12.1–7 Josh. 2; cf. Heb. 11:31; James 2:25.
A Call to Proper Behavior
13 Let us therefore be humble, brothers, laying aside all arrogance and conceit and foolishness and anger, and let us do what is written. For the Holy Spirit says: “Let not the wise man boast about his wisdom, nor the strong about his strength, nor the rich about his wealth; but let the one who boasts boast in the Lord, to seek him out and do justice and righteousness.” Most of all, let us remember the words of the Lord Jesus, which he spoke as he taught gentleness and patience. 2 For he said this: “Show mercy, so that you may receive mercy; forgive, so that you may be forgiven. As you do, so shall it be done to you. As you give, so shall it be given to you. As you judge, so shall you be judged. As you show kindness, so shall kindness be shown to you. With the measure you use it will be measured to you.” 3 With this commandment and these precepts let us strengthen ourselves, so that we may humbly walk in obedience to his holy words. For the holy word says, 4 “Upon whom shall I look, except upon the one who is gentle and quiet and who trembles at my words?”
13.1 Let not the wise . . . righteousness Jer. 9:23, 24; 1 Sam. 2:10 LXX; 1 Cor. 1:31; 2 Cor. 10:17. 13.2 Cf. Matt. 5:7; 6:14; 7:1–2, 12; Luke 6:31, 36–38. Because of the differences between these citations and the canonical texts, it is widely thought that Clement is here (and in 46.8 as well) dependent on a collection of sayings independent of (and possibly earlier than) Matthew and Luke. 13.4 Isa. 66:2.
14 Therefore it is right and holy, brothers, that we should be obedient to God rather than follow those who in arrogance and unruliness have set themselves up as leaders in abominable jealousy. 2 For we shall bring upon ourselves no ordinary harm, but rather great danger, if we recklessly surrender ourselves to the purposes of people who launch out into strife and dissension in order to alienate us from what is right. 3 Let us be kind to them, in accordance with the compassion and tenderness of the one who made us. 4 For it is written: “The kind shall inhabit the land, and the innocent shall be left on it; but those who transgress shall be utterly destroyed from it.” 5 And again it says: “I saw the ungodly lifted up on high and exalted as the cedars of Lebanon. But I passed by, and behold, he was no more; I searched for his place, but I could not find it. Guard innocence and observe righteousness, for there is a remnant for the peaceful person.”
14.1 brothers Gk andres adelphoi. 14.3 to them Some ancient authorities read to one another. If correct, to them refers to the leaders of the schism. 14.4 Prov. 2:21–22; cf. Ps. 37(LXX 36):9, 38. 14.5 Ps. 37(LXX 36):35–37. • a remnant I.e., posterity or descendants.
The Necessity of Sincere Humility
15 Therefore let us unite with those who devoutly practice peace, and not with those who hypocritically wish for peace. 2 For somewhere it says, “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me”; 3 and again, “They blessed with their mouth, but they cursed with their heart.” 4 And again it says, “They loved him with their mouth, but with their tongue they lied to him; their heart was not right with him, nor were they faithful to his covenant.” 5 Therefore, “let the deceitful lips that speak evil against the righteous be struck speechless.” And again: “May the Lord utterly destroy all the deceitful lips, the boastful tongue, and those who say, ‘Let us praise our tongue; our lips are our own. Who is lord over us?’ 6 Because of the misery of the needy and because of the groaning of the poor I will now arise, says the Lord. I will place him in safety; 7 I will deal boldly with him.”
15.2 Isa. 29:13; Matt. 15:8; Mark 7:6. 15.3 Ps. 62:4 (LXX 61:5). 15.4 Ps. 78(LXX 77):36–37. 15.5a let the deceitful . . . struck speechless Ps. 31:18 (LXX 30:19). 15.5b–7 May the Lord . . . deal boldly with himPs. 12:3–5 (LXX 11:4–6). 15.5b Let uspraise Or let us magnify.
