The Billionaire's Blue-Eyed Girl

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The Billionaire's Blue-Eyed Girl Page 6

by Tiffany Squires

  She shrugged. ‘I wanted to make sure we were as close as possible to deciding an outcome before bothering you with the details. That’s what you pay me for, isn’t it?’

  ‘Not enough,’ I said, laying the papers down on my desk and looking at her through a fog of awe-struck lust. ‘Now, tell me, has it been five minutes yet?’


  My heart had been in my throat all morning in anticipation for this meeting. I’d desperately wanted to show Conrad that I was more than just his little fuck buddy, that I was an asset to the group and deserved my role of Sales Manager at Wallington House. With Conrad fully up to date with my current sales activities, I could relax. And yes, we could christen his office. Which I’m sure he had in mind all along considering he’d sent his secretary on a strategic mission to sample a rival’s spa facilities for the day, meaning we were all alone.

  He wanted to know if five minutes was up yet so, although my underwear was wet through I gave my watch a theatrical glance. ‘Not yet,’ I announced. ‘We’ve another three minutes.’

  He groaned. ‘For fuck's sake, Miss Kendal. Get out of that chair and come sit on my cock.’

  My nipples stiffened painfully against my bra. I freaking loved it when Conrad took control. ‘If you wish, boss.’

  Slowly I stood and walked to his side of the desk. He swivelled his chair, so I was standing in front of him. How I stood I don’t know. We’d fucked so much my hips ached. But not half as much as my pussy, which was still throbbing for him regardless.

  ‘So, Mr Belmore. Will you sign the contract or not?’ I asked, biting down on my lower lip in the way I knew drove him berserk.

  His lips twitched while his eyes scanned my body. ‘I’m not sure, Miss Kendal. You’ve yet to convince me that we’ll genuinely get the best deal possible.’

  I leaned forward and stroked my finger along the length of his erection; he jerked at the touch. ‘So, you’re telling me you need more convincing? What do I need to do to convince you that both contracts will net you a comfortable profit? Not to mention future contracts of a similar ilk.’ He gyrated under my touch and closed his eyes, preparing himself for what was about to come. I felt powerful. In control. Today I was on top. In every way.

  I flicked open his suit trousers and pulled at his clothes to release his beautiful dick. I didn’t even bother to hide my gasp when it sprung free. It was still the most amazing thing I had ever laid my eyes on. Thick and long with veins tracking the length. I loved his cock and couldn’t get enough of it.

  ‘Open your eyes,’ I ordered and as he did so I hitched my skirt over my hips revealing to him my stockings and red lace panties. His pupils dilated and the raw passion on his face was all the foreplay I needed. Hooking my finger into my underwear I pulled it to one side and straddled his lap. Lowering myself slowly onto his manhood was torture. It took every ounce of strength I had to descend slowly, inch by inch, to savour the feeling of his silken flesh stretching me once more. Eventually he was as deep inside me as I could manage and the head of his manhood was creating so much pressure I wanted to scream. ‘Is this convincing enough, Mr Belmore?’

  His massive hands grasped at my ass and he tried to move me but I was not for moving.

  ‘Slow down, Mr Belmore,’ I said beginning a painstakingly slow rock of my hips, slow enough to cause quite a build of pressure where his cock nestled deep inside. Judging by the way he grit his teeth the motion was sending him hurtling towards the edge. ‘I’ll allow you some release as soon as I’m good and ready,’ I said. 'First though, I need to know. Have I done enough to convince you to sign the contract?’

  ‘Yes, Tabby,’ he growled. ‘Yes, I’ll sign the contract, will you just play fair and fuck me already.’

  His hips were thrusting against my slow and steady motions. ‘Aren’t we an impatient boy, Mr Belmore. Did nobody ever tell you that impatience is not a virtue?’ I arched my back in such a way to remove his length from me until his blunt tip was just inside my hot, wet lips. I hovered there for just long enough for him to feel the cool air against his naked, slippery cock before slowly gliding back down again.

  ‘Right,’ he growled, grasping at my hips so hard this time I couldn’t have removed myself from him even if I tried. ‘You’re in serious trouble now Miss Kendal.’

