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A Very Alien Christmas: A Limited Edition Collection of Holiday Alien Romance

Page 23

by Skye MacKinnon

  He untangles his arm from mine and takes a step forward. I can see his shoulders shaking slightly. I chew on my bottom lip. I can’t tell if he’s laughing at my statement or if he’s pissed and getting ready to blow up at me. “Royalty? That’s what you find so interesting?” He turns with a stupid grin on his face that has my insides quivering in delight.

  I lift my shoulders in a shrug and give him a sheepish smile. “Something like that. The whole line fascinates me, really.” A soft glow emanates from behind Zayton, and I look at it curiously.

  He notices me looking beyond him and continues to showcase his goofy grin. “Are you ready to venture into my home?”

  “It looks…familiar. Do other Starlings own a red hovercraft that small?”

  Zayton gives a slight shake of his head and beckons me closer. “No. I am the only one.”

  “Why red for the color?” I ask as I take a step toward him.

  “Let’s just say that the color intrigued me.” He holds out his hand, and I take it. Zayton pulls me toward him and whispers in my ear for me to close my eyes. I do so, feeling my body begin to turn into pixels and shrink down. “You can open your eyes now.”

  When I do so, we’re no longer standing outside but have been beamed into the hovercraft. And it’s nothing whatsoever like I pictured it on the inside. It’s like waking up to Christmas.

  I mean, it’s literally a Christmas-themed spaceship.

  Mistletoe hangs above our heads in multiple spaces. Popcorn is strung along the walls in every direction. Christmas lights frame the protective glass that serves as our windows to the galaxies. There’s a large, six-foot tree in the center of the hovercraft, decorated with lights and a variety of ornaments, and a green rug piled with wrapped presents beneath it.

  My lips part as Zayton throws out his arms and continues to smile. Pride shows on his face as I stare at him. “Welcome home, Trixie.”


  I lower my arms halfway when all I get is a gaping fish look from Trixie; the smile leaves my face entirely. “Is something wrong?” I glance around and note that all the decorations are in perfect order. Even the tree seems to look lively under the Christmas lights. So, what could the problem possibly be?

  “Your ship…It’s Christmas-themed,” Trixie says.

  I blink a few times as I study her. “Is that a bad thing?”

  “Well, no.” Trixie gives me a sheepish look. “I didn’t say that. I just wasn’t expecting it. That’s all.”

  “I prefer a joyous energy in my home.” I move closer to her and outstretch my arms to take her hands in mine. “And now that you’re here, it’s far better to share this joyous occasion with you.”

  I can feel her pulse racing, and it causes my own double hearts to pound in excitement. This is the day I’ve been waiting for. For the past eight years, I’ve been wanting her to return to where our journey, our adventure, first began. I want to love Trixie into the heavens. She’s mine, and I’ll never let her go.

  Trixie faces turns red, and she looks down at our hands, a small smile on her lips. “What are you, Santa Claus?”

  I swallow hard. I don’t wish to lie to her, deceive her any more than I already have. Mother told me that I would probably regret the decision to deceive her…and she is right. “Yes, in a way.”

  “What?” Trixie lifts her head and gives me a confused look. “You can’t possibly be him.” Her voice has grown quiet, and I note the trembling in her hands.

  “Can’t I be, though?” I move closer, and she takes a step backward, her back pressed up against the hovercraft entrance. My head lowers as I whisper against the curve of her ear, “What if I am Santa Claus?” She shudders beneath me, and approval soars in my veins. I want to stake my claim on her so badly. We’re alone, and the hovercraft is already in autopilot as we head up into the galaxies.

  “You can’t be Santa Claus. He’s not hot,” Trixie says, then realizes what she’s said and groans as she moves to cover her face with her hands.

  Chuckling, I press my body against hers and brace my arms on either side of her head, leaning against the siding of the entryway for support so as not to crush my fragile mate. “So, you think I’m hot?”

  “I didn’t say that,” Trixie mumbles against her face.