Christ as an Example of Humility
16 For Christ is with those who are humble, not with those who exalt themselves over his flock. 2 The majestic scepter of God, our Lord Christ Jesus, did not come with the pomp of arrogance or pride (though he could have done so), but in humility, just as the Holy Spirit spoke concerning him. 3 For he says: “Lord, who believed our report? And to whom was the arm of the Lord revealed? In his presence we announced that he was like a child, like a root in thirsty ground. He has no attractiveness or glory. We saw him, and he had no attractiveness or beauty; instead his ‘attractiveness’ was despised, inferior to that of humans. He was a man of stripes and of toil, knowing how to endure weakness, for his face is turned away; he was dishonored and not blessed. 4 This is the one who bears our sins and suffers pain for our sakes, and we regarded him as subject to toil and stripes and affliction. 5 But he was wounded because of our sins and has been afflicted because of our transgressions. The punishment that resulted in our peace fell upon him; by his wounds we were healed. 6 We all went astray like sheep, each one went astray in his own way; 7 and the Lord delivered him up for our sins. And he does not open his mouth, because he is afflicted; like a sheep he was led to slaughter, and as a lamb before his shearer is dumb, so he does not open his mouth. In his humiliation justice was denied him. 8 Who shall tell about his descendants? For his life was taken away from the earth. 9 For the transgressions of my people he came to his death. 10 But I will sacrifice the wicked for his burial, and the rich for his death; for he committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth. And the Lord desires to cleanse him of his stripes. 11 If you make an offering for sin, your soul will see a long-lived posterity. 12 And the Lord desires to take away the torment of his soul, to show him light and to form him with understanding, to justify one who is just, who is a good servant to many. And he himself will bear their sins. 13 Therefore he will inherit many, and will share the spoils of the strong, because his soul was delivered to death and he was reckoned as one of the transgressors; 14 and he bore the sins of many, and because of their sins he was delivered up.” 15 And again he himself says: “But I am a worm and not a man, a reproach among humans and an object of contempt to the people. 16 All those who saw me mocked me; they spoke with their lips; they shook their heads, saying, ‘He hoped in the Lord; let him deliver him, let him save him, because he takes pleasure in him.’” 17 You see, dear friends, the kind of pattern that has been given to us; for if the Lord so humbled himself, what should we do, who through him have come under the yoke of his grace?
16.2 majestic Some ancient authorities omit this word. • our Lord Christ Jesus Some ancient authorities read the Lord Jesus Christ. 16.3–14 Isa. 53:1–12. 16.15–16 Ps. 22:6–8 (LXX 21:7–9).
Examples of Humility from Scripture
17 Let us be imitators also of those who went about in goatskins and sheepskins, preaching the coming of Christ. We mean Elijah and Elisha, and likewise Ezekiel, the prophets, and alongside them others of renown as well. 2 Abraham was greatly renowned and was called “the friend of God”; yet when he looked intently at the glory of God, he said humbly, “I am only dust and ashes.” 3 Moreover, concerning Job it is thus written: “And Job was righteous and blameless, one who was true and who honored God and avoided all evil.” 4 Yet he accuses himself, saying: “No one is clean from stain; no, not even if his life lasts but for a day.” 5 Moses was called faithful in all his house, and through his ministry God judged Egypt with their plagues and the torments. But even he, though greatly glorified, did not boast but said, when an oracle was given to him at the bush, “Who am I, that you should send me? I have a feeble voice and a slow tongue.” 6 And again he says, “I am only steam from a pot.”
17.1 in goatskins and sheepskins Cf. Heb. 11:37. 17.2 friend of God Cf. James 2:23; 2 Chron. 20:7; Isa. 41:8. • I am . . . ashes Gen. 18:27. 17.3 Job 1:1. 17.4 Cf. Job 14:4, 5. 17.5 faithful . . . house Num. 12:7; Heb. 3:2. 17.5 Who am I . . . tongue Exod. 3:11; 4:10. 17.6 Source unknown.
