25.1–5 The story of the phoenix, well known in antiquity, was widely used (with varying levels of credulity) by early Christian writers; sanction for this usage was found in Ps. 92:12 (LXX 91:13), where in the Greek LXX phoinix meaning “palm tree” was confused with phoinix meaning “phoenix bird.” 25.3 Heliopolis I.e., “the city of the Sun.”
26 How, then, can we consider it to be some great and marvelous thing, if the Creator of the universe shall bring about the resurrection of those who have served him in holiness, in the assurance born of a good faith, when he shows us—by a bird, no less— the magnificence of his promise? 2 For it says somewhere: “And you will raise me up, and I will praise you”; and, “I lay down and slept; I rose up, for you are with me.” 3 And again Job says: “And you will raise this flesh of mine, which has endured all these things.”
26.2 And you . . . praise you Ps. 28(LXX 27):7. • I lay . . . with me Cf. Ps. 3:5 (LXX 3:6); 23(LXX 22):4. 26.3 Job 19:26.
Nothing Escapes God’s Notice
27 With this hope, therefore, let our souls be bound to the one who is faithful in his promises and righteous in his judgments. 2 The one who commanded us not to lie all the more will not lie himself, for nothing is impossible with God, except to lie. 3 Therefore let faith in him be rekindled within us, and let us understand that all things are near to him. 4 By his majestic word he established the universe, and by a word he can destroy it. 5 “Who will say to him, ‘What have you done?’ Or who will resist the might of his strength?” He will do all things when he wills and as he wills, and none of those things decreed by him will fail. 6 All things are in his sight, and nothing escapes his will, 7 seeing that “the heavens declare the glory of God, and the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day pours forth speech to day, and night proclaims knowledge to night; and there are no words or speeches whose voices are not heard.”
27.2 for nothing is impossible . . . lie Cf. Heb. 6:18. 27.3 faith in him Or his faithfulness. 27.5 Wis. 12:12. 27.7 Ps. 19:1–3 (LXX 18:2–4).
28 Since, therefore, all things are seen and heard, let us fear him and abandon the abominable lusts that spawn evil works, in order that we may be shielded by his mercy from the coming judgments. 2 For where can any of us escape from his mighty hand? And what world will receive any of those who desert him? For the scripture says somewhere: 3 “Where shall I go, and where shall I be hidden from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there; if I depart to the ends of the earth, there is your right hand; if I make my bed in the depths, there is your Spirit.” 4 Where, then, can one go, or where can one flee from the one who embraces the universe?
28.2 scripture Or perhaps writing, possibly referring to the third division of the Hebrew Bible (the first two being the law and the prophets). 28.3 Cf. Ps. 139(LXX 138):7–10.
Good Behavior, Faith, and God’s Favor
29 Let us, therefore, approach him in holiness of soul, lifting up to him pure and undefiled hands, loving our gentle and compassionate Father who made us his own chosen portion. 2 For thus it is written: “When the Most High divided the nations, when he dispersed the sons of Adam, he fixed the boundaries of the nations according to the number of the angels of God. His people, Jacob, became the Lord’s portion, and Israel his inherited allotment.” 3 And in another place it says: “Behold, the Lord takes for himself a nation out of the midst of the nations, as a man takes the first fruits of his threshing floor; and the Holy of Holies will come forth from that nation.”
29.2 Deut. 32:8–9.
30 Seeing then that we are the portion of the Holy One, let us do all the things that pertain to holiness, forsaking slander, disgusting and impure embraces, drunkenness and rioting and detestable lusts, abominable adultery, detestable pride. 2 “For God,” it says, “resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” 3 Let us therefore join with those to whom grace is given by God. Let us clothe ourselves in concord, being humble and self-controlled, keeping ourselves far from all backbiting and slander, being justified by works and not by words. 4 For it says: “The one who speaks much shall hear much in reply. Or does the talkative person think that he is righteous? 5 Blessed is the one born of woman who has a short life. Do not be overly talkative.” 6 Let our praise be with God, and not from ourselves, for God hates those who praise themselves. 7 Let the testimony to our good deeds be given by others, as it was given to our fathers who were righteous. 8 Boldness and arrogance and audacity are for those who are cursed by God; but graciousness and humility and gentleness are with those who are blessed by God.