  His lips locked onto mine and he snaked his hands up my back, he cupped the back of my neck with one, and with the other, wrapped a lock of my hair around his fist. Then he bucked so hard I screamed out in ecstasy. I thrust my hips in time with his frantic fucking. We were like animals who had but one chance per year to mate and there was no chance either of us would waste it. My arms wrapped around his neck and I held on for dear life as again, and again, and again he thrust into me with a desperation I’d never experienced before. All too quickly I felt the familiar feeling of an orgasm wash over me. Conrad, knowing my body as well as he did, recognised that I was on the verge of hitting my peak and held me tighter. Refusing to let me thrash my way out of it. He wasn’t about to let me go anywhere. When it happened and my entire body convulsed I bit down into his shoulder to muffle my screams. The shock of my teeth biting through the material of his sweat drenched shirt was enough to catapult him over the edge too. Unlike me, he didn’t muffle his roar. Instead, he let his go. He growled so deep and so long his voice broke. He didn’t give a fuck who heard his release. He was going to own the moment even if it meant waking the guests still sleeping in the attic rooms.

  ‘So, Mr Belmore. Will you please just sign the damn contract?’ I said while my pussy was still convulsing around his rock hard cock.

  Conrad laughed and pulled me in for a hug. ‘Miss Kendal, I feel absolutely, positively exploited.’

  ‘That was the plan, Mr Belmore. To use you and abuse you for my own professional gain. But don’t worry once I have your signature I won’t do it ever again.’

  He squeezed me tighter to him. So tight that his thundering heart became merged with mine. ‘Oh yes you will, miss Kendal. You will use me and abuse me every day for the foreseeable future.’

  I closed my eyes and sighed, the scent of his aftershave mingled with sex pirouette in the surrounding air. A peculiarly mesmerising combination. In that beautiful moment, I hoped to God that his foreseeable future was as eternal as mine.

  Chapter Eleven


  It took me weeks to get everything signed off. Tabby had known there was something fishy going on but I wasn’t about to spoil the surprise by giving her even one little clue about what I was up to. Finally, I had my father, the accountant, the legal team and all the other shareholders around a table and they all agreed with my plans. To be honest, there was no way they could have disagreed with my ideas. Not with the strength of argument I’d put forward.

  We’d dotted our i’s and crossed our t’s and now we sat around waiting for the final person to arrive at the meeting. The one who was totally and utterly in the dark. My Snow White, my princess, my Tabby. I’d told her to arrive no later than 10.30 and it was 10.25. Any second now she would walk in and blow them all away in the same way she had me in her interview. Ah, the interview. We’d come a long way since then and it felt as though she’d been a part of Belmore Estates forever. And, once her signature joined the others on the contracts which lay in front of the only empty seat at the boardroom table I intended to whisk her away somewhere magnificent and ask her to become Belmore in name.

  My father cleared his throat. ‘I sure hope your Miss Kendal is punctual,’ he said. ‘I have a very important meeting to attend in half an hour.’

  I smiled softly at my father knowing damn well that his very important meeting was a one-on-one yoga class with a teacher he’d been crushing on. Not that he’d want the suits sitting around the table to know that. As far as they were concerned he was still very much involved in the business on a day-to-day basis. Retirement embarrassed him but his biggest embarrassment was making the mistake of letting Glenn into the fold as quickly as he had. It
had transpired that Glenn’s mother was a woman my father had loved very much. Head and shoulders above any of his other conquests. However, she was also the type of woman who made it impossible to stay around regardless of love. She was unstable, violent, probably borderline psychotic and he couldn’t cope with her so walked away. Apparently he’d carried around a lifelong guilt about leaving his son in her care and thought he could make it up to the boy. It upset father to hear how Glenn had tried single-handedly to ruin the Belmore name and had dismissed him from both the business and our lives when I had told him of his assault on Tabby.

  ‘Yes, father, she’s extremely reliable, you’ll be bowled over by her.’ I assured him.

  He smiled and nodded his head. ‘I trust you, Son. You’re a good boy with nothing but the company’s future at heart.’

