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My Healer

Page 15

by Alanea Alder

  He propped his head up on one hand. "We need to banish the word adorable from your vocabulary."

  "You are though and sweet and kind. You're only the big, bad, wolf in your mind." He lifted the covers and she snuggled down close to him. The feel of their naked bodies, skin to skin was lighting fires everywhere they touched.

  "I am a big bad wolf to everyone but my family." He dragged his chin back and forth over her the top of her head.

  "Does the claiming part hurt?" she asked. She knew that it involved something other than sex, but she had no idea what it was.

  She felt Colton shake his head. "No, it won't hurt. Our souls will entwine, just as our bodies will be, as we're making love. Then they'll split back apart and return to us, carrying a small piece of the other's soul so we'll reside within each other forever."

  "Will it change me? Will I sprout fur at the full moon?" she joked.

  "No, you disrespectful wench, you won't change," he chuckled. "You'll still be you, but you'll gain my longevity."

  "I'll be able to watch Penny really grow up." Rheia felt a deep sense of contentment. She had been so afraid of leaving Penny when she needed her most.

  "She'll be driving us crazy for decades to come."

  "What about other children? I always wanted a large family," she admitted. She loved her parents growing up, but always wished she had brothers and sisters to play with.

  Colton pulled back, his face glowing with happiness. "I want as many children as you can have safely. I was an only child, which is how I ended up hanging out with Aiden so much. I was always jealous that he had so many brothers."

  "So you won't mind having girls?" she teased, reminding him of the earlier conversation.

  Colton shook his head. "I'm sure Broderick will be able to make as many plastic bubbles as we need."

  "We're not putting our kids in bubbles," she laughed.

  "Meryn said she ovulates every month, is that the same for you?" he asked, his voice huskier.

  She looked up and saw that his eyes had shifted from their normal brilliant green to canine yellow. She nodded slowly.

  "Could you become pregnant tonight?" He ran his hands over her lower stomach, caressing her reverently.

  Rheia counted back the number of days since her last period and then nodded. "It might be close, but I'm fertile."

  Colton growled and before she could blink, he was leaning over her, settling between her legs. She could already feel the throbbing in her clit. She arched her back to grind her body against his.

  "I can feel how wet you already are." Colton moved down and took one nipple between his teeth. Lightly he bit down as his hand moved between her legs. The combination of the sharp pain and pleasure had her throwing her head back.

  "I don't have to hold back tonight," he whispered.

  "Oh God, please, Colton. I need you so badly." Her throat was already starting to get dry from panting to catch her breath.

  "I'm going to fill you with my seed and make you mine forever." She felt the head of his cock slowly begin to stretch her. He was well endowed and knew exactly what to do to bring her the most pleasure. She thrashed her head from side to side as he gradually filled her completely.

  He kept up his languid pace until she thought she would lose her mind. Each small thrust was deliberate, sliding his engorged head over that elusive spot deep inside her.

  "I love you, Rheia, I'll love you until the day I pass from this world. Even as my body turns to dust, I will wait at the very veil of existence for you to join me, because heaven would be incomplete without you." He buried his face in her neck and her arms came up to hold him tight. Slowly he made love to her, showing her with his body exactly what he felt for her. She was changed forever by his words. He was not only making love to her body, but also to her soul.

  "I love you so much, Colton. You're my rock. You don't try to do things for me with your strength, you add yours to my own. Together, we're more than when we're apart. You gave me the space to make my own decisions and you accepted Penny without question. I couldn't have asked for a better partner or father for my children." She buried both hands in his hair and held him to her, afraid to let go.

  Colton pulled up and watched her face as he glided in and out of her body. The slow pace made his eyes on her the single most erotic experience of her life. There was no hiding, yet no need to hide. She let her walls come down completely and wasn't afraid to let him see the real her.

