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12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020

Page 31

by Megan McCoy

  “My parents passed away when I was eight years old. They drowned. It was a few days before their anniversary and a hurricane was coming this way, so my father arranged for a boat to take them over to the small beach they always went to for a moonlit picnic. Well, the hurricane hit sooner than was predicted and took them with it,” he told her in a monotone voice, staring down at the ornaments. “So, no they won’t mind me sharing them with you.”

  Monica looked down at the ornaments and felt herself getting teary-eyed. “I am so sorry, Dominic. I didn’t mean to be insensitive and bring up bad memories,” Monica said, moving closer to him and taking his hands in hers. “You went through so much trouble to find me a tree, but to actually share your family ornaments with me? I really am speechless, I don’t know what to say, Dom,” she admitted, wiping away a lone tear.

  “It’s okay, you didn’t know and seeing the look of joy on your face when you saw the tree said it all. Speaking of the tree, do you want to decorate it now or wait for Tracy?” he asked, sitting on the couch, and pulling her into his lap, kissed her softly.

  “We can decorate it ourselves, because Tracy, while full of Christmas cheer, he just isn’t really the tree trimming type. Even the quest for a tree he went on today was one hundred percent for my benefit,” Monica said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “Okay, if that’s the case, why don’t we get started?” Dominic asked, kissing her again, and then looking a little concerned when he saw the serious look on her face when they separated. “What’s going on? Why the frown all of a sudden?”

  “I was just thinking about everything. You truly are an amazing person, Dominic and what about earlier, do you think we need to talk about it?” she asked him nervously.

  Dominic pecked her on the lips and pulled her closer. “Earlier? What, when we had sex? I’m talking damn good sex by the way, or at least I thought so, is that not the case?” he asked, moving her braid off of her shoulder and dropping a kiss there.

  A chill from the contact of his lips on her shoulder moved through her, making her shiver at the memory of his lips on another part of her body. “No, no, no! Nothing could be further from the truth! You were incredible, I have never experienced anything like what happened between us, ever before. But that’s kind of my point, we didn’t just have sex, Dom, we made love. I know you felt it too. I mean, I actually told you I think I’m in love with you and you told me you love me,” Monica said softly, blushing at how good it felt to tell him that and hear him say he knew he was in love with her such an unwavering way. But wasn’t this all too soon to feel this strongly about each other?

  “Is there something wrong with me loving you? With me wanting to make you happy, Monica?” he asked, looking into her eyes. Again, it tripped her out, how at ease he was at admitting his feelings for her.

  “No, Dom, there is nothing wrong with it at all. But I am trying to wrap my head around the fact that we have such strong feelings for each other in such a short period of time. Technically, we have only been out on one date. I have heard that lust can feel a lot like love, maybe that is what this is,” Monica reasoned.

  He smiled, shaking his head slowly. “You know that is not what this is, and don’t you think I have said to myself exactly what you’re saying out loud? I know it sounds crazy, but it is what it is, I am a hundred percent in love with you, Hummingbird,” he declared, leaning forward and kissing her again.

  Monica again pushed the voice of reason out of her head, and decided to enjoy the moment instead. “I love you too, Dominic. I have no idea what that means for us right now, but I do. I love you.”

  Chapter 12

  “Are you sure it’s not too much? I know I went a little ornament crazy but they were all so pretty, I wanted to put as many as I could on the tree. Thank you again for sharing them with me.” She had a huge smile, loving how her little tree looked, now she and Tracy had a place put their gifts.

  “It’s perfect just like you, but what are you going to do about a tree topper?” he asked thoughtfully, moving closer to the tree.

  Monica stood with her arms folded, concentrating on the tree, trying to decide on which ornament she wanted to relocate. “Hmm, I’m not sure, maybe I can find a shell or something off of the beach or maybe the gift shop?”

  He moved back over to the bags he’d brought and pulled out a medium sized white box, “Maybe, or do you think this will work?” He handed it to her with a smile.

