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The Perfect Holiday: A Bad Boy New Year Romance

Page 99

by Mia Ford

  Her ruby red lips moved forward, and I could feel the heat of her breath on the tip of my dick. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. The wet flick of her tongue teased me, and I smiled slightly before groaning as her lips moved over the head and her throat opened up, taking me deep inside. When her throat opened and closed around my shaft and the sucking began, I could tell that this was a good idea.

  She reached up and grabbed my hips, pulling me into her as she began to move her head forward and back in a faster and harder motion. I reached down and wrapped my hand through her blonde hair and pushed and moved with her rhythm. If I didn’t think it were rude to get a blow job and send her on her way, I would have just let her finish me like that. However, being the gentleman that I am, I kept a close watch on the heat simmering in my stomach.

  She moaned loudly as my cock moved to the edge of her lips and then back down again. The noise vibrated up and down my erection. I growled loudly, letting her know just how much I liked it and watched as she looked up at me, her eyes watering and a small smile at the edges of her full mouth. I grabbed her face and pulled my cock from her mouth, not wanting to wait another second and risk blowing my load right then.

  I pulled her up and moved her to the couch, facing her toward the back and pushing her onto her knees. I spread her legs apart and rested my knees on the edge, grabbing my cock by the base and leading it toward her. I pushed her skirt to her waist and pulled her red thong to the side, rubbing the head of my cock through her juices. I thrust forward, and she let out a deep moan, grasping onto the back of the couch and leaning forward with her ass poking out.

  I ran my hand down her ass cheek and slapped it lightly, listening to her giggle and moan from the pain and pleasure. She was so wet, and it took me a second to realize I needed to grab a condom. I bent over and pulled one out of the wallet in my pants and ripped the top off, pulling out my cock only long enough to slip the rubber over and down. I pushed back into her, letting her wetness guide me in. I wrapped my hands around her hips and pushed and pulled, thrusting deep and hard inside of her. The sounds of her voice echoing through the apartment was erotic, and I hoped that she came soon because I was getting really close.

  “Rub your pussy,” I groaned.

  She reached down between her legs and moaned loudly as her fingers danced over her clit. She grew tenser and tenser by the second as my cock dug deep and her fingers played along with the rhythm of my hips. As her voice grew higher and higher, I moved faster, feeling her body writhing in my hands.

  “God,” she screamed out. “I’m gonna come.”

  “Yeah, baby, come on my cock,” I growled.

  With two more thrusts, she erupted in orgasm, and her pussy clenched against my shaft. With just three more thrusts, I was finally letting go, pushing as deep as I could and groaning loudly as my seed filled the condom and her warm juices dripped down on my balls. My body tensed and flexed as pleasure flowed through me, until finally, my shoulders relaxed, and I let the air from my lungs. Slowly, I retracted, pulling my cock back and walking off to the bathroom to clean up. That was just what I needed to take the stress of the week out of my head.

  In the bathroom, I flushed the condom and washed my hands and dick, never really liking the feeling after having sex with a perfect stranger. I checked my hair in the mirror and flexed my chest, impressed with the build I had maintained the last few months. I could hear Missy getting dressed in the living room, and I hoped that she didn’t insist on staying. I grabbed pajama pants hanging from the back of the bathroom door and pulled them on before walking back out of the room.

  “I hope you don’t mind,” she said, picking up her things and putting on her clothes. “I really have to get going. I have work early in the morning.”

  “Aww, that’s too bad,” I said, trying to sound convincing.

  “Maybe we can get together soon,” she said, walking up and kissing my lips before moving toward the door.

  “Yeah,” I said, following behind her and handing her my card. “Here’s my card. Just give me a call.”

  “Cool,” she said, opening the door and turning back. “Maybe I can bring my dog, and we can go to the park or something.”

  I grimaced at the word “dog,” and my entire body immediately went on edge. Me and dogs did not go well together after being attacked by one when I was a kid. Just those words were a sincere deal breaker.

  “Yeah, probably not,” I said, shaking my head. “For you or your dog. But it was fun!”

  I shut the door before she could even process what I said. I wasn’t doing the whole dog thing, no matter who the woman was. She was just the same old, typical woman.

  Chapter 2


  I opened the back door to my office and walked inside, smiling as a small puppy trotted forward to greet me. I bent down, laughing as he tripped over one of his big ears and stumbled into my foot. I reached over and patted his head, wrapping my hand around him and picking him up into my arms.

  “Now where did you come from little guy?”

  I owned an animal care center that mostly focused on boarding, cleaning, grooming, and minor care that didn’t require a vet’s attention. We held spay and neuter clinics once a month, took in strays that the pound didn’t have room for, and most importantly, got to hang out with all of the furry and feathery friends that came by to visit. I walked over to the pen that housed the new puppies that we had taken in and set the pup down with the others, pulling the gate closed. I put my bags down on the grooming table and walked into the boarding area where I was greeted with a chorus of barking. Every single one of those dogs was in my care in one form or another, whether their family was on a trip, they needed a new home, or they were there because they had grown old and needed someone to look after them. The older dogs were the hardest on me. Not because of their care, but because I fell in love with every dog that came through, and these guys were usually only there for a short while as their lives had come to the final few years. Either way, I always treated every single one of them like family.