  He must have seen the surrender in her eyes, because he started to snap his hips at a more frenzied pace, finally giving her what she was aching for. When he slammed inside her as deep as he could go, her orgasm detonated low inside her spreading out through her body. Before she could catch her breath, he was above her. Striking quickly he sunk his teeth deep into her shoulder. Just when she thought she couldn't take any more pleasure she felt as if she was lifting from her body. Without sight or sound she floated, moving instinctively towards the warmth just in front of her. When her soul merged with Colton's for a split second she was able to see deep into his heart and what she saw there left her breathless. He was beautiful; his complete selflessness made his soul shine like a beacon and she was drawn to it, seeking warmth and shelter. Together they swirled and then slowly broke apart. When she drifted back down into her body she carried a piece of him with her she knew she would never be lonely again.

  "I'll love you forever," she whispered.

  "Still not long enough." He collapsed to one side and pulled her close.

  Before sleep claimed her, she realized that she had finally come home.


  Rheia and Colton were the last to arrive for breakfast. They'd just sat down when they heard a knock at the door. Rheia looked at Colton; no one coming to visit this early in the morning could be for anything good.

  Her instincts proved correct when a tall, older version of Aiden appeared in the doorway. His eyes were sorrowful as he looked over to where she sat with Penny and Colton.

  "Father?" Aiden asked, standing.

  "Byron?" Colton also stood, moving his body between the newcomer and where she sat with their daughter.

  "I'm so sorry, Colton, but the council has awarded Wilomina and Gerard Carmichael custody of Penny. I'm to escort her to their home first thing this morning."

  Rheia's heart stuttered in her chest. Penny turned to her, fear in her eyes. Rheia had a seconds to make the decision that would best help Penny adjust to her new family. If she gave in to her feelings and wept as she wanted to, she knew that it would only traumatize Penny further. Drawing on strength she didn't know she had, she put on a brave face.

  "Looks like you get to meet your Grandma and Grandpa sooner than we thought. I bet they can tell you all kinds of stories about your Mommy. Won't that be amazing?" She tried as hard as she could to put enthusiasm in her voice.

  When she looked up, she could see the battle being fought behind Colton's eyes. After taking a deep breath, he smiled down at Penny, too. "I bet they even have pictures of your Mommy and will show you where she grew up." Even though his voice was even, his eyes glowed a bright yellow. Penny looked between the two of them, fear fading from her eyes a bit.

  Rheia turned Penny around to face Byron. "Do you see that man? That is your Uncle Aiden's daddy. He's going to do us a favor and drop you off at your Grandma and Grandpa's so you can meet them. He's not too scary, right?" she asked.

  Penny looked from Byron to Aiden and shook her head grinning. She pointed to Aiden and wrapped her arms around chest, giving herself a hug.

  Rheia nodded. "That's right, he's probably a big ole softie just like your Uncle," she said, smiling. "You will be visiting your Grandma and Grandpa for a bit, while your Papa and I get this legal mumbo jumbo worked out. Run get your backpack, darling." Penny hopped down and ran for the family room. She looked over to Ryuu. "Could you get her suitcase from our room?"

  Ryuu bowed. "Of course."

  Rheia concentrated on breathing in and out. Colt
on's hand found hers and they clung to each other as they waited for Penny to return. They heard her quick footsteps as she ran back into the room. Rheia scooped her up and started walking towards the door.

  Every step she took, every step that brought them closer to the door, she started to feel her control slip. Her soul was disintegrating within her chest. Before she was ready, they were at the door. Byron stood patiently; he made no move to take Penny from her arms.

  Ryuu walked down the stairs and handed Byron Penny's suitcase. Rheia clung to her daughter, physically unable to let her go. She repeatedly kissed the top of her head, squeezing her tight. Over Penny's head, her eyes met Colton's. Silently she begged him to do what she couldn't. Without saying a word he reached out and took Penny from her. Immediately her body protested the loss.

  "You be a good girl, and if you need anything, anything at all, you call us okay. Day or night, it doesn't matter?" Colton nuzzled her cheek with his nose and kissed her forehead.

