and concertedly at Bo’s stipulations, factors and introspections to espouse the growing “dim”-shroud of Savora’s case. Then, he went into his central deliberations. The collaberation went into the mid-morning, when at 10:45 a.m., the alliance went to work.

  “Patrice, Savora has traveled a path-alone, it has been one, we do not know of its apprising but he is a good man… We have traveled two-days within the lands of the communion a place of great-leaders’

  power and convergence… This is a sign.” Said his cousin. “We, are his supporters while he-contemplates on an agreement-on his people and his leadership-terms…” Said Patrice. …“He is a survivor, and willing-steward to what he has committed and involved-himself“. “Why should such a man be so silent and unseeking-of help.” Said his cousin. Patrice, answering. “For a man adorns himself with the things he most adores, these as his guises-of-strength. We should not question them…”

  “You did not support him, in this?” “No, I realized at first that he was having some problems, he confided in me the precious prideful-resolve that many men were taking part-in what Savora had never, conceded…” Said Patrice. “This unrelenting-’jost’, and our bond to him…we are his spiritual-ruants…”

  “Whatever Savora seeks, it is in his heart to find the ‘answer’”. -“We will stop-up the lee-canyon way. There I will meditate and I will then reveal to you my concerns…” Said Savora… The noon-day sun slashed through the high-ridges and crevasses of the high-liths. The final-trek opened-onto the grassy-plain where the sun-shown bright. There, they dismounted and sat together among large-strewn rocks. The two-looked at the man who’d brought them alone to the ancient Indian rock-formations. Like a prehistoric Cathedral the light of glory was the great-’Sol’ and he was within its glow-now, ready to confess his private hidden-sin…”


  Sarah Blackpaint, roamed the kitchen ferrying food-trays and large-cups of coffee among the gentry of conversant. Tree-feather, two of the mediating-workers, and one of the Deputy Sheriff’s for the reservation talked, back-and-forth about a very serious condition encompassing, more than a simple man… It began coming together as the many-sides of Savora and his actions, coming to an understanding eventuality. It must, be uncovered. So all agreed to a tentative-resign that Savora Tekasaw, be given the determination-benefit of a doubt. All, giving-of under a chance for bringing about an alternative-answer… Bo Jon, sat as vanguard as those who stood alongside him had taken it upon themselves to iron-out some sort of plausative. To bring about the truth of what happen. This, was the twilight of the hour of awakening for a man-needing the help he so easily, and exceptionally, given to others. Supportive, symbiotic and significant, they extrapolated the dedication of one competent and in-’need’ of what he heroically, had not given himself.

  Now, the women and men coordinated their forces and combined them… It was an incentive enterprise, that would forward the mission of veneration;the person that was at its center…Bo’s next step was to follow-up on crime-data. He, being the one fitting the pieces together, so he-sat as the head of the demand-forces. Every one else’s comportality, hinged on him…

  They worked-in their differing areas to draw-together, derive elaborately, actualize and fend… They’d construed a compact-plan based-on which the evidence would be conceded to follow-through on development-of relevant factors, divulging necessary-implications. To crack the case, it would take all their resourcefulness…

  That night, Bo had taken the first-step: the crime-scene. It had spilled-all over the news-media of the glaring, occurrence… Savora Tekasaw, had probably killed two-men in cold-blood... They had eye-witnesses, weapons’ evidence and the circumstantial motive. Bo had listened to every, possible report then came into Sheriff’s station Crime-Unit to see just how deep theses allegation came to a reality. He left there a quarter-past eight that night with a self-initiated, instilled motivation. The crime-scene and a number-of investigative, points of interest. All of which, set to unearth new-information…

  The crime-scene was yellow-lined and left, in-solitude almost forbidden. He-entered with a serious surmise that might be ‘genuine’, and his determining, situ to the obstacles and inversing-tact. These layed-in the compliment of choice, challenge& invariant deductive-dimension. To Bo Jon, the ‘best’-advice was coming to his own conclusions… Yet they needed a substantial-tangent. As he spot-lighted the dark parking-lot, saloon. Cigarette-filters, bottle-caps and match-covers, lay carelessly strewn all-about. Then, he found something seemingly, as well unimportant-trash: a silver “Shay’s” restaurant matchbook; which had a message-scribbled in red-ink. The words were not ambiguous or amphitheatrically, verbose. But had statement of communication, a transmission of venerate, assertion…- “Meeting with B& E at Indian happ bar.-Make contact, don’t worry they won’t surprise you.” -”500 on tab after filling the cass-bosz.”

  It was nearly, empty except for 2-matches of a purplish green-hue… The color of hard burning-flammant. Usually, found in colder-climates. Bo knew of the very famous Detroit-pub. The very indigenous, popular and regularly, habited-spot by the rich and powerful. Who-was this “Cass-Bosz”, a possible cross-niche to someone of prestige or prominence… He kept this, with his-evidential components. He went-into further evaluation of the dark-dirt parking-surface. Where ground surface, vulgarity formed impediments. And adjudicate spheres-of convictions, operant and appositive. That once well-busied outskirts-tavern had impudent-indications. They tended to supplant at an ‘
open’-glance, into a magnitude of area-of “minutiae”. Professing in ‘avail’, attempt and inventive-of choice and chosen chastens, formed of confessing… Such-ageal could be relevant to a tour to affix;any-one could be of an accumulative-account. These minute-cachets, by concision, might open a hidden-window of ‘opportunity’… He went through-out the plot of neglected, and highly trafficked-zones. Looking-for something diminished, but definable. He-found cigarette butts, from generic-brands not-sold in the area, he put these in plastic-bags. He then, found several interesting-facts, he’d hold these for future-indications…

  He was now, implicative to the fore-runner in the former-candidacy race-for teamster’s leader was now, the mastermind behind the crime… If Bo suspicions were right. A few deliberatory, deductions were ‘correct’ the matchbook, the strange but definite-“order“, and the greater-possibility that now someone-else was behind, the very sincere-portrayer of a triple-killing… Savora, was an up-standing councilman, a respected member and worker. And the unusual, out-of-the-ordinary act didn’t suit his make-up, mentality or character. Savora Tekasaw went with two-friends, who were not in any way underhanded. They were close, not what someone known to doing wrong would do, or not-”resort”-to doing. Thus, Bo was now, hot on the heels of the culprits, two men mentioned by note, the hinchmen, their connection to the teamster. Now, potentially ordered-murderer, and what Savora was keeping to himself about the man, who once opposed him by-scheme. He reassessed, and finalized his legal-terms to the courts, what was the corroborating-evidence… A group of his closest-patrons went up into Conchitato holy-land where Savora was awaiting his-fate, with those he might hold dear…


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