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Protecting What's Mine: A Security Romance Collection

Page 66

by Apryl Baker

  Colossians 3:25: For the wrongdoer will be paid back for the wrong he has done, and there is no partiality.

  Yours in Jesus,


  I move the cursor over the reply button. I know I shouldn’t click on it, and that’s what everyone has told me, but this is bordering on threatening and has me kind of spooked. I decide not to because I know that I could piss this person off even more, and they already seem plenty pissed at me.

  Maybe I should print it out so Jack can look at it. I know he wanted me to tell him if I got emailed again, but I don’t want to burden him with this. Ugh…what to do, what to do?

  I decide to save it for now, and maybe I’ll talk to him later. I save the email in a folder I mark,

  “Stuff for Jack.”

  I make my way into the kitchen and whip up a quick sandwich. I lean against the counter while I eat. Once I finish, I grab Fifty out of his cage and lay out some greens for him. While he munches on it, I clean out his cage and give him fresh food and water.

  Once that’s done I put his leash on him and take him outside to hop around the yard. I wrap his leash around my wrist so he doesn’t jump away and he’s not far from me while I pull weeds in my flower beds.

  “Hey, Harley.” I turn and see Delilah standing at the entrance to the backyard.

  I stand up and wipe my hands off on my shorts. I bend down and pick Fifty up in my arms. I’ve never seen someone who has that beautiful pregnancy glow, but she’s radiant. I’ve never seen her mom, but I’ve seen Jack so it’s no surprise that she’s gorgeous. It’s almost a little intimidating.

  “Hi, Del. How are you?” Every time I see her, her little baby bump gets bigger and bigger. “You look great.”

  She strokes a hand over her belly. “Thanks. I swear I’m bigger than with either of the other kids. Of course I wasn’t planning on this one, but we love surprises in this family.” Delilah picks up Fifty out of my hands, snuggling him to her chest. “My dad’s watching the kids for us tonight. He says that you’re coming over to help.”

  My face heats up and I look anywhere but at Delilah. I turn back to her when she places her hand on my arm. “I’m sorry, I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable. I shouldn’t have said anything.” She says the last bit softly, almost to herself.

  “It’s seriously okay. You didn’t…I’m just worried because what if things don’t work out? I’d hate to lose you as a friend. To be honest I don’t have many friends, and I don’t want to lose that.”

  I hate admitting that, but there’s no sense in lying about it. For as long as I’ve known Delilah and Reece I haven’t had people over, and I hang out with them and their friends.

  “I promise you that no matter what happens with him, you will always be my friend.” She sets Fifty down and wraps her arms around me. “I mean it, okay?”

  I nod. “Thank you for that.”

  We talk for a few more minutes before she walks back over to her house. I pick up Fifty, carry him inside, and put him in his cage. In my bedroom, I pull out some clean clothes and take a shower.

  After I’m finished I throw on my black jogging shorts and an old Britney Spears t-shirt. I decide to go makeup free and blow dry my hair before putting it in a high ponytail.

  I head into the living room and peek out the front window; I see Jack’s truck, but instead of it being in Reece and Del’s driveway, it’s in mine.

  There’s something about seeing his truck parked in my driveway, but I push it away. I have to remind myself that eventually everyone leaves me. Ugh, how could I let myself forget that? I was blinded by a few really amazing orgasms.

  I flop down on the couch and sigh. Now I want to just sit here and pout, but I don’t—instead I stand up and shake off the melancholy. In the kitchen I pour myself half a glass of wine, but pour it back into the bottle.

  I grab a Coke Zero out of the refrigerator, grab my keys, and then head next door.


  I close the book in my hand and smile down at the sleeping princess snuggled up next to me. Tonight has been such a good night, and my pity party ended immediately. Charlie immediately had me build her a fort that we sat in while we watched Disney movie after Disney movie.

  Poor little Jackson tried getting in it with us, but Charlie would shout, “No boys” and chase him out. She finally let him in when Jack crawled in with him. After the fort and movies, we had pizza together.