  "Have fun visiting. Felix says he wants to go with you. He needs a break from all the boring stuff here." Meryn said, her eyes moist.

  "Your Uncles Sascha and Quinn and the Beta Unit will be watching out for you at your grandparent's house. You can go to them if you need anything, too." Aiden said reaching forward to ruffle her hair.

  Colton turned and passed Penny to Byron. "We will be appealing this," he said his voice sounding deadly.

  Byron nodded. "I expected no less and have already started the paperwork. But until then, Penny can get a good visit in, right princess?" Byron bounced Penny and the little girl grabbed on to his collar to stay upright, smiling.

  "I love you, Penny. You be a good girl, my Pumpkin Dumpling. We'll see you very, very soon," Rheia promised.

  "Love you, angel." Colton said, and tugged Penny's hair lightly. Penny waved at everyone and Byron left closing the door behind him.

  Rheia clutched at her chest and bent over gasping for breath.

  Colton was at side, holding her close. "Hold it in for just a few more seconds, my love, until she's in the car." Colton rubbed her back.

  Rheia struggled to breathe. Only when she heard the car leave the driveway did she give in to her body's demands. She wailed, gut wrenching sobs that shook her body as she collapsed forward. Colton easily caught her and pulled her close, letting her sag against his body, taking on her weight.

  "We'll get her back. I swear it to you, we'll get her back." Colton repeated over and over again.

  Rheia couldn't think; all she knew was that her heart had been ripped from her chest. Even though she hadn't given birth to Penny, that tiny child was her daughter, in every way that mattered.

  "I want her back, please bring her back," she begged looking up into Colton's face. The pain she saw there made her realize how unfair she was being. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," she whispered. Colton pulled her close and rested his forehead on her shoulder. Slowly her sobs turned into a stream of silent tears.

  "I'll do whatever I have to do to bring her home. I promise." Under her hands, she felt his body trembling.

  "Colton, you and Rheia spend the day together. I will call you with any updates I get from Father," Aiden said, his arm wrapped firmly around Meryn.

  Rheia looked up from Colton's neck to see that everyone in the foyer, including Jaxon and Noah, wore identical depressed expressions. Losing Penny had affected them all.

  Colton drew a shaky breath and stepped back to face Aiden. "Will Sascha and Quinn be enough to keep her safe?"

  "I'm assigning Gamma and Beta Units to the Carmichael's house. They'll rotate and stand guard in shifts."

  Meryn sniffled loudly and wiped her eyes on her sleeve. "Plus she has Felix with her. He'll watch after her."

  "I just want my baby back," Rheia whispered.

  "Come on, my love, let's go lay down for a bit," Colton suggested, turning her towards the stairs.

  "Whatever." Rheia shrugged.

  What was the point?

  "We'll be down later," she heard Colton say before he gently guided her up the stairs. She blinked and they were in their room. She shook her head. She barely remembered coming up the stairs. She blinked again and Colton was helping her into her pajamas.

  She couldn't stop the tears from flowing, so she stopped trying. Colton carried her to their bed and laid her down gently. He curled up behind her, pulling her close to his body. She scooted back as far as she could, not wanting any space between them. She reached behind her and pulled his arm around her body so that she could hold on to it. There was something about his body, his hard muscles and high body temperature that made him something solid and warm to cling to.

  "What if we can't get her back?"

  Colton kissed the back of her neck. "Then I'll find a way to purchase the house next to the Carmichael's so that we can see her every day. She can visit with us all day long and sleep at their house, if they insist on her living with them."

  "It won't be the same."

  "We'll find a way, Rheia. You and I will explain to the council how much she needs us."

  "It won't matter, we're not related remember? No blood ties," she said, unable to keep the bitterness from her voice.

  "Hey, why does that sound like you're not talking about Penny?" Colton asked turning her around to face him.

  "Because I've heard this before. Growing up, my grandmother and grandfather on my mother's side never acknowledged me as belonging to my mother. Not once. I was always 'that child'. Or they'd say, 'Why do you care what happens to her, it's not like she's yours'."

