Complete Poetical Works of Robert Southey
Page 266
IX. My Cid Ruydiez the Campeador returned from the slaughter; the hood of his mail was thrown back, and the coif upon his head bore the marks of it. And when he saw his sons-in-law the Infantes of Carrion, he rejoiced over them, and said to them to do them honour, Come here, my sons, for by your help we have conquered in this battle. Presently Alvar Fañez came up: the shield which hung from his neck was all battered: more than twenty Moors had he slain, and the blood was running from his wrist to his elbow. Thanks be to God, said he, and to the Father who is on high, and to you, Cid, we have won the day. All these spoils are yours and your vassals. Then they spoiled the field, where they found great riches in gold, and in silver, and in pearls, and in precious stones, and in sumptuous tents, and in horses, and in oxen, which were so many that it was a wonder. The poorest man among the Christians was made full rich that day. So great was the spoil that six hundred horses fell to the Cid as his fifth, beside sumpter beasts and camels, and twelve hundred prisoners; and of the other things which were taken no man can give account, nor of the treasure which the Cid won that day in the Campo del Quarto. God be praised! said the Campeador…once I was poor, but now am I rich in lands and in possessions, and in gold and in honour. And Moors and Christians both fear me. Even in Morocco, among their Mosques, do they fear least I should set upon them some night. Let them fear it! I shall not go to seek them, but here will I be in Valencia, and by God’s help they shall pay me tribute. Great joy was made in Valencia for this victory, and great was the joy of the Infantes of Carrion; five thousand marks came to them for their portion of the spoil. And when they saw themselves so rich, they and their uncle Suero Gonzalez took counsel together, and confirmed the wicked resolution which they had taken.
X. One day the companions of the Cid were talking before him of this victory, and they were saying who were the young knights that had demeaned themselves well in the battle and in the pursuit, and who had not; but no mention was made of the Infantes; for though some there were who whispered to each other concerning them, none would speak ill of them before the Cid. And the Infantes saw this, and took counsel with their uncle, who ought not to have given them the evil counsel that he did, and they determined forthwith to put their wicked design in execution. So they went before the Cid, and Ferrando Gonzalez, having enjoined silence, began to say thus. Cid, thou knowest well the good tie which there is between thee and us, for we hold thee in the place of a father, and thou didst receive us as thy sons on the day when thou gavest us thy daughters to be our wives; and from that day we have alway abode with thee, and have alway endeavoured to do that which was to thy service; and if we have at any time failed therein it hath not been wilfully, but for lack of better understanding. Now inasmuch as it is long time since we departed from Castille, from our father and from our mother, and because neither we know how it fares with them, nor they how it fares with us, we would now, if you and Doña Ximena should so think good, return unto them, and take our wives with us: so shall our father and our mother and our kinsmen see how honourably we are mated, and how greatly to our profit, and our wives shall be put in possession of the towns which we have given them for their dower, and shall see what is to be the inheritance of the children whom they may have. And whensoever you shall call upon us, we will be ready to come and do you service. Then the Cid made answer, weening that this was spoken without deceit, My sons, I am troubled at what ye say, for when ye take away my daughters ye take my very heart-strings: nevertheless, it is fitting that ye do as ye have said. Go when ye will, and I will give unto you such gifts that it shall be known in Gallicia and in Castille and in Leon, with what riches I have sent my sons-in-law home.
XI. When the Cid had made this reply, he rose from his seat and went to Doña Ximena his wife, and spake with her and with Alvar Fañez, and told them what had passed with his sons-in-law, and what answer he had given. Greatly was Doña Ximena troubled at this, and Alvar Fañez also, that he had consented to what they asked; and she said, I do not think it is wisely done to let them take our daughters from us, and carry them into another country; for these our sons-in-law are traitorous and false at heart, and if I areed them right they will do some dishonour to our daughters, when there will be none there to call them to account. And Alvar Fañez was of the same mind; but the Cid was displeased at this, and marvelled greatly at what they said; and he bade them speak no more thereof, for God would not let it be so, … neither were the Infantes of such a race as that they should do this; neither, quoth he, would it come into their minds to do it, if only because our Lord King Don Alfonso was he who made the marriage; but if the Devil should tempt them, and they should commit this wickedness, dearly would it cost them!