31 Let us therefore cling to his blessing, and let us investigate what are the pathways of blessing. Let us study the records of the things that have happened from the beginning. 2 Why was our father Abraham blessed? Was it not because he attained righteousness and truth through faith? 3 With confidence, Isaac, knowing the future, went willingly to be sacrificed. 4 With humility Jacob departed from his land because of his brother and went to Laban and served him, and the scepter of the twelve tribes of Israel was given to him.
32 Anyone who sincerely considers these matters one by one will understand the magnificence of the gifts that are given by God. 2 For from Jacob come all the priests and Levites who minister at the altar of God; from him comes the Lord Jesus according to the flesh; from him come the kings and rulers and governors in the line of Judah; and his other tribes are held in no small honor, seeing that God promised that “your seed shall be as the stars of heaven.” 3 All, therefore, were glorified and magnified, not through themselves or their own works or the righteous actions that they did, but through his will. 4 And so we, having been called through his will in Christ Jesus, are not justified through ourselves or through our own wisdom or understanding or piety, or works that we have done in holiness of heart, but through faith, by which the Almighty God has justified all who have existed from the beginning; to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.
29.3 Cf. Deut. 4:34; 14:2; Num. 18:27; 2 Chron. 31:14; Ezek. 48:12. 30.1 the portion of the Holy One Various ancient authorities read a holy portion or holy portions or a portion of holy ones. 30.2 Prov. 3:34; James 4:6; 1 Pet. 5:5. 30.4–5 Job 11:2–3a LXX. 31.2 Cf. Gen. 15:6; Rom. 4; James 2:23. 31.3 Cf. Gen. 22:1–10. 31.4 Cf. Gen. 28–29. 32.2 Jacob Lit. him. • your seed . . . heaven Cf. Gen. 15:5; 22:17; 26:4. 33.4 of his intelligence Some ancient authorities omit this phrase. 33.5 Gen. 1:26–27. 33.6 Gen. 1:28. 33.7 We have seen An editor’s emendation. The ancient authorities read Let us observe. • himself with good works One ancient authority reads himself with works. 34.3 Cf. Isa. 40:10; 62:11; Prov. 24:12; Rom. 2:6; Rev. 22:12.
The Value of Good Behavior and Harmony
33 What then shall we do, brothers? Shall we idly abstain from doing good, and forsake love? May the Master never allow this to happen, at least to us; but let us hasten with earnestness and zeal to accomplish every good work. 2 For the Creator and Master of the universe himself rejoices in his works. 3 For by his infinitely great might he established the heavens, and in his incomprehensible wisdom he set them in order. Likewise he separated the earth from the water surrounding it, and set it firmly upon the sure foundation of his own will; and the living creatures that walk upon it he called into existence by his decree. Having already created the sea and the living creatures in it, he fixed its boundaries by his own power. 4 Above all, as the most excellent and by far the greatest work of his intelligence, with his holy and faultless hands he formed humankind as a representation of his own image. 5 For thus spoke God: “Let us make humankind in our image and likeness. And God created humankind; male and female he created them.” 6 So, having finished all these things, he praised them and blessed them and said, “Increase and multiply.” 7 We have seen that all the righteous have been adorned with good works. Indeed, the Lord himself, having adorned himself with good works, rejoiced. 8 So, since we have this pattern, let us unhesitatingly conform ourselves to his will; let us with all our strength do the work of righteousness.
