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Interplanetary Love

Page 3

by Shelley Munro


  “I heard the wretched creature when the driver slowed just now for the bend in the road. Where is Luci? In your bag?”

  “Luci wasn’t feeling well this morning,” Rala said while she unzipped her bag.

  A small pointy nose peeked out. Two round black eyes appeared. The creature’s eyes narrowed to slits on noticing him. Her top lip curled to display sharp teeth.

  “I didn’t mean to sit on her favorite chair,” Ekim said. “And I didn’t stand on her tail on purpose.”

  An indignant chatter came from the katmer as if the wretched creature understood and strenuously denied Ekim’s words.

  Rala rubbed the katmer’s glossy head. “Don’t listen to my brother.”

  Luci gave one last indignant squeak before subsiding with a loud kitty purr.

  Ekim grimaced and went back to his mail. He ripped open the envelope and pulled out the plain white parchment inside, sheltering the paper as much as he could from the stiff wind.

  I know your secret.

  The words seared into Ekim’s mind. He closed his eyes and opened them again. The words remained the same. Ekim stuffed the card back into the envelope and buried it deep inside his pocket.

  “What’s that?” Rala asked.

  “Just a fan note,” Ekim said, drawing on his acting skill to lie through his teeth even as fear pulsed through him in time to his heartbeat.

  Someone knew he couldn’t get his cock up. Someone knew Rajah kept failing him.

  By the Goddess. He was burned chapattis. He loved his career as an actor. Acting in vids made him happy, but someone telling the truth to the wrong person might make him lose everything. The sex and planet’s greatest lover tag were a part of his career that had taken him unawares, the women stretching the truth in order to gain their own moment of fame. Luckily, jealousy kept them from talking to each other and comparing notes. He hadn’t planned the reputation, even though his agent insisted he embrace and perpetuate the myth.

  I know your secret.

  Blackmail? Horror chilled his body, despite the warm temperatures. The note hadn’t said, but the threat was implicit. If someone knew his secret, they’d hope to profit from the information. Blackmail was the lone conclusion that made sense.

  The rickshaw slowed to pass the exclusive houseboats moored at the far end of the lake before increasing velocity again. Ten min later, they halted at the security checkpoint. Ekim used his personal wristband to transfer credits for the toll entrance to the spaceport.

  “Ekim, I have to tell you something.” Rala grasped his arm and tugged. “It’s important.”

  “Surely it can wait until later?”

  “No.” Her sharp tone drew his attention. His sister sounded worried, and his crap antenna started beep-beep-beeping at the back of his mind. “Now.” She hesitated before forging ahead. “Carly isn’t a friend.”

  “But you’ve corresponded with her.” Ekim drew his brows together and waited. Rala refused to meet his gaze, and his bewilderment narrowed to suspicion. “What’s going on?”

  “I pretended I was you and signed you up for Interplanetary Love.”

  “The dating service?” Ekim’s roar drew the attention of pedestrians entering the spaceport. Several recognized him. “The dating service,” he repeated in a terse whisper. Their driver trotted toward the front doors of the spaceport and pulled into a rickshaw rank.

  Luci chattered in a warning fashion and her agitation and sharp canines kept Ekim from throttling his sister. “Explain. Now.”

  “I thought it would be nice for you to meet someone new. A woman who doesn’t know of your reputation.”

  Better and better. Gut instinct told him Rala lied through her dainty white teeth. “Some of my vids are distributed to Earth now. Tell me exactly what you’ve done.”

  “I told her you were in law enforcement. But other than that I kept pretty much to the truth.”

  “How are we going to keep her from learning about my reputation?” Damn, he didn’t need this sort of stress. “Had you thought that far ahead?”

  “It will work.” Rala lifted her nose in the face of his sarcasm. “She’s here for three nights. Don’t take her into the city confines where you might run into the newshounds, and you won’t have a problem.”

  * * * * *

  Carly noticed the man straightaway. So did every other female in the spaceport, but his attention remained on the petite beauty at his side. He didn’t appear to detect the heated whispers and come-hither looks from other women. A pang of envy pierced Carly. He was taller than her own six foot and dressed completely in black. He’d slicked back his black hair and the style showcased the angles and shadows of his face. The curves of his sensuous lips looked perfect for kissing.