  “Well, good morning, my friends,” I said, running my hand down the cages. “It’s finally Friday. Hope you guys made plans already!”

  I walked through and greeted each dog. Then, I moved to the next room and did the same with the cats. We didn’t have any other animals in there at that time, so I skipped the rabbit, guinea pig, and reptile room completely. When I got back to the grooming station, Lenna was walking in the door looking more tired than usual. She was my best friend, and we had started this business together right after high school, both of us knowing we had no college ambitions at that point. I had to admit it was pretty awesome working with my closest friend. She and I had never had a fight over anything, and I couldn’t imagine a more perfect business partner. We both loved animals, we both worked really hard to keep the place going, and we complemented each other. Where I was weak, she was strong, and vice versa. She was also the vet tech and could give shots and such when it was needed.

  “Mister Floppy got out again,” I said, laughing. “He greeted me at the door, so be careful where you step. I haven’t looked for poop bombs yet.”

  “Oh, joy,” Leena said through a yawn. “It is much too early for this.”

  “Start your weekend early?”

  “Sure did,” she said with a sleepy smile. “And I met a really hot guy who I have a date with again Saturday night.”

  “Look at you, always on the go.” I laughed.

  “What did you do last night?”

  “Took a bath, watched a movie, and crashed.” I smiled.

  “Wow,” she said in a monotone voice. “Thrilling. How about this weekend? You have any awesome plans?”

  “Do I ever?”

  “No, but I will keep asking every week in the hopes that one day you will shock me with something outrageous, like, oh, I don’t know, a date or something,” she said, hip-checking me as she walked past.

  I was perfectly content with continuin
g to work on the business, focus on growing and learning, and all the while, keeping my eyes open for that guy. That guy that makes everything fall into place, the one that every girl dreams of meeting one day. Leena however, thinks that I am insane for having that fairy tale and is more than willing to get me out, get me laid, and move me on a different path. I wasn’t a virgin because I was waiting for Mr. Right. I just hadn’t found any Mr. Right now that could actually fit the bill. In fact, there hadn’t been any mister anything’s for quite a while, and I was okay with that, even if it seemed to bother everyone else around me.

  “I do have that wedding this upcoming weekend,” I said, pulling out my supplies and lining them up on the table.

  “Oh, yeah,” she said. “Who is getting married again?”

  “Caroline Haynes,” I said. “She was a girl I hung out with when we were kids.”

  “Oh, yeah, at the club that your dad was a member of,” she replied. “I still think it’s so weird that you came from a family of money.”


  “You just seem so normal.” She laughed.

  “I guess, if you consider a twenty-three-year-old virgin, college dropout normal,” I said, rolling my eyes.

  “You do remember that you own a really successful business that you built from the ground up, right?”

  “Yeah, and I am proud of that, but my dad is another story,” I said with a sigh. “He didn’t come around to the idea of this business until we bought the building.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing you run your life, not your dad,” she said, patting me on the shoulder. “Besides, your mom loves this place. I’m pretty sure it’s past the time she usually comes and visits all the doggies.”

  “It’s the end of summer events at the club,” I reminded her. “She has like, three days left to buddy up to the other women before the weather gets cold and all the rich people hide away in suburbia.”

  “Are they coming to the wedding?”

  “No, thank God,” I said with a nervous laugh. “They are going to be gone for the weekend visiting my brother in New York.”

  “Well, there you go,” she said, turning toward me. “Then you can totally count the wedding as weekend plans. I thought you were going to be dragged around by your parents and shown off like a little doll, the way they like to do so much.”

  “No.” I laughed. “And you know what? It does mean I have plans this weekend. I’m going to drink champagne, dance, and stare at the beautiful, happy couple, wondering how many weddings I will go to before I ever have my own.”

  “So, you could totally take a date to this shindig, right?”

  “If I knew anyone that could be a date, yes,” I said. “But you know just as well as I do that I haven’t met any men lately. Hell, I haven’t met anyone without fur and four legs in a really long time.”

  “Wow, what kind of bars are you going to?”

  “Very funny,” I replied, laughing.

  “You should start coming out with me and meet some men,” she said, starting up on her normal nagging. “You never know who you could meet out there.”

  “Ugh, yeah right,” I scoffed. “I’ve seen the guys at the bars our age. They’re just looking for a piece of ass to take home, not someone they are genuinely interested in.”

  “Honey, all men are looking for a piece of ass,” she replied. “The interest comes with your sparkling personality, which I am seeing may need some work.”