18 And what shall we say about the illustrious David, to whom God said: “I have found a man after my own heart, David the son of Jesse; I have anointed him with eternal mercy.” 2 Yet he too says to God: “Have mercy on me, O God, according
to your great mercy; and according to the abundance of your compassion blot out my iniquity. 3 Wash me thoroughly from my transgression, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgression, and my sin is always before me. 4 Against you only have I sinned, and I have done evil in your sight, so that you may be justified in your words, and may win when you are judged. 5 For in transgressions I was brought forth, and in sins my mother conceived me. 6 For you have loved truth; the unseen and hidden things of your wisdom you have shown to me. 7 You will sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be cleansed; you will wash me, and I will become whiter than snow. 8 You will make me hear joy and gladness; the bones that have been humbled will rejoice. 9 Hide your face from my sins, and blot out all my transgressions. 10 Create a clean heart within me, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. 11 Do not cast me away from your presence, and do not take your Holy Spirit from me. 12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and strengthen me with a guiding spirit. 13 I will teach sinners your ways, and the godless will turn back to you. 14 Deliver me from bloodguilt, O God, the God of my salvation. 15 My tongue will rejoice in your righteousness. Lord, you will open my mouth, and my lips will proclaim your praise. 16 For if you had desired sacrifice, I would have given it; but in whole burnt offerings you will take no pleasure. 17 The sacrifice for God is a broken spirit; a broken and humbled heart God will not despise.”
18.1 Ps. 89:20 (LXX 88:21); Acts 13:22; cf. 1 Sam. 13:14. 18.2–17 Ps. 51:1–17 (LXX 50:3–19).
Learning from the Many Examples
19 Accordingly, the humility and subordination of so many people of such great renown have, through their obedience, improved not only us but also the generations before us, and likewise those who have received his oracles in fear and truth. 2 Seeing, then, that we have a share in many great and glorious deeds, let us hasten on to the goal of peace, which has been handed down to us from the beginning; let us fix our eyes upon the Father and Maker of the whole world and hold fast to his magnificent and excellent gifts and benefits of peace. 3 Let us observe him with our mind, and let us look with the eyes of the soul on his patient will. Let us note how free from anger he is toward all his creation.
Examples of Harmony in Nature
20 The heavens move at his direction and obey him in peace. 2 Day and night complete the course assigned by him, neither hindering the other. 3 The sun and the moon and the choirs of stars circle in harmony within the courses assigned to them, according to his direction, without any deviation at all. 4 The earth, bearing fruit in the proper seasons in fulfillment of his will, brings forth food in full abundance for both humans and beasts and all living things that dwell upon it without dissension and without altering anything he has decreed. 5 Moreover, the incomprehensible depths of the abysses and the indescribable judgments of the underworld are constrained by the same ordinances. 6 The basin of the boundless sea, gathered together by his creative action into its reservoirs, does not flow beyond the barriers surrounding it; instead it behaves just as he ordered it. 7 For he said: “Thus far shall you come, and your waves shall break within you.” 8 The ocean—impassable by humans—and the worlds beyond it are directed by the same ordinances of the Master. 9 The seasons, spring and summer and autumn and winter, give way in succession, one to the other, in peace. 10 The winds from the different quarters fulfill their ministry in the proper season without disturbance; the ever-flowing springs, created for enjoyment and health, give without fail their life-sustaining breasts to humankind. Even the smallest living things come together in harmony and peace. 11 All these things the great Creator and Master of the universe ordered to exist in peace and harmony, thus doing good to all things, but especially abundantly to us who have taken refuge in his compassionate mercies through our Lord Jesus Christ, 12 to whom be the glory and the majesty for ever and ever. Amen.
20.5 judgments Or punishments; cf. 28.1. Some editors find the text awkward and either delete the word, yielding indescribable things, or emend judgments (Gk krimata) to regions (Gk klimata). Neither suggestion seems necessary, however, especially as all the textual witnesses are united at this point. 20.6 into its reservoirs Gen. 1:9 LXX. 20.7 Job 38:11.
A Call to Good Behavior
21 Take care, dear friends, lest his many benefits turn into a judgment upon all of us, as will happen if we fail to live worthily of him and to do harmoniously those things that are good and pleasing in his sight. 2 For it says somewhere, “The Spirit of the Lord is a lamp searching the depths of the heart.” 3 Let us realize how near he is, and that nothing escapes him, either of our thoughts or of the plans that we make. 4 It is right, therefore, that we should not be deserters from his will. 5 Let us offend foolish and senseless people, who exalt themselves and boast in the arrogance of their words, rather than God. 6 Let us fear the Lord Jesus Christ, whose blood was given for us. Let us respect our leaders; let us honor the older men; let us instruct the young with instruction that leads to the fear of God. Let us guide our women toward that which is good: 7 let them display a disposition to purity worthy of admiration; let them exhibit a sincere desire to be gentle; let them demonstrate by their silence the moderation of their tongue; let them show their love, without partiality and in holiness, equally toward all those who fear God. 8 Let our children receive the instruction that is in Christ: let them learn how strong humility is before God, what pure love is able to accomplish before God, how the fear of him is good and great and saves all those who live in it in holiness with a pure mind. 9 For he is the searcher of thoughts and desires; his breath is in us, and when he so desires, he will take it away.
