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Protecting What's Mine: A Security Romance Collection

Page 19

by Apryl Baker

  “We met the other night, hanging out with Foster.” Max spoke calmly. No telling what this looked like to Brody. Max still had wet spots on his shirt and Sloane obviously had just gotten out of the shower. Add the two cups of coffee and the early hour, and it probably looked like Max had spent the night. Would serve him right. Brody was cheating on her and it sounded like it was nothing new.

  What was worse though, was that from Sloane’s phone conversation last night, she knew all about it and still stayed with him. Couldn’t she see this relationship was toxic? She needed a man who knew how to take care of his woman.

  “I came by this morning to give Sloane a ride. She was a little too tipsy to drive home last night.”

  Brody gave her an accusing look. Hypocrite. “I thought you were at Foster’s last night for dinner? Where the hell were you?”

  “I was!”

  Max narrowed his eyes. “I was there too. Foster invited me, and good thing too. She’d needed someone to look after her to get home safe.”

  “Oh, well I can drive you, sweetheart. Thanks for making sure my girl got home, Max.”

  Brody smiled, but the look reminded Max of a snake. His entire demeanor changed. He slithered over to where Sloane stood and wrapped his arms around her, nuzzling her neck. Max felt jealousy well up inside him. He wanted to drill that asshole in the face before plunging his tongue in Sloane’s mouth. He wanted to take her in his arms and show her why she should be with him instead of that dick head. He needed to claim her as his. Whoa. Where did that come from? Max counted backward from five before he felt controlled enough to speak.

  “Sure thing. I’ll just be going then since you’ve got a ride. See ya around, Sloane. Later, man.”

  Max acknowledged Brody with a nod before he turned, letting himself out of Sloane’s apartment.

  Chapter Four


  Sloane sat in the passenger seat of Brody’s car with her hands in her lap. Her gaze stayed fixed out the side window, watching the streets speed by. It was strange and yet exciting to see a man so concerned about her well-being. Max had rushed in to help and it warmed her inside more than she wanted to admit. She was shocked when she found Brody in her kitchen only minutes after being naked with Max…okay, so she hadn’t been naked in the way she wanted to be, but naked all the same.

  Sloane wanted Max, but knew she couldn’t have him. She was committed to Brody. Plus, she was certain Max had no shortage of women falling all over him, so she wouldn’t stand a chance. She didn’t want another relationship that she had to compete to stay in.

  “Look, I’m sorry I missed dinner last night. Let me make it up to you tonight. Dinner, maybe a little dancing, it’ll be nice. Then we can go back to my place.”

  “Back to my place” always meant sex. Over the course of their relationship the sex had usually been good, but he cared more about his own pleasure than he did about his partner. He was a selfish lover. Still, Sloane cared about him. She sighed.

  She’d met him on a blind double date with Foster and Bella. He’d been incredibly charming and easy on the eyes, with his short, dark blond hair and pale green eyes. He wasn’t very tall for a man, but his charisma more than made up for it. He’d swept her off her feet, and in return, she’d tried to be everything he wanted.

  But he always wanted her to go down on him. She’d been ashamed to admit to him that she’d never done that before. Sure, she’d had other lovers, but none she felt comfortable enough to experience that with. She was more conservative when it came to sex, but he’d seemed okay with that at the start of their relationship.

  Brody had looked like a kid in a candy store when she’d told him he would be her first. His excitement had fueled her own at first. But Sloane had barely had her lips around him when he fisted her hair painfully and thrust himself down her throat. The forcefulness and depth caused her throat to burn and her gag reflex to go into overdrive. Vomiting all over him wasn’t the way she had planned to end the evening. He’d left pissed off and she’d spent the rest of the night alone, crying herself to sleep. Never again.

  It wasn’t long after that when she’d caught him in bed with another woman. He’d said it was just sex. He needed someone to do the things she wouldn’t. That he loved her and wouldn’t do it again. Knowing it was all bullshit, Sloane still couldn’t bring herself to end it. It was her fault after all. She wasn’t a good enough lover for him.