  That meant a lot to me. It really did. Before I could get too comfortable with his compliments though the door handle moved, and I poised myself expecting to see Tabby. But my world spun when it swung open and standing there, larger than life and bold as brass was Glenn. The others murmured amongst themselves and I shot to my feet.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ I hissed. ‘In case you didn’t notice we’re having a board meeting and you are no longer part of Belmore Estates.’

  Glenn sauntered in regardless. ‘A little birdy told me that there are changes happening at the top level so I thought I’d pop on down and give my opinion on the matter.’

  I scanned the table, staring at each of the men in attendance. The only people who knew of my plans were in this room. There was a snake in the grass. Never mind, I’d have to deal with that later. I turned my attention back to Glenn, who was looking proud of himself. He had no right. A perverted woman beater with not a single cell for business in his ridiculous little body. ‘Like I said. You are no longer part of The Belmore Estate. Or family. Your opinion is not needed or called for.’

  He ignored me and walked around to the empty seat which was reserved for Tabby. I sensed my father’s anger bubble to the surface, so I rested my hand on his shoulder to calm him before Glenn could add manslaughter to his list of infractions.

  ‘Ah, I think you might, in fact, be very interested in what I have to say. Especially if it’s the future of your precious business your most concerned about.’ He opened a laptop and turned it around so everybody present could see the screen. ‘I haven’t been able to shake off the feeling that I recognised your little whore from somewhere—’

  ‘Who are you calling a whore?’ I launched myself across the desk at him but my father grabbed my jacket and held me back.

  ‘He’s not worth it, Son,’ Father said. ‘Don’t stoop to his level.’

  Glenn smirked at us both. ‘Oh daddy dear, how you rate your first-born son so highly when in fact, he thinks with nothing more than his trousers. Please, take two minutes to watch this extract from the Wallington House CCTV system.’

  My heart thundered in my chest when he pressed play and a shot of the alleyway leading to the kitchens at Wallington House flashed up on the screen, it practically tore my ribcage apart when, in front of everybody’s eyes Tabby came into view, wearing that unforgettable devil costume. The sight of her in that outfit again twisted my insides into a dishevelled ball of wool. I watched as, on the screen, she looked around to make sure nobody was looking before slipping out of view.

  ‘I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove, Glenn. But that means nothing so I suggest you turn it off and leave straight away.’

  He held his hand up to shush me. ‘It’s not finished yet, wait and see.’

  Sure enough, within a minute I come into view and disappear down the same alleyway. Then, two minutes later, my beautiful Tabby reappears looking more flustered than I’d remembered. Our meeting must have bothered her just as much as it had bothered me. But, to the ignorant viewer, I could see how it would look as though more had happened than had.

  My father looked at me then back at Glenn. ‘What is your point, Glenn?’

  Glenn appeared rattled by father’s apathy to his revelations. ‘Don’t you see? That woman, the woman who has done nothing but stir shit since taking up employment with Belmore Estates is nothing but a scantily clad gold digger.’ He looked at each of the shareholders. ‘Is that really the face you want representing your business? Really? Unless you plan on using her sweet little pussy to grow it. Because that’s all a woman who dresses like that is good for.’ He said pointing to where he’d paused the video. She filled the screen. Her chest overflowing from the basque top, her mask obscuring most of her face, her eyes brimming with humiliation. It broke my heart to see the hurt in her eyes. I never wanted to see her looking like that again. Ever.

  ‘Oh my god!’ Tabby’s voice broke my train of thought and I spun round to see her. I wished I hadn’t. Her eyes mirrored those on the screen. Humiliated and angry. ‘Oh my god!’ She repeated and fled the room before I could reach for her.

  I turned to Glenn but could find no words. Instead of wasting my energy on him I raced after Tabby. I needed to make it right. Let her know that I already knew, and I didn’t care. Because I loved her. Inside and out. Brains and beauty.


  I heard him calling my name but I couldn’t stop running. Was that what he called me in for today? To humiliate me in front of everybody? But why? I’d noticed him being a little off lately. Planning meetings with his legal team, then denying all knowledge. I’d brushed it off though. Conrad’s an executive, a billionaire businessman, there were bound to be deals going on I didn’t need to know about. And why should I know? Our relationship was still so new. I figured he’d learn to trust me in his own time and carried on with my day-to-day job. More fool me.