XII. So the Infantes of Carrion made ready for their departure, and there was a great stir in Valencia. And the two sisters Doña Elvira and Doña Sol, came and knelt before the Cid and before Doña Ximena their mother, and said, You send us to the lands of Carrion, and we must fulfil your command: now then give us your blessing, and let us have some of your people with us in Carrion, we beseech you. And the Cid embraced them and kissed them, and the mother kissed them and embraced them twice as much, and they gave them their blessing, and their daughters kissed their hands. And the Cid gave unto his sons-in-law great store of cloth of gold, and of serge, and of wool, and an hundred horses bridled and saddled, and an hundred mules with all their trappings, and ten cups of gold, and an hundred vessels of silver, and six hundred marks of silver in dishes and trenchers and other things. When all this was done they took their departure and went out of Valencia, and the Cid rode out a long league with them. He looked at the birds, and the augury was bad, and he thought that these marriages would not be without some evil. And his heart smote him, and he began to think on what Doña Ximena had said, and to fear lest evil should befall him from these sons-in-law, for the manner of their speech was not as it was wont to be. Where art thou my nephew, where art thou Felez Muñoz? thou art the cousin of my daughters, said he, both in heart and in soul. Go with them even unto Carrion, and see the possessions which are given them, and come back with tidings thereof And Felez Muñoz said that he would do this. And the Cid bade him salute the Moor Abengalvon in his name, with whom they should tarry a night at Molina, and bid him do service unto his daughters, and his sons-in-law, and accompany them as far as Medina; and for all that he shall do; said the Cid, I will give him good guerdon. And when the ladies came to take their leave of their father the Cid, and of their mother Doña Ximena, great were the lamentations on both sides, as if their hearts had divined the evil which was to come; and the Cid strove to comfort them, saying, that he should alway think of them, and would maintain them in good estate: and he gave them his blessing and turned back toward Valencia, and they went their way with their husbands, and that parting was like plucking the nail from the flesh.
XIII. So the Infantes of Carrion went their way, by the Campo del Quarto to Chiva, and to Bonilla, and to Requena, and to Campo-Robres, and they took up their lodging at Villa Taxo. And on the morrow they took the road to Amaja, and leaving it on the right came to Adamuz, and passed by Colcha, and rested at Quintana. And when Abengalvon knew that the daughters of the Cid were coming, he went out joyfully from Molina to meet them, and pitched tents for them in the field, and had food brought there in abundance. God, how well he served them! and on the morrow the Moor gave full rich and noble gifts to the daughters of his Lord the Cid, and to each of the Infantes he gave a goodly horse. And he took horse himself and rode on with them, having two hundred knights in his company. They crossed the mountains of Luzon and passed Arbuxuelo, and came to Salon, and the Moor lodged them in the place which is called Ansarera; all this he did for the love of the Cid Campeador. Now the Infantes seeing the riches which this Moor had with him, took counsel together for treason, and said, Lo now if we could slay this Moor Abengalvon, we should possess all these riches as safely as if we were in Carrion, and the Cid could never take vengeance. And a Moor who understood the Latin of t
he country, heard them and knew what they said, and he went to Abengalvon, and said unto him, Acaiaz, that is to say, Sire, take heed, for I heard the Infantes of Carrion plotting to kill thee. Abengalvon the Moor was a bold Baron, and when this was told him, he went with his two hundred men before the Infantes, and what he said to them did not please them. Infantes of Carrion, he said, tell me, what have I done? I have served ye without guile, and ye have taken counsel for my death. If it were not for the sake of my Cid, never should you reach Carrion! I would carry back his daughters to the loyal Campeador, and so deal with you that it should be talked of over the whole world. But I leave ye for traitors as ye are. Doña Elvira and Doña Sol, I go with your favour. God grant that this marriage may please your father! Having said this the good Moor returned to Molina.