  Monica opened the box with an intrigued smile, tears instantly sprang to her eyes at what it contained. Dominic had somehow found a beautiful, etched crystal hummingbird! The tips of the wings where painted light yellow and light blue, the underbelly was pastel pink. It caught the sunlight and sent prisms and rainbows all around the room when she held it up.

  “It’s so beautiful! How is the world did you even find something like this?” She hugged him tightly, before hanging it by the silk ribbon on the top of the tree. “You are amazing, Dom! I can’t believe you did something like this for me.” She stepped back into his arms to admire the total effect.

  “I’m glad you like it, I started looking for a hummingbird since that first day we met, I wanted to give you one for Christmas, kind of like an inside joke. Anyway, my Aunt Margaret, the women who raised me when my parents passed away, collects crystal figurines. So, I had her take me to her favorite store when I told her what I was looking for, and they happened to have one. It was just blown, actually, so I knew it was meant for you.” He kissed her on her cheek.

  The emotions she felt in that moment were overwhelming, the fact that he went through so much trouble for her was mind-boggling. In four days, he had shown her more love that she had experienced in her past ten year relationship, how was that even possible?

  “All I can say is thank you, Dom.” She sighed softly, smiling bright, shaking her head looking at her tree. “Thank you so much for doing all of this for me.”

  “I will do whatever it takes to keep that beautiful smile on your face forever,” he told her, turning her around in his arms so she was facing him, and kissed her deeply, while holding her tight. “No harm will ever come to you with me around,” he promised.

  Tracy stared across the table at Monica, his mouth hanging open in shock the next morning. She had just told him about her previous evening with Dominic, omitting the part about the tree, to keep it as a surprise. He had been giving her a hard time about not answering her phone and missing out on their impromptu trip to another club on the other side of the island, close to Julius’ house, and hence, turning into a ‘fuddy duddy’ like he had predicted.

  “Tracy, please close your mouth, damn! I don’t want to see your food chilling in there, gross!” Monica reached over and pushed up Tracy’s chin. This was the first time, in the entire time she had known Tracy, that she’d rendered him speechless.

  Tracy blinked, shook his head clear and resumed chewing his food. “Sis, I’m sorry, but oh my damn! You and Dominic did the deed AND dropped the ‘L’ word? Holy shit!” Tracy said loudly, clutching his imaginary pearls.

  “Tray, it’s crazy right? I know I don’t have a lot of history in the relationship department, but I have never felt like this before. I am in love with this man. I can see myself spending the rest of my life with him, and honestly, it scares the hell out of me that I feel this way,” Monica admitted, blinking away the tears that suddenly gathered in her eyes.

  “Now Sis, none of that. Tell me why you’re afraid, Monny?” Tracy reached over with his napkin and wiped away the few tears that managed to fall.

  “Because I have only known Dominic for like, what? Five days tops, and here I am declaring my love and willing to give this man my everything? Where they do that at?” Monica asked, picking up her pineapple orange juice and taking a sip.

  “Obviously here in Barbados, Sis,” Tracy quipped, taking another bite of his waffle. “And who ever said there has to be a minimum time limit that has to be met to have feelings for somebody? Your feeling
s are your own; how fast or slow you and Dominic move in this relationship is nobody’s damn business, but the two of you. And if someone does try to have something to say about it, tell them to kiss the darkest part of your ass and keep it pushing!” Tracy told her with his trademark smirk.

  Monica took a bite, slowly nodding as Tracy’s words sunk in. He had a point. Her relationship with Dominic didn’t need to make sense to anyone but them, because they were the ones in it. “Damn Tray, you need to have an advice blog or something, I swear you do. You’re like my very own ‘Dear Abby’ or something,” Monica teased, shaking her head with a smile. “I can’t believe you didn’t call me once last night.”

  “Sis, I called you on your cell like four times and when you didn’t answer, I decided to have the front desk send you a message, because I assumed you were with Dominic and in Do Not Disturb mode,” he told her drinking his juice. “Hold up! Mon, did you ever charge your phone and turn it back on?” he asked her suddenly with his eyes narrowed.

