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Closely Guarded (Alpha Agency Protectors Book 7)

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by Scarlett Winters

  Claire recognizes me instantly. “Nick, hi! Zach didn’t tell me that you were coming home as well. How are you doing?” There’s genuine interest in her deep blue eyes and I want to tell her everything that I’ve been up to since I left Hot Springs, but I can’t seem to find the words.

  Zach saves me the trouble by appearing out of thin air. “Ah, I see you found our old shadow!” He teases Claire about how she would play with us as kids, follow us around as we grew up. I see her grimace slightly as Zach ruffles her perfectly curled hair. “What finally dragged you out of the kitchen?”

  “Wait, you made all of this?” I ask, incredulous. I remember that Claire liked making cookies when we were younger, but baking bread from scratch is a whole other game. “My compliments to the chef, it’s all damn delicious.”

  “Baker, actually. I can’t take all the credit.” Claire ducks her head with a smile, biting a glossy lip as she blushes. God, if it wasn’t for those eyes, I don’t know if I would have recognized her. She’s so grown up.

  “So,” I say and lean back against the deck railing. “What have you been up to? You’ve graduated high school, right?” I’m almost positive that she did, but it’s also a way to surreptitiously confirm how old she is now. She should be eighteen, right?

  “She sure did! Moved out of this place too,” Zach gestures to the house. “She’s all grown up now, an apartment, a job, the whole nine yards.”

  As Zach is talking, I can’t help but feel a wave of irrational irritation towards my best friend. We’ve been together for years, and I’ve just seen Claire again for the first time in five. I want to talk to her without Zach around. That surprises me. I want to talk to Claire like I would a girl on a bar during leave, but more so. I don’t want to just smile and nod and listen with half an ear to what she has to say, all the while wondering when I can make a move and suggest we go back to her place. I want to know more about this more mature, grown up Claire.

  She still likes baking, that’s obvious, but what else? What sports does she play? Where does she work? Does she want to grab lunch with me so we can catch up?

  Thankfully, Zach gets distracted and bounds off to the excited shouts of some old friends from high school, leaving Claire and I standing on the deck. I wander a bit closer until I’m next to her, partially hidden from the crowd of people by the flowers and house wall. I want to talk to her without being interrupted.

  “So, take a look at you, all grown up.” It’s such a cheesy line, but it’s true. I want to see if I can get her to blush again and to my delight, she does.

  “Yeah, I guess so,” Claire murmurs and takes a sip of her drink. “The Air Force has been good to you.”

  If I didn’t know better, I would say that she just checked me out. Well, only one way to find out for sure. I shift so I’m leaning against the deck railing again and brace my arms behind me. Not to sound too full of myself, but the Air Force really did whip me into great shape.

  I was just a skinny kid when I left but years of hard, dedicated training has left me with well-earned muscles. I was right: Claire watches as my t shirt shifts and I feel warm air between the hem of my shirt and the band of my jeans. I don’t think she realizes that she licks her lips slightly as she eyes my exposed skin. She certainly isn’t the little girl that said goodbye to me at the bus five years ago.

  “Thanks. I’m actually back for more training. Medical.” I tell her.

  “Oh wow, that’s impressive. How long are you going to be around?” She asks hopefully.

  “A while, but I can always use something sweet to persuade me to stay especially close.” I’m only partly referring to her amazing baking skills. The sweet thing that I’d like to be close to is Claire herself.

  Chapter 4- Claire

  The simple fact that Nick is back in town is almost enough to make me forget about my problems with Lenny. Zach didn’t tell us that he was coming home as well, but maybe that was a good thing. If I had known that Nick would be at the barbeque yesterday, I would have been so nervous about seeing him again! Him being there was such a surprise, I hardly had time to be.

  I was really glad when Zach left us on the deck, since it gave us a chance to talk for a couple hours and really catch up. I don’t think that my big brother has ever noticed the major crush that I have on his best friend.