  “I think you did.” I nuzzle her cheek with my lips and watch goosebumps rise across her exposed skin. She’s still wearing the silver dress, and I’ll be damned if I don’t want to rip it off of her smooth, creamy flesh. “Not that it’s a bad thing. One should be attracted to their mate and find them pleasing.”

  She shakes her head and keeps her face covered. “I didn’t ask for this.”

  My eyebrows pull together into a frown as I lean back to look down at her. “What do you mean?”

  “I didn’t ask for a mate. I was fine being single.”

  “Trixie.” I straighten away from the wall and reach out to caress her cheek lovingly as I take her hand in mine. “You were always destined to be mine. That is why you were so comfortable being single.”

  Her eyes flicker to meet mine. They’re so beautiful, like little gems. I could stare at them for hours and never grow bored. “What do you mean? I was brought here by—”

  “Santa Claus,” I finish for her. Her eyes widen, and her pink lips part. Oh, how I want to devour those lips again. I can’t get the taste out of my mouth.

  “How did you know?”

  “Because, Trixie, I am Santa Claus.” I give her my heart-stopping smile, and when she doesn’t immediately smile back, I begin to panic on the inside. My hearts thunder in my chest.

  She shakes her head and ducks under my arm, moving away from me. “No. Impossible. You can’t be Santa Claus! There’s no fucking way!”

  Pivoting on my heels, I arch an eyebrow at her colorful language. “Why can’t I be him?” I ask her curiously.

  “Because…” She takes one look at me from head to toe, and I have my answer.

  A frown settles on my lips. “Because I’m an alien, I’m not allowed to have such child-like fantasies?”

  Her cheeks flush red. “No, that’s not what I meant. You’re putting words in my mouth!”

  I fold my arms. “Then explain to me what you’re trying to say.”

  “Just forget it,” she mumbles, then turns away from me.

  “No.” I move at the speed of light, and Trixie nearly crashes face-first against my solid chest. I reach out to steady her trembling limbs. “We’re discussing this now. While it’s fresh in our minds.”

  Trixie bows her head. “I don’t want to.”

  I sigh softly when I feel the energy around us crackle like static. She’s upset, and I’m the one causing her to lash out. “I’m not mad.” I reach out and brush a strand of hair from her cheek, tucking it behind her ear. “I want to know your reasoning. We’re in this together, Trixie. You are not alone.”

  Tears stream down her face, and I don’t hesitate to brush them away with the pad of my thumb. “I don’t ever want to feel alone.”

  My hearts ache for her, and I tug her closer to wrap my arms around her, enfolding her in my embrace. She reaches up to hug me back, and my hearts seem to skip a beat or two, not that she is be able to tell. As a human, she’d only sense one heartbeat, not two. “You shall never be alone. Never again,” I whisper against her hair and press a kiss to her head.

  Her shoulders visibly relax, and a smile curves my lips as I rest my chin atop her head, listening to the steady rhythm of her breathing and feeling her tears seeping into my skin. “I’m sorry.”

  “There is nothing to forgive.” My voice is quiet as we continue to stand in one another’s embrace. I don’t ever want to forget this moment; holding her means everything to me. It’s like my entire world is right here in front of me, and I never want to lose it.

  “I guess…I still don’t understand how you can be Santa Claus.” Trixie’s voice is muffled as she presses her face against my chest. Her warm breath sends chills down my spine.

>   I close my eyes as I answer her. “I’m not actually Santa Claus. I just dressed up as one while I lived on Earth for a couple years.”

  “You lived on Earth?” I loosen my embrace as she pulls her head back to look at me. Her eyes are red-rimmed, yet she’s never looked more beautiful to me than in this very moment. This might not have been how I wished to begin a new life with her, but I love it just the same.

  I nod. “Yes. For a time, three years in fact.” I reach up to scratch a spot on my head.

  “Three years? Why? Were you exiled from SaxZon?” Her eyes are wide, and her lips are parted.

  I give her a teasing smile. “Somebody’s been doing their homework.”

