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Protecting What's Mine: A Security Romance Collection

Page 30

by Apryl Baker

  He opened his eyes, his gaze drifting over to a wooden bench under a tree. Staring back at him, Gutter Mouth slowly shook his head. What the fuck was his problem? As his old friend stood up, Max could see Sloane sitting there. Shit. Had they both been watching him dance with Kara or was it Sara? Not like her name mattered. It wasn’t Sloane. He released the woman in his arms mid-song. She looked up at him, confused.

  “I’m sorry, I have to go.”

  “I can come with you.”

  She ran her hand down his arm, giving a seductive little smile, but it was wasted on him. He wasn’t interested in her or any other woman here. Without answering, Max marched off to find Sloane and Gutter Mouth. The bench they sat at before was empty now. He scanned the area until he spotted them up ahead, walking toward the front of the church holding hands. Jealousy reared its ugly head again.

  “Sloane,” he yelled to get her attention. Either she didn’t hear him or she was ignoring him. He yelled again. This time she stopped walking. Her hand still in Gutter Mouth’s, she looked over her shoulder at him. Max quickly closed the distance between them.

  “We need to talk. Now.”

  “I don’t think we do, Max.”


  “Kasper, I adore you, but you need to shut up.”

  Gutter Mouth held up his hands in surrender. Max watched them exchange a look. There was an unknown agreement in that look.

  “Is this who you’re seeing? Is that why you haven’t told anyone?” he demanded.

  “No, Max. I’m not seeing Kasper. We’re friends.”

  “Then why won’t—”

  A light twinkled from the trees nearby just before Gutter Mouth shoved Sloane toward Max and reached for the gun at his waist. Shots rang out, and Max launched himself at her, knocking them both to the ground. A sharp pain stabbed him as he rolled them so her body wouldn’t be the point of impact. Her screams echoed in his head as Max pulled his revolver from his ankle holster, firing in the same direction as Gutter Mouth was. Max knew he had to protect Sloane at all costs.

  Max couldn’t tell whose bullet hit Booker in the side of his face, but it didn’t matter who pulled the trigger. All that mattered was that the man was down and couldn’t fire another round at Sloane. Lifting his body from hers, Max assessed her for wounds.

  “Where are you hit?”

  “I-I’m not. At least I don’t think so.”

  “There’s blood on you, baby. Let me look. Hold still.”

  Sloane lay there with her arms to her sides as Max’s hands roamed over her. He was looking for the bullet hole, but he couldn’t deny it felt good to touch her again, even if the circumstances sucked. There was blood on her hands and dress, only he couldn’t find a wound anywhere. Max stood up to help Sloane to her feet only to sway on his own. His vision began to blur as he dropped down to his knees.

  “Max? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Just a little dizzy.”

  Sloane began pushing and pulling on his clothes. It would’ve been a turn-on if she didn’t look scared to death. Shouts were coming from the garden as guests began running out toward all the commotion. The color drained from her face.

  “Kasper! He’s been hit!” Sloane called, wide eyed.

  Kasper knelt down next to him and lifted up the left side of his shirt. Max looked down. There was a small hole in his side closer to his back. Kasper ripped Max’s shirt open and removed it, balling it up into a thick wad. Max could feel the wound pull as the fabric was ripped off.

  “Sloane, listen to me,” Gutter Mouth said. “Press this on the wound tightly and don’t take it off.”

  “He’s gonna be okay, right? Damn you, Max. You better be okay!”

  “I’ll be fine, baby.”

  Max looked into her beautiful eyes. They glistened as tears rolled down her cheeks. He could hear Foster talking to Gutter Mouth. He had no idea if he would really be fine, but he couldn’t stand to see her hurting. He would promise anything to erase that pained look from her beautiful face. He could hear sirens in the distance. If he could just keep his eyes open long enough for them to arrive. Max felt some of the pain subside as his side began to go numb.

  The paramedics came rushing over. They moved Sloane aside, barking orders at everyone hovering. Max felt the pull once again as the medic removed the shirt from the wound. The men talked above him asking him questions. His head felt fuzzy. He supposed it was okay for him to close his eyes now.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Sloane! Oh my God! What the hell happened?”

  Mirabella ran toward her, wrapping Sloane in her arms. Sloane squeezed her back, but only for a moment. All she wanted was to be with Max. She needed to be with him. She ran toward the ambulance, jumping in the back before the man could close the door all the way.

  “I’m coming.”

  “Only family, ma’am.”

  “He’s my fiancé,” she blurted. Shit, it worked for him last time. Why not her?

  “Okay, but sit back and stay out of the way.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The man’s name badge read Murphy. Sloane couldn’t figure out if it was his first name or his last. Paramedic Murphy continued hooking Max up to numerous machines. Calling out things about his pulse ox, blood pressure, and other vitals that she had no clue as to what they actually measured. It was surreal. She couldn’t believe Max had been shot. He’d taken a bullet. For her. It was hard for her to breathe. She’d always known he would protect her from harm, but she’d never really thought about how. She certainly never thought it would lead to him being shot.