  Who am I kidding, it is way beyond a crush. I’ve been in love with Nick Howard for years. He never saw me as anything other than Zach’s little sister, an extension of his best friend’s family. But the way he was looking at me yesterday… maybe he finally sees me as more than that? He seemed to appreciate the food I made, and told me several times how good it was.

  Mixed into those compliments and stories about what we both had been up to in the past five years were flirty looks and comments… from the both of us. I felt beautiful and even a little bit sexy when I noticed him looking at me in my vintage style dress. I thought that I might be too overdressed for a family barbeque, but now I’m very glad that I dressed up!

  Even if he does see me as a grown woman instead of just a little kid, there’s the issue of my brother. He is so overprotective of me, simply the idea of me dating someone is enough to get him riled up. As much as he loves Nick, I can’t imagine him being okay with the two of us dating. The idea has probably never even crossed Zach’s mind: After all, I’m only his kid sister.

  The more I think about it, the more I realize that Nick was flirting with me yesterday. He wasn’t forward in a scary or offensive way, like Lenny has started to get. Instead, he was flattering and friendly. Oh, and that smile!

  I thought Nick was attractive back in high school. Now, I know that time has done wonders for him. Not that he didn’t look good back then, because he did. But he’s moved on from what I realize was being cute to being incredibly handsome. He’s still as tall as he was back then, but he’s filled out a lot, hard earned muscles under skin that’s several shades tanner. His mop of dark hair is cut close in what I’m pretty sure is in the required style for the military. Always such a deep dark brown, there was an intensity to Nick’s eyes that I had never noticed before when he talked to me.

  I wanted to reach out and touch him so badly, but I didn’t. We were surrounded by practically everyone we both knew and it just didn’t feel right. While I would like to, I can’t even blame that all on Zach: I’m not really big on public displays of affection, even among the safety of family. Sure, I’ve never been in a relationship, but I’ve certainly thought about what I would want out of one. All those boys I tried to date… the reason that none of them ever got a second date was Nick.

  None of them were him. They either didn’t look like him or laugh like him. They weren’t as smart as him or they didn’t have the same set of strong morals and honor as Nick. All of the other boys that I tried to date were nice enough people (well, aside from Lenny but I hardly knew at the time what would happen!) who would have been okay. Maybe it’s pathetic, but Nick is who I have been waiting for. I think we could really have a shot now. I just don’t know how to avoid the whole Zach factor.

  I think best when I run, so that’s what I do: Lace up my favorite teal sneakers and head to the local park. I ran track all throughout high school, and I was pretty good. When I run, I settle into a rhythm that’s soothing. It’s like my body is doing one thing and my mind another, so I can think clearly. It must be something to do with the extra oxygen from my regulated breathing and the endorphins from the exercise. The only downside is, I’m so wrapped up in what I’m thinking about and the steady beat of my feet against the ground that I fail to notice what’s going on around me.

  That’s probably why I miss the fact that Lenny is standing in my path until I crash into him.

  I don’t run with headphones and I left my phone at home, since it’s early morning and I don’t have to go to work today. There isn’t really a comfortable spot to store it either, with me wearing lightweight jogging shorts and a simple t shirt. As soon as I see Lenny though, I
wish I did have my phone with me. Not that I would call the police—I never have in the past—but so that if I really do need to this time, at least I would have the option.

  Lenny says my name as I step back to regain my balance. Even his voice makes me uneasy. There’s something about it that’s too familiar and knowing. Just hearing his voice on the messages he leaves on my phone is enough to keep me up at night.

  The peace that I’d gained from running is quickly washed away by a wave of fear. After the most recent candle incident, I knew he was around but I didn’t think he would show up in a public place like the park. Cautiously, I glance around and realize that we’re the only people in sight. Damn it all!

  “W-what are you doing here?” My voice shakes.

  “You’re here Claire, where else would I be?” When he tries to take a step closer, I ease back. I’m doing my best not to look scared, but it’s so hard!

