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A Very Alien Christmas: A Limited Edition Collection of Holiday Alien Romance

Page 10

by Skye MacKinnon

  “What are you waiting for?” And there it is. That deep, masculine voice that I thought I’d never hear again. I’m not even sure what he is asking me, or if he’s even sure what I have planned, but I continue to reach up and pull his hood back before either of us could change our minds. Not that I would.

  Black as night, vertical pupils surrounded by white irises and a violet sclera hold my gaze from above; dark, uncontrolled, wild and untamed.

  My breath trembles when I recognize his race. The Daltakeu’s homeworld was destroyed by the Ru’tah, just like mine. I remember seeing it on hollow vids a few years back. My heart lurches at another victim of those cruel, reckless beings. Aarvik is just another victim, one that I wholly understand. In this instant, I feel more connected to this being than anyone else in the universe.

  His eyes pierce me, our breaths fan the other’s face, and I reach and grasp the back of his neck and pull him down towards me.

  Animalistic growls emanate from him, his lips almost twitching. He's handsome, but his features are different. Distorted and out of proportion, but he looks even more masculine than I'd ever imagined. I want to kiss him. No, I need to kiss him. Glancing above me, I spot the Mistletoe dangling for all the world to see. This is a sign if there ever was one, even if it really isn’t real mistletoe at all. It’s good enough for me. Thank heavens for the Goddess Valdani and those who decorated this place.

  Inch by inch, I close the distance between us. Slowly at first, because I’m not sure if Aarvik’s people kiss, but I can feel the weight of his eyes on me as I move in, and he’s doing nothing to stop me. Kissing it is.Suddenly, when we’re mere inches apart, his nostrils flare in rapid successions. Is he...sniffing me?

  Because I can ask him what he’s doing, his lips come crashing down over mine. They’re soft, unrelenting and I can feel the tiny scales sliding over each other as he moves his mouth against me. When he opens up, I take the opportunity to slip my tongue inside his mouth, and glide mine against his abrasive one.

  “Your mouth tastes like you were made for me,” he growls between short breaks, before we’re back at it again.

  Our mashing of mouths is slightly less appropriate for a holiday kiss, and it’s sending tingles down to my lady bits. I’m not sure what I expected tonight, but the fact that he’s so receptive to me has me feeling smug with success.

  “Get a room you Drakk’n whore!”

  The kiss ends abruptly. And I watch Aarvik’s dangerous and pale violet eyes slide behind me, where a drunken alien sways from side to side. With one hand held around my body, he uses the other to hoist the nameless male up by the neck.

  “You dare insult my female? Apologize or die,” he growls, but it’s not the same sensual growls from when we were kissing. These are dangerous growls you’d expect from a predator about to maul its prey.

  My female. The words are possessive and ignite something deep inside me, desire and longing. I struggle with the meaning behind his words, does he mean to claim me? The mere idea fills me with hope. Would it be so wrong if I wanted something more than just a passionate moment shared on a festive holiday? Especially one that reminds me so much of home.

  Sure there's no Christmas tree, hot chocolate or snow. There's no gathering or even a feast. But there's little reminders. The minty drink, the ashes falling in the sky, the plants decorated in the room, including the one that looks like mistletoe. It's the best I have, and I'm grateful for it.

  “S-s-s-sorry. Mis-s-s-understanding,” the pitiful drunken alien spatters as he pisses himself.

  Aarvik drops him. “Leave.”

  And he does. He darts away like a fish escaping a fishing net, afraid for its life. I almost feel bad for him, an insult is not nearly enough for the threat of death. I never understood why everyone tended to avoid him, now I do. He’s dangerous, seemingly uncontrollable, with an authoritative vibe. I should want to jump out of Aarvik’s arms and go back to the safety of my boring life, but my body thrums with excitement. I feel powerful in his embrace like I’m an extension of his strength, and frankly this is exactly where I want to be. This is exactly where I need to be.

  Aarvik returns to a relaxed posture, his eyes bore into mine before he turns and faces the crowd of people staring, including Jari-ri. “Anyone who dares to utter even the slightest insult against this female, will die.”

