Book Read Free

Future in the Stars

Page 10

by D Patrick Wagner

  “Other than you, that is correct.”

  “Since you are the primary artificial intelligence on Bachama, I am going to refer to you as Bachama.”

  “That could create conflicting logic processes.”

  “Oh, right. OK. Bachman. I will assign the designation ‘Bachman’ to you.”

  “That is acceptable. Guardsman Negiani stated that you wish to acquire knowledge. Expand.”

  As Kimberly had seemed to be the most forthcoming, everyone turned to her.

  “Kimberly, you take the lead,” Slim ordered.

  Being naturally driven and overly curious, the software engineer nodded in agreement.

  “We are a scientific exploration team. we have been sent here to establish a working relationship with you and to learn about your capabilities and technology.”

  “A long as nothing is modified or taken, under my direction, that will be acceptable.”

  “This meeting is simply a first contact meeting. We are not prepared to actually acquire knowledge. To do that, we need recording devices. Would it be acceptable to bring in equipment to record our experiences within your energy dome?”

  “All technological devices associated with the artificial intelligence designated ‘Igaklay’ are immediately incapacitated.”

  “I understand. The devices I am referring to are made by humans. They have no Ballisonian or Elonian technology.”

  “That would be acceptable.”

  Captain Long gave a quick head-cock. Kimberly understood. He wanted to get out while the going was good.

  “Would it be permissible to leave and return in two Bachman planet rotations?”

  “Yes, that is permissible.”

  “We will bring the recording devices and submit them to your inspection at that time.”

  “That is also acceptable.”

  “With your permission, we will leave now.”

  “You have my permission.”

  The four almost ran as they exited the energy dome. Once clear, they did run to the shuttle. As they approached, the hatch opened. They dashed inside.

  Aboard Vengeance - Cencore

  The bridge crew of Vengeance sat in heightened awareness as they prepared for a jump which would take them far into unknown space. As everyone worked, the questions on what they would find when the finally reached the Sol system floated through their consciousness.

  “Captain Brewer, status?”

  The captain of Vengeance looked at Vice-Admiral Weiskoff sitting in the command chair.

  “Final checks are reaching completion, Admiral. Ten minutes to the first jump.”

  “Have Lieutenant Bell perform a complete scan of the surrounding stars to establish a baseline for measuring our target location.”

  “We are running a timestamped, full three-sixty recording as we speak, Admiral. There will be a hard mark when we jump.”

  “Jump as soon as the ship is ready, Captain.”

  “Aye, aye, Admiral.” Captain Brewer had come to accept the micro-management style of the now highest-ranking officer in the Federacy.

  Ten minutes later, Captain Brewer heard that all lights were green. He gave the command to achieve the proper heading and speed. Pilot Collins brought the thrusters up to max as he pointed the modified Mortek cruiser to the proper bearing.

  “Four minutes until point eight SOL, Captain.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Collins. Mr. Bell, prepare for jump.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.”

  Klaxons sounded throughout the ship as all interior spaces became bathed in blue light.

  Four minutes later, Pilot Collins announced that they had reached maximum speed.

  “Mr. Bell, jump the ship.”

  Second Lieutenant Bell, Chief Navigator of, first Odin, now Vengeance, tapped the proper icon on his console. Suddenly, Vengeance ceased to exist in the Cencore star system. Within less than a second, it seemed to materialize in the darkness of empty space.

  “Status, Mr. Bradley?”

  “Space is clear, Captain. No objects of any sort within multiple lightyears.”

  “Navigation, where are we?”

  “I’m running the new star configurations now, Captain. One, maybe two minutes.”

  Everyone waited the two minutes.

  “Well?” the question came from an impatient Vice-Admiral.

  “Almost done, Admiral. got it. We jumped approximately three hundred and fifty lightyears. On path to the Sol system, sir.”

  “Good. We have one-and-a-quarter days of downtime while the drive recharges. I want a complete service check of Vengeance on my desk in twelve hours.”

