Aiden (Grim Sinners MC Book 4)

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Aiden (Grim Sinners MC Book 4) Page 14

by LeAnn Ashers

  Aiden gets inside the truck, and he is pissed. His jaw is clenched, his eyes darkened. “Fucking pussy,” he growls.

  “I’m just confused as to why he was there.”

  Aiden relaxes his hand and intertwines our fingers. “I don’t know, baby, but it won’t matter much longer.”

  I know what that means. I know that he has something planned for my father. I don’t want to know the details, but I will rest easy knowing that he is out of my life. For so many years I was so afraid he would show up and do god knows what. He is literally psycho. He used to kill my animals so I wouldn’t say anything; then it just got to the point that he was killing for the heck of it. That’s when I did what I had to do to get out.

  He always tried to have the upper hand with me. He would randomly show up at my softball games, and I would run for the bus. He would watch, smiling, as it drove away.

  After those moments, I had so much fear in my heart that I just went through the motions of day-to-day life in a daze.

  For years I was numb, trying to forget.

  Then I turned twenty-one and everything changed. It all started hitting me at once, and the fear and depression affected my everyday life.

  I wasn’t going to let him win by continuing to have power over me. I took my fate in my own hands and went into intense therapy. It was not easy—none of it was easy—but it was worth it.

  I look over at Aiden. He is a sign that I’m moving on and living my life. I was scared to be with him—no, I was terrified. I was terrified of being alone but, at the same time, I was scared to be in a close relationship. But then I pushed through that and threw caution to the wind. It was the best decision I have ever made.

  I am so happy. I am right-down-to-my-very-core happy. I go to sleep happy, and I wake up even happier because I am surrounded by those I love.

  We return to his house—I should probably say it’s mine too. I am not sure what to do with my house. I haven’t really been there since I met Aiden.

  Laurie is waiting for us at the door, and right behind her is Walker. Aiden growls under his breath at the sight of him. I try not to laugh, because it’s been weeks now and it hasn’t gotten any easier for him. Walker is absolutely head over heels for Laurie.

  “Well, are you?” She is practically bouncing with excitement.

  Aiden grins widely. I know he beyond proud that we’re having twins. It must be a man thing.

  “Yes, with two.” He gloats and I laugh at Laurie’s expression. She looks down at my stomach and then at my face. “Two,” she whispers.


  She throws her arms up and starts screaming, and she runs over and hugs me, crying. “I will have four grand-babies,” she says between her sobs.

  I try not to cry, but this is an amazing moment. Leah steps out onto the porch, smiling. Laurie holds up two fingers. I nod and Leah runs over to Aiden and hugs him. He picks her up like she’s a small child and hugs her tightly.

  I love the relationship they have. She is always attached to his hip from the moment he gets home. They go fishing, and he teaches her how to change a tire and shoot a gun.

  “I think they’ll be boys,” Leah says, grinning and still hugging Aiden, who is eating it up.

  I touch my stomach. “I’m fine with whatever God gives me.”

  Laurie hugs me again before Walker pulls her away into his arms. She rolls her eyes. “I was hugging her.”

  He shrugs. “Those are my hugs. I share you for a bit, and then it’s time for you to get back where you belong.” He kisses the top of her head, smirking. Laurie just grins and I know she loves it.

  Aiden, on the other hand, is glaring at both of them. “Can you guys chill the fuck out in front of me?”

  Walker grins, turns her around, and kisses her passionately. I have to look away and Leah hides her eyes.

  “I’m going to kill him,” Aiden growls and sets Leah down.

  “Aiden.” Laurie gives him the mom look, and he walks into the house, pissed off. Not able to hold it in anymore, I burst out laughing. She joins in, and together we walk arm in arm into the house.

  Walker is leaning against the wall, grinning, his arms crossed. He is totally trying to get on Aiden’s nerves for the hell of it.

  Laurie smacks him gently on the chest. “Behave, Walker.”

  He pulls her to his chest. “That’s not what you said last night.”

