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Kitty Kitty

Page 13

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  My lips twitched. “I never said you were dumb.”

  “No,” she agreed, “but you have to admit, you weren’t hiding your feelings very well at all.”

  She did have a point.

  But then again, I hadn’t really been trying to hide my feelings as much as I was just trying to get to the man that those feelings were for, and at the time, I hadn’t wanted anyone to get in my way.

  “Anyway,” she continued, reading my thoughts as only a mother could, “I just let you be, because I knew that you needed this. Whatever that is.” She gestured to my ring.

  “It’s forever,” I admitted. “We’ve spent the last few years battling the feelings, and obviously we’re both tired of trying.”

  She snorted. “I…”

  “Babe!” Dad shouted out down the hall. “There’s someone here with a really massive goddamn cake that I’m sure cost a couple hundred bucks, and I have no fuckin’ clue where to put it!”

  Mom sighed as she picked up her cut off the bed.

  On it said ‘Property of Shiva’ in worn white embroidered letters.

  Shiva was my father’s ‘road name’ that the club had given him.

  Upon seeing it on my mother’s shoulders, I suddenly yearned for the same exact thing.

  Property of Sin had a nice ring to it, didn’t it?

  “Come on,” I gestured to June. “I want to see my favorite people in the world and remind them who the best aunt is.”

  “Who their only aunt is,” June corrected me, bumping me with her shoulder.

  I scoffed. “Best and only.”

  When we arrived back outside to the party, it was to see that quite a few people had arrived.

  One of those few people being my grandfather and his wife, Sawyer.

  “Papa!” I called out loudly.

  My grandfather whirled, still spry for his age, and grinned like a fuckin’ loon when he saw me.

  Then I was running toward him, hurdling myself into his arms like I’d done a thousand times over my lifetime.

  When his big arms closed around me, I felt like I was home.

  “Glad to see you here, baby girl.” Silas Mackenzie was a rough and gruff biker, but he had a soft spot for his family. Especially for his girls. “How was the trip over?”

  The trip over wasn’t nearly as boring as it’d once been. Especially since I’d spent the trip pressed up against a certain man’s muscular back.

  “It was great,” I said. “I got to stop at my favorite Arby’s.”

  He grumbled under his breath. “That place is shit.”

  The place was shit, but it was still good.

  “You say tomato, I say tomato.” I shrugged.

  June was there beside me in the next moment, and my grandfather let me go momentarily to wrap her up in a hug, too.

  “Junie,” he rumbled. “Glad to see you brought our wayward grandson home.”

  Her eyes gleamed. “I’ve decided to try to do it on a more permanent basis soon.” Her eyes trailed over to me, and then to Sin. “You mind if I steal Blaise for a few seconds?”

  My grandfather winked. “Sure thing. Because there’s a little shithead that’s been avoiding the hell out of me, and I see he’s penned in right now and won’t be able to do it today.”

  I looked where he was looking to see him staring at Zach, who was standing next to the fence with his back to it, while his mother and father spoke with him not a few feet away.

  Once we were gone, June nudged me with her shoulder. “Hey.”

  I turned to look at her. “What?”

  “He’s in a motorcycle club?” June asked, her brows raised to her hairline.

  I followed her gaze over to Sin who had his back to me.

  He had his cut on, and I could see every single detail of it.

  The top rocker read ‘Souls Chapel Revenants’ and the bottom read ‘Souls Chapel, Texas.’

  Then there was the rather large skull in the middle with flames surrounding it smoking a cigar with a top hat on his head.

  It was really cool.

  “Ummm,” I hesitated. “Yeah, he is.”

  My dad and him were shoulder to shoulder.

  My dad’s cut, a worn old thing that looked like it’d been put through hell and back through the years, looked downright faded compared to Sin’s very obviously newer one.

  My dad’s club, the Dixie Wardens MC, had always been a lifeline for me.

  But now that Sin and I were actually a thing, a sudden thought occurred to me.

  My loyalties were no longer with only the Dixie Wardens.

  Now my loyalties were split between two clubs. The Souls Chapel Revenants were slowly starting to mean just as much to me as a club that I’d spent my whole life being protected by.

  It was a really weird feeling.

  “Johnny talked about prospecting for a club down in Texas, but he can’t find the time. Not with all the work he’s doing overtime wise with the police department, and spending time at home with our kids.” She pursed her lips. “What’s it like being in a motorcycle club?”

  “What isn’t it like?” I mused. “I don’t know any different, June. It’s just life for me. It’s family and home, loyalty and honor. There’s a biker code that only another biker, a biker’s old lady, or a biker’s kid would understand.”

  She pursed her lips. “He’s been finding excuses not to join up. And I wonder if that’s because of me.”

  “If he wants it, he’ll get it,” I told her.

  “What are y’all talking about so seriously over here?” my brother asked, coming up from behind us and throwing his arm over both of our shoulders, curling his arm until it was tight around our necks and bringing us both into the curved protection of his body. “You look like you’re concocting a plan.”

  “Actually,” I said when June stayed silent. “We were just talking about how you were a little bitch and making excuses as to why you couldn’t join up with a club back home.”

