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12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020

Page 17

by Megan McCoy

Zyon returned to the small table he’d laid the plates on and sat in one of the wooden chairs before crooking his finger for her to join him.

  Irae felt her stomach drop at the sight of the food, and the corners of her mouth turned down. “Zy, I can’t eat, my love. The nausea just left me,” she pleaded, as she watched him fold his arms across his muscular chest.

  The stance made him look larger and fiercer than he was, even sitting down. Anyone else, other than Irae would be running to do his bidding as his eyebrows shoot up in a fear-evoking way that told of his displeasure, but his wife knew better. He had done little more than scold her since the sickness had monopolized her early days. Right now, she was safer from his wrath than she’d ever be for disobedience and she pushed her luck, by just standing there blatantly ignoring his silent command.

  “I have an order from the king himself, that you are to eat every bite of this plate of eggs. He’s in a foul mood, too, so I’d not put it past him to execute you for such defiant treason if you disobey him,” Zyon teased, allowing his lip to turn up slightly to show his temper was still intact. When he allowed his eyes to convey their worry, she reluctantly gave in and approached, sulking.

  Like a petulant child, she allowed her unhappiness to spill out as Zy pulled her down to sit on his lap. “I might let him, if they taste as awful as they smell,” Irae quipped.

  Loading up a fork, Zyon raised some to her mournful pout. When she didn’t immediately open, he said, “If you behave, I will richly reward you.”

  The smirk he gave her hinted it was a sexual reward, and she brightened, interested in the new offered prize at stake. “I’m listening,” she replied, smiling.

  “If you’re a good little girl and eat all this, I’ll carry you to our bed and savor my own meal.” Zyon leaned in and kissed her neck. Biting her ear lobe suggestively, he whispered, “And I’ve already eaten my eggs.”

  Giggling, she leaned into him as her over-sensitive body instantly hardened her nipples at the thought of Zyon going down on her. An orgasm was just what she needed. The natural endorphins would remove the illness of the morning from her body and, hopefully, allow her to be well for the remaining waking hours. “You don’t play fair,” she whined, parting her lips and welcoming in the first bite. She was pleasantly surprised; they did taste better than they smelled.

  Zyon reloaded the fork with a wink.

  Bite by bite, the plate emptied, until finally she was on the final mouthful.

  As she swallowed the last bite, his mouth was on her, hungry for the moment to carry her to bed. The perfumed scent of her responding body sent his sexual appetite for her spiraling into madness. With gentle hands, he lowered her to the furs, starting a trail of kisses as he pushed her dress to above her hips and gripped her bottom with happy devotion. He made no attempt to tease, since he was fairly certain he had teased her enough, as he’d waited for her to finish her food. Delving his nose and mouth into her slick slit, he felt Irae grasp his head as her loud moan of approval broke the silent calm of their room.

  Zyon spun his tongue as he ate the needy pulsing pussy spread delectably for his trusted face. Her low purr encouraged him, and he responded with added pressure. Massaging the globes of her ass cradled in his massive hands, Zy held her sinfully close to him. Sucking in the bud of her heaven, hearing Irae’s gentle cry escalate as the pleasure built from his touch, he had become a true master of her body.

  Sinking three of his long fingers into her weeping cunt, the fullness gave way to a spreading feeling as he scissored them. He could feel her body tightening as it enjoyed the sensations being forced upon it. His fingers felt different than his solid thick shaft. It had the pristine depth, to fill her hole like it was precisely carved for him, but without the dexterity to swivel at random and pinch when he got lost in the moment of loving her to fulfilment.

  She was arching into him; he could feel her peaking and removed his mouth from her long enough to issue a curt command. “Ask me to come, my sweet,” he rumbled with a bite of force to promise consequences if she dared to disobey.

  He literally held her body for ransom, as he waited before descending and sucking her quivering clit back into his ravenous mouth, when she held back her words in deliberate defiance.

  Brat! Zyon thought, gleefully determined to ring the pleading request from her.