  “Please just leave me alone,” I say quietly.

  Lenny scrubs a hand across his shaved head, pallid face scrunching in displeasure. “Why would you want me to do that?”

  How am I supposed to respond to that? I don’t want to let on that I’m afraid of him, but I really am.

  “Why don’t you tell me who that was you were talking to yesterday, Claire?” There’s anger in Lenny’s voice now.

  “Did you follow me?” I gasp.

  “Answer the question! Who was that guy you were talking to?” He’s yelling now. Lenny reaches out and grabs my wrist, the force of his grasp shaking my whole body. I might be imagining it, but he’s holding on so tight that it feels like the bones are grinding together.

  “Just some guy!” I can’t bring myself to tell Lenny who Nick is. It’s none of his business who Nick is! I moved out of my family’s house to protect them from Lenny, and I’m not going to put Nick in harms way like they were.

  Lenny doesn’t like that. He shoves me and I fall back against the trunk of a tree. I gasp at the impact, the bark rough, but nowhere near as uncomfortable as his hands shackling my arms, holding me in place. Tears well in my eyes and I don’t know if they’re from fear or pain as Lenny shouts at me. “You aren’t allowed to talk to other guys! Don’t you get it?”

  I’m almost sobbing now. What am I supposed to do?

  Chapter 5- Nick

  It’s been less than twenty-four hours since I’ve seen her, but I can’t stop thinking about Claire. In a matter of minutes, she went from someone I had helped babysit to someone I want to go out with. I don’t know why the image I had of her in my head had never changed. When I thought of her—which wasn’t all that often, I’ll be honest—I thought of her as I last saw her, giving Zach and me a container full of cookies to eat on the bus ride to training.

  From the time I spent talking to her, it was easy to figure out that it wasn’t just her looks that had changed. Claire has matured a lot, too. She’s still the wallflower to her brother’s social butterfly, but she’s so damn clever. She asked intelligent questions about my service but still laughed with me at jokes. And okay, yeah her looks have a lot to do with it. It’s like she’s fucking bloomed or something.

  Even though I’m technically on vacation, I’m not used to sitting around and not doing anything. When I’m not out on an assignment I’m usually preparing for the next one, even if that just involves some exercise. That’s what I decide to do now. It’s a beautiful day, so I’ll go outside and get some fresh air, maybe run a couple miles. I prefer weights but after the amount of food I ate yesterday, I need to burn all the calories I can.

  When I start to do some stretches to warm up at the edge of the local park, I get a strange feeling before I suddenly hear shouting. I don’t even think about it before taking off, following the yelling. I round a bend in the park path to see a man, probably a little younger than me in tattered jeans and a stained t shirt. He’s the one yelling at someone he’s got pressed up to a tree. As I approach, I get a closer look at what’s going on.

  I’ve seen some horrifying shit in the Air Force. Just because I spent time up in the air doesn’t mean that I don’t know what happens down on the ground and it will haunt me for the rest of my life. But what I see in the park, right now? What I see now is something that shakes me to the core.

  Claire, is backed up against a tree, crying while some asshole pins her there and yells at her, obviously threatening her.

  “Hey!” I roar and charge forward, ripping the guy off her. Distantly, I see Claire sink to the ground in tears. I slam a punch into the asshole’s face and he drops like a stone to the pathway, unconscious. What a piece of shit, how dare he treat Claire like that!

  “Are you okay?” I crouch in front of Claire and start patting her down, checking her for any injuries or marks. Even after she gives me a shaky nod, I keep checking her. There’s some redness around her wrists that might turn into bruising and her back has some dents from the tree bark, but seemingly nothing serious. “Hang tight, I’m going to call the cops, okay?”

  For a moment I think Claire is going to stop me, but she instead leans her head back against the tree and slowly nods. I keep an eye on the guy I knocked out as I call the police and tell them what happened.

  “Okay, it’ll only be five minutes or so since the station’s so close by. Who is this asshole, anyway?”