  Sighing, she turned her attention to the woman. Lucky lady, Carly thought as her gaze strayed to the man again to steal another hit of his hot sensuality. A shiver slid down her spine, delicious and naughty. Better than a morning shot of java.

  A woman just had to look at this man to know he’d be great in the sack. It was the way he held himself, the way he walked, all languid and lazy. It was in the charming smile and the dimples winking at the corners of his mouth, which muted the first tough-guy impression. Carly resisted the need to fan herself. Oh yes. She wanted one of him in every flavor.

  “Carly!” a voice shrieked. “You came.”

  Carly gaped as the petite woman who’d walked in with Mr. Hunk opened her arms and ran toward her. It was like a romantic scene from a corny movie—one lover racing toward another—and all Carly could think was she’d ticked the box specifying a heterosexual male.

  She was sure of it.

  “Carly, I’m so glad you came.” The woman bounced up and down, looking like an exotic bird in her tight mint-green underblouse. Folds of material in contrasting greens and gold draped over her shoulder and fell to her feet, reminiscent of an Indian sari. A sheer scarf draped across her dark hair. Yes, she looked like an exotic bird, but not the bird for her. Carly gripped the handle of her weekend bag tighter and steeled herself as the woman leaped. She stole a mercifully quick hug before pulling away, a broad beam of welcome lighting her pale caramel-colored features.

  “Please excuse my sister,” the man said, his amber eyes twinkling. “She’s excited you’ve managed to fit in a visit.”

  “Oh.” It was all Carly could manage. The man was perfect. He looked good. He smelled great and his husky voice strummed right across her nerve endings. But after the greeting from his sister, he probably thought she batted for the female side. Carly offered a feeble smile.

  “I’m Ekim, and this is my sister, Rala.”

  This was Ekim? Carly’s heart squeezed out an uneven pump. The man Interplanetary Love had matched with her?

  Every trace of spit dried from her mouth, and she could do nothing but gawk. Luck had finally made an appearance in her life, and she was sorely tempted to kiss the ground at his feet.

  Chapter Three

  Ekim tried hard not to stare at the striking woman. Carly was tall and trim, and she didn’t have a sly, lusty expression in her blue eyes—not like other women of his acquaintance. This cop was nervous and trying not to show it beneath her friendly smile of greeting.

  His breath puffed out in an audible rush because nothing in her expression said she recognized him. Yes! Rala was forgiven, not that he’d let her know too soon. His sister deserved to sweat. The transmitter in his pocket vibrated insistently.

  “Excuse me, I need to take a call. Won’t be long.” Ekim turned away to take the communication. “Ekim Ramuk.”

  “It’s Yacel,” a female voice purred. “How’s the latest movie going?”

  “Fine,” Ekim said to his agent of many cycles. “It’s a great part.”

  “Good. Good. The producers are thrilled with the publicity you’re generating for this movie. They’ve decided to make it into a trilogy. Ching-ching!”

  Ekim rolled his eyes. Nazrat, Cop had been sh
ooting for a short time, but with the newshounds hanging around the studio, gossip about the movie had spread through town like a fast-growing stealth fern. His bloody reputation at the root of the tales.

  “I’ve agreed in principle—all you need to do is sign on the dotted line. Whatcha say, big boy?”

  Ekim cringed. “Sounds great,” he said, forcing enthusiasm into his voice. He loved acting the part of a tough cop, but the bloody publicity, the constant pressure to perform with the women who threw themselves at him wore him to the bone. Like a volcano ready to blow, he stressed and sizzled and fumed beneath the surface, hating most of what he had to do to maintain his status. The women treated him like a popular toy in short demand, and his reputation, his need to continue with his acting, had him trapped firmly in the middle of this meteor storm. “I’ll drop in at the offices next week. Tara is sick, and they’ve decided to hold shooting for a few days rather than run the risk of her illness spreading to the entire cast and crew. I’m spending the time with my family and friends.”