  She moaned in a glorious haze, as Zyon reached up and anchored her hands to the furs below. She wasn’t going to force his head down. He was leading this carefully choregraphed dance. As she began moaning with wild need, he returned to actively dancing her to the cliff and then once more retreating.

  “Zy!” she started to cry, as the sensation began to take hold of her heightened sensations. “By the gods, Zy,” she added, sinfully drawing closer to the edge between true heaven and earth. “Zy?” she whimpered, uncertain if she would be able to hold it back if it hit in that second.

  “What, my love? You better ask me before you dare to shatter,” he warned, leaving her on the torturous brink of delightful madness. Tapping her bud with a teasing flick of his tongue, he waited, as she writhed, trying to force the release by sheer willfulness.

  “Beg me, sweet, be me or I will leave you teetering on the edge before I spank you for pinning your will against mine.” Zy hardened his voice, lost in the heat of the love play.

  Irae loved when he took charge, it made her more responsive. She gave a high-pitched squeal at his words, as her head thrashed upon the furs.

  Smiling, he continued. “I think my wife protests too much. Is my threat of punishment what you need, Irae? Do you need me to give you a reminder of what happens when you disobey your husband?”

  With the sensation of him dropping heavy kisses to her inner thigh, she tried arching again to make him finally toss her into the delightful oblivion she was near the cusp of. Biting her lip as she thrust the words out from behind her teeth, “Yes, Zy. Please husband?” she finally wailed.

  He waited a few seconds as she continued squirming. “Please what, my little love? Tell me what you want and see if I will be generous to grant your request,” Zyon continued.

  “Please, let me come. Please, spank me to relieve the rest of my tension. I feel so tight inside I need to release,” she requested honestly.

  Zyon knew what she meant. Her past held so much trauma, she needed to feel safe in his arms, as he forced her body to accept maintenance spankings when she felt overwhelmed. Knowing he was in charge, and would push her body just to the right limit of emotional release was her way of coping. The tears that escaped were necessary for resting her anxiety levels. Submission to her husband was a mind and body cleanse that reaffirmed that Zyon was in charge and he’d protect her.

  Finally, after making her wait long enough, he whispered the permission she was longing to hear. “All right, Irae. You may come now, my beautiful love.” Zyon returned his fingers and mouth to her slit with renewed vigor, bound and determined to make her shatter. In seconds, her reward for obedience arched her up from the furs, as her body bowed with the thrill of tension. In tune with her, Zy continued to pleasure her. He wanted to wipe the memory of her horrible morning clean and send her soaring to new heights. It was his sole goal, as the world around them faded.

  A guttural scream escaped as her mouth parted, and it felt like her body snapped from the powerful release making her eyes roll back in her head. “Ahh...” The ripples of pleasure shot out over her from within, convulsing her body in a sporadic flutter of little spasms. She went tense, as the orgasm hit so hard it shattered her consciousness.

  Zyon was enchanted by the gift of making his wife fall apart with such force. He watched her in awe, and a sense of pride as well, grateful he had done something in his life to deserve such an amazing woman for a wife. He could feel the grip of her cunt walls as they contracted and squeezed his fingers with force. Zy thought about the all the times he’d felt his cock being hugged deep within her when she was coming like this, and was filled with anxious hunger as hi
s shaft lengthened in anticipatory need. With diligent patience, he allowed her to ride out the waves on his soaked digits before inserting his pulsating prick at her entrance.

  He didn’t need to tell her it was his turn, she smiled up at him, happy that now she could do for him what he had done for her. Irae lifted her head up and tasted herself on his pussy-drenched face.

  With one swift upward thrust, his cock forced itself into the satin haven, as one of his huge palms secured her by the heart-shaped curves of her ass to his raging plunges.

  Irae’s mouth fell open, unable to hold back the sweet cry that encouraged his consuming claiming.

  Zy’s unmerciful thrusts became wilder as the tease of his own orgasm fluttered inside his tensed scrotum that was slapping against his wife’s bottom. It sounded like a playful spanking, as he spurred his cock to her depths. “Who do you belong to?” he growled into the valley of her neck and shoulder blade as he struggled for control.

  “You, my love,” Irae managed to answer like a whispered prayer.

  “Whose cunt is this?” he rumbled, almost losing control as he released the cheeks of her ass and folded her fingers entwined with his above her head.

  His strength was magnified, and she loved how easily he controlled her. His long powerful arms, weren’t even truly flexing their complete force, and she knew even if she wanted too, she’d be as helpless as Lily in his muscular clutches.

  It was truly intoxicating to feel so powerful and helpless at the same time.

  “Call me master, my sweet. Beg me to release my seed inside you,” he demanded, biting the lobe of her ear, as he freed one of her hands and raised her thigh to deliver a stinging slap to the cheek exposed to his lustful assault.

  Irae squealed at the sudden sting and propelled herself closer, as if doing so would save her from the sensations threatening to consume her foggy mind. With a giggle of defiance, she broke her obedient compliance and bit his shoulder. “No. I’ve behaved long enough.” Her willful tease, made him growl.

  The unexpected words dragged Zyon’s consciousness back, to focus that his wife wanted to play a game of chase, and he evilly grinned down. Seeing the mischievous twinkle in her eye he happily played along. He was pleased the tea had brought her back around to feeling more like herself. “You dare to defy your master?” he questioned, slowing his thrusts.

  It was for dramatic effect only, because he couldn’t stop himself now if he tried.

  Careful not to cause her too much pain he tugged her hair and scolded. “If you do not beg, once I finish, I will show you what happens to naughty girls who disobey their rulers.” Zyon had iron control when he administered a sexual spanking.

  The corners of her mouth tilted in delight, as she continued to push. She wanted a light spanking over his knee. They had well established that. Early on, Irae had never believed she’d crave to feel the dull erotic heat of his hand warming her bottom, but she had come to realize she became cranky when he failed to meet all of her wanton needs.

  Pouting playfully, she sucked her lips between her teeth to show her conscious insolence.

  Zyon chuckled lowly, unharnessing the reins he had placed on his bucking shaft and lowering his lips to her ear. Hotly, with a lustful declaration, he chastised her sternly with his intentions to not dismiss her rebelliousness, once he had enjoyed emptying himself both emotionally and physically.

  He tsked. “Once this naughty pussy has been fed, and my cock is satisfied enough to retract from its call to duty, someone is going to be getting a full lesson on obeying her husband.”

  Her interest in sexual play was encouraging. She had been noticeably retreating from their incessant honeymoon stage of marital bliss and it had broken his heart to see her so habitually unwell.

  Irae bit her lip, as she drank in the erotic promise of her upcoming penalty. Zyon knew her so well, he had memorized her inside and out since claiming her as his. Dirty talk sent her into mindless ecstasy, and she felt sinful that he knew she needed him to spank her just as much as she needed him to push her over the cliff between consciousness and fully encompassing fulfillment.

  Her mewed response spurred him on. “Does it thrill you to know in a few short moments you will be staring at the floor, while I spank this needy bottom?”

  Growing with hunger for the promised punishment, she moaned on a high-pitched climb to the edge, in muffled confirmation.

  Zyon thought about what she was asking and trusting him with, as he continued to drag out their mutually needed build to rapture. Deliberately, he lowered his chest to rub across the material of her hardened nipples. “Tell me, my little love. Ask for your earned punishment like you ask me to come.” His voice hardened as he felt his seed slowly launch to the head of his phallus and trickle out before he abandoned his hold completely on restraining it.

  Irae matched his fevered glides of slick and sweaty limbs, before slamming her eyes shut and screaming all that she craved of him. “Zy, my patient master, I need you,” she cried, letting go of all rational thought. “I need you to feed my pussy with your cock and punish me. I want it to be sore to walk, from both your claiming and your hand, make me sorry. Make me cry. My love, I need it so bad.”

  Her choked words sent him into another world, as his cock exploded and stilled at the depths of his length. Irae’s shrill cry, became a faint whisper in the distance as his senses became dulled by the intensity of such strong sensations.

  In a few timed seconds, he thrust again to continue the squirt of all his seed as if he were truly feeding her cunt with his potent milk. “That is it my sweet, suck every drop inside of you and do not allow the liquid to escape.”

  Irae had wanted to just go limp, but at his soft command, she kept her pussy clenched to obey.

  Zy shifted as if to withdraw and then thrust forward again, on a kiss. He happily praised her for not relaxing and allowing the evidence of what had happened to flow out of her and wet the furs already dampened by their sweat.

  When he did release her, Irae watched as he carefully removed himself and knelt up between her trembling thighs. Wrapping a muscular arm about her knees, he lifted her lower half into a diapering position and secured her, mindful to the babe within her contorting belly.

  Irae’s eyes dilated with joy as she realized he was preparing her for the spanking she had so lustfully begged for.

  Zyon drew back his hand and delivered a swift stinging smack to her exposed bottom. “Such a naughty girl,” he cooed, pulling his arm back and allowing it to connect again and again.

  It wasn’t long before Irae began to thrash, yearning for him to secure her and remove any hope of escaping the punishing smacks until he allowed it.

  Knowing the game was in fully swing, Zyon told her what she could do to signal she wanted him to spank her harder over his knee. “If I see any more of my seed slip from your laxing lips, I will put you over my knee and finish this correction until I’m satisfied you have learned your rightful lesson.”

  Irae relaxed on cue and the come flowed out like a river, trickling down over her clenched asshole and out of her crack to seep into the furs below.

  Zyon mockingly scowled his facial expression and shifted her to stand off the side of the furs and between his legs. Removing the dress over her head, he leaned in to capture a nipple as she mewed in pleasure. Running a finger through her silky slit he chastised, “What is this, young lady?”

  “Your seed, master,” she answered, her face looking rightfully sorry to coax his leniency. It was an act; he knew she didn’t want his mercy.

  Nodding, Zyon continued to play. “I guess you leave me no choice. Once I finish with you my love, you will be a very sorry little girl.”

  His promise almost made her break character, and he watched her eyes come alive. He smiled then too, loving each and every second. Patting his thigh, he ordered, “Over my knee, wife. It seems you need a proper lesson in behaving.”

  Irae lowered herself down.

  Zy rubbed the pin
kened flesh of her swelling globes. “Anything to say before I give this beautiful bottom the spanking you need?”

  She shifted awkwardly, as her desire mixed with his come ran down her pussy lips and bathed his thigh. She hesitated, shifting herself into a position where her clit was stroked by the hair of his hard muscles.

  He anchored her hands to the small of her back, allowing her to get lost knowing she had zero control over what happened next. Zyon admired the spread open view of her glorious holes on full display and felt his cock begin to ready himself again for a possible second round.

  “Zy?” Irae questioned, to make sure he was paying complete attention.

  “Mmm?” he responded wordlessly.

  “Make it hurt; make me cry,” she begged, and her delighted husband raised his hand to obediently comply. Irae felt him completely tense to forbid any interruption on her behalf and sang to life with need, clamping her eyes closed to make the sensations more intense.

  He vowed, “Before I’m done with you, my sweet, it will be difficult for us to distinguish what is drowning my leg more, your cunt or your tears.”

  Irae braced, and then surrendered as his firm deliberate spanks began to fall in quick sets that he only knew the number. It didn’t take overly long before Irae felt the quivering of her lip as the first tears escaped the corners of her eyes. Inside, she was grateful that Zyon showed deliberate care in pushing her limits. Getting lost in the pain, she forgot about the sickness that had come to overrule her life, and ultimately it brought her to the emotional release she needed most.

  Zyon never spoke, as her sobs became louder. He was so glad he hadn’t left with Quinn and Iver. It was clear now, that Irae required his services much more than his capable brothers. Knowing he was helping in such an unconventional way, made him feel better as well. For a powerful man, used to solving problems for those he cared about, watching her helplessly suffer was one of the hardest times of his existence.

  When her sobs became harder, he shifted her upright into his arms and curled them onto the furs for a much-deserved nap. Irae clung to him tightly, as his hands of steel returned to velvet once more. In the passing moments that they cuddled, dangling on the edge of slumber, she spoke on a low sob. “Thank you, my love.”


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