  Sloane felt the first tear fall before she could stop it. Taking Max’s hand gently, she leaned forward and whispered in his ear.

  “Don’t leave me, Max. I can’t do this without you.”

  His eyes fluttered opened slowly. She leaned over him, ready to tell him he had to be okay. He just had to, because he was going to be a father. However, before she could get the words out, Murphy moved her away.

  “Sir, can you tell me your name?”


  “Can you tell me what happened?”


  “Your fiancée is fine. What happened to you?”


  Max began coughing in between responses. Panic bubbled up inside of Sloane. Red foam began seeping from his lips. The paramedic continued to write things on his clipboard. When they reached the hospital, the back doors opened as more men and women in scrubs pulled out the gurney that held Max. She followed them inside and down the hall until a nurse stopped her just as they wheeled him into surgery.

  “Miss, you need to stay here. The doctors will do everything they can.”

  Then she was gone. Sloane don’t know how or when she made her way to the waiting room, but that’s where she was when the doctor found her. She looked up at him.

  “Maxwell Fear’s family?”

  “Yes, Doctor. How is he?”

  Sloane held her breath as strong arms wrapped around her from behind. Startled, she turned to find it was Kasper holding her. Foster and Bella were also standing there along with others that Sloane didn’t know, but recognized from the wedding. Foster was holding an elderly woman in his arms.

  “When did you guys get here?”

  “Oh honey, about an hour ago. You were so out of it; you didn’t respond to any of us.” Bella hugged her.

  Sloane turned back to the doctor in disbelief.

  “Maxwell suffered from a gunshot wound to the lateral thoracic. It caused a significant amount of blood loss and collapsed a lung. We’ve stopped the bleeding and re-inflated his lung.”

  “Oh my God. Is he going to be okay?”

  “I believe he’ll make a full recovery. He’s out of surgery now. Once he’s in a private room, I’ll send a nurse to get you.”

  The doctor patted her shoulder before turning and walking down the hallway. Sloane plopped herself down in the nearest chair. Bell
a took the one next to her. Sloane put her head on her cousin’s shoulder. She felt the tears start all over again.

  “It’s okay, honey. He’s gonna be just fine. You heard the doctor.”

  “I could have lost him, Bella. I could have lost him today and he never would have known. I never told him.”

  “Oh, don’t think such things. Deep down I’m sure he knows you love him. We all do.” She smiled down at her.

  “Not that. Bella…I’m pregnant,” Sloane whispered.

  “What?” the elderly woman called from halfway across the waiting room. She must’ve had her hearing aids on full freakin’ blast to have heard Sloane. She felt like a big spotlight was shining on her now. “What did you just say?”

  “I…um…I’m sorry, who are you?” she stammered as the elderly woman removed herself from Foster’s arms. She made her way over to where Sloane sat with Bella. Moving slowly, but gracefully, the woman stopped in front of her. Sloane stood up because it felt wrong to be seated.

  “I’m Adeline. Max’s grandmother.”

  “Oh my…”

  “Oh my, is one way to put it.”

  “Addy, what’s going on?”

  A middle-aged woman approached them. She had short auburn hair that framed a round face with gentle eyes. She was beautiful. Only the slightest smudge of her eye makeup indicated her worry for Max. Max’s grandmother took the woman’s hands in her own. A smile turned her lip up slightly.

  “I believe this is the young lady Max has been telling you about.”

  The woman’s attention shifted back to her. “You’re Sloane?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I am.”

  “I’m Caroline. Max’s mother. It’s nice to finally meet you.” Her smile was so genuine that Sloane was slightly taken aback. Max never spoke about his family before. She wasn’t sure he had one. She had no idea why he would talk about her to them.

  “I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.”

  “Don’t. This is what my Max does. He protects people for a living. Every job runs a risk. We all know that.”

  A job. It all boils down to that. Sloane felt stupid that she had almost forgotten. It made sense now. Of course Max told his family about his work. Sloane talked about work with her family. Now that job was done and Max would move on again. Caroline wiped a single tear from her cheek. Sloane straightened her shoulders. She would tell Max about the pregnancy because he deserved to know, but she would be clear in telling him he had no obligations.

  “Now dear, what was it that you were saying?”

  “I’m sorry, what?” Sloane feigned ignorance, but his grandmother was a smart cookie.

  “Nice try. How far along are you?”

  Caroline’s eyes widened. “Oh my.”

  “My thoughts exactly.” Sloane tried to smile. “I’m about two months along.”

  Adeline nodded. “Well, this changes everything.”

  “I don’t see how.”

  “He doesn’t know.”

  It wasn’t a question. Adeline was simply making a statement. The door leading to the lobby opened. A weight pressed against Sloane’s chest as Charlie scanned the small waiting room. She had her hair pulled back with rose-colored scrubs on. Spotting Foster, she hurried over to him.

  “How is he, Foster?”

  “The doctor said he would be fine.”

  She gasped, pressing a hand to her chest. “Thank God.”

  “How did you know he was here?”

  “I was bringing a patient to surgery. I noticed his name on the board.”