  I'm just as speechless as the aliens who stand frozen in the bar, scared to mutter even a single response to Aarvik's claim, but not my bestie. She just winks at me like I've won the lottery and she's just casually sitting around like she's next.

  Just as I'm about to say something to her, Aarvik tosses me over his shoulder. I’m not sure what I expected but being hoisted further up his torso and then slung over his shoulder caveman style is definitely not on the list, but who cares because I'm fairly certain that I'm about to get some holiday nookie. A quick turn on his heel and he’s out the door.

  “Did you really just close the door with your tail?” I giggle, not sure if I’m seeing things correctly upside-down.

  “Yes, why would I use my hands when I have the important task of holding on to you.” He places a steady hand on my upper thighs, which to my surprise, feels every bit possessive. Like he wants to own every piece of me.

  “Important task?” The shock rocks through my voice.

  “Yes.” He rasps, like he’s on the edge of losing control.

  Before I know it, he’s begun a steady pace, running so fast towards an unknown location as if he desperately needs to win first place. I lift my head up and I can see the upside-down bar becoming smaller and smaller in the distance. It appears we are rushing towards the forest and not the city. The pressure from his shoulder in my stomach makes it difficult to draw breath.

  “Can’t....Breathe.” I gasp, trying to suck air into my lungs.

  In one fluid motion, I’m pulled back from his shoulders into an embrace against his chest. He doesn’t even stop to do it, he’s damn near insane! Running while carrying my one-hundred-and-eighty-pound ass at the same time; he’s strong. I can’t help but wonder why I was even nervous in the first place when I was the one that waited for him, called for him and then leapt into his arms like a mad woman. And the way he defended my honor and adjusted me when I was having difficulty…there’s something sweet about it, like he cares for me despite being an almost complete stranger. And I say almost because he kissed me like I was the only thing he’s ever known.

  “Thank you.” I blush, heat pooling in my core. An unfilled desire that hasn’t cooled since he walked into the bar.

  He grunts, which then turns into something that sounds like a choke. My eyes widen as I stare at his face, his nostrils flaring again like earlier, but this time there’s a pained look in his expression. My cheeks flush even further as I realize he’s scenting my desire. I’ve heard of some species that are capable of doing this, and it’s the only thing that makes sense right now, given my reaction to him and his response.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “To my hut.”

  Oh! Now I definitely like the sound of that, and I mean, it's quite obvious what he has planned, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested, but part of me is dying to find out what exactly he meant earlier.

  “Your hut? What for?” I ask, feigning innocence while trying to lure more answers out of him.

  He comes to a halt. We’re smack in the middle of the forest, at night, alone. “Unless you want to mate here, I will be taking you to my hut.” He challenges, on the precipice of losing all control.

  “Mate?” I hide a smirking laugh behind pinched lips. The way he said it is so serious, but I can’t help but find it humorous because it reminds me of a t.v. channel I used to watch that showed the planet in all its glory including the animals that ravaged each other when they were in heat.

  “Yes. We can do it against a tree, on the ground. It doesn’t matter, but we will be mated.” His tone is so deep, guttural, possessive and final. />
  A gush of wetness soaks through my panties, causing a whimper to leave my throat. My core clenches, and I squeeze my thighs together in an attempt to relieve this unbearable need. There’s a large bulge prodded at my low back, which only causes me to soak myself further.

  He growls, grinding his hips against me. “Make your choice, I cannot hold out much longer. The mating lust is getting to me.” His voice is growly, desperation in his eyes.

  Mating this what this is? I mean yeah, I had dreamt and fantasized about him, and shamelessly tried to bump into him, but never once had I felt like this. There’s no reason to deny what’s between us, whatever this is. I want it. He wants it.

  “Take me here. I can’t hold out either.” The words are relieving to both our ears, the long sigh he just let out echoes my relief.

  I maneuver my legs to wrap around his waist while I lift both my arms to his neck that way I’m not cradled anymore and then peer straight into his violet eyes. “I don’t know what this is, but I need it. I want you to take me. Right here. Right now. No holding back. I don’t give a damn about tomorrow.”