  “Oh damn, I charged it, but I forgot to turn it back on because Dominic showed up with the tree.” Monica suddenly realized. She made a mental note to turn her phone on when she got back to her suite. She was actually starting to enjoy being unplugged and not having to constantly deal with her cellphone all the time, maybe enjoying it a little too much.

  “He bought you a tree? An actual Christmas tree?” Tracy asked her loudly, completely ignoring her explanation of why she didn’t answer her phone.

  Monica nodded, smiling at Tracy, feeling that happy butterfly feeling in her stomach she felt every time she thought of what Dominic had done for her. “Yeah, he bought me a tree, he said you mentioned something about looking for one when he saw you down by the pool, so he found one and even brought over some of his family’s ornaments to decorate it with and a get this, he bought me a crystal hummingbird for the tree topper!”

  “Well shit! It’s a wrap then! In your eyes Christmas tree decorations mean more than an engagement ring,” Tracy teased, throwing his napkin on top of his empty plate. “I hope Dominic knows who he wants to be his best man.”

  “Whatever, Tray. Monica rolled her eyes at Tracy and finished her juice. “What do you want to do today, being it’s Christmas Eve and all?”

  “Well, I was going to suggest another Christmas tree quest, but since Dominic took care of that for me, I’m all ears,” Tracy answered as they left the dining room.

  “You up for a cave tour?” Monica asked when they got to the elevators. “I saw a brochure for a few different ones, there is even one that has waterfalls too. Dominic took me to a couple that are owned by the resort and they were beautiful inside. We can go and get back here in the afternoon and wrap presents?” Monica suggested when they reached the elevators.

  “Sis, that sounds fun, but can we raincheck until next week? It’s a little too Indiana Jones for me at the moment, I am still not a hundred percent after last night. Girl, I was so tipsy last night I thought I saw Joseph in the lobby!”

  Monica instantly retasted her juice at the thought. “Ugh! Tray, yeah, you need to take it easy today, because I cannot have you here conjuring up my dreaded ex on our dream vacation. So, let’s call it a spa day and get pampered for the day,” she suggested with a bright smile, already loving the idea and pushing Joseph back out of her mind.

  Chapter 13

  “Merry Christmas, Monny!” Tracy said loudly, holding up his mimosa glass to toast with her at the Christmas brunch party the resort was having for all of the guests the next morning. The dining room was packed with people. She had spotted Dominic rushing back towards the kitchen when they first arrived. She and Tracy were going to go back up to her suite after the party to open presents.

  After their Christmas Eve spa day, they had spent the rest of the day wrapping presents and vegging out playing Uno and Dominos. It was the most relaxed Christmas Eve she had ever had in her life. No last minute shopping, or baking assignments from her mom; she was able to just enjoy her day. She decided to make it a new Christmas Eve tradition from here on out.

  Tracy was floored by the ornaments and tree topper, and again teased her saying if Monica wasn’t in love with Dominic before the tree topper, he was damn sure she was after it. She had spoken briefly with Dominic before she went to bed that night, and because he was still working, he’d told her he would see her Christmas day.

  “Merry Christmas, Tray!” Monica shouted back, clinking glasses with Tracy before taking a deep swallow of her drink. She couldn’t see him, but she knew Dominic was watching her, probably making sure she didn’t drink too much. Just the thought of him looking out for her that way warmed her heart even more.

  “This is all so nice! I vote we spend every Christmas in Barbados from now on,” Tracy told her, holding out his glass to the server who came by to refill it. She was surprised Julius hadn’t taken their table to be close to Tracy, but so far, she hadn’t seen him yet.

  “Fine by me, you know this is my idea of Heaven, right?” Monica asked, looking at all the dishes sitting on their table. They had the traditional brunch choices like waffles, bacon, eggs, fresh fruit, salmon, bagels, muffins and potatoes, but they also had local favorites too. She recognized a few of the dishes she had tried with Dominic, and explained to Tracy what each one was, to the best of her memory.