  “It’s Sunday. I have to finish up a spreadsheet for Mr. Marek and be in early tomorrow.”

  “I try to make it right and you shut me out,” he spat, shaking his head. “Typical.”

  “I’m sorry, Brody. Mondays are crazy. It helps if I get in earlier than Mr. Marek so I can have things ready for his arrival.”

  “Why can’t you see to my needs like you see to his every fuckin’ whim?”

  “Because he’s my boss and that’s what he pays me for,” Sloane yelled right back.

  It seemed like every conversation had ended in an argument the past few months. She was sick and tired of it. Why couldn’t she have a relationship like her cousin, Mirabella? Bella had a great man in Foster. Loyal, thoughtful, and dependable. He never forced her to do anything. They were getting married in a few weeks and they seemed more in love each day. She could admit she was jealous. She wanted that for herself. The happiness that came with a man who was truly in love with you. She pictured Max. The way his eyes danced when he’d laughed at dinner last night. The thought added to the warmth low in her belly. He came across as the type of man who made it his mission to ruin a woman for all other men. Sloane involuntarily shivered just thinking about him.

  “Don’t tell me you’re cold? It’s hot as hell in here.”

  Sloane didn’t bother answering. They had arrived at Bella’s house, finally. As soon as he put the car in park, she opened the door, quickly getting out. It was horrible, but she couldn’t wait to be away from him. That should’ve told her something right there.

  Brody’s door opened. Cautiously, she turned around at the top of the stairs on the front porch. He stood by the open car door with his arms crossed over the hood. Great, show time. Mentally, she rolled her eyes.

  “Have a great time, sweetheart,” he called, talking loud enough for everyone inside to hear him. “I’ll call you later. We’ll finally have that alone time that we need.” He winked before folding himself back into his car to drive away.

  Just what she needed. As she was trekking into the house, she noticed Max’s truck parked across the street in the same spot it had been last night. Sighing, she walked inside. Lovely. Bella was sitting at the dining room table with Foster hunched over her from behind. His arms were crossed over Bella’s shoulders. They were laughing. They were so happy, it almost made Sloane’s heart break for her own shitty relationship. Across from the happy couple sat Max.

  “Hi, guys.” Sloane tried to sound chipper even though her headache from the morning was doing its best to creep back up.

  Foster stood up and began marching toward her. He picked her up and spun her around once before setting her feet back on the floor. He had treated her like family from the first day they met. She had instantly liked him.

  Bella sat smiling over what she could now see were wedding invitations. Max sat back in his chair stretching one arm over the back. The move put his expansive chest on display. She could make out more of the tattoo swirls on his arm. She had to drag her eyes away from him before she actually drooled on herself. The man was like sex on a stick and she wanted to lick every inch of him. Slowly and thoroughly.

  Foster folded his arms, throwing her a mock glare. “You can pretend to be cheery all you want, Robertson, but we know better.”

  “I don’t know what you’re babbling about, Hyland. I’m just fine.”

  “Whenever a woman describes herself as ‘fine,’ she’s anything but.” He laughed.

  Foster was a bit of a goof, but God love him, he knew how to lighten a room up. Sloane wandered over to Bella
and kissed her cheek. They were more like sisters than cousins and best friends as long as either of them could remember.

  “Maid of Honor reporting for duty.” Sloane’s smile was overenthusiastic. Feeling eyes on her, she turned her head. “Hey, Max.”


  She loved her name on his lips. The way he’d said it in the past was more than just a name. It sounded like a promise. This time however, it sounded darker. Almost guarded. It shouldn’t affect her this way. It shouldn’t matter how he said her name. Not before and not now. It did, though. She couldn’t take her traitorous eyes from him. He didn’t even blink—just met the stare until she turned away. She had to break the connection. It was too much and yet not enough.

  Sloane cleared her throat. “So, it looks like invitations are on the agenda today.”