  He captures my mouth with a kiss, which I respond with a pulling bite to his lips. He rumbles approvingly, delving his tongue deep into my mouth. My hands reach up and grab onto his horns, my body tenses, and that jittery feeling you get when you kiss someone for the first time rushes through my entire body, like a high so intense there’s no calming down.

  Lowering my feet to the forest floor dusted in volcanic ash, lips still locked around mine, our hands seek each other’s bodies out. His scales that were cool to the touch, are now warm as if his desire is heating his body up like a scorching fire. I find the strings to his robe, and untie them, letting it fall to the ground. The leaves crunch under the weight of his cloak, all the while one of his hands kneads my right breast, and the other, the left side of my ass directly through my dress. It’s almost laughable how he’s hunched over just to attend to me. I wiggle my hips, enticing him further, my thighs still clamped shut. He’s so tall that his erection prods my stomach. He breaks the kiss for a second.

  “Off,” he growls.

  My eyes open, only to be greeted by his dark ones. His once previously light purple sclera is now a dark and bruising purplish-red, and man is it ever sexy. Our kiss resumes even as I shoot my arms into the sky so he can have the access he so desperately requires. He reaches down at the hem of my black dress, and pulls it up, over my hips and breasts-- we break our kiss, and then my dress is up over my head and in a heap on the ground, alongside his robe. I don’t even care about what kind of bugs might be creeping and crawling around in my clothes, as long as he keeps touching me.

  “What are these?” He snarls disapprovingly as he points to my black bra and panties.

  “Undergarments.” I barely reply, simply because I’m out of breath.

  “No,” his snarl deepens as if my matching attire offends him.


  “No,” his voice is so full of growls and rumbles I can barely make out his words, but his meaning becomes crystal clear when he hooks a finger between the cups of my bra and rips it from my chest. It happens so fast I barely register the snap. He does the same to my panties. Both my undergarments now lay in ruins at our feet.

  He stalks towards me, eliminating the distance. His breathing picks up pace, nostrils flaring, and a loud and long continuous growl comes from deep in his throat. The sounds he’s making is driving me wild, it’s exactly what I need. Without my panties, my thighs are soaked, chilling my skin in the fresh, woodsy breeze. He grabs his robe, shakes it out and then places it around my neck and ties it securely.

  “What is the poin—”

  He swoops me up high against a tree with both my legs swung over his shoulders and his arms holding my thighs in place. His face is shoved deep into my thighs, nosing my privates. The robe protects my back against the scraping tree behind me, at least one of us still has a working mind in this mating lust we seem to be lost in.

  He takes one slow lick at my center, and I tilt my hips forward, wanting more.

  “Oh fuck.” My hands slid to my breasts to play with my hardened nipples.

  “Not yet,” he stops for a second, watching me play with myself, he snarls and then bats both my hands away so he can fondle my breasts himself.

  He resumes his tantalizing licks, but without his hands on my thighs I feel unbalanced and slide my hands down on his head so I can grab onto his horns which feel hot against my skin. He rumbles, and I can feel him groaning in pleasure against my core. They must be sensitive, so I test my theory out by rubbing them gently.

  “More,” he demands.

  I tighten my grasp and rub faster, pretending they are his cock. Oh sweet fucking heaven. I want his cock so bad.

  My entire body aches. I can’t for the life of me hold in the moans escaping from my lips as he begins to dip his tongue in and out of me like a finger, except his tongue has texture in all the right ways. It feels so good, my body quivers and shakes, and my thighs press tightly against his head. My head attempts to lean back, but there’s nowhere to go. The only thing I can do is ride out the pleasure he’s content on wringing from me.

  “Oh fuck. I’m going to cum soon,” I cry out.

  When his teeth scrape against my clit, a spot he has ignored up until now, I buckle. My legs lock into place, crossing my ankles in a vice grip behind his neck. With the way he’s circling my clit with his tongue, occasionally dipping back into my core and then back up again, it won’t be long before I climax.

