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Rebellion of a Kingdom: Black Hallows Book 3

Page 30

by G N Wright

  “That must be where they are keeping her.” Lincoln pants out, eyeing the same spot I am.

  “It’s going to be fucking crawling with guards.” Ash snaps and we both nod in agreement. He’s right, it will be. But that's my girl in there, my brother. What would they do if they were us? That’s when it hits me.

  “Wanna smoke them out?” I ask and they both look at me as I pull the bag from my back. When Max told us to pack supplies, I thought about what extra stuff I would want on me. The only thing I could think about is how many girls have been hurt here, have died here. This place needs to go. I show them what’s inside and when they don’t say anything, I add, “it’s what Jace would do. What Elle would do.”

  Linc is the first to react, his slight smirk tugging on the side of his mouth. “Let’s burn this place to the fucking ground.”

  I look at Asher to see what he thinks and he’s staring at the building up ahead of us. His fists clenched and shoulders tense, no doubt remembering all the terrible things he has seen happen here.

  He turns to me slowly, before nodding in agreement, his stare burns into me as he tightens the grip on his gun once more. “This ends today. No matter what.”

  Chapter 46


  Ihave never thought much about the composition of the wedding march, but as I put one foot in front of the other and force myself to move, it’s all I can think about. Who composed it? Why did it become such a staple piece of wedding music? Why do you even walk down an aisle at all? Stupid, pointless questions, but I’d think of anything right now that isn’t about becoming Mrs. Greg Donovan. I think of my beautiful daughter and whether she will walk down the aisle to the same piece of music. I think of how it should be Zack walking by my side right now to give me away. I think about how it should be Marcus waiting for me and not the Devil.

  I picture how this day would be if I had my freedom. My hair would be pinned up, my dress white lace, my ring a simple, platinum band. Marcus would wear gray to match the shades of us. Jace, Lincoln and Asher would stand by his side and Helen, Logan, and Lily by mine. Cassie would walk ahead of me in a dress to match mine, no doubt throwing rose petals everywhere. Arthur would officiate and we would all have a family party afterwards. Max and his guys would be there and so would the Rebels. It would be small, simple, and utterly perfect.

  This is nothing like that. Inside is exactly how I expect it. Dingy, dirty, and completely Donovan. There is a makeshift altar up ahead with a large table covered in a white cloth. On top there is a bible, cream candles burning, and a large silver pointed crucifix. There are brown, run down pews lined up on either side that could have only been taken from a church. What did they do, fucking steal them? The thought seems ridiculous, but this is the Donovan’s we are talking about. Nothing is beneath them. Unexpectedly there are flowers hanging off the pews and again I almost laugh. Just like a real wedding.

  The priest is standing at the end of the ‘aisle’ with Greg off to one side, leaving a space on the other for me. I don’t so much as walk towards them but get dragged.

  Jace is forced ahead of me until he is placed to the left of the waiting priest, just behind Greg. He turns smiling wildly at him, patting his shoulder like they are buddies. Jace looks up at him with such animosity that I know he’s probably imagining ripping off his arm and beating him to death with it. If only.

  Guards have filtered in to line the walls, all armed and looking both bored and excited at the same time. I cast my eyes to the couple of guests standing at the front. I find Elliot Donovan's gaze blazing back at me, but what I don’t expect when I move to the next person is my mother! Sarah King’s void eyes stare back at mine and I can’t hide my frown. What the hell is she doing here?

  She looks at me with unshed tears ready to pour and I can’t look away from her. I want to look her in the eye and let her see my broken expression. I don’t turn away until I make it to the end of the aisle and the security guard releases me, pushing me towards Greg. He is already staring at me with the most genuine smile I’ve ever seen from him. Not sadistic or smug, just purely gleeful. He genuinely wants this and that scares me more than anything else.

  The priest starts to speak, and I can’t bear the crazy look in Greg’s eyes any longer. I peer over his shoulder and find Jace glaring back at me with an unwavering intensity. It gives me the strength to take a breath, he’s here with me, I can do this, I’m not alone. I want to smile at him, to thank him for the friendship he gave me without thought. For how he just accepted me, protected me, loved me.