  For a brief moment I could picture in my head that this could be Jack and I with our children. Yes, I know that’s jumping the gun, but a girl can dream, can’t she? After we ate, I washed both kids up while Jack straightened the kitchen.

  Both the kids had baths before I got there, so I helped Jack get them into their jammies. I think Jack even made me fall in love with him a little bit; he was so good with his grandkids. They climbed all over him, and he didn’t even care.

  It was very obvious that they both love him very much, especially Charlie, but then again, I can understand the bond they share since Jack is the one who delivered her.

  When Jack gave little Jackson his last bottle and rocked him asleep it made my heart swell, but then it also made me sad. If I ever get lucky and have children, they would only have his parents to be grandparents.

  Now I’m lying on a Frozen comforter with Charlie snuggled against me. I ease off the bed and then cover her with her blanket. I bend down, brushing one of her wild brunette curls away from her little cherub face and kiss her forehead.

  When I stand up, I freeze. Jack’s watching me from the doorway with a look on his face that warms me all over. On my way out of her room, I turn on her nightlight. I reach Jack and he pulls me into his arms. He doesn’t say anything—just continues to stare at me.

  “W-What, Jack?”

  He says nothing but then he just bends down and takes my lips in a fierce kiss. Somehow he gets us downstairs and then I’m straddling him on the couch. Jack grips my ponytail, holding me immobile.

  I grind against his cock, which is rock hard. Jack moans into my mouth, and I swear I get extremely wet. I grip his t-shirt in my fist, and I’m so blind with lust right now.

  “Oh shit!”

  I fly up off the couch with Jack standing behind me as Reece and Delilah walk into the living room. My face, I’m sure, is a dark shade of red right now. “I-uh…I-uh…Hi.”

  I try to step away from Jack, but he rests his hands on my shoulders and whispers in my ear, “Don’t move.”

  I’m not stupid—I know he’s using me to hide that fact that he has an erection from his daughter. Delilah can’t stop smiling, and Reece is coughing to—very poorly—disguise his laughter.

  I swear I could seriously cry right now—I’m completely mortified. Maybe Del can tell because she very casually asks how the kids were.

  “They were great. Jackson went to bed real good, but Charlie tried to squeeze out as many bedtime stories as she could get before she finally passed out,” Jack says, and his erection is obviously gone because he moves around me to pick up the fort blankets from the floor.

  “I appreciate you guys watching them,” Reece says as he moves to help Jack with the mess on the floor.

  Delilah asks me to join her in the kitchen for some tea. Once there, she gets the water going and then sits across from me. “What did you guys end up doing?” I ask.

  “We went for dinner and then went to see the new Keanu Reeves movie.” She places her hands over her heart. “He gets better and better with age.”

  I nod in agreement. It’s obvious she’s trying to make me—again—feel at ease. The tea kettle whistles, and Del gets up. I watch her as she pours each of us a cup. “What do you take in your tea?”

  “Um…milk and sugar, please.” She returns to the table with both of our cups. Del takes a sip and sighs. “I miss coffee, but I’ve figured out how to make this almost as good…almost.”

  I take a sip, and I’m not a huge fan of tea, but this is pretty good. The guys join us, and I feel just a l
ittle awkward when Jack sits next to me and puts his arm on the back of my chair, leaning into me.

  We don’t hang out long before Del starts yawning, and to be honest I’m tired too. I stand up with Jack following. They walk us to the door, and Del gives me a hug. Reece surprises me by doing the same.

  Jack leads me outside, grabs my hand in his, and walks me to my house. I grab my keys and unlock the door. It’s not even a second thought to bring Jack inside. I lock the front door and drop my keys on the kitchen counter.

  I feel him behind me and do a full body shiver as he brushes my ponytail away from my neck. His lips move slowly up my neck, causing goosebumps to break out all over my skin. Jack nips my earlobe and I moan.

  He grips my ponytail, using it to tip my head back. I think he’s going to kiss my lips, but instead he begins to lick and nip the skin at the base of my throat. I whimper and hold onto the counter to keep myself from falling over.

  With his free hand, Jack reaches around and cups my breast, tweaking my nipple through my bra. I moan and writhe as he assaults every inch of my neck. It’s quite possible that I could have an orgasm right now.