  As soon as I’d driven into the car park, I’d known that something strange was happening. It was the row of expensive cars that gave it away because there were no functions booked in. Then I’d spotted Glenn’s car and knew that whatever was going down was not good. My fingers had instinctively found my throat and explored the area that still carried a faint bruise from his assault on me just a few short weeks ago. Why was he back? Conrad had assured me that Glenn was history.

  Considering the number of cars outside it was eerily quiet inside. I’d bypassed my office and made my way to the boardroom, as I approached I noticed that the door was ajar and that Glenn was sitting directly opposite it with a laptop open in front of him. Conrad was standing with his back to the door and his shoulder was obscuring whatever was on the screen. I inched forward as silently as I could and wondered how none of the meeting attendees could hear my thundering heart. I raised my trembling fingers to the hardwood door and pushed it open, just enough to see what they could see. It was me. On that night. The night I had met Conrad.

  ‘Is that really the face you want representing your business? Really? Unless you plan on using her sweet little pussy to grow the business, of course. Because that’s all a woman who dresses like that is good for.’ Glenn said.

  I gasped. Every head turned to me and I wanted to die. All of those men had just witnessed me wandering around this very venue with more on show than they would see at a strip club. Conrad. Oh my god. Conrad now knew. I looked at his face, ashen with shock, and fled. I ran, and I ran and I carried on running. Ignoring his pleading voice. I ran until I found myself back where it all began. In the now-familiar alleyway where he had taken my breath away on first meeting. Only he hadn’t known about that. And I never wanted him to know. I wanted Conrad Belmore to believe for as long as we were alive that the first time I had laid eyes on him had been when I’d stepped in his office for an interview.

  ‘Tabby,’ he called again. ‘Tabby, wait. I need to speak to you.’

  I stopped. More out of necessity than anything else. My chest was tight and my breathing was becoming laboured. Running and crying was not as easy as they made it out to be in the movies. ‘Go away, Conrad.’ I cried through a constricted airway. ‘There’s nothing to say.’

  He’d c
aught up with me and, grabbing my elbow, he spun me around. ‘There’s everything to say. Will you look at me, Tabby? I need you to look at me.’

  I couldn’t look at him. I didn’t have the strength required to lift my chin and stare him in the eye. ‘Why did you do it to me, Conrad? If you knew why did you not just say something? What did I do so wrong that you felt the need to humiliate me in front of all your friends?’ I screwed up my face in disgust. ‘And him? Glenn! Seriously? Why would you do that to me?’

  ‘That’s not why I invited you here,’ he said, waving some papers under my nose. ‘This was why I brought you here today.’ He thrust the papers at my chest so I had no choice but to take them.

  ‘What’s this?’ I asked, the black ink on the papers blurred before my tear-soaked eyes rendering it impossible to read. ‘My P45 and a letter of dismissal?’

  He sighed with frustration. ‘They’re your new contract,’ he said matter-of-factly. ‘I brought you here today to sign them. I’ve promoted you to Group Business Development Director. You’ll get all the perks which come with being a director. Equal dividends, company car, use of the helicopter, the jet, everything damn it. I’m giving you everything.’

  I snapped my face up to his and wiped away my tears, no doubt dragging my makeup along with them. ‘Director? But why?’

  He laughed and ran a hand through his hair with frustration. ‘Because you’re fucking smart. That’s why. Because I want to share everything with you. My bed. My business. My name.’

  I blink back more tears. Unable to fully process what he just said. ‘Slow down, I can’t keep up.’ I hugged myself tightly, trying to wrap my head around it all. ‘But what about the CCTV your brother was just showing off to all the major decision-makers?’

  ‘Firstly,’ Conrad jabbed a finger into the air. ‘That piece of scum in there is nothing to do with me. And secondly, I didn’t know that he was coming today, let alone armed with that. I’ll go and explain it all to them all. Tell them the truth. That he was exploiting women for his own enjoyment. They’ve wondered why we sacked him for ages and this’ll provide them with the answers they’re looking for.’


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