  “That’s right,” Bella chirped. “Grab one of those pens and here’s one half of the guest list. Want a Bloody Mary or a Screwdriver?”

  “God no! Not after last night.”

  Mirabella snorted with laughter. Sloane rolled her eyes, but couldn’t hold back her own chuckle. She risked a peek across the table from where she’d taken a seat, and her eyes locked once again with Max’s. He slowly shook his head for a moment before standing up to take a seat in the living room. He wasn’t acting like the guy she’d met last night. Did she do something wrong? More importantly, why did it matter?

  Bella glanced up from filling out the address on a cream envelope. “What’s going on with Brody? I heard him outside earlier.”

  “He wants to make it up to me for missing dinner. He got stuck at work.”

  Bella scoffed. “We both know that’s bullshit.”


  “Don’t ‘Bella’ me! You’re my family and I love you. I can’t stand watching him hurt you over and over and you just take it. You make excuses and defend him. What the hell, Sloane?”

  “It’s not his fault!” Sloane yelled back. Humiliation colored her face. Mirabella didn’t know she didn’t measure up to what Brody wanted in the bedroom. He wanted someone adventurous. He wanted someone to do things that she wasn’t comfortable doing, and when she resisted that’s when things had begun to change. That’s when he changed. There’s no way Bella would understand.

  “Ladies—” Foster marched into the room. “Enough. Bella, sweetheart, as much as I agree with you, this isn’t our decision. It’s Sloane’s.”

  “Thank you,” Sloane whispered.

  “Oh no. Don’t go thanking me yet. You need to get your head outta your ass and realize we only want you happy. Before you try to interrupt me and lie, we both know you aren’t.”

  Sloane cast her eyes down, not wanting to meet his gaze. They both loved her. She knew that, but it wasn’t the same as having someone to hold at night. To chase away the fears and show her there were better days ahead. They had that.

  “All right, Max and I are gonna head out. Don’t scratch up any furniture with your cat fights.” He winked again and headed for the living room where Max had sat silently listening to the whole conversation. Now she really felt like an ass. Great.



  How could cheating on her not be Brody’s fault? Max couldn’t wrap his mind around that. Unless she told him to go fuck around, it didn’t make sense. The conversation—which he’d made no attempt to ignore—between her and Mirabella inclined him to believe she knew about more than one indiscretion. Maybe Foster could enlighten him a bit.

  “What’s the story with those two?”

  Foster sighed. “They’ve been seeing each other for about a year. He’s been screwing around almost as long. I try not to get involved, but Sloane is a sweet girl. She’s family. Even though I don’t volunteer information, if she asks me, I won’t lie either.”

  “I get that. What I don’t get is why she stays. She’s beautiful. She seems smart and funny. Why waste her time with him when she could do better?”

  Foster glanced over at him, a small grin lifting the corner of his mouth. Max tried to act like he didn’t notice. They rode in silence for a few miles before Foster had to press.

  “Are you throwing your hat in the ring?”

  “What are you talking about?” Max snapped.

  “Sloane. You have a thing for her.” Foster laughed.

  He had a thing for her, all right. Every time they were in the same room, he had to stop himself from touching her. After seeing Brody’s arm around her this morning, he’d wanted to throw her down and cover her with his body. Leaving only his scent on her. What the fuck. He wasn’t some kind of animal. He needed to stop thinking of her that way. She was off limits.

  But as much as he tried, he couldn’t stop thinking of the kiss they’d shared in the hallway of her building. Brody called her cold at the strip club, but he couldn’t reconcile the woman Brody spoke about with Sloane. She was so hot; he’d felt like he would burn up in flames when his tongue met hers.

  “Earth to Max.”

  “Huh? Oh, it’s a shame.”

  “Oh yeah, you’re interested.”

  “Fuck you, man.”

  “That much, huh?” Foster cackled with uncontrollable laughter.

  “You’re a dick. You know that?”

  “That I do.”

  When Max walked into work Monday morning, he cursed under his breath. Zoë Youngblood stood outside his office door with her entourage.