  Her face flushes as she looks away from me. “Whatever. So, were you?”

  “Was I exiled? No.” I shake my head as she glances up at me, curiosity written all over her face. “I was sent to Earth in the hopes of finding my mate.”

  “And did you?” Her aura colors keep flickering, and a smile curves my lips.

  She’s jealous. She won’t admit it, but she is.

  “Yes.” I lean toward her so our faces are only inches apart and capture her lips with mine.


  Zayton’s kisses send my toes curling and my stomach fluttering with excitement. Who knew kissing would end up being this glorious? When he pulls away, I feel like I’m floating on a cloud. “It was me you were looking for?” I want to yank him closer and continue kissing him, but I have to know the truth.

  “Yes.” He caresses my cheek with a sparkle in his gray eyes. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you.”

  I give him a shy smile and lower my gaze. I’ve been trying so hard not to stare at his bare chest, but his muscular, toned body calls to me. I’ve always been attracted to muscles. All the Starling men are hot and muscular, but none have ever really caught my eye…until now.

  “Trixie.” His hand stills gently on my cheek. My eyes flicker to stare up at his face. He gives me a pained smile. “There’s something else you should know. Before I decide to take you right here, right now.”

  I can feel my insides quivering in excitement. My thighs clamp together, and his words send my heart fluttering in nervousness. “What is it?” My voice sounds hoarse, like I’ve been screaming to the high heavens, either that or as if I’ve climbed a mountain or hiked up a hill.

  “I’m not just the Santa Claus that brought you to SaxZon,” he gives a long pause and doesn’t meet my eyes. “I needed to find my mate, regardless if she were real or not.”

  My eyebrows furrow. “What do you mean, if I were real or not?”

  Zayton drops his hand from my cheek, and I stare at him, waiting. “How much do you know about the Starling race, the royal line?”

  Frowning at him, I try to remember from what the history textbooks told me. “Starling royalty rarely rules SaxZon. Each time a new star is born in the galaxies, the Starling race gets a new leader.” I glance at him. “What does this have to you with you, though?”

  He takes a couple of deep breaths. “A new star has recently been spotted near SaxZon. It is time for the Starling race to have a new leader.”

  “Isn’t that a good thing?” I question.

  He nods, then shakes his head. “Yes and no. It’s good because we need a new ruler, but it’s bad because it creates a timeline over our heads.”

  “Whose heads?”

  Zayton gestures to me then himself. “Us. We’re on a timeline now, and I didn’t wish for it to be this way. I wanted more time with you for myself.”

  “Zayton, what’s going on?” I realize this might be the first time I’ve said his name, and I can tell that he enjoys it by the way his body shudders.

  He doesn’t meet my gaze as he says in a quiet voice, “I’m not just Zayton. I am the crown prince of SaxZon.” His eyes flicker to mine as my lips part in shock. I can scarcely breathe as he continues. “You are now my bride, and if I don’t produce an heir before the Earth’s winter solstice, then I must step down from the throne and hand it over to my brother, Zante.”

  When I don’t hear a punchline, I grow a bit worried. “You’re serious.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be serious? Trixie, this is a dangerous situation. If we don’t produce an heir—”

  I hold up a hand to cut him off. “I heard you the first time. I kept waiting for you to say that it’s all a joke. I didn’t think this would be a serious matter.” His dark eyebrows pull together in a frown as he continues to study me. “Honestly, I don’t know if I’m ready for kids yet.” I put down my hand, fingering the side of my dress nervously. “I’ve never really cared for them too much. They’re loud and obnoxious.”

  “You…don’t want children?” Zayton blinks at me several times, as if trying to process it all. I mean, I can’t blame him. What woman doesn’t want to have children?

  “I mean, maybe further down the road eventually. But I’m only twenty.” I shrug my shoulders. “And you’re…?” I know Starlings age slower and have a longer life expectancy, but I don’t even know the crown prince’s age? I seriously want to smack myself!