  “I really am happy on my own,” I said, walking over to the puppy area and lifting one into my arms. “I don’t have to answer to anyone, I don’t have to worry about someone cheating on me, the drama of relationships, and everything else that goes along with dating. Trust me, I have a Facebook page. I see the drama that all the girls I grew up with go through. It just doesn’t seem worth it to me.”

  “I get that,” she said. “But what I don’t get is why you have to stay a virgin to stay the course. If you are going to choose to be alone, then you might as well get some in the meantime.”

  “I’m not choosing to be alone,” I said. “I just can’t find the right guy.”

  “And sitting at your apartment is going to help you with that?” She laughed.

  “Well, it sure isn’t going to help going out to some stupid bar,” I grumbled. “Besides, I know exactly the kind of man that I am looking for, and I am sure he is out there.”

  “Hot bod, gorgeous eyes, rich, and ready to spoil you rotten, right?”

  “No.” I laughed. “I want someone that has dreams for the future. A man that is a little awkward and shy, just like me. A man that loves animals like I do so we can have like a farm or something, but instead of selling the animals, we play with them and give them love.”

  “You know you sound like an eight-year-old,” she said, laughing. “Like I’m sure there are plenty of males out there like that, but they are either hiding in their mom’s basement, or they are attending primary school.”

  “Oh, come on.” I laughed. “There has to be a guy out there for me, someone who fits the bill perfectly and enjoys all the things that I do, just on a manly level.”

  “How do you love a puppy in a manly way?”

  I rolled my eyes at her and shook my head, kissing the puppy on the nose and setting him back in the cage. Was it truly that impossible to think that there was a man out there like that? Was it insane to dream of someone caring and loving that wasn’t a show boat or extremely narcissistic? If it was, then I was doomed to live alone, the crazy cat lady, for the rest of my eternity. Except I didn’t have any cats at home.

  “I’m going to go let the dogs out in the yard to play,” I said, calling to Leena as I walked away.

  “Watch out for Mr. Awkwardly Right while you are out there,” she yelled back.

  I let all the dogs out of the cage and opened the door to the fenced-in yard, laughing as they shot out in the grass, rolling around in the sunshine. I wrapped my hands around my shoulders, realizing it was already starting to get cool outside. I loved my pups and kittens, and they kept me completely content. Although I knew the connection between me and a man was something that I wanted deep down, I couldn’t help but be okay as long as I had my animals to love me. Maybe I was starting to lose it, surrounding myself with the four-legged kind of love instead of just getting out there and meeting someone.

  I sighed and walked through the lawn, petting the different pups that ran up to me, wagging their tails. I leaned down and got a big wet doggie kiss right across my cheek, and I giggled, feeling better already. Who needed the complication of a relationship when you had so much furry adorableness around you at one time?

  Chapter 3


  I had to say, there was something completely miserable about donning a suit on a Saturday, and a really fancy one at that. The wedding was starting in just an hour, and I needed to get to the location so that Caleb would get off my case. I looked at my freshly washed black hair in the mirror and pushed it down, realizing that I probably could use a haircut pretty soon since my cow lick was starting to fight back against me. I put some pomade on it and smoothed it down, checking my rustic five o’clock shadow in the mirror and deciding that it fit me. I knew that was me being too lazy to shave, but I had to admit that every time I went out with this rough shave, I picked up a lot more women. I didn’t know what it was, but they seemed to be attracted to the well-groomed man that looked like they forgot to shave.

  I pulled my shirt over my shoulders and reluctantly buttoned it up, tucking it in before grabbing my silver tie. I placed it around my neck and tucked it under my collar, feeling the cool silk fabric between my fingers. Most days, I really enjoyed putting on a nice suit, but today, I just wanted to sit around and watch television. I knew I had to let it go. There was no getting out of it, so I took a deep breath and smiled at myself in the mirror. My fake grin quickly diminished, and I grabbed my jacket and walked into the bedroom. I pulled on the coat and stood in front of the mirror, admiring how go
od I looked. Call it cocky if you want, but I was a pretty good-looking guy.

  I hated weddings. The glitz, the flowers, the giggling bridesmaids, and the little children running around in fluffy dresses was all a bit too much for my single guy mentality. That being said, there was free food, free booze, and plenty of women that would chomping at the bit to find a single guy to hook up with for the night. There was something about weddings that opened a woman’s legs, and I had a hard time believing it was because they were hoping to find Mr. Right in the caterer’s closet with her panties around her ankles. Either way, who was I to deny these beautiful babes the chance to feel pretty and special for one night, at someone else’s happily ever after?

  I picked up my keys and my cell phone and put them in my pocket, hoping that I wouldn’t be coming home, but instead, shacking up with one of Caleb’s sister’s hottie girlfriends in the hotel later that night. I whistled as I walked through to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water and drinking it before heading for the door. If I was going to be drinking heavily, I needed to make sure I was hydrated. No one wanted a hungover Blaine waking up next to them in the morning. I tended to be a bit grumpy.


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