XIV. They went on by Valdespino, and by Parra, and Berrocal, and Val de Endrinas, and they left Madina Celi on the right, and crost the plain of Barahona, and past near Berlanga; and they crost the Douro by a ford below the town, and rode on and came into the Oak-wood of Corpes. The mountains were high, and the trees thick and lofty, and there were wild beasts in that place. And they came to a green lawn in the midst of that oak forest, where there was a fountain of clear water, and there the Infantes gave order that their tents should be pitched; and they passed the night there, making show of love to their wives, which they badly fulfilled when the sun was risen, for this was the place where they thought to put them to shame. Early in the morning they ordered the sumpter beasts to be laden, and the tent struck, and they sent all their company on, so that none remained with them, neither man nor woman, but they and their wives were left alone that they might disport with them at pleasure. And Doña Elvira said to her husband, Why wouldst thou that we should remain alone in this place? And he said, Hold thy peace, and thou shall see! And the Infantes tore away the mantles from off their wives, and the garments which they wore, save only their inner garment, and they held them by the hair of their head with one hand, and with the other took the girths of their horses. And the women said, Don Diego and Don Ferrando, ye have strong swords and of sharp edge; the one is called Colado and the other Tizona; cut off our heads and we shall become martyrs! But set not this evil example upon us, for whatever shame ye do unto us shall be to your own dishonour. But the Infantes heeded not what they said, and heat them cruelly with the saddle-girths, and kicked them with their spurs, so that their garments were torn, and stained with blood. Oh, if the Cid Campeador had come upon them at that hour! And the women cried out, and called upon God and Holy Mary to have mercy upon them; but the more they cried, the more cruelly did those Infantes beat and kick them, till they were covered with blood, and swooned away. Then the Infantes took their mantles and their cloaks, and their furs of ermine and other garments, and left them for dead, saying, Lie there, daughters of the Cid of Bivar, for it is not fitting that ye should be our wives, nor that ye should have your dower in the lands of Carrion! We shall see how your father will avenge you, and we have now avenged ourselves for the shame he did us with the Lion. And they rode away as they said this, leaving them to the mountain birds and to the beasts of the forest. Oh if the Cid Campeador had come upon them at that hour! And the Infantes rode on glorying in what they had done, for they said that the daughters of the Cid were worthy to be their harlots, but not their wives.
XV. When the Infantes, before they committed this great cruelty, ordered their company to ride forward, Felez Muñoz the nephew of the Cid, rode on with the rest: but this order nothing pleased him, and he was troubled at heart, insomuch that he went aside from his companions, and struck into the forest, and there waited privily till he should see his cousins come, or learn what the Infantes had done to them. Presently he saw the Infantes, and heard what they said to each other. Certes if they had espied him he could not have escaped death. But they pricked on not seeing him, and he rode back to the fountain, and there he found the women lying senseless, and in such plight as ye have heard. And he made great lamentation over them, saying, Never can it please God that ye my cousins should receive such dishonour! God and St. Mary give them who have done this an evil guerdon! for ye never deserved this, neither are ye of a race to deserve that this or any other evil should betide ye! By this time the women began to come to themselves, but they could not speak, for their hearts were breaking. And Felez Muñoz called out to them, Cousins! Cousins! Doña Elvira! Doña Sol! for the love of God rouse yourselves that we may get away before night comes, or the wild beasts will devour us! and they came to themselves and began to open their eyes, and saw that he who spake to them was Felez Muñoz; and he said to them, For the love of God take heart and let us be gone; for the Infantes will soon seek for me, and if God do not befriend us we shall all be slain. And Doña Sol said to him in her great pain, Cousin, for all that our father hath deserved at your hands, give us water. Felez Muñoz took his hat and filled it with water and gave it to them. And he comforted them and bade them take courage, and besought them to bear up. And he placed them upon his horse, and covered them both with his cloak, and led them through the oak forest, into the thickest part thereof, and there he made a bed of leaves and of grass, and laid them on it, and covered them with his cloak, and he sate down by them and began to weep, for he knew not what he should do: for he had no food, and if he went to seek it, great danger was there because they were wounded and bloody, that the wild beasts and the birds of the mountain would attack them; and on the other hand, unless he went to his uncle the Cid, to tell him of this wickedness, none other knew what had been done, and thus there would be no vengeance taken.