  “Sis, who you telling? I might literally cry when it’s time to go home next week,” Tracy said, pulling his ringing phone out of his pocket. Holding up one finger, he answered his phone with a frown. He immediately looked up. “Sis, where is your phone? It’s Celeste and she sounds like she is losing her shit,” Tracy told her, passing her his phone across the table.

  “Hello Sissy, Merry Christmas! I was going to call you guys after I got back upstairs, when we open our presents. There is a Christmas brunch and party going on right now,” Monica explained quickly, picking up a slice of pineapple and taking a bite.

  “Monica, I don’t give a damn about any of that right now! Why aren’t you answering your damn phone? Girl, I have been calling you nonstop since I found out two days ago!” Celeste snapped loudly.

  Monica put the pineapple slice down on her place and sat up straight. “Found out what, Celeste?” she asked, feeling her face flush hot with concern, she’d forgotten to turn her phone back on again, shit! “Are Mom and Dad okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah they are both fine! Mom let it slip when she had too much eggnog after dinner the other night. I happened to mention that it was a relief to finally not have certain people hanging around me, waiting for you to call all the damn time. But Monica, that’s when she told me Joseph is in Barbados!” Celeste shouted into the phone.

  “What?” Monica yelled into Tracy’s phone, surging to her feet in alarm and looking around the dining room like a crazy person. “You have got to be fucking kidding me! Please tell me you are fucking kidding me, Celeste!” She quickly sat back down when she noticed the people around her staring at her curiously, Tracy was too.

  “I’m not kidding, Monica! I guess he saw some pictures from Dropbox or some shit and went crying to Mom about it and she talked him into making a grand gesture to win you back. I don’t know if he’s at the same resort as you, but he’s there somewhere. He checked in with Mom around dinnertime yesterday. I’m so sorry, Mon. I have been trying to warn you,” Celeste said with a sigh, sounding relieved that she had finally gotten in touch with Monica.

  “Why are you apologizing? This is all on Mom and Joseph’s controlling asses! Shit, I hate that I forgot that my Dropbox is linked to his. Did she happen to tell you what his plan is once he got here?” Monica asked, nervously biting her thumbnail, looking over at Tracy who seemed to have finally figured out what was going on from her side of the conversation.

  “No, but Mom kept saying she’d finally get to start on planning your wedding when you got back home,” Celeste warned.

  Monica closed her eyes and prayed to God that Joseph wasn’t that dense. Just then, the whine of feedback from a
microphone being turned on echoed through the dining room and the Christmas music was lowered.

  To her horror, she saw Joseph wearing a suit and standing next to Dominic, who was holding an unopened bottle of champagne and wearing his heart stopping bright smile.

  “Never mind, Sissy I just figured it out, I’ll call you back,” Monica quickly told Celeste before ending their call.

  “Oh no, oh no, oh no.” Monica heard Tracy chanting over and over again, looking from her to Joseph and Dominic, and back again. “What the fuck is wrong with his backwoods, slough-footed, caveman-acting ass? How many ways can you tell his goofy ass no?” Tracy snapped, pushing away from the table and looking like he was going to do Joseph bodily harm.

  “Can we have your attention in the dining room, please? First of all, Merry Christmas, Everyone!” Dominic shouted into the microphone, the entire dining room erupted into Christmas greetings being shouted back and forth.

  “Now then, one of our guests had a special request and wanted our help making his Christmas wish come true. He traveled all the way from Colorado to propose to his girlfriend of ten years! Ten years people! He told me she can be a bit shy, but thought maybe if we give her a round of applause, she will come up here and join us,” Dominic continued with his bright smile plastered on his face. “So, on the count of three, let’s give this lucky lady a round of applause. Sir, what is her name?” Dominic asked handing Joseph the microphone.

  “Monica. Monica Isaacs.”

  She heard Joseph say her name and saw Dominic’s face fall at the same time. The look Dominic gave Joseph almost stopped her heart, his jaw worked angrily as he glared at the cause of some much of her misery for the past ten years.

  She could tell from the smug smile on Joseph’s face that he’d recognized Dominic from the pictures she took. He had asked for Dominic’s help on purpose! Shit!


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