  “Catch ya next week,” his agent said, and after blowing a loud kiss, she disconnected.

  “Sorry about that,” Ekim said as he rejoined the two women. Interest spiked when he studied Carly in depth. Tall for a female, she towered above his petite sister. Like him, she’d dressed in black. Her trousers clung to her legs and hips while her tight black shirt revealed bountiful breasts. Brown hair with hints of red was pulled back from her face and tied with a piece of black cloth in a tail. Her mouth was wide, eminently kissable. And best of all—she smelled good and natural with no hint of a perfume cloud to stir up his allergies.

  Carly appealed to him on every level, and the sensation felt new and precious. He smiled, something in his chest tightening at the shy smile he received in return—a genuine curve of lips containing nothing more than an offer of friendship and a hint of sincere interest.

  “Where are you taking Carly?” Rala asked, her expression bland.

  A choking sound escaped Ekim before he regained control. The little minx. What would have happened if he’d refused to come with her this afternoon?

  “I thought I’d take Carly for a drive before descending on the parents for a meal. I need to check with Mama about the trip to the temple.”

  “Good idea. Can you drop me off at the vet? My katmer is feeling unwell.”

  Ekim hesitated. “Will you be able to get home without difficulty?” In other words, was it safe from newshounds?

  “It’s not far out of your way,” Rala said in a wheedling tone. “The vet’s sister—Sheela—is one of my best friends. Aisha knows her and I often spend time there. Comm Mama and ask her opinion, if you’re worried.”

  “All right.” Ekim offered his arm to Carly. “Do you need to collect luggage?”

  “No. This is it.”

  A spurt of surprise shot through him as he glanced at her small bag. “Good. We can go then. The exit is this way. Let me carry your bag.”

  She wavered for an instant before handing over her bag and setting her hand in the crook of his elbow. Heat, sudden and unexpected, shot from her hand and seeped through the synsilk of his shirt. Rajah twitched and lengthened, and Ekim caught his breath. He glanced at Carly, astonishment freezing him in place until a booming laugh from behind them jerked him back, reminded him this was the public spaceport. His mind reeled because he hadn’t taken any drugs today, yet Rajah stirred with true rigor.

  Was she the magical key to a normal sex life?

  “Come on, Ekim. Stop daydreaming,” Rala complained.

  “Sorry. The rickshaw stand is this way.”

  He hired a closed rickshaw outside the main entrance to the spaceport. Ekim didn’t want the newshounds to glimpse Carly, not when their friendship was new and full of possibilities. He gave rapid directions to the driver, helped Rala inside then Carly. After loading her bag on the exterior luggage rack, he squeezed in beside Carly and tapped on the roof of the rickshaw to tell the droid driver they were ready to depart.

  In the cramped confines of the rickshaw, Ekim smelled Carly’s scent. It wasn’t floral but more like something he’d wear—woodsy with a hint of cinnamon. Rajah stirred again, and for the first time in his life, Ekim worried about his erection on display in an inappropriate place. What would Carly think if she noticed?

  “We can let the windows down once we leave the confines of the spaceport,” Rala said. “The fumes from the spaceships cling to clothes and don’t smell much better.”

  Ekim arched a brow at Rala, and she winked in return. Good cover. He couldn’t have done better himself. Three covered rickshaws had taken off together from the security pickup area, which would make the newshounds’ job difficult. They wouldn’t know if their quarry had left or remained in the spaceport.

  “I’m looking forward to seeing your planet. I hear it’s much like India on Earth,” Carly said.

  Rala let the filmy scarf covering her dark hair fall to her shoulders. “Nidni’s founders are said to come from Earth.”

  “And I read during the voyage here that Nidni doesn’t have air vehicles,” Carly said.

  “That’s true,” Rala said. “We used to have hundreds of air transpos zipping around the planet, but there were many accidents and deaths. The ruling council decided to ban them and stick to ground transport. We still have the large spaceships for transport from city to city and for travel to other planets, but normal citizens are unable to purchase private flight vehicles. Our ground transport is very modern and fast though. You will see this during your visit.”