  Jack pulls away and roughly turns me around. I’m suddenly in his arms with my legs wrapped around his waist. I grab his face and slam my lips down on his. He moves through my house and then crawls onto my bed with me still wrapped around him.

  He wastes no time getting me naked—it’s like I’ve suddenly unleashed the beast inside him. I swear a growl rips from his throat as he moves down my body, sucking one nipple into his mouth. Jack nips the tip, causing me to cry out and arch my back.

  He gives the other nipple the same treatment. Again he begins to descend down my body until he reaches my pussy. Jack wastes no time dragging his tongue through my wet folds and sucking my clit into his mouth.

  This man eats pussy like he’s on a mission. I moan as he pushes one, then two fingers inside me. He tickles that ridge inside me that makes my body shudder so violently that he has to pin my hips down with an arm across them.

  Jack sucks my clit into his mouth, tickles that spot, and then presses down on my lower stomach. A pressure builds and I try pushing his head away, or pulling it closer—I’m so dizzy I can’t tell which is happening.

  When I come, I come so hard my vision goes white. I know I’m gushing all over Jack and I can’t even think…I can’t even drum up enough brainpower to be embarrassed.

  I’m barely aware of what’s happening before I feel Jack thrust inside me. He kisses me and I taste myself, and fuck me, I’m ready to come again. Jack pulls almost all the way out before thrusting back in. He groans against my mouth, and it makes me quiver.

  I feel so full, and even though I’m very wet, it’s still a tight fit. “Fuck baby, you feel so good,” Jack says against my lips before pulling almost all the way out and slamming back into me. “Shit, I’m close already.” He reaches between us and begins to strum my clit.

  The feeling below starts to build. Jack grabs my thigh, pulling it up and increasing his thrusts. I cry out as he hits me so deep inside there’s a bite of pain, but I welcome it. “Jack,” I moan as I begin to come again.

  If it’s even possible, he starts thrusting harder until he plants himself, buries his face in my neck, and groans as I feel him begin to come.

  I stroke his back as we both struggle to catch our breath. Jack pushes up and smiles down at me. “Are you okay? I think I lost control a little bit there.”

  I’m smiling like a loon, but I don’t care. I reach up, stroking his cheek. “I’m great.”

  “Good. Let me get rid of this condom.” Oh God, I didn’t even realize that he’d put one on. He eases out of me and kisses me between my breasts before disappearing out into the hall, and then a few minutes later he returns to my room.

  God, he is so sexy. That’s all I can think as he walks back into the bedroom in all his naked glory. He crawls into bed beside me and pulls me into his arms. “I’m on the wet spot,” I say, snuggling into him. “But I don’t care.”

  He flips us around, and I snuggle back into him. “Thank you for spending time with me and the kids tonight.”

  “You’re welcome. I had a lot of fun.”

  Jack kisses my forehead, and I feel myself falling asleep. The last thought I have is that I’m in trouble. I’m falling for this man already, but I don’t think I could stop it if I tried.

  Chapter Ten


  I roll over in bed and moan. My body aches, but it was so worth it. I know it’d been a long time since I’ve been with someone and the same for him—of course he knew how to play my body, causing me to come multiple times.

  I reach out and touch his side of the bed and it’s cold. Did he leave? I sniff the air and don’t smell food cooking. After climbing out of bed, I throw on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top, go into the bathroom and take care of business, then wash my face and brush my teeth.

  “Jack?” I call out, but he doesn’t answer. In the living room I peek out the window and see that his truck is still in the driveway. I move to let Fifty out of his cage, but the door is open and he’s not in there.

  In the kitchen I find a pot of coffee and pour myself a cup. I move toward the back door and look out. My heart—I swear—skips a beat as I take in the sight in front of me. Jack is in the backyard with Fifty on his leash and Charlie next to him with her little hand in his.

  The way he’s smiling at her is a thing of pure beauty. I reach up and touch the tears that are leaking from my eyes. I hate myself because I’m jealous. I hope that sweet little girl knows how lucky she is to have so many people who love her.

