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12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020

Page 24

by Megan McCoy

  That seemed to penetrate. Cam ripped the cord out of the lamp that lay by his feet and tied Rogers’s hands with it. Then he got up and grabbed the cord off the other bedside lamp, and tied his feet. Sirens sounded in the distance.


  He finally looked at me, his eyes almost black and lacking humanity.

  “Cam, it’s okay, we’re okay. Come back now. You don’t have to be that guy. It’s over.”

  He blinked several times and sucked a few long, slow breaths into his lungs. I sat down beside him on the carpet and held him until the police arrived.

  It was almost ten p.m. by the time Roger’s body was removed and our statements taken. The hotel was going to offer us a clean room, but Cam shook his head. “We have a room elsewhere, maybe some other time.”

  Cam picked up my bag and took my hand, walking me out of the hotel on shaky legs. We got in the car and drove to Camelot Castle Hotel, where he was staying. Of course, I almost giggled, the great man in his great castle.

  He must have felt my humor; he eyed me, “You have something to say about my accommodations, Cora?”

  Holy hell, the way he said Cora sent a bolt of desire right down to my core. “Um, no?”

  He laughed. “No?”

  I smiled. “Well, I thought the hotel name was fitting for such a hero as yourself.”

  His smile turned feral. “You’re mocking me, aren’t you.” It was a statement, not a question.

  I opened and closed my mouth several times, at a loss for words.

  “Enchanted.” He stared intently into my eyes.

  And just like that, I was transported to that night at the pub when we first met. “Oh, Cam,” I cried, falling into him.

  He pulled me in, dropping the suitcase. His lips descended on mine, and it’s like no time had passed. Our stories of the past are now the past. Standing there with him with the waves crashing around us, I felt alive for the first time in ten years.

  Finally, we pulled apart, to go inside. We have food sent to our room, and then I remembered Heather. “Oh my gosh, I need to phone Heather and check in with her. I hope she doesn’t need me in the morning before the wedding.”

  Cam started to laugh, great guffawing laughs. “Oh Cora, there is no wedding, well, not Heather’s anyway.”

  “What? What do you mean, no wedding?”

  Cam pulled me to him and sat with me on his lap. “Sweetheart, I needed a good reason to get you to Tintagel Castle on Christmas on the tenth anniversary of when we were supposed to meet the first time. Heather provided that reason.”

  I’m silent, contemplating what he just shared. “Cam, for the past few weeks, since Heather contacted me about the wedding, I’ve been feeling like someone was watching over me. At first, I thought it was your spirit. I have been praying for a Christmas miracle this year. I wanted to be able to let you go finally and let you rest in peace. But now I’m wondering. Have you been watching me, for real?”

  I waited, my eyes resting on his, feeling lost in a raging sea of grey hues. When he smiled, the sun cleared the storm, and calm seas gazed back at me.

  “Yes. I read your articles. I was worried about you; I still am. I was on the same flight as you from Los Angeles to England. I have borne witness to your sorrow, and I am so sorry, Cora. I will make it up to you if you let me.”

  A smile tugged at my lips, “That all depends.”

  His eyes lit up, looking like the sun glittering on the waves. “On what exactly?”

  “Well,” I said coyly, “will I have to fight any additional crazy rogue agents from Homeland Security?”

  He laughed, then grew serious. “That situation was seriously was messed up. Are you okay?”

  I could be melodramatic in my response, or I could play it off like it was nothing. “Hmm, I had to save my dead boyfriend from his boss of ten years. Yeah, I’m fine; I do that kind of crap every day.”

  He laughed again. “I was terrified. And I owe you.”

  “Yes, you do,” I said cockily.

  “Not the way you think, brat.” Then he tossed me over his lap and peppered my backside with sharp spanks. “You were supposed to stay hidden in the bathroom.”

  I was about to protest as my backside was still burning from earlier, but he quickly set me back up. “But I’m glad you didn’t listen to me this time.”

  Chapter 10


  I hadn’t been candid with Cora. There was a wedding, and it wasn’t Heather’s, that was the truth. But, I’d made arrangements with the preservation society to have a Tintagel Castle wedding at three this afternoon.

  It’s Christmas, and Cora is still fast asleep. No doubt that after the day and evening we’d had, then making love into the early hours of the morning, she was exhausted. I tiptoed to the bathroom with my phone, rifling off a text to my cousin Josh.

  Me: How are the arrangements?

  Josh: Good, no worries.

  Me: How about the cottage?

  Josh: Everything is good, man, chill.

  Me: Well, excuse me for being a little paranoid. My plans haven’t exactly worked out in the past.

  Josh: *laughing emoji*

  Me: Dick!

  Josh: Takes one to know one. The pastor is due to arrive at 2:45; the flowers are being set up as we speak. The cottage is stuffed full of roses, lilies, Gerbers, and whatever the hell else you gave to Heather in your long list. How do you even know the names of that many flowers?

  Me: I didn’t. The night Cora and I spent together, she told me of the perfect ring and the perfect ceremony, I committed it all to memory. The list I gave Heather is Cora’s.