  I cover my ears. “AHH.” I so don’t want to hear that. Aiden is completely pale and horrified. We all pretend that we didn’t hear those words come out of his mouth. Some things are better off forgotten.

  Aiden shakes his head and walks into the kitchen, and I take out the ultrasound pictures and show Laurie the babies.

  “Can I have one?” she asks.

  “Yes.” I tear one off for her, and tears are in her eyes. “Are you okay, Laurie?” I ask her as Walker leaves the room.

  She nods and wipes her eyes. “I’m just happy. He is amazing and he treats me so well. You’re so used to doing everything alone, and then someone comes along flipping your world upside down. I love him.”

  I pull her into a hug. I can understand where she is coming from on certain levels. She raised Aiden all alone, sometimes working three jobs, and now Walker is here, taking care of her.

  “You deserve to be happy.” I lean back and wipe away the rest of her tears.

  I hear Reid crying from his playpen, and I walk over and pick him up. “Did my boy miss me?” I rub his back, rocking him side to side.

  He stops crying and rests his head on my chest. “Are you tired, huh?” I put his pacifier in his mouth and sit down on the couch, rocking him to sleep. Aiden sits down on the couch next to me, pulling both me and Reid against one side with Leah on the other.

  We all snuggle on the couch watching TV. Laurie and Walker take the love seat. I love this. I love the little moments. They mean the most in the end. These are the things you remember. I’m going to remember Reid snuggling against my chest. Leah running to Aiden, so happy and carefree.

  The moment I found out that I was pregnant, the look on his face, and the way I felt. Every single bit of it will stay in my mind forever.


  It’s time for me to put an end to it. It’s time for me to put him in the ground, making him pay for his sins.

  He is home. I can see him sitting on the fucking couch like he doesn’t have a worry in the world. Little does he know I am right outside his trailer. I have the guys standing all around me.

  I know his play, when she was younger, was to try to scare her.

  I am shaking. The anger I feel is something I cannot put into words. I’ve held her as she sobbed into my chest, telling me what he did to her, the horrible fucking things.

  She is so strong; she went through so much and she is still smiling. She is beautiful; her heart is beautiful.

  She knew what I am doing tonight. She kissed me and sent me on my way. This is for her.

  I walk down the small hill and bust down the front door. I am not going to put a bullet in his head and call it good. Oh no, this is going to happen a different way.

  He jumps up, turning off the TV. He is in underwear and a stained white T-shirt.

  “What are you guys doing here?” he screeches. I want to tear out his fucking tongue so I don’t have to hear another word coming out of that mouth of his. My stomach burns with anger, and the longer I look at him the worse it gets. “You’re coming with me.”

  The prospects grip his arms and drag him out of the house. Logan hands me the gasoline, and I pour it in the hallway.

  I come to a bedroom, and my hands are shaking as I open the door. It’s a little girl’s room. I walk over to her dresser and open the drawer. I see a piece of paper, torn and brown from age.

  Everything just hurts.

  I lie in my bed every night and pray that I am rescued, that one night I can sleep without the fear of being woken up by him.

  I am so scared. I am ten years old. What
can I do?

  It’s getting worse. My stomach hurts because I haven’t been allowed to eat in two days.

  He laughs as he eats food in front of me, but I don’t care. Maybe if I die, then I won’t have to suffer again.

  I’d rather not have food than him touch me again.

  My wishes are never answered. He’s done it over and over again for as long as I can remember.

  It’s like I’m dead inside. I’m numb to anything anymore. I stare at the mold crawling up the walls in my bedroom. Maybe that will take me out?

  I hold onto the hope that one day everything will be better. I won’t be here forever.

  I think of the days when I will have peace.

  To the future Gracelyn, I can’t wait for you.

  That just fucking tears my heart into pieces. With shaking hands, I set it down on the dresser. I am burning down all the shit in this house.

  This is a new beginning; I am fucking killing all of her demons.