21.1 all of us Some ancient witnesses omit all of. 21.2 Prov. 20:27. 21.6 Lord Jesus Christ Some ancient witnesses omit Christ.
22 Now faith in Christ confirms all these things, for he himself through the Holy Spirit thus calls us: “Come, children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord. 2 Who is the person who desires life, who loves to see good days? 3 Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit. 4 Turn aside from evil and do good. 5 Seek peace and pursue it. 6 The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are turned to their prayers. But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to destroy any remembrance of them from the earth. 7 The righteous one cried out, and the Lord heard him, and delivered him from all his troubles. Many are the troubles of the righteous, but the Lord shall deliver him from them all.” 8 Furthermore, “many are the afflictions of the sinner, but mercy will surround those who set their hope on the Lord.”
22.1–7 Ps. 34:11–17, 19 (LXX 33:12–18, 20). 22.7 Many are . . . them all Some ancient authorities omit these words. 22.8 Furthermore Some ancient authorities omit this word; another reads And again. •Many are . . . the Lord Ps. 32(LXX 31):10.
23 The Father, who is merciful in all things, and ready to do good, has compassion on those who fear him, and gently and lovingly bestows his favors on those who draw near to him with singleness of mind. 2 Therefore, let us not be double-minded, nor let our soul indulge in false ideas about his excellent and glorious gifts. 3 Let this scripture be far from us where it says, “Wretched are the double-minded, those who doubt in their soul and say, ‘We heard these things even in the days of our fathers, and look, we have grown old, and none of these things have happened to us.’ 4 You fools, compare yourselves to a tree, or take a vine: first it sheds its leaves, then a shoot comes, then a leaf, then a flower, and after these a sour grape, and then a full ripe bunch.” Notice that in a brief time the fruit of the tree reaches maturity. 5 Truly his purpose will be accomplished quickly and suddenly, just as the scripture also testifies: “He will come quickly and not delay; and the Lord will come suddenly into his temple, even the Holy One whom you expect.”
23.3–4 Source unknown; cf. 2 Clem. 11.2–3. 23.5 Cf. Isa. 13:22 LXX; Mal. 3:1.
Examples of Resurrection
24 Let us consider, dear friends, how the Master continually points out to us the coming resurrection of which he made the Lord Jesus Christ the
first fruit when he raised him from the dead. 2 Let us observe, dear friends, the resurrection that regularly occurs. 3 Day and night show us the resurrection: the night falls asleep, and day arises; the day departs, and night returns. 4 Let us take as an example the crops: how and in what manner does the sowing take place? 5 The sower went forth and cast into the earth each of the seeds. These seeds, falling to the earth dry and bare, decay; but then out of their decay the majesty of the Master’s providence raises them up, and from the one seed many grow and bear fruit.
24.5 The sower went forth Cf. Mark 4:3 and parallels.
25 Let us observe the remarkable sign that is seen in the regions of the east, that is, in the vicinity of Arabia. 2 There is a bird that is named the phoenix. This bird, the only one of its species, lives for five hundred years. When the time of its dissolution and death arrives, it makes for itself a coffin-like nest of frankincense and myrrh and the other spices, into which, its time being completed, it enters and dies. 3 But as the flesh decays, a certain worm is born, which is nourished by the juices of the dead bird and eventually grows wings. Then, when it has grown strong, it takes up that coffin-like nest containing the bones of its parent, and carrying them away, it makes its way from the country of Arabia to Egypt, to the city called Heliopolis. 4 There, in broad daylight, in the sight of all, it flies to the altar of the sun and deposits them there, and then it sets out on its return. 5 The priests then examine the public records of the times, and they find that it has come at the end of the five hundredth year.
The Apostolic Fathers in English Page 6