  I hurry down the hall to my bathroom and splash some cold water on my face. I take a deep breath and get myself together. When I step out into the hall, I hear the back door open.

  “Whewes Hawey?” I hear as I walk down the hall.

  “She’s sleeping, sweetheart,” Jack answers her.

  Moving into the kitchen, I smile when Charlie sees me. “Hi, sweetheart.” She charges me, and I pick her up. “What are you doing?”

  “Papa and Fiffy was outside. I go see them.” She wraps her arms around my neck. “I’m hungwy.”

  “How about some pancakes?” I ask her and then look at Jack. “Do pancakes sound okay?”

  “I actually need to get going. I’ve got a case I’m working on and need to do some follow-up.”

  Okay, I wasn’t expecting that. I watch him put Fifty back in his cage and lay his leash on top.

  I set Charlie down and she goes over to Jack and takes his hand. “I’m going to take her home, and then head out.” He comes to me and kisses me quickly on the lips. “I’ll call you later.”

  Just like that he’s gone, and I feel like I was just given the kiss of death. I lock the back door and pour myself a cup of coffee. After popping a piece of toast in the toaster, I slather it in almond butter and then carry it back into my office. Drowning myself in work will be the perfect way for me to distract myself from wondering about Jack and his sudden departure.

  I slip on my noise-canceling headphones, pull up my book, and turn on Pandora.

  After two solid hours of watching the blinking cursor, I stand up from my desk. My body is stiff and sore and I take some ibuprofen. I decide to take a break because I just can’t focus, and there’s no sense in sitting in front of my computer when the words aren’t coming.

  I remember when writer’s block used to happen in the beginning and I would freak out and cry. Now, I just take a break and try to relax and clear my mind.

  In my bedroom I close the room-darkening shades and crawl onto my bed. I bury my nose in the pillow that Jack slept on and inhale his unique woodsy scent. I curl up and clear my mind, and in no time I feel myself fade into a deep sleep.

  Bam, bam, bam…Bam, bam, bam.

  I push up in my bed. “What’s going on?” I murmur, my voice gruff with sleep.

  Stumbling out of bed, I make my way down the hall and look out the w
indow. Jack is at the door fiddling with the lock. I quickly unlock the door and pull it open. Jack rushes in, wrapping his arms around me. “Thank God. You didn’t answer your phone. Del came over and knocked and knocked, and you didn’t answer.”

  “I-I was having some writer’s block and laid down for a bit.” That’s when I notice it’s dusk. “What time is it?”

  He kisses my forehead and pulls back. “It’s seven.”

  “Oh geez, I slept all day.” My stomach growls loudly and Jack chuckles.

  “Do you want me to order a pizza?”

  I’m so confused right now, and I seriously thought when he left he was gone for good. “Um…yeah, pizza sounds great. I’m going to go get freshened up.” Jack pulls out his phone and kisses me before disappearing into my kitchen.

  In the bathroom I brush my teeth and my hair before braiding it. When I head back into the kitchen Jack’s on the phone but holds his hand out to me. “Yeah, sweetheart, she was just asleep and didn’t hear us.” He listens, and I can hear Delilah’s voice but not what she’s saying. “I love you too.”

  He sets his phone down and wraps his arms around me. “Sorry I worried you guys. I took some ibuprofen and maybe it knocked me out.”

  “I’m just glad you’re okay. I ordered us a large pizza with the works. Is that okay?”

  I nod and grab the pitcher of iced tea out of the refrigerator, pouring us both a glass.

  When the pizza comes we sit on the couch and demolish half of it. We finish eating and I take the leftover pizza into the kitchen and shove it into the refrigerator. I grab Jack a beer and join him back on the couch.

  You’d think because I slept all day I’d be wide awake, but instead I rest my head on Jack’s shoulder while we finish up some western with Chris Pratt and Denzel Washington in it. It isn’t longer before I’m in snoozeville.

  I wake as I’m being lifted, and snuggle into him. “I’m sorry I fell asleep. This guy wore me out last night and maybe he zapped all of my energy.”

  “Oh yeah? I bet he was really good-looking.”


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