  Johnny sighed.

  “I’m split,” he admitted. “I want to be a Dixie Warden. I’ve wanted to be one for my entire life. But the one back home that’s closest, the Bear Bottom Guardians, I know it’s filled with family, too. But it’s a tough situation that I haven’t really figured out a solution for. I want to be independent like the rest of the Dixie Warden kids, but I also want that name on my back that I’ve always pictured. And since they don’t have a chapter down there…”

  “We could always move back to your hometown,” June murmured. “There’s nothing stopping us.”

  She had a point.

  Other than I would miss them.

  “We can discuss this later,” Johnny mused. “Seeing as things are about to hit the fan.”

  “What?” I asked.

  “If I’m not mistaken, that’s the sonogram photo of my future unborn niece or nephew over there sticking about halfway out of Sin’s pocket. And mom is zeroing in on Dad and your old man. And you know that Sin being yours isn’t going to stop her from checking out his ass,” Johnny admitted.

  Johnny was right, too.

  My mom came to a sudden, jarring stop only a few feet behind my dad and Sin.

  My dad turned to look at my mom, obviously knowing she was there despite her not making any sound, and frowned at her.

  He said something we were too far away to hear, and my mom responded, pointing at Sin.

  Sin slowly spun, his face confused, and he felt his ass where the photo of our baby was located.

  A photo that he’d literally taken everywhere with him since he’d gotten it and winced.

  His eyes met mine over the top of my mother’s head, and I shrugged.

  He blew out a breath, and then pulled the paper around to the front, holding it out on the palm of his hand so that my mother could see it.

  She gasped, her hand going to her heart, and then she turned to look for me.

  “Shit,” I grumbled as our eyes finally met.

  “How could you not tell m
e?!” she cried out loudly over the crowd.

  I sighed, then yelled, “I was going to tell you, but you got called away to deal with a cake right when I was getting to the other news.”

  My father’s gaze wasn’t on me, though. It was on Sin. And he looked pissed.

  Pissed as hell.

  “That’s my baby girl, man,” Dad said.

  Then things went to shit.

  My brother left us to go help control the situation. My grandfather, and all five of my pseudo-uncles joined in, and Sin looked unaffected.

  Which only served to piss off the Wardens more.

  Son of a bitch.

  “This is fun,” I grumbled, then started marching their way.

  My mother had the sonogram photo in her hand and she was crying, hopefully happy tears.

  But I didn’t stop to talk to her. I went right up to my father, poked my finger into my father’s massive barrel chest, and said, “Leave him alone. I love him.”

  My father’s eyes didn’t meet mine for a long moment, and when they did, it was only because Sin had me around the waist and he was pulling me back, placing me against the wall, and physically blocking my body with the rest of his body.

  That’s when my brother started to laugh.

  “They’d never hurt her.”

  I watched as Sin’s shoulder went up and down as if he was uncaring about my brother’s words. As if he wasn’t sure what my father would do.

  “Don’t know, don’t care,” he admitted. “She’s mine, she’s pregnant, and she doesn’t need to be getting in the middle of this.”

  I watched what I could over Sin’s shoulder which, admittedly, wasn’t much.

  I saw the top of my dad’s head. His eyebrows skyrocketed to his hairline, and the man that had always been my hero said, “My son’s right, we would never hurt her.”

  “So is it a boy or a girl?” I heard my mother call out.

  And the moment, the tension, finally dissipated.

  “We don’t know,” Sin finally answered, not moving his head or his body from his protective position. “Probably not gonna find out, either. If I have my way, anyway. I want it to be a surprise. That way the day of, everyone has to fuckin’ wait to hear what it is from me. I’m sure she’ll want you to be there, though. But the rest of you assholes will have to wait in the waiting room on pins and fuckin’ needles for information. And dependin’ on how this night goes… I might make you wait a couple of extra hours.”

  I could practically feel my face splitting as a wide grin took it over.

  “That’s just cold,” I heard one of my aunts say. “The boy sure knows what he’s doing.”

  That’s when my grandfather started to laugh. “Never had trouble getting information in my life. Won’t fuckin’ start with you. Baby, get my granddaughter inside.”


  You should ask her if she gained weight, that way she knows you’re paying attention to her.

  -Advice Sin will never take


  I watched as a group of ladies pulled my girl inside and out of this fuckin’ mess where she belonged.

  Then I looked back at the bunch of angry bikers that were standing in front of me.

  There were a whole lot of them.

  Nine to be specific.

  Sure, a few of them were older, but I had a feeling that wouldn’t mean a damn thing in the grand scheme of things.

  With nothing else to do, I started to shrug my vest off.

  Then my shirt.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” the big mean one with the scar asked from practically the second row.

  I tossed my shirt and my cut on the ground behind me before I started on my work boots.

  Once I had those kicked off and out of my way so I wouldn’t trip on them if and when I started to move, I started on my pants.

  “No, really. What the fuck are you doing?” Johnny asked as he watched me divest myself of my pants.

  When I was down to my boxer briefs, I shucked those, too.

  Then I stood there naked in front of the lot of them.