  Charlie looked up, and their eyes met across the room. The hate and anger radiating off of the woman could practically be seen, it was so thick. Foster grabbed her arm, but she shook him off with a dirty look and a jerk of her arm. Pointing a perfectly manicured finger at Sloane, she closed the distance.

  “You. This is all your fault, you bitch,” she screamed.

  “Excuse me, who are you?” Adeline crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Charlie, this isn’t the time,” Foster warned her.

  “I’ve been seeing Max for a while now. I guess you could call me his girlfriend.”

  “Charlie, don’t—” Foster’s plea went unnoticed.

  “Really? Max never mentioned you to us. He always tells us the important parts of his life. Especially women.”

  “We’ve been seeing each other for almost a year.” Charlie sounded surprised.

  “And yet, we’ve never even heard him speak your name before. What does that tell you?”

  Tears ran down Charlie’s face. Her mouth hung slightly agape. Sloane would’ve felt bad, if she wasn’t such a bitch to her. Sloane watched her face harden. Charlie glared at her.

  “Don’t think for one minute that he won’t drop you just as quickly when the next pretty face comes along.”

  “I’m not your competition, Charlie. I know better than to try and tie him down. That’s why I called it off with Max weeks ago.”

  Caroline placed her hand on Sloane’s shoulder, urging Sloane to turn and look at her. “That’s why you ended it?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I need stability in my…situation. I’m not built for a two a.m. phone call when he’s lonely.”

  “Go to Hell,” Charlie spat.

  “I’m not judging you. If you’re okay with that kind of relationship, good for you. I just know I’m not.”

  Charlie eyed her angrily. “I’m a stronger woman than you, that’s why. He’ll be back. He always comes back.”

  Adeline waved her pointed finger around. “Well that’s horse wash. Sloane is willing to walk away from the man she loves because she won’t settle for less than she deserves. That’s what I call strength.”

  Caroline smiled. “Well said, Addy.”

  “You make me sound like a martyr.” Sloane couldn’t help but laugh. “In reality, I’m just selfish. I want it all or nothing.”

  A short round nurse interrupted.

  “Max is awake now and asking for a Sloane.”

  “Go on, dear. Tell him.” Adeline patted her shoulder.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Taking a deep breath, Sloane followed the nurse to Max’s room. The woman opened the door for her before ushering her inside. Max lay there with his eyes closed, his chest rising and falling with each breath. Beeping machines were the only sound in the room. He should have looked fragile lying there like he was, but she could never see Max as anything other the epitome of strength.

  Approaching the side of the bed, she placed her hand on his. Max opened his eyes slowly. His radiant smile almost melted her right there and then. What she wouldn’t give to be on the receiving end of it every day.

  “You’re here.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  “I told you I would keep you safe.”

  “Yes, you did.”

  Max groaned. He probably couldn’t feel much from all the painkillers, but he looked exhausted. “We…need to have a conversation.”

  “I agree.” She sighed.




  Max knew Sloane felt guilty about him getting shot. It was wrong to exploit that, but he would worry about that later. Right now he had to tell her how he felt and make her stay. He patted the space on the bed beside him. Sloane slowly lowered herself onto the mattress.

  “I know we don’t know everything about each other. I’ve never really wanted to know much more than what gets a woman off, to be honest with you. I’ve seen too many relationships go south to actually want to be in one.”

  “I know, Max. I’m not asking you for one.”

  “Let me finish. I never believed my Gram when she told me one day I’d find a woman who would make me want to spend every moment with her. I do now. I’ve missed you, Sloane. I’ve missed your smile, your laugh, the way you look at me. I want to be with you. I see everything I never knew I wanted in a woman when I look at you.”

  Sloane was crying. Was that a good thing or a bad th
ing? Her blue eyes shimmered. Max hoped like hell that they were tears of joy. She lowered her head to try to hide it from him, but it was too late. He couldn’t lose her. He pressed on.

  “I’m ruined, baby. No one else will do. You’re all I want. You’re everything I need and I refuse to let you walk away again without a fight. Do you understand that? Look at me, Sloane.”

  She raised her head. She was still in her gown with his blood covering part of her dress and arm. Most of her hair was still pulled back except those damn bangs had come loose. Max pushed them off of her face. He used the motion to allow him to cup her cheek. He stroked his thumb across the smooth skin a few times. She leaned into his touch. She was so damn beautiful. With a pounding heart, Max decided it was time to go all in.

  “I refuse to let you go. I love you, Sloane.”

  “You what?” She gasped.

  “I love you, baby.”

  Sloane stood up and paced the room. Now he was starting to worry. He thought for sure she was going to turn and walk out. He didn’t know what else he could say to make her stay, but he needed to come up with something.

  “You love me?” She whispered it like a prayer.



  She took her bottom lip in between her teeth, worrying it as she sat down beside him again. She looked unsure of herself. He knew the moment she gained the courage she was looking for. Her shoulders squared and she sat up straighter, determination painting her face.

  “There’s no easy way to say this to you, so I’m just going to say it. You’re going to be a father.”

  Of all the things he thought she would say to him, that wasn’t one of them. Not even close. He was going to be a father. He understood the words. He just couldn’t reconcile them pertaining to him.


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