  I walk into the room and take great pleasure in seeing him hanging from the ceiling. I have waited for this day for months. He looks rough. I know it’s been fucking with him that I haven’t come for him until now.

  “How’s your brother?” I gloat.

  He glares at me.

  “That doesn’t fucking scare me. You’re just a big pussy. You have to hurt little girls to feel powerful.” I grip his throat, wanting nothing more than to tear his throat out.

  His eyes widen. I think it’s finally sinking in that there’s no getting out of this one.

  I walk over to the wall of hell and take down some steel knuckles; then I stand in front of him. “You’re going to die today. It’s going to be fucking hell. Don’t even bother begging because you’re not getting out of this.”

  His arms are shaking above his head, and his eyes are clenched shut.

  “LOOK AT ME!” I roar.

  His eyes snap open.

  “That’s what you used to say to her, isn’t it?” I ask him, vomit crawling up my throat at the sight of him.

  “I’m sorry,” he manages to get out through his trembling mouth.

  What do I do? I laugh. “What the fuck am I going to do with that? You raped my woman, the mother of my kids, for YEARS! You think I will let that go?” I punch him hard in the face. I hear a crack and his jaw hangs loosely.

  “Talk now, fucker.” I smack his broken jawbone.

  He screams and I laugh. I may look fucking crazy, but I can taste it. Revenge. I hit him over and over, until his face is unrecognizable. He leans over and spits out blood.

  Logan hands me a pair of pliers, and I take his hand and pull out his fingernails slowly one at time.

  “I bet you’re feeling a little cold aren’t you?” I take the acid off the ground and pour it over his head.

  He shakes all over as the liquid runs all the way down to his feet. He shakes his head and hair falls to the floor. I let him stand there in agony for two hours, watching as he wakes up and passes out over and over again from the pain. I don’t feel one ounce of regret. The only fucking thing I hate right now is being away from my family. I take the gun off the counter. “Look at me.” I demand as I step in front of him.

  He manages to get his eyes open.

  “I want to be the last thing you see before you reach hell.” I put the gun to his head and pull the trigger. His head flies back and he slumps over. The prospects take him down and drag him to the back of the property, where the hole is already dug.

  They lay him next to the hole, and I look down at his body. If you can even call it that.

  “May you rest in pieces, fucker.” I kick him into the hole.

  I stare at him and feel peace; I feel peace for her. For the rest of her life, she can know that he is gone and she will never see him again.

  I take out my gun and shoot him again for good measure, as the prospects cover him with dirt.

  I stay until he is completely buried. “I hope you enjoy hell.” I turn my back to the grave and walk to my bike. I just want to go home.

  The moment I pull up, she opens the door for me. When I step inside the house, she wraps her arms around me.

  I hold her, kissing the top of her head. “You okay?”

  She pulls back and looks at me, her eyes filled with tears. “Is it over?” she asks, like she is afraid.

  I cup her face. “It’s over. He is dead.”

  She nods, resting her head on my chest. “It’s like I can breathe fully for the first time.”

  “I love you.”

  She leans up and kisses me. “And I love you.”



  A few weeks later

  I am feeding Reid his lunch, his beautiful blue eyes staring at me. “Open wide.” I move the spoon toward his mouth.

  He doesn’t move but continues to stare at me. I set the spoon down, getting kind of scared.

  Just as I am about to take him out of the high chair, he grins and smacks the tray. “Ma ma ma ma.”

  My heart stops. The waterworks happen, and there’s no stopping them. I lift him out of his seat and hug him.

  My heart is so full.


  I watch from the door as they have this moment together. She has changed a lot over the past couple of weeks. She is lighter and happier, and it’s like she laughed fully and completely for the first time.

  I don’t think she realized how much of a burden it was having him alive until he was gone. All the anxiety and stress has slowly melted away.

  I love her more every single day. I didn’t think that was possible, but I do. The way she takes care of Leah and Reid is the sexiest thing I have seen.

  She loves with her whole heart, and I am happy to have a part of that. I back away from the door, smiling, and let her have her moment.