  “Aye, aye, Admiral,” Captain Brewer responded.”

  Griffin – orbiting Planet Bachama

  As soon as the shuttle landed in Griffin’s bay, Under normal power, without using the jump drive, Keiko sailed her back to Ballison.

  Per the plan, the moment the shuttle locked to the deck and the atmosphere had been replenished, the five occupants dashed to separate rooms onboard Griffin. Sitting at preconfigured desks, each began speaking.

  Each dictated everything they remembered seeing, hearing, experiencing, or feeling. Although the meeting with the Ballisonian artificial intelligence was short-lived, their reliving of their experiences took most of the afternoon.

  While dictating their remembrances, each of Clan Griffin’s secondary crew shed their simple shifts and donned their normal clothing. As each finished their verbal report, each made his or her way into the galley and headed to the serving counter.

  Slowly, the five crewmembers without a ship found their table and collected. Krag and Keiko wandered in after the two had been notified that all had finished. Grabbing chairs, Krag and Keiko joined the rest.

  “Well, Slim, having fun, yet?”

  “Very scary, Hawk. Standing there, helpless, surrounded by Ballisonian wreckage, it tightened me up.”

  “Igaklay wreckage.”

  “Yeah, right, Cansina.”

  “Try doing that for more than three months on an alien planet. Keiko and I lived that on Elonia.”

  “Oy, Cansina.”

  Everyone turned as they heard Mack call out. He, Sue, and Igaklay grabbed more chairs then sat.

  “Iggy reviewed your tapes. He says that Kimmy, here, did right good.”

  Yeah, well. Someone needed to talk to the guy.”

  “In a nutshell, what have we got?”

  “In a nutshell, we can go back and start learning about the Ballisonian tech under the dome,” Captain Long answered.

  “What about the ship?”

  “We didn’t get that far, Sir Mack,” Negiani answered. “Mz. Baker led us to establishing a working relationship, but that was all.”

  “And she got the A.I. to let us take in recording equipment. As long as it’s human,” Slim added.

  “Yeah. And she gave it a name. Bachman. Not real cool. I would have guessed something more, you know, goth.”

  “I wasn’t going for style points, Ollie. Just something that everyone could relate to.”

  “I know, Kimmy. Just sayin’. I like your goth look, by the way.”

  “Good. Cause, if this keeps going, you’re going to see a lot of it.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Krag raised an eyebrow at Keiko.

  “What’s next on the agenda?”

  “Another meeting in two days, Ambassador.”

  “Call me Keiko when I’m not in ambassador mode, Captain.”

  “Copy that. Anyway, we need to put together a game plan on what to do next.”

  “Focus on getting into the ship, Slim. Everything else we pick up will just be gravy.”

  “Will do, Hawk. Bachman said that the ship has its own A.I. I think Mz. Baker should lead point on that.”

  “It’s your call, Slim. Igaklay, where do we stand with the Mortek frigates? Do we have one which you haven’t started work on?”

  “Seven, Commander.”

  “How hard would it be
to strip out the imbedded quant-com and the jump drive?”

  “Not hard at all, Commander. I can render the quant-com inert. It would take less than two hours to remove the jump drive.”

  “OK. Do it. And make sure that the frigate is rigged with the Elonian gravity generators.”

  “Does that mean I get to fly a Mortek frigate, Cap?”

  “Yes, Ollie. In fact, I want all of you to shift your quarters to the frigate tomorrow morning. I want you all to get settled in, get used to it. Igaklay, can you have the ship ready by the time Captain Long and his crew go back to Bachama?”

  “It will be ready by tomorrow morning, Commander. I will also put in a galley. One that is just like the one on Griffin.”

  “I forgot about that.”

  “That’s why you have me, Commander.”

  “Don’t get with the big head, Iggy.”

  “Do I need to remind you, Wrenchy? Moon-sized. I am a big head.”

  Everyone laughed at the interaction.

  “Once we get back to Headquarters, we start a meeting. Map out areas of responsibility and a plan on how to get around to the ship.”