  Ekim watched Carly’s expressive face as she listened to his sister, the dance of excitement and interest still filling his mind. She could be the right woman. His woman, his mind shouted, and his heart echoed the sentiment.

  “When is your return flight?” he asked.

  Rala rushed into speech, a trace of alarm flitting across her face. “I’m sure you told me Carly was catching the night flight on Saint’s day.”

  Ekim smothered a grin at Rala’s attempt to cover. Her plan. Her problem. If Ekim hadn’t liked the look of Carly, he’d have found a way to extract himself. Work probably.

  He turned to Carly, eager to learn more about her. “Do you enjoy your job?” Rala had said she was a cop but what sort?

  Carly smiled. “Yes, I told you in my emails. I love being a cop and making a difference, despite the long hours.”

  “You have a sexy voice. I wanted an excuse to hear it,” Ekim murmured, taking her hand in his. Her hand was warm and her fingernails clipped short and businesslike. They were large hands for a woman but they fit with the rest of her frame.

  Rala rolled her eyes at him from the far side of the rickshaw. If he blundered, it was her fault. Before he could stop, he imagined Carly plastered against him, their bodies moving together. A shudder swept through his body.

  “Are you feeling cold?” Rala asked, one delicate eyebrow rising in query.

  Hell, no. Heat, fiery heat, spread to body parts and prodded them to life. Blood pooled in his groin so rapidly, dizziness assailed him. Rajah stretched, lengthened, twitched.

  While the phenomenon had occurred before, it had never happened with such vigor or rapidity. Ekim shifted uncomfortably on noticing Rala’s amusement.

  “I think we could open the window now.” Scenery distraction. Good idea. He tugged on the window catch and let the window slide down. Fresh air swept into the interior of the rickshaw, but it did nothing to cool his ardor. This unfortunate rising of the Rajah pole had the potential for great embarrassment.

  Carly glanced at Ekim, her gaze doing a rapid face and downward flit. Holy Hannah. She knew if a man wanted her. The erection was a huge giveaway. A shout tickled her throat. Hell, yeah. She wanted to scream in victory but resisted the urge. Instead she sat calmly and tried not to squirm at the idea of getting close and personal with this hunky man.

  Finally, the need to tease, to raise the stakes higher as it were, got the better of her decorum. Carly leaned
toward Ekim, pretending to look at the view. Not that it wasn’t interesting because it was, but finding a male via Interplanetary Love, one she liked straightaway had her in a lather. Literally. Her panties had dampened and every breath of his masculine scent tugged another layer of arousal into her body. The V of bare skin at his neck teased and taunted her, swayed her good intentions. She wanted to lick. She wanted to bite. Oh yeah. Carly wanted to use her mouth all over his sexy body.

  Instead, she leaned forward and focused on the scenery. Her breast brushed his upper arm, and she caught her breath when her nipples pulled tight. The scenery flashed past her glazed eyes. Carly sucked air into her starved lungs, but instead of clearing her head, she overloaded on his scent. An amused giggle had her jerking back, lust replaced by chagrin. Heat rushed to her cheeks as she pressed her spine against the synleather rickshaw seat.

  “That’s the Blue Fort and the old part of the city. I can take you to the market later, if you’d like to do some shopping.” Ekim’s voice was thick and deeper than earlier, which eased some of Carly’s discomfiture.

  No shopping if she had her way. What did she want with extra luggage on the way home? No, she had other more interesting things in mind. If Ekim continued to impress her, then hell no, there wouldn’t be any shopping.

  After dropping Rala at the vet’s office, Ekim directed the droid driver to do a tour around the city so he could show her some of the sights.

  Carly took in the people and the mix of old and new buildings as the driver trotted down the broad avenues lined with trees.

  “That’s the city wall. This is the only section that is still intact after a severe storm almost a hundred years ago,” Ekim said. “The city was expanding rapidly, so the ruling council decided not to rebuild the walls. That’s the old bazaar and next door is the bathhouse. It’s hot today. Would you like to wander through the covered bazaar? It’s full of specialist craft shops and small restaurants serving traditional snacks. We don’t have to shop, but we can try some traditional foods or drinks.”


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