34 The good worker receives the br
ead of his labor confidently; the one who is lazy and careless dares not look his employer in the face. 2 It is, therefore, necessary that we should be zealous to do good, for all things come from him. 3 For he forewarns us: “Behold, the Lord comes, and his reward is with him, to pay each one according to his work.” 4 He exhorts us, therefore, who believe in him with our whole heart, not to be idle or careless about any good work. 5 Let our boasting and our confidence be in him; let us submit ourselves to his will; let us consider the whole host of his angels, how they stand by and serve his will. 6 For scripture says: “Ten thousand times ten thousand stood by him, and thousands of thousands served him, and they cried out, ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts; all creation is full of his glory.’” 7 Let us also, then, being gathered together in harmony with intentness of heart, cry out to him earnestly, with one mouth, so that we may come to share in his great and glorious promises. 8 For he says: “Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and it has not entered into the human heart, what great things he has prepared for those who patiently wait for him.”
34.6 Dan. 7:10; cf. Isa. 6:3. 34.8 1 Cor. 2:9; cf. Isa. 64:4.
35 How blessed and marvelous are the gifts of God, dear friends! 2 Life in immortality, splendor in righteousness, truth with boldness, faith with confidence, self-control with holiness! And all these things fall within our comprehension. 3 What, then, are the things being prepared for those who patiently wait for him? The Creator and Father of the ages, the all-holy one himself, knows their number and their beauty. 4 Let us therefore make every effort to be found in the number of those who patiently wait for him, so that we may share in his promised gifts. 5 But how shall this be, dear friends?—if our mind is fixed on God through faith; if we seek out those things that are well-pleasing and acceptable to him; if we accomplish those things that are in harmony with his faultless will, and follow the way of truth, casting off from ourselves all unrighteousness and lawlessness, covetousness, strife, malice and deceit, gossip and slander, hatred of God, pride and arrogance, vanity and inhospitality. 6 For those who do these things are hateful to God; and not only those who do them, but also those who approve of them. 7 For scripture says: “But to the sinner God said, ‘Why do you recite my statutes and take my covenant upon your lips? 8 You hated instruction and threw away my words behind you. If you saw a thief, you joined with him, and with adulterers you threw in your lot. Your mouth produced wickedness abundantly, and your tongue wove deceit. You sat there and slandered your brother and put a stumbling block in the way of your mother’s son. 9 These things you have done, and I kept silent. You thought, you unrighteous person, that I would be like you. 10 I will convict you and set you face to face with yourself. 11 Now consider these things, you who forget God, lest he seize you like a lion, and there be no one to save you. 12 The sacrifice of praise will glorify me, and that is the way by which I will show him the salvation of God.’”
35.5 mind . . . faith One ancient authority reads thus; another reads mind of faith is fixed on God; others read mind is faithfully fixed on God. • lawlessness Some ancient authorities read evil. 35.7–12 Ps. 50(LXX 49):16–23.
Christ’s Salvation
36 This is the way, dear friends, in which we found our salvation, namely Jesus Christ, the high priest of our offerings, the benefactor and helper of our weakness. 2 Through him we look steadily into the heights of heaven; through him we see as in a mirror his faultless and transcendent face; through him the eyes of our hearts have been opened; through him our foolish and darkened mind springs up into the light; through him the Master has willed that we should taste immortal knowledge, for he, being the radiance of his majesty, is as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent. 3 For so it is written: “He makes his angels winds and his ministers flames of fire.” 4 But of his Son the Master spoke thus: “You are my Son; today I have begotten you. Ask of me, and I will give you the Gentiles for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession.” 5 And again he says to him: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.” 6 Who, then, are these enemies? Those who are wicked and resist his will.
36.1 Jesus Christ . . . our weakness Cf. Heb. 2:18; 3:1. 36.2 we look Some ancient authorities read let us look. • through him we see . . . immortal knowledge Cf. 2 Cor. 3:18; 4:6. • the light One ancient authority reads the amazing light; another reads his amazing light (cf. 1 Pet. 2:9). • he, being the radiance . . . more excellent Heb. 1:3, 4. 36.3 Heb. 1:7; Ps. 104:4. 36.4 Heb. 1:5; Ps. 2:7–8. 36.5 Heb. 1:13; Ps. 110:1.