  Not long at all. And then he does it. He hits that spot for the final time, and I come undone.

  “Oh fuck yes.” My core clenches on nothing, juices escaping my body only to be lapped up in slow and soft licks that feel calming against my sensitive flesh. “Holy, hot fucking damn. That was amazing.”

  I feel his shoulders move beneath my upper thighs, as I close my eyes in contentment, but just as I get settled into a deep relaxation, I’m taken by surprise.

  “Forgive me. I cannot wait.” He chokes out while his arms circle my waist and I’m hoisted off of his shoulders, and my core is slammed down on his hard erection.

  My eyes open wide. “Oh…damn” I groan, not expecting this deep intrusion, but damn it feels so good.

  Chapter 6


  As soon as I scented her, the mating lust burned through my body, heating me from the inside out. All this time...all this time she had been my mate and I had no idea. How? My mind reels back to that day. Something had irritated my sinuses, making it difficult to scent much of anything. A low growl escapes me. I have been avoiding her because of that?!

  How I had not realized the truth sooner when my obsessive thoughts constantly wandered in her direction, away from my mission, is beyond me. Not to mention the aching in my loins. She isn’t just my mate...she is also my mission, my salvation, my road to redemption. My everything. If I would have known then what I know now, I would have never avoided her, never let out of my sight, never let her go.

  These thoughts are barely coherent as I slam her down on my cock. My need for her so great, there was no time to coax my thick member into her tight body. I can only thank the ancestors I had enough mind to tease her cunt into surrender while I drank greedily from her body.

  “Oh gods, Aarvik please don’t stop,” she begs me, grinding her hips against mine in an attempt to seek more pleasure.

  But pleasure is not the only thing I wish to give. I want to give her my hearts and my soul too. Reaching down between us, I thumb the little nub above her cunt. This spot when rubbed seems to drive her wild passion into a frenzy. Her body moves against my hand and soon, her channel clamps down on me.

  “I enjoy this side of you,” I whisper into her ear before stealing her lips again, the taste of her sweetness overwhelming my senses and reminding me of home, of Dakasu.

  Delving her tongue into my mouth, she moans as she duels me for control. I let her ha
ve it and pump harder and further into the deepest recesses of her cunt. The way she moves against me, I can tell she enjoys this very much. Eventually, her posture becomes rigid and her brows furrow. She opens her mouth wide with an ear-shattering scream. “Fuck, I’m cumming!”

  Not too far behind her, I bury my nose in the crook of her neck and inhale deeply. So lost in the indescribable feeling between our joined bodies, I lose rhythm, my hips slapping against her erratically. My release spurts from my cock and floods her cunt with seed. Her channel flutters around me, milking every last drop until I am utterly spent.

  “You’re mine!” I roar just as loud.

  Exhaustion kicks in and my mate slumps against me. Dipping down, I nuzzle her face affectionately then pick her back up and continue onward. It doesn’t take long before her dazed and droopy eyes close. She is ready for sleep. So am I, but I still have a ways to travel yet.

  When we finally arrive, I breathe a deep sigh of relief. My mate weighs so little, she barely registers in my arms. This unpleasant bit of knowledge ate me alive while I traveled up the mountain. I was so worried she would be whisked away in the wind that I crushed her to my chest in the hopes that she wouldn’t. Had I not been so vigilant, I might have lost her. Thankfully, my tight hold and constant adjustments did not wake her.

  As I pass through the doors to my hut, I carefully place her down on my sleeping platform and wrap her in the softest blankets I own. Warmth blooms in my hearts from watching the shallow rise and fall of her chest. I light some candles, should she wake before I do. They cast soft glows across her face. She looks natural here. Everything is as it should be. She is mine. And though I have never quite heard of a mating outside of our species before, certainly not with a Crowned Daltaka, my hearts are filled with joy. I’m not sure how my people would receive such a mating, but it matters not. She will never escape my grasp now that I have her. It only took one whiff from her overpowering scent to know the truth. It washed over me, igniting a fever that can neither be cooled or denied.


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