XVI. While Felez Muñoz was in this great trouble the Infantes joined their company, and their spurs were bloody and their hands also from the wounds which they had given their wives. And when their people saw them in this plight, and that their wives were not with them, they weened that some wickedness had been done; and all they who were of good heart and understanding among them went apart, to the number of an hundred, with one who was named Pero Sanchez; and he spake unto them, saying, Friends, these Infantes have done a foul deed upon their wives, the daughters of our Lord the Cid; and they are our liege Ladies, for we did homage to them before their father, and accepted them as such; and the Cid made us knights that we should discharge the duty which we owe to them. Now then, it behoveth us that we arm ourselves, and demand of the Infantes what they have done with our ladies, and require them at their hands. And if they will not deliver them to us, then will we fight against them even to death; for thus shall we do right, and otherwise we shall be ill spoken of, and not worthy to live in the world. This was the counsel which Pero Sanchez gave, and they all held it good and did accordingly. And the Infantes, when they saw them coming and heard their demand, were greatly afraid, and they said, Go to the fountain in the Oak-forest of Corpes, and there ye may find them; we left them safe and sound, and no harm have we done unto them; but we would not take them with us. Ill have ye done, replied those knights, to forsake such wives, and the daughters of such a father, and ill will ye fare for it! And from henceforward, we renounce all friendship with ye, and defy ye for the Cid, and for ourselves, and for all his people. And the Infantes could not reply. And when they saw that the Infantes did not answer, they said, Get ye gone for traitors and false caitiffs: there is no way in the world by which ye can escape from the enemies whom ye have now made! But for all this the Infantes made no reply, and went their way.
XVII. Pero Sanchez and those other knights rode back to the green lawn in the Oak-forest, where they had left the dames; and when they came to the fountain they saw that there was blood round about, but the dames were not there; and they were greatly troubled, and knew not where to seek them. And they went about the forest seeking them, calling them aloud, and making great lamentation for the ill that had befallen, and also, because they could not find them. Now Felez Muñoz and the women heard their voices, and were in great fear, for they weened that it was the Infantes and their company, who were returne
d with intent to kill them; and in their great fear they remained still, and would fain have been far from that place. So Pero Sanchez and they who were with him went about seeking them in vain. Then spake up a knight called Martin Ferrandez, who was a native of Burgos, saying, Friends, it boots us to turn back from hence and follow after the Infantes, and do battle with them, even unto death, because of this wickedness which they have committed, rather than return to the Cid; for if we do not strive to take vengeance, we are not worthy to appear before him. And if, peradventure, we cannot come up with them upon the road, let its go before the King Don Alfonso, and discover unto him this foul deed, and tell him the truth thereof, to the intent that he may order justice to be done for such a thing; for certes, greatly will he be troubled when he knoweth it, and greatly will he be incensed against them, inasmuch as he it was who besought the Cid to give them his daughters to wife. And we will not depart from the King’s house, nor take unto ourselves any other Lord till the Cid shall have obtained justice in this matter. And all those knights held this counsel to be good, and agreed to do so. And they took their way and followed after the Infantes as fast as they could, taking no rest; but the Infantes had ridden away full speed, and they could not overtake them. And when they saw this they went their way to King Don Alfonso who was at Palencia, and they came before him and kissed his hands, and then with sorrowful hearts told him of the evil which had befallen the Cid, in this dishonour done unto his daughters by the Infantes of Carrion. And when the King heard it he was grievously offended, as one who had great part therein; and he said unto him, It must needs be, that before many days we shall receive tidings of this from the Cid Campeador, and then upon his complaint we will enter into the business in such wise, that every one shall have justice. Then Pero Sanchez and the other knights kissed the King’s hands for what he had said; and they abode in his court, waiting tidings from the Cid.