Christ’s Soldiers and Their Service
37 So let us serve as soldiers, brothers, with all seriousness under his faultless orders. 2 Let us consider the soldiers who serve under our commanders—how precisely, how readily, how obediently they execute orders. 3 Not all are prefects or tribunes or centurions or captains of fifty and so forth, but each in his own rank executes the orders given by the emperor and the commanders. 4 The great cannot exist without the small, nor the small without the great. There is a certain blending in everything, and therein lies the advantage. 5 Let us take our body as an example. The head without the feet is nothing; likewise, the feet without the head are nothing. Even the smallest parts of our body are necessary and useful to the whole body, yet all the members coalesce harmoniously and unite in mutual subjection, so that the whole body may be saved.
37.1 brothers Gk andres adelphoi. 37.3 each in his own rank Cf. 1 Cor. 15:23. 37.5 Cf. 1 Cor. 12:14–26.
38 So in our case let the whole body be saved in Christ Jesus, and let each of us be mutually subject to our neighbor, in proportion to each one’s spiritual gift. 2 The strong must not neglect the weak, and the weak must respect the strong. Let the rich support the poor; and let the poor give thanks to God, because he has given him someone through whom his needs may be met. Let the wise display wisdom not in words but in good works. The humble person should not testify to his own humility, but leave it to someone else to testify about him. Let the one who is physically pure remain so and not boast, recognizing that it is someone else who grants this self-control. 3 Let us acknowledge, brothers, from what matter we were made; who and what we were, when we came into the world; from what grave and what darkness the one who made and created us brought us into his world, having prepared his benefits for us before we were born. 4 Seeing, therefore, that we have all these things from him, we ought in every respect to give thanks to him, to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.
38.1 saved Or healthy. 38.2 must not neglect Some ancient authorities read must care for.
No Boasting before God
39 Senseless and stupid and foolish and ignorant people jeer and mock at us, wishing to exalt themselves in their own imaginations. 2 For what can a mortal do? Or what strength does an earthborn creature have? 3 For it is written: “There was no form before my eyes; I heard only a breath and a voice. 4 What then? Shall a mortal be clean in the presence of the Lord? Or shall a man be blameless for his deeds, seeing that he does not trust his servants and has found some fault against his angels? 5 Not even heaven is clean in his sight, much less we who dwell in houses of clay, the very same clay of which we ourselves are made. He crushed them like a moth, and between morning and evening they cease to exist. Because they could not help themselves, they perished. 6 He breathed upon them and they died, because they had no wisdom. 7 But call out, if some one should obey you, or if you should see one of the holy angels. For wrath kills the foolish person, and envy slays one who has gone astray. 8 And I have seen fools putting down roots, but suddenly their house was consumed. 9 May their children be far from safety. May they be mocked at the doors of lesser men, and there will be none to deliver them. For the things prepared for them, the righteous shall eat; but they themselves will not be delivered from evil.”
Following God’s Proper Order
40 Since, therefore, these things are now clear to us and we have searched into the depths of the divine knowledge, we ought to do, in orde
r, everything that the Master has commanded us to perform at the appointed times. 2 Now he commanded the offerings and services to be performed diligently, and not to be done carelessly or in disorder, but at designated times and occasions. 3 Both where and by whom he wants them to be performed, he himself has determined by his supreme will, so that all things, being done devoutly according to his good pleasure, may be acceptable to his will. 4 Those, therefore, who make their offerings at the appointed times are acceptable and blessed, for those who follow the instructions of the Master cannot go wrong. 5 For to the high priest the proper services have been given, and to the priests the proper office has been assigned, and upon the Levites the proper ministries have been imposed. The layman is bound by the layman’s rules.
38.2 remain so and Some ancient authorities omit these words. 39.3–9 Job 4:16–18; 15:15; 4:19–5:5. 39.9 children Lit. sons. 40.2 to be performed diligently, and The ancient authorities do not read diligently, which is an editor’s conjecture. Some ancient authorities lack the entire phrase. 41.1 you Some ancient authorities read us. • give thanks to Some ancient authorities read please. 42.3 with the firm assurance that the Holy Spirit gives Or with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. 42.5 Isa. 60:17 (LXX only, which here mistranslates the Hebrew).
The Apostolic Fathers in English Page 7