  Seven months later

  If anybody ever says that pregnancy is easy, they’re lying. I am pregnant with two babies instead of one and, on top of that, it’s hotter than Satan’s balls outside.

  Reid is one year old now, and Leah is changing before my eyes every single day. She is sassy—she puts all the MC guys in their place. Aiden thinks it’s the most hilarious thing.

  On top of playing softball, she is in karate. Her words were, “You can’t always rely on a weapon. I want to be the weapon.” Aiden was floating on air; he signed her up the very next day.

  Reid has turned into a complete momma’s boy. He wants me to hold him all the time—not that I mind. He is crawling all over the place. We had to baby proof everything.

  It’s been very peaceful. The drug problem has been completely eradicated.

  We are currently at a barbecue at the club. I shift Reid higher on my hip and wobble over to the food table—just as I feel something wet fall down my leg.

  I look up at the person in front of me, and it’s Travis. His eyes are on my legs. He points at my legs before running to Aiden.

  That’s when the contraction hits. I grip the table and grit my teeth, waiting for it to pass. Through the pain of my contraction, I hear yelling and feet pounding toward me. “Gracie.” Aiden wraps his arm around me, and Laurie takes Reid.

  “My water broke.”

  His eyes widen and he looks down at my stomach, like the babies’ heads are just going to pop out and say peek a boo! He bends over and picks me up bridal style.

  “I can walk, Aiden,” I tell him and he shakes his head furiously.

  Leah runs over to us. “Is it finally time?” she asks, her eyes lit with happiness.

  “Yes.” I touch her face and she runs off, yelling for Tiffany that her brothers are coming.

  Oh, did I mention that I am having twin boys? Leah is in for it for sure with three brothers.

  Logan opens Aiden’s truck door and sets me inside. I grip his hand, not allowing him to leave just yet. “Let’s do this,” I whisper, feeling kind of overwhelmed that this is actually happening.

  He cups my jaw. “Let’s meet our boys.” He kisses me so
tenderly that I want to cry. I can feel so much love and emotion in that kiss.

  A forever amount of hours later

  Aiden is lying in bed with me. I have one baby on my chest, and Aiden has the other.

  Meet Alex and Jacob; they are identical twins. I can tell them apart because Alex has bigger ears.

  “I am so tired,” I confess. The labor was hell.

  “Go to sleep, sweetheart. You did so amazing. I am so proud of you.” He kisses me and smooths my hair out of my face.

  I feel like I am a hundred feet tall at his compliment. I close my eyes and rest my head on his shoulder.

  Aiden takes Alex from me and holds him against his chest too. I turn over slightly, resting my hands against my babies.

  “We are so blessed, Aiden.” I rub the back of Jacob’s head.

  “Thank you for giving me this beautiful life,” he tells me. I just fell more in love with him.

  All my dreams are coming true. Wait, no. They have come true, and it’s way better than I ever expected.

  I fall asleep with everything right in the world—with my babies and Aiden.


  Leah 16

  “What the fuck are you saying, Leah?” Aiden growls, standing up from the couch. Leah is holding her own against Aiden because she wants to go on her first date.

  “Dad, please. He will be here soon,” she pleads, giving him her puppy eyes.

  Jacob, Reid, Alex, and I are silently laughing on the couch. I know this is Aiden’s worst nightmare come true.

  Reid, Jacob, and Alex are glued to each other at the hip, and they are always getting into trouble.

  Aiden closes his eyes, trying to compose himself. “What the fuck do you mean he will be here soon?”

  Leah nods her head slowly. “He will be here soon. Please, Dad.” She folds her hands in front of her chest.

  His eyes narrow on her like he is daring her to say another word. I hear a beep on the wall letting us know someone’s at the gate.

  Her eyes widen, and she makes a run for the keypad on the wall. Aiden tries to catch her, but she pushes the button before he can reach her.

  “Leah!” he yells and I burst out laughing, not able to help myself anymore.


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