  “Twenty-three. I stopped aging so we could be closer in age.” Zayton’s voice is strained, as if he’s trying not to shout. I look at him—and I mean really look at him—and notice that his entire body is trembling from head to toe.

  “Zayton? Are you…Are you mad at me?”

  He merely blinks at me in confusion. “Why would I be mad at you?”

  “Because I’m not sure if I want kids or not.” I look down, unable to hold his blue-green-eyed gaze any longer. “Probably wished you had chosen somebody else, then, huh?”

  He’s in front of me before I can blink, and cupping my face with his hands, he tilts my head up and kisses me hard on the mouth. He pulls back, breathing a little hard as if he’s exerted himself. “Never think that I wish for someone else. You are perfect, and you are mine.”


  Her mouth presses back against mine, and I try not to moan at her mouthwatering taste. Trixie wraps her arms around me, and I cage my arms around her as she’s once again pressed up against the wall. Both of us are breathing hard and will eventually need to come up for air, but I find that I don’t care whether I need oxygen or not. As long as Trixie continues to be pressed up against me, then I find I don’t care in the slightest.

  Trixie’s fingertips are soft as they trace the sharp edges of my jawline, down the length of my neck, and across the expanse of my chest. My body trembles beneath her cool touch, and my two members are standing at attention, begging to be noticed. I lick her bottom lip for entrance, and she opens her mouth, our tongues fighting for dominance.

  I pull back after several minutes of passionate kissing and groping as her hands trace along the edges of the cloth wrapped around my waist and my fingers bunch up her dress, almost ready to pull it over her head or tear it in half. “We should…stop,” I say, breathing hard.

  Trixie’s eyes flutter open, and she seems to be in a daze. “Why? Isn’t this what you wanted?”

  I bend my head down to press it against hers. “More than anything. But I don’t want to push you if you’re not ready. You’re more important to me than any crown.”

  She gives me a shy smile as she reaches up to caress my cheek. My head rests against her palm, and I find myself falling in love. Starling love at lightspeed. We don’t have time for petty emotions of heartbreak, betrayal, or lust. When we love our mate, they are loved and cherished for eternity. “Zayton, I won’t be the one to stop you from taking the throne.” Her voice is quiet, soothing.

  I stare down at her for a few seconds, processing her words. “You would give up your single life to being mated to one of the most powerful Starlings in the galaxies?”

  Trixie nods, then lowers her eyelashes as she whispers, “As long as you promise to never leave me alone.”

  “Never.” I press a kiss to her nose, and she wrinkles it. I crack a smile. “You’ll never want for any
thing. I will cherish you the way you have honored me.” Trixie lets out a squeak when I step back and swing her up and into my arms bridal style.

  “What are you doing?” She’s smiling and giggles when I nuzzle the curve of her lovely neck as I use lightspeed to head to my quarters. No, our quarters. The idea that we’ll be sharing this spaceship together sounds divine.

  “Taking you to our room. I plan to have my wicked way with you.” I give her a wink, and her face flushes red.

  Trixie glances around the room briefly after I push a button and two panel doors slide open revealing a spacious room decorated in red and green. What can I say? I love the festive colors; they really brighten up the whole room. “Are you sure we should be doing this so soon?”

  I stop when my shins hit the edge of the large bed I purchased eight years ago. The bed is directly in the center of the room, leaving not much else besides Christmas lights that hang along the walls and mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. I stare down at her, my hearts thundering in my chest. “If you want to wait, we shall. I’m not pressuring you into anything.”

  “It’s not the waiting part.” Her cheeks are still a tinge red, and I can’t help but smile, finding her reactions adorable.

  “Then what is it, my precious jewel?” I set her on the bed gently and try to control my urge to pounce on top of her and embed myself deep inside her.

  Trixie’s eyes dart to where my members are straining against the cloth. “Well, it’s um…I’ve never done this before. Much less with two.”

  I swear I want to punch myself in the gut until I throw up. No wonder she’s hesitating. Human men only have one member, and Starlings have two. I’ve been stupid enough to believe that she would feel comfortable.


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