  When I made the decision to come back to Black Hallows, I never saw the South Side Rebels coming. Yeah, Marcus and I had our history, but it was tainted in lies and blood. He’d found himself a new family, and never did I think they would welcome me with open arms. They’ve had my back, killed for me, and even saved me. I will forever be in their debt. I hope the look on my face can convey my gratitude as I offer him the only smile, I can manage. The slight tip of his lips assures me he understands.

  Greg gripping my hand, drags me from my moment with Jace and I hear the priest confirm that it’s time for vows.

  “Greg, if you will repeat after me.”

  “I, Greg Donovan, take you, Elle King, to be my wife...” Greg repeats his words in a tone that makes my skin crawl and I try to ignore them as he plays his role as dutiful husband to be. Forcing a diamond encrusted band onto my ring finger. “...till death do us part.”

  The priest turns to me and follows the same suit, asking me to repeat after him and when I open my mouth to speak, nothing comes out. I can feel the fear and despair clawing up the back of my throat as I try to force myself to submit to him. To say the words and become Mrs. Elle Donovan.

  “Don’t disappoint me, wifey.” Greg grits out through his teeth, crunching my knuckles between his fist, where he still grips my fingers. When the words still don’t come, he nods, and the click of the gun grabs my attention. A guard pushes it into Jace’s temple, watching me, waiting. I close my eyes, breathing in deeply before I open my mouth.

  “I, Elle…” My words mix with a rumbling sound in the distance and Greg's grip tightens once more. The sound gets louder, it’s hard to decipher and the guards ready themselves, until Elliot speaks.

  “Don’t worry, it’s probably just the Crows.” His tone is patronizing, and I can tell just from his words, how much he looks down on them. He nods at the guards to check out the impending interruption and Greg’s hand tightens even more on mine. I can feel my bones cracking within his fist and I fight against the grimace of pain.

  “Vows.” He spits at me and I can tell that smug resolve is starting to crack. If I continue my vows, it doesn’t matter who is coming, I will still be married to him. I take in the gun at Jace’s head once more and I see a savage sort of smile on his face. He honestly doesn’t care, he is willing to risk it all to save me and so am I for him.

  I look around for something, anything, that could be used against Greg, but I see nothing. How the fuck am I supposed to get us out of this. Just as I have that thought, gunfire breaks out in the distance, and I smile.

  The cavalry has arrived.

  Greg uses his grip on my hand to drag me towards him, spinning me so my back is against his front. A gun digs into my side, keeping me from moving. The guard still has a gun to Jace’s head and the rest of them move towards the doors we came through. Gunfire continues to rain outside, getting closer and closer.

  Greg nuzzles into my hair as he pushes his mouth to my ear. “When your little boyfriend gets here, I’m gonna make him watch as I fuck you. Then I’m gonna make you watch as I kill him.” He bites the words out and I can feel him hardening in his slacks. I swallow down the bile in my throat, looking towards Jace again. He is staring back at me and then he nods ever so slightly. It’s now or never. Just as I am about to try to escape his hold, a small explosion goes off behind us and we are all thrown to the floor.

  Smoke pours into the room and I hear guards shoutin
g and more gunfire approaching. Shattered glass from the windows above us, covers the ground and I roll over in pain, registering that I am now free from Greg’s grip. The table we stood at before is on its side and I crawl behind it, trying to find some cover in the chaos as I get my bearings.

  “Elle!” Jace’s voice cuts through me, “Elle!” He screams again, but the smoke is coming in thick and fast, I can barely see anything.

  “Over here,” I choke out, “I’m here.” I roll onto my front and peer around the side of the table. “Jace?” I call out to him, but before he can respond I hear him howl in pain. I look round wildly trying to locate him, but it’s no use. Fuck. He’s already injured, I need to get to him, help him.

  The doors at the front slam open and I see figures stepping through the smoke, as the gunfire echoes throughout the room. Max, Zack, and Connor O’Sullivan step inside, none of them seeing the guards waiting behind the pews thanks to the smoke.