  "And now you're hearing the same thing, but from the other side of the equation." Colton gently pushed her hair away from her face. Her tears had everything clinging to her skin creating a matted mess.

  "And I'm not even a shifter."

  "But I am." He tilted her head up with his finger and thumb. "I'll make an appointment with the council for us to plead our case. Penny's wishes have to be taken into consideration."

  "I just want her home," Rheia said and buried her face in his chest.

  "Me, too," he whispered.

  Rheia closed her eyes with her emotions running so high she was exhausted. She let the darkness take her and prayed that this morning was nothing but a bad dream and that when she woke, Penny would be home.


  Rheia opened her eyes and rolled over. She was alone in bed as usual. She sat up and looked over to the nightstand. A cup of steaming coffee and a note waited for her. When she felt tears threaten to overtake her she shook her head. She needed to get her shit together and figure out a way to get her daughter back. Crying in bed wasn't going to do her a damn bit of good. Wiping her eyes, she sat up and leaned against the headboard. She picked up the cup of coffee and took a long sip. It wasn't very hot, which made it the perfect temperature to drink. She grabbed the note.

  Sorry I can't be there when you wake up. Aiden needed help testing a new perimeter to keep us safe. See you when you get up. Love you always, Colton.

  When she'd finished half the coffee, she walked over to the bench at the foot of the bed where Colton had draped her clothes earlier. She got dressed and picked up her coffee cup. Walking downstairs, she heard voices coming from the family room. Usually Meryn and Beth were in the office this time of the afternoon. When she walked in, she was surprised to see that Meryn, Beth, Jaxon, Noah and even Ryuu were huddled around two of the front windows.

  "What's going on?" she asked.

  Meryn whirled to face her, grinning ear to ear. "The men are testing the new perimeter spell Keelan cast." She turned back and practically pressed her face to the window. Rheia walked over to stand next to Meryn and looked out the window. The men were standing at the property line with their hands on their hips.

  "I wish we could hear what they're saying," Beth said peeking out from around the curtain.

  Smiling, Ryuu snapped his fingers and suddenly they could hear the men as if they were standing in the room next to them.

  "Okay, Kee
lan you cast the spell, you test it," Aiden ordered.

  They watched as Keelan back away. "Do I have to?"

  "Yes," Aiden and Colton said together.

  "Okay, but I don't like this," Keelan grumbled. Slowly Keelan extended his hand, a second later a purple spark exploded and Keelan dropped like a rock.

  The women gasped and the men laughed.

  "Okay, you owe me five bucks, I told you he would do it," Darian said, turning to Aiden.

  "They need to leave Keelan alone," Meryn grumbled.

  "Okay, seriously though men, we need to test to see how powerful it is. Knocking out Keelan doesn't really take much. So, which one of you will go next?" Aiden looked from Gavriel to Colton to Darian.

  "Not it!" Gavriel and Darian called out at the same time.

  "Sonofabitch! I hate electricity. I swear I'm still twitching from the time Ryuu shocked me trying to get to you Gavriel." Colton scowled at his friends.

  "Please tell me he's not going to electrocute himself," Rheia said.

  "He so is," Meryn chuckled.

  They watched as Colton took a deep breath and reached out to the perimeter line. The second his fingertip hit the spell he went down like a sack of potatoes.

  Darian, Gavriel and Aiden stood over Keelan and Colton's prone bodies. Aiden rubbed his chin. "He has always been susceptible to electricity."

  "I bet I don't go down," Darian said slyly.

  Aiden and Gavriel eyed the large fae. "I don't know, Keelan did say it would be pretty strong." Gavriel shook his head. "I don't think you can hack it."

  Darian frowned and turned to the perimeter. He pulled his arm back and let his fist fly as if he were going to take down the perimeter spell. The second his knuckles crossed the perimeter his body shook, his eyes rolled back in his head and he landed with a loud thud.


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