  She flashed him the thousand-watt smile that she’d perfected for the cameras always following her around. This couldn’t be good. “Maxwell Fear. Just the man I’d wanted to see.”

  “Ms. Youngblood, how can I help you?”

  “Please call me Zoë. You make me feel like an old maid. Do I look like a frumpy old maid to you, Max?”

  She sauntered up to him and dragged a bright red, manicured nail down his bicep. The other hand slid seductively down her hip. Whatever she was fishing for, he wasn’t biting.

  “What do you want, Ms. Youngblood?”

  “You’re no fun, Max.” Pouting, she crossed her arms under her breasts, trying to push them up so he would take notice.

  “I’m a busy man.”

  “I was thinking of taking a trip and Daddy said I needed a bodyguard. So I thought to myself, ‘Zoë dah-ling. Who would be best suited to guard your body?’ Only one man came to mind. So here I am.”

  “Thank you for the confidence, but I’m sorry, I can’t.”

  “You can’t?” She seemed appalled by his refusal.

  “I have other clients. I only take local jobs.”

  His statement was bullshit. The only jobs Max had at this moment could easily be completed from anywhere in the world that had Wi-Fi. But no way was he going to tell her that. He didn’t want to be involved in any way with Zoë Youngblood, especially not with all the signals she was throwing out.

  “Money’s no object.”

  “I can’t be bought,” he said. She laughed at him, and he gritted his teeth.

  “Anyone can be bought. All you have to do is find their price.”

  Zoë spun on her ridiculous heels and sashayed to the elevator. Her slim hips swayed with blatant exaggeration. Most men would probably fall to her feet begging, but not Max. He liked his women curvier. A certain curvy blonde came to mind. He smiled to himself as he made his way over to his office.

  After pushing the door open, he walked over and plopped into his oversized leather office chair. Hopefully work could distract him enough to keep images of Sloane from his mind. Yeah, good luck with that, he mocked himself.

  Chapter Five


  Sloane couldn’t believe she’d almost worked right through lunchtime. The morning was filled with appointments, conference calls, and errands. If she hadn’t set a reminder on the calendar to pick up Mr. Marek’s dry cleaning during her lunch, she wouldn’t have remembered to even take a lunch today. Shutting the computer down, she smoothed out her pencil skirt before tapping gently on the boss’s door.

>   “Come in.”

  “Sir, I’m heading out for lunch. I’ll have your suits with me when I return.”

  “Thank you, Sloane. You are a lifesaver.”

  “Thank you, sir. Is there anything else I can get you while I’m out?”

  “No, I think you do enough for me as it is.” He smiled warmly.

  “I’ll be back within the hour. Don’t forget you’re meeting with Mr. Peters at two o’clock.”

  Taking the elevator down to the ground floor, she exited the building out of the side door. It was only three blocks to the dry cleaners, but in her heels, there was no way she was walking. Not when she would be carrying lunch, plus hangers full of heavy suits. Once in her car and on the road, she turned toward Maple Drive. As usual, the dry cleaner had the clothes ready when she walked in.

  Gathering the suits in her arms, she darted into the deli next door to order a turkey sandwich to take back with her. The smell of fresh bread assaulted her nose, making her stomach rumble. Impatiently, she waited for her number to be called. It was already one-thirty when she walked out of the small deli. Since she wanted to have herself settled before Mr. Peters arrived, she knew she’d have to hurry.

  The elevator dinged before opening on the floor housing Mr. Marek’s office. Sloane had twenty minutes to hang up his weekly suits in his office closet and scarf the food down. She scurried to her desk, dropped the sandwich off, and immediately pushed open Mr. Marek’s door.

  The first thing that came into view was Detlef Marek, kneeling on the floor in front of his desk holding his chest. Oh my God! Was he having a heart attack? Before she could unfreeze herself to run to him, red began to seep from under his hand. That’s no heart attack. Slowly, without thinking, she swung the door open further. She tensed, realizing that she was a few feet away from two men in expensive looking suits.


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