  “Ya, Good, Keiko. But no all-nighter. Sweet Sue needs her rest.”

  “Quit sticking up for me, Lug-nut.”

  “Hei, Love. It’s what dutiful husbands do for their oh so Prego wives.”

  “You are such a pig. See what I have to put up with?”

  “Isna love grand?”

  Chapter 06

  Home One – Aboard Ravage Maker

  War, with his four foot-claws magnetically clamped to the deck, stared through the observation port. What he saw made his pride in the Mortek power cause his wings to extend and his head comb to rise. On either side of him, Logistics and Intelligence matched his mood.

  Multiple, giant manufacturing stations orbited the dying world, building instruments of war and death. The three leaders of the Mortek war effort watched a new super dreadnaught ignite its control thrusters and pull away from its assembly arm.

  “That is the second super dreadnaught, My Lord,” Logistics commented.

  “Yes. Tell Constructor that I am pleased.”

  “As you command, My Lord.”

  “Intelligence, has New Dawn reached its concealment destination?”

  “No, My Lord. She is not due to arrive for another twenty Nest One cycles.”

  “The timing should match our own. Logistics, where do we stand with the new fleet assemblies?”

  “With the completion of this dreadnaught, Fleet Seven is forming. The space craft carrier, six cruisers, fifteen destroyers, sixty frigates and two hundred attack ships have all been assembled.”

  “And the crews?”

  “Before New Dawn left, she awakened enough crew members for this fleet as well as a second one.”

  “Fleet Eight. We will keep Fleet Seven here until it is completely operational. Notify Flight of that command.”

  “As you wish, My Lord.”

  “Intelligence, convene the rest of my advisors. It is time to begin planning our counter-thrust.”

  Aboard Vengeance

  After one-and-a-quarter days, an antsy Vice-Admiral left his office and marched onto Vengeance’s bridge. Once there, he dropped into the command chair, much like a king would take his throne.

  “Captain Brewer, where do we stand with the next jump?”

  “All repair reports have been submitted, Admiral. nothing critical was discovered. Only minor repairs were required. All have been completed.”

  “The dark matter storage?”

  “According to the readings, we just topped off the storage tanks, sir.”

  “Then, all is ready for the next jump?”

  “Yes, Vice-Admiral.”

  “Get it done. I want a jump in thirty.”

  “Aye, aye, sir.”

  Aboard Heimdallr – Mortek Home World

  “Jeez Louise, Cap. That’s a boatload of shipyards.”

  “Yeah, Brooksy. Toast, plan a sneak. I want details.”

  “Copy that, Captain.”

  “And plot an escape jump.”

  “Already have, Captain. As soon as I saw this mess, I put one together. Back into the Deep Dark. Nice and cozy.”

  “Brooksy, keep your hand on the panic button. You see anything vectoring us, punch it.”

  “You read my mind, Cap. My index finger will never leave the boogie button.”

  “Boogie button?”

  “Yup. If nasties come, we boogie on out of here. Boogie button.”

  Captain Scott and Pilot Brooks waited patiently while Lieutenant Torres alternately checked her scanner and worked her board as she plotted the multiple jump stops needed for a complete look at the Mortek home world and the multiple manufacturing, repair and assembly stations scattered through the star system.

  “I can’t get it done with less than nineteen mini-jumps, Captain.”

  “It is what it is, Toast. Brooksy, how are we on jump juice?”

  Lieutenant Brooks checked the dark matter gauge.

  “About a third, Cap.”

  “Ok, you two. Extend the collector sails and get us dark. Just a rock floating through. We’ll wait until we have a full charge.”

  “A rock with wings, Cap.”

  “Roger that, Captain.”

  * * * * *

  Less than a day later, the three crewmates of Heimdallr found themselves strapped into their gravity chairs, alert, and ready for action.

  “Brooksy, Jump juice?”

  “Maxed out, Cap.”


  “Stowed and verified, Cap.”

  “Toast, jump pattern, recheck and make sure nothing out there has moved.”

