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Origin (Scales 'N' Spells Book 1)

Page 16

by AJ Sherwood

  Was it because he hadn’t