  “…can I just wait? And tell you when I tell the police? I don’t want to have to tell this over and over.” Claire whispers, shifting to sit cross-legged against the grass. From my spot next to her, I nod.

  “Do you want me to call Zach or your parents?” The last word hasn’t even left my mouth before she is vehemently protesting.

  “No! Nick please, I don’t want them finding out about this!” She reaches out and grabs my hand. Her grip is tight but her fingers are icy cold.

  “Okay, I won’t call them,” I soothe her. “You don’t have to tell me anything until the police get here.” Even now, I can hear the sirens in the distance. “Do you mind if I wait here with you until I know that you’re okay?”

  “Yes, please stay.”

  I see two uniformed police officers walking towards us, so I squeeze Claire’s hand in silent support.

  The next hour or so is… I don’t know how to describe it. It’s scarier than anything I’ve been through in the Air Force, that’s for damn sure. Claire has a stalker? And she never told anyone? It makes me regret not hitting the asshole harder.

  The more Claire tells the officers the more upset I can feel myself getting, and that just isn’t me. In the field I’m calm and careful. I examine all the options before making the best decision in any given situation. But right now? In this situation? Yeah, calm’s out the window. I want to scoop Claire up and hide her away somewhere she’ll be safe… and kick this guy in the balls as I go.

  The officers drag the guy—Lenny, that’s the asshole’s name—away and put him in the back of their cruiser before he’s even fully regained consciousness. For Claire’s sake, I’m glad they did that as soon as they got here and we told them what happened. I doubt she would have been comfortable telling the truth with him right there.

  While one officer takes her statement the other runs Lenny’s name through the local, state, and national databases to see if he has any charges against him or warrants to his name. As it turns out, he does.

  About a year ago, he spent a few months in Oklahoma and is thought to be responsible for a string of burglaries, robberies, and other monetary crimes. Claire pales even more when she hears this, so I wrap my arm around her waist to prop her up. If she keeps this up, I’ll have the officers call paramedics to treat her for shock.

  “It’s my fault,” she whispers, “that he did all that. He must have needed the money because of me.”

  Claire had told the officers how he kept leave “gifts” at her doorstep and seemed to get information that he should not have been able to… at least, not without bribing someone. The idea of him showing up at any time of the day and leaving things at her doorstep, ev
en something as seemingly benign as a candle, is unsettling to say the least.

  When she told the officers that he had escalated to lighting the candles, they had shared a glance and one had muttered something about Lenny’s potential to become a “firebug”. I wonder if they can add attempted arson to his rapidly developing rap sheet. I sure as hell hope so, this guy deserves to rot for years for what he’s put Claire through. She doesn’t deserve any of this! All she did was go out on one boring date with the guy!

  The worst part of it is, she thinks that’s why he did this. Claire thinks that this is her fault, that she somehow led him on. The officers and I know that is not true. If it wasn’t Claire, it would be some other poor girl who grabbed this guy’s attention.

  “Claire, you can’t blame yourself for this,” the female police officer reassures her. “We’ve got your preliminary statement but you’ll probably have to come down to the station in a few days to talk to us more. With this guy’s out of state charges to boot, I’m pretty confident he’ll end up serving significant time. People like this… there’s something wrong with them. It’s never the victim’s fault. You did everything right, even if I do wish you would have called us before he got physically violent with you. I’d like to give you my card, in case you have any questions for me. We probably will have to be in touch with you in a couple of days, so just take it easy until then. The threat is over; we’ve got him locked up and something tells me that he won’t be able to pay his bail, not when all of his money comes from crimes. Do you need us to drive you home or are you okay with your friend?”

  “I’m safe with Nick,” Claire says and tentatively smiles at me.

  I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her into my side as the police officers leave with Lenny. “Can I take you home?” I ask Claire. She nods and murmurs her address, so I tuck her more firmly against my side and guide her out of the park.


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