  “I’m probably going to get my ass kicked,” I admitted. “Knowing a few of you, I’m fairly sure that it’ll happen. But I’ll get a few good licks in. And, while that’s happening, at some point my nutsack is going to be on one of your faces. I’m going to die trying to make that a reality.”

  A moment later, I heard a muttered ‘motherfucker’ and then out of the corner of my eye, I saw Zach come in from the side yard, see what was going on, and start heading my way.

  He too started to shrug out of his cut, followed by his shirt, boots, and jeans.

  He was down to his boxer briefs when he made it to my side.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked.

  “Gonna have to press my nutsack to my own family’s faces, too. Son of a bitch, where the hell do y’all get this shit from?” Zach asked as he started to lower his boxers.


  There was a moment of stunned silence and then Silas threw his head back and started to laugh.

  The big, muscled, tattooed, I’ll fuckin’ kill you with my bare hands man, was fuckin’ laughing.

  I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing seeing as my dick and balls were currently swaying in the wind.

  Damn, it was kind of chilly out.

  “Ahhh, fuck.” Silas wheezed. “Kid, you know we all changed your diapers, right? We’ve seen your nutsack and had them touching us since you were born.”

  That, obviously, was directed to the stoic man at my side.

  “Yeah, but it’s been a while,” Zach said. “I’ve been through a few women lately that might’ve made my nutsack change.”

  I chanced a glance over at my friend. The quiet one that never really had much to say, who was perpetually pissed.

  “Why are y’all naked?” I heard called from the side yard.

  That’s when I looked up to find Blaise leaning out the window of the kitchen, practically about to fall out, as she stared at us.

  Zach helpfully covered his cock and balls up.

  I left mine swinging. It wasn’t like she hadn’t seen them before.

  I did, however, feel my dick twitch.

  Which was unfortunate seeing as the reason it was twitching was the reason I was standing here right now about to fight a motorcycle club that was notorious for protecting their own.

  “Baby,” I called. “Get inside and close the kitchen window.”

  She huffed and did just that, but I had no illusion that she’d stay there long.

  She wasn’t the type.

  “Let’s get this over with,” I gestured at myself. “If you’re gonna get a couple of licks in, you better do it now. I bet she stays in there for another two minutes, max.”

  “You love her?”

  That hadn’t come from any of the men in front of me, but the man at my side.

  “Yeah, Zach. I fuckin’ love her. Why the fuck do you think I’m here right now?” I grumbled.

  “You want this baby?” he continued.

  My eyes went far away as I thought about that photo.

  Speaking of…

  “If anything happens to my sonogram photo, I’m going to be fuckin’ pissed,” I called out, knowing that Baylee would hear me.

  They were all standing at the door watching the scene, blocking their girl from seeing while making sure that they didn’t kill me, I was sure.

  “I’ll protect it,” she called back. “Baby, maybe you should lose your clothes, too.”

  Her husband looked over his shoulder at his wife.

  “I am not getting naked. And you better not be checking out your daughter’s man.”

  “I’m not checking him out, per se. I’m just curious if you noticed that he leans to the left.”

  I looked down at my cock. It leaned to the right.

  Always had.

  “The right,” I called out. “It leans to the right.”

  Baylee snickered. “
It’s all about perspective, honey.”

  “She’s right,” who I thought was Silas’s wife, Sawyer, called out. “It is all about perspective.”

  Silas cursed and turned his back on me to glare at his wife. “You better not be looking at no other man’s dick.”

  “We gotta make sure that you don’t kill the poor man,” she called. “But, just sayin’, you’re not in your forties anymore. I’ll bet he could probably get a couple of you before he went down for good. And how embarrassing would that be? Oh, and remember that we have video cameras on the house. We can replay this for years to come.”

  Silas glared, then turned back to look at me again.

  “Put your fuckin’ pants back on, goddammit,” he grumbled. “I’m not going to kick your ass, even though you deserve it.”

  “I’m not thinking he was innocent in this, Pops,” Zach said as he reached for his underwear and yanked them up over his hips. “When the fuck did it get so goddamn cold?”


  My nipples were hard, and my balls were sucked up so tight to my body that it looked like I was hard and I wasn’t.

  I reached for my own underwear, groaning in relief when my boys got some warmth.

  “Cold front,” another man said.

  Cleo, Zach’s father.

  Zach picked up his pants and stepped into them, and I followed suit, putting my boots on seconds later.

  When I was fully dressed once again, I slapped Zach on the back and said, “Thanks.”

  “Welcome,” he grumbled as he slipped his own cut over his shoulders. “Just don’t make it a habit.”

  I laughed as he walked away, then turned to face the man that had started this all.

  “Told you to watch out for her. Not get her pregnant,” he grumbled.

  I looked at Sebastian.

  We’d met very briefly over a stint in the military.

  He was getting out just as I was getting in.

  But the one impression had stayed over the years and stood the test of time. We’d not been ‘friends’ per se, but more acquaintances. We’d shoot the shit when we were around each other, but ultimately, he was someone that was there, and I talked to, but didn’t really ‘know.’

  However, when he’d called me out of the blue and asked me to watch over his girl, I’d done so.

  And I’d fallen head over heels for a girl from a distance.


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