  I scream, “Look out!” Bullets spray towards them and Max pushes Zack aside, slamming them into the wall, just as a bullet takes out the president of the Crows. He drops to the floor with a bullet to his head. Fuck. I can’t watch another person be killed. I need a weapon and fast.

  The smoke starts to clear out of the open door, and I notice Sarah staring wide-eyed at Zack, who stands just a few feet from her. Does she know who he is? I wonder if she thought he was dead. I wouldn't put it past Elliot to brag about what Greg did. I know they thought they’d murdered him.

  Zack looks her way and then takes out a guard beside her. I can’t see where Elliot went, but he is no longer with Sarah. As Zack kills the guard, another steps towards him, raising their gun and firing. Sarah screams, diving in front of him and intercepting the bullet. It hits her in the chest, and she drops to the floor in the same instant that Zack shoots the guard in the head. He drops to his knees and uses his hands to try to stop her bleeding, just like I did for him, not too long ago.

  “I’m sorry.” She chokes out and then her body goes limp in his arms. Neither of us have time to process it as more guards come into the room, having been pushed back by some of our guys as they continue to shoot at each other.

  I try to crawl towards where Jace shouted from, broken glass cutting into me everywhere. A grip finds my foot, dragging me backwards. “Not so fast, wifey.” Greg pulls me towards him, and my hands reach out blindly, looking for something, anything, that I can use against him. He flips me over and smiles sadistically, “till death do us part remember?” A piece of glass is plunged into my side and I cry out, the agony hitting me instantly.

  He climbs over me, pulling my dress up around my stomach, “If I can’t have you then neither can he.” He grips the wound at my side, and I almost black out from the pain. My hand darts out again, desperately searching for any kind of weapon. My fingers land on something hard and sharp and I snatch it up tightly, using every bit of force I can muster to bring it up and slam it into his shoulder. “Till death do us part, you sick fuck.”

  It pierces through his skin and his weight collapses on top of me and he groans out in agony. Blood pours from his wound, mixing with mine and soaking through my dress. I spot the silver crucifix sticking out between his neck and shoulder as he chokes out. “I’m going to fucking kill you, you little cunt. Not even death will separate us.”

  Before I can respond, his body is ripped off the top of me. I stare up and find Jace’s wild eyes looking down at us. Hand fisted around Greg’s own gun. He looks down at him in utter disgust.

  “This is for them.” He shoots him right between the eyes with zero hesitation and then drops to his knees as he succumbs to his own pain.

  I scramble to my feet, ignoring my own pain and blood loss just as Logan and Tyler burst in from a side entrance. They move to help me, but I point to Jace, “Get him out of here.” I order, as I stand up fully and lock in on Elliot Donovan. He is frozen to the spot where I am sure he was about to make his escape, staring down at his son's dead body. Marcus, Asher, and Lincoln appear from a back entrance as Elliot looks up and lets his gaze collide with mine.

  Everything next, happens so fast.

  Elliot raises his gun to me as Marcus raises his, both of them firing at the same time. Marcus hits Elliot right in the chest, killing him instantly as Elliot’s bullet barrels towards me. I brace for the impact, but it never comes, and the last thing I see is Asher stepping in its path.

  The bullet pierces him and he drops to the floor in front of me. My scream is unlike any I’ve ever heard as I throw myself to my knees beside him.

  “No. No. No.” I cry, “Ash?” I plead his name as I rip open his jacket and push up his shirt. Blood pulses from his body as he gasps out in agony.

  “Elle.” Marcus tries to pull me back, but I shove him away.

  “Ash?” I choke out. I press my hands to his wound, “I’m so sorry, Ash.” His blood feels warm in my hands as it glides out through my fingers.

  “It’s okay, baby girl,” he pants out, eyes starting to close, and I grab his face, painting it with the crimson liquid.

  “No. Don’t you dare fucking die on me.” Every word feels like a stab to my throat as I force it past my tears. “You can't leave me, you promised. I need you. Cassie needs you. Please just hold on.” My silk dress begins to turn red as his blood clogs into it.

  This can’t be happening. He can’t die. He saved me from this fucking place and now he’s here bleeding out. I can’t even process the satisfaction of both Elliot and Greg lying dead, just a few feet away. They don’t matter. None of it matters. Because the only Donovan I have ever given a fuck about is about to die along with them.