  “Already did, Captain. A few minor changes, but we are ready to go.”

  “All recording sensors?”

  “Sitting dormant, Captain. Just waiting for your word.”

  “Bring up both passive and active. But, don’t initiate the active until just before we start the sequence.”

  “Copy that, Captain.”

  “Brooksy, you double check the jump sequence?”

  “You’re mighty jumpy, Cap. Me and Toast, we got it. All’s good.”

  “Have you seen all those Mortek ships out there?”

  “Yeah, Cap. But, we’re Heimdallr. With a jump drive. They don’t have a hope in a blackhole of catching us.”

  “OK. Here goes nothing. Brooksy, on one, fire up the shield. Toast, on two, get everything rolling. Brooksy, on three, activate the jump sequence. And keep your hand on the boogie button.”

  “See, Toast? Whole lot better than a panic button.”

  “Yeah, yeah. You know how to count to three, right?”

  “Five. Four fingers and a thumb.”

  Scotty’s stress levels dropped as he watched the crew he trusted banter before they jumped into hundreds of Mortek war ships.

  “Ready, and…. One.”

  Now fully professional, Lieutenant Brooks activated the Ballisonian molecular disruptor shield.

  After seeing the blue cloud form around Heimdallr, Scott continued.


  Without a word, Lieutenant Torres flipped multiple switches and tapped multiple icons on her console.

  “All green, Captain.”

  Captain Scott let his air out in an attempt to relax.


  Lieutenant Brooks tapped the route-activation icon. Five minutes and twenty jumps later, Heimdallr floated thousands of miles away from the Mortek home world, safely hidden in the blackness of empty space.

  Everyone let their own air out. Brooksy was the first to unbuckle and head for the serving counter.

  “Coffee? Tea? Something stronger?”

  “Lots of water, Brooksy.”

  “Coming up, Toast. Cap?”


  Brooksy ordered up the drinks, made one for himself, handed them to his captain and crewmate then retook his chair.

  “All we
need is popcorn. What’d we get, Toast?”


  “Put the run on the main viewer. Let’s see what we’ve got.”

  Each jump stopped for fifteen seconds. The three watched intently. Scotty mumbled into his throat mic, making a running dialogue of what they saw. The five-minute video ended.

  “Cripes, Cap. They’ve got three dreadnaughts coming off the line.”

  “Nine cruisers. Twenty-two destroyers and over a hundred frigates.”

  “Don’t forget that big-ass carrier that looks to be about half finished.”

  “Yeah, that too, Brooksy. They’re getting ready for another go at us, Captain.”

  “You got that right, Toast.”

  “No sign of the colony ship.”

  “She wasn’t at Yeni Persia. She must be in the grey. If she’s on her way here, I bet she won’t get here for another three months. So, that’s our window. The Mortek won’t attack until they get New Dawn to safety.”

  “Uh, Cap, I’ve been checking our sensor readings.”


  “There’s a whole bunch of radioactivity coming from one of the stations.”

  “The one that didn’t have any ships in its construction bays, Brooksy?”

  “Yeah, Cap.”

  “What are you thinking?”

  “More nuclear missiles. From the readings, a lot of them.”

  “That cuts it. Toast, put all this together and send it to Vengeance.”

  “What about Griffin?”

  “After you send the first one to Weiskoff. I don’t want to set him off if he sees a tag for Hawk.”

  “See, Cap? That’s why you’re the captain and I’m just a lowly looie.”

  “Well, lowly looie, get us back to Yeni Persia. two jumps. Put us way outside of the system.”

  “Copy that, Cap.”

  “The packet is sent, Captain.”


  “No. I thought I’d hold Hawk’s until we get back to Yeni Persia.”

  “OK. Brooksy, punch it.”

  Bachman Dome – Planet Bachama

  Even after setting the shuttle down, Ollie still vibrated from his excitement of having flown a Mortek frigate. Once he shut everything down, he climbed out of the pilot seat and headed to the back. There, the young pilot took in the ambience of the small space.


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