The Doorkeeper's Mind
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Sheltered City: Communities of more than 45,000 population are covered by a physical structure designed to protect residents and property from the harshness of damaged ecology. Both the Structured States and Unstructured States have Shelters built over most cities.
Smart Garment: See Smart Outer Garment.
Smart Outer Garment: A garment worn by most citizens of a Structured States and many others. The garment is made of material that cannot be cut, torn, pierced, burned, melted or stretched enough to force a person out of it. Micro-electronics adjust to temperature, attack, or submersion in water. One piece (like putting on a coat) and a two-piece version with slacks and top are available.
Exterior colors indicate the area of study (for students) or workforce position. The closure involves automatic interlocking-teeth leaving the garment seamless. Only the owner may open or close the garment by touching the center-top near the breastbone.
SOG: Common abbreviation for Smart Outer Garment.
Speed Send Network: A network of people you chose to contact in an emergency. It is activated by holding down more than one key at the same time (on a communicator, computer or any other device capable of wireless connection). All available members hear everything; like being on an old style “party line” telephone.
Stop-the-Lies: A grassroots movement to counter the disinformation put out by the opponents of The Plan. Marie is credited with starting the movement when she challenged the Grog Institute speakers about their falsehoods.
Structured States: States where residents voluntarily accept the guidelines and restrictions of specific behavioral codes. They endorse the principles for an interdependent society and passive surveillance. Structured States participate fully in The Plan’s economy. Every 50 years each state has a referendum to opt in or out of the Structure for the next five decades.
Stunner: An offensive weapon used by Security and the Military to immobilize a perpetrator.
Super-Soldier: Common name used to identify the product of a secret military program using selective breeding, gene-splicing, and mutation. The primary goals included creating individuals with enhanced day and night vision, super strength, needing less sleep, and highly resistant to pain. The program came under political fire when the abusive treatment of the mothers and children was revealed. Parents had been paid for their silence. Those who “made trouble” were found addicted, mentally ill, or simply “missing.” The program officially ended in 2021—though its existence was never admitted. It continued in overseas locations, in a scaled-back version.
Supervisor: Individuals in each economic sector who oversee other’s work, especially those on probation. The supervisory role is intended to ensure the quality of services.
TA: Short for Teaching Assistant.
Teaching Assistant: One who has completed his or her studies in a professional field is expected to serve for one to two years as a Teaching Assistant. They work with students in practical aspects of their studies, oversee lab work, create and administer test situations to “spring on the students” during practice sessions.
The Plan: Short name for The Plan for the Future.
Thought Perception: The ability to perceive the current thoughts of the person(s) near you. Some HMP individuals develop this ability.
Tube: Points for entering or exiting for the shelter. They are used by vehicles. Usually, only open at one end for vehicles to gather. Prevents dust, heat or cold on the outside from contaminating the enclosed shelter.
Transportation Sector: Oversees pod and pic services. Operates routes to get people from their homes to the work, school, or appointment on time. Technically Transportation is a part of Community Services but function under a separate guidance team.
Un-Programed States: Name of the Unstructured States used by the opponents of The Plan.
Unstructured States: Those states (or a significant portion of a State) that voted to reject the plan for the future. In 2094 there are seven Unstructured States: Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Porta Rico, Rural New York (the cities are Structured), Virginia, and Utah. The District of Columbia remains Unstructured as long as any Non-Plan States remain.
Walton Enhancement Enterprises Limited: Company created by Phillip Walton. Manufacture “Liquid Lava” and computer components to support the Compact Kitchens.
Workforce: Everyone with a job recognized by the economy. Student’s and Retirees are not counted as part of the Workforce. Leaving the workforce for study, retirement or to work in an Unstructured State does not preclude returning.