  I hear orders being shouted around me as Max and Zack make it over to us, but I ignore them all. “Ash, please.” I croak out, leaning forward to drop my head to his shoulder. “I love you. I love you so much, okay?”

  Marcus drops down beside me, “Ells.” He pleas, but I continue to ignore him.

  I feel Asher’s staggered breath against my hair, “I can’t do this without you. Please don’t leave me, not here, not like this.” I can barely breathe through the sobs choking out with my words.

  My enemies are finally dead, my daughter is safe, but my best friend is going to die. What sort of sick justice is this?

  His hand comes up to touch my cheek and it already feels cold. I lean into his touch as a thumb swipes away one of my tears. “I’ll be with you, Hells Bells. Always.”

  I close my eyes and let my sobs break free. I can’t lose him. “Yes, Ash, always. Which is why you can't leave me. Please." His arm drops from my face and my eyes snap open. His glossy eyes leave me and drift to Marcus. Just one look passes between them and it communicates everything. Marcus curls his arms around me, the pain in my side nothing compared to the hole in my chest, as he lifts me up to pull me away.

  I fight against him and the pain, kicking and screaming. “No, please. Don’t do this. No!” I battle with everything I have against his hold, but Marcus just tightens his arms. Smoke lingers all around us, burning my lungs. Blood spray coats the walls and bodies line the aisle. But all I can see is my best friend.

  Marcus doesn’t stop until we are next to Lincoln. He is standing frozen, looking down at Ash’s dying form. “Get her out of here!” His voice grabs Linc’s attention and he immediately wraps his arms around me, restraining me, as I continue to fight.

  “No, River, don’t do this. I’m not leaving him.” I beg, but they both ignore me as Logan helps Jace to his feet and supports his weight against his own. My gaze roams wildly across them all as I see them getting ready to leave.

  “We can’t leave him,” I scream, “somebody fucking help him.” My throat is raw, but it’s like they can’t hear me.

  “We’ve got to move, now!” Max snaps, looking between Asher and I with sorrow in his eyes. They are not fucking leaving him here to die.

  “I’ve got him, brother.” Lincoln starts, eyes still focused on Asher, but Marcus shakes his head.

nbsp; “No.” He snaps, “Logan’s got Jace, and now you’ve got my girl. Get them out of here. I’ll get Asher.”

  The tears soak my face as he grips my chin and brings my face to his. “I got this, baby, go.”

  I don’t get to respond before Lincoln is hauling me out of there. Jace, Logan, Zack, and Tyler quick on our tails. I do nothing but cry as I try to break free from his hold on me. Lincoln doesn’t stop, just strides out of the building and into the middle of a fucking battle. There are bodies everywhere and bullets fly past us, but Lincoln isn’t fazed. He remains focused on where we are heading, and all I can do is watch as we leave it all behind. I see familiar faces everywhere battling against the Donovan fray and fire bursting out of several of the buildings.

  There are girls screaming and crying everywhere and for the first time ever. I don’t care about any of them. I know what they have been through, what they have suffered. But all I can think about right now is that we just left my best friend behind to die.

  A thought passes through my mind that I never thought possible.

  Too many Donovan’s will die today.

  The Crows are retreating to the front gates, continuing to kill the remaining guards as they go. Some of them drag girls along with them. It’s fucking carnage. We pass Aiden and Killian who are covered in blood as they carry Connor O’Sullivan’s dead body. I can’t even let the guilt hurt me. It’s too much.

  We make it through the gates and towards the trees as more of our guys start to join us and I desperately search for signs of Marcus and Asher, but all I see is smoke and flames. I feel dizzy and lightheaded, and I know the blood loss is getting to me and my flailing around isn’t helping. I collapse around Lincoln's body and feel him relax slightly as I calm myself.

  “Superman.” I whisper and he looks down at me, “I’m going to lose him.” My voice cracks as the emotion and exhaustion starts to overtake me. I can feel myself starting to fall into a pit of nothing, but Lincoln's words pierce into it.


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