  Josh: Jeez, man, you make the rest of us look bad.

  Me: *laughing emoji* As if! I left her for ten years. I’m the total douche.

  Josh: Yeah, you are! *Sticking tongue out emoji*

  Me: See you at the castle. Remember, I’m taking Cora around the perimeter and up the opposite flight of stairs to the ramparts; you guys can be ready in the only room still standing.

  Josh: Got it.

  I phoned down to the lobby for breakfast delivery. After the stresses of yesterday, I’d finally regained my appetite. I was starving, and this would be our only meal until dinner tonight at the cottage. I ordered almost everything on the menu, along with a large pot of coffee.

  I gazed down at Cora; her hair was messy and splayed over her pillow. A small smile lifted the corners of her mouth. One fist was tucked up under her chin, while the other was cupping the side of her face she was laying on.

  Her eyes fluttered, and she slowly opened them. “Cam, am I dreaming, or is this real?”

  I leaned down and kissed her nose. “It’s real, beautiful. Go jump in the shower; breakfast will be here soon.”

  She sighed, rolling over. “No breakfast, just coffee.”

  I whipped the covers back and spanked her gorgeous pink bottom. “Shower, breakfast, coffee, in that order, now move it.”

  “Ugh,” she grunted. “Are you always this hyper on Christmas?”

  I smiled and pulled her back to me. “You’re right. Merry Christmas, Cora.”

  She kissed me, and we stayed that way until the food arrived several minutes later. “Okay, food, coffee, shower, in that order.” I laughed.

  She sat up, and I brought all the trays to the bed. “Oh, yum, look at all this food. Best Christmas breakfast ever,” she commented before digging in.

  Two hours and two stacks of pancakes later, we were ready to leave. “Cam, it’s Christmas, and I’m sure almost everything is closed; where are we going?”

  I hadn’t told her anything, just that we were going on an adventure. We dressed for the stormy weather that was brewing and headed out of the hotel. Our bags were packed and in the rental car, but we weren’t driving. We were going to walk and enjoy a respite before the ceremony.

  Eventually, we arrived at Tintagel, after a refreshing stroll with lots of goofy pictures and stops along the way for deep kisses.

t are we doing here, Cam? I thought after yesterday, you would never want to come back.”

  “Well, I thought we’d go on a tour. Mine was interrupted yesterday when your situation forced me to show myself to you prematurely, saving you from tumbling into the raging sea. Now, how’s that for a romantic tale?”

  Cora giggled. “I guess it was a good thing you were watching over me. Are you my guardian angel now?”

  “Guardian, yes, angel, no.”

  We climbed the stairs on the far side of the crumbling walls. I had the ring in my pocket; we hadn’t discussed it since our time in the tub. But I knew it was today or never. When we got to the top, we carefully avoided the center, where Cora’s foot had gotten stuck. We leaned over and stared down.

  “What were you thinking about yesterday when you were leaning over the ledge, looking lost in your thoughts?”

  “Honestly?” She gazed at me with her thoughtful green eyes. “I was pretending I was Igraine, and you came to save me from the enemies that had broken through the castle defenses. I want to write a book, and this place, well, despite the sadness, I’m also inspired. Their lives weren’t perfect, either. I’m sure many promises were made and broken. The only place in life for a perfect romance is in a book. But this, us, it comes close. I wanted to be able to write about you, Cam, about how you made me feel. I was remembering all those things. When I was cursed the universe for taking you from me, the lightning struck and, well, you know the rest; except, while I hung there and said a silent goodbye to my life. My time with you played as a final testimony to what I’d lost. All I could think was that, as soon as I fell, I would be with you.”

  Then she laughed and said, “Can you imagine how pissed I would have been when I found out you were alive!”

  I pulled her in tight, holding her. “If you had fallen, I would have gone with you, Cora. I decided that when I saw you go over. If you went, I would too.”

  “Really?” She pulled back, gazing into my eyes.

  “Really,” I replied. I got down on one knee as the sky started to sprinkle. “Cora, I have been dreaming of you for ten years. I have played out this moment in my head so many times; it almost feels rehearsed. Cora, would you marry me and be mine for now and always?”

  She smiled down at me, silent tears sliding down her chilled cheeks. “Yes, Cam, you are what I always wanted. I will marry you and be yours, now and for always.”

  I slid the ring on her finger, and as I did, thunder rumbled in the distance. “I guess that is my cue,” I said. Standing, I took Cora’s hand in mine, and we quickly walked across the ramparts to the other side, being careful as we rounded the hole in the center.

  When we got to the bottom of the stairs, I took us right, instead of left where the scheduled tours went. When we stepped through the doorway, the room we entered looked so magical it took my breath away.

  Heather had gone beyond my instructions and added so much more. I guess being an interior designer had its perks. The room looked like a heritage Christmas card. A tree with ornaments reached the ceiling, and a crackling fire spit and hissed from the raindrops coming down the chimney.

  Additional lighting came from strings of fairy lights. Flowers were everywhere, including covering an arch in front of the fireplace where the pastor stood. Beside him were Heather and Josh.

  As I stepped in, I moved sideways so Cora could see and be as wowed as I was.

  She gasped when she saw the room, her eyes traveling to Heather, who she hadn’t seen in years. Tears filled her eyes. “Oh my God, what is this, Heather? What are you doing here?”

  Heather hugged Cora and gave me a wink.

  “Thank you, both,” I said ,as Josh handed us each a glass of champagne.

  “Well, I’m here for the wedding, of course,” Heather answered.

  “The wedding?” Cora looked at me accusingly. “Cam told me your wedding was a sham, a way to get me here.”

  Heather grinned, her eyes sparkling. She looked at Josh with desire, then turned her gaze back to Cora. “I am here for the wedding, Cora, but not mine, yours.”

  “What?” Cora’s eyes flew to mine.

  “That’s right. You said yes, so here we are. I believe Heather has a dress for you to change into.”

  Her eyes flew to Heather, who laughed at the display of shock Cora’s face was continuously exhibiting.

  “Sure do,” she said. “Come on, Cora. There is a little room where I have everything set to prepare you for your big day. We’ll see you guys in half an hour.” Heather grabbed the champagne and disappeared with Cora behind the door.

  It turned into the most nerve-wracking hour of my life. But when they emerged, it had all been worth it. Cora was stunning in a long lace gown, her hair gently pinned, and light gloss applied to her sexy lips.

  We went through our vows and opened another bottle of champagne. Cora was radiant and had a constant stream of happy tears flooding her eyes through it all.

  When it was time to go, we made plans to link up with the other couple at the pub in a few days. Then we left, being driven by the pastor to the inn, at least that is what Cora had called it when we pulled up that first time. When she saw it, she sighed and shed more tears.

  My car was out front. The hotel had dropped it off for me. When we came to the door, I unlocked it and picked up my bride.

  She grinned at me in anticipation.

  “Are you ready, Mrs. Moore?”

  “For what, Mr. Moore?” she asked coyly.

  “For this Christmas wish to become a reality of being with each other, always and forever.”

  “I am,” she sighed.

  I stepped through and kicked the door shut, setting Cora on her feet in our decorated cottage.

  She sighed in contentment. “Thank you, Cam, for making my Christmas forever wish come true.”

  I held her tight, thanking the powers that be that had brought us back to each other. For the rest of my life, I would be grateful.

  The End.

  Skylar West

  Skylar West is a Canadian writer, new on the author scene and making a big impact with her steamy romance books. She loves walks in the rain, hot cups of delicious java, overly large sweaters, and the type of steamy sex she writes about in her novels. A cat lover, this author looks forward to writing many more novels.

  Find her on Facebook:

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Skylar West and Blushing Books!

  Angels and Demons Series

  Fallen Angel

  Dark Angel Discovered

  Single Titles


  The Dark Side of Kingsley


  12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020

  Tangled in Tinsel

  12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020 - Book 5

  Joy Bussu

  Published by Blushing Books

  An Imprint of

  ABCD Graphics and Design, Inc.

  A Virginia Corporation

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901


  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The trademark Blushing Books is pending in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Joy Bussu

  Tangled in Tinsel

  Ebook ISBN: 978-1-64563-847-6


  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book contains fantasy themes appropriate for mature readers only. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual sexual activity.

  Chapter 1

  Monica Isaacs sat back hard in her favorite reclining chair after work as she read her mother’s impassioned email about the schedule for the upcoming holiday seaso
n and the importance of being on time and dressing appropriately for each event. A feeling of dread washed over her as she thought about going back to Colorado and all of the drama that was waiting for her there.

  Her parents, especially her mother Jackie, still weren’t over the fact that she’d turned down her ex-boyfriend of ten years, Joseph Davies’ marriage proposal on Memorial Day and never let a moment go by to tell her how embarrassed they were by her behavior.

  Little did they know Joseph was not the prize they made him out to be. He was a controlling, verbally abusive, insecure asshole who had cheated on her countless times.

  Besides he didn’t really ‘do it’ for her and she always saw herself wanting more from their relationship, especially the sex. The bedroom was the one place she wanted him to take control, to dominate her even, but unfortunately, she soon learned that he wasn’t willing to fulfill her needs there either. He wasn’t even open to exploring her fantasies at all and even made her feel bad about bringing them up. So, she had settled for boring and vanilla sex for most of her adult life and she was tired of it, she longed for excitement and fulfillment and knew there was no way in hell Joseph could give it to her.

  Her mother had called her nonstop and tried to ‘talk some sense into her’ for several weeks after the Glenwood trip. She finally sent out one final family text on the subject, telling them her love life or now lack thereof was not up for discussion. She would not be answering any questions about her and Joseph and those who felt the need to bring him up would immediately be hung up on or ignored. Then she turned her phone off for a week. Monica hated to be so dramatic, but enough was enough.

  Now here it was Christmas time and the last thing she wanted to do was spend her two week vacation dealing with her mother and her ‘we love Joseph and he’s the best thing that ever happened to you’ rhetoric, on top of spending almost every waking moment with him and his family. She let out a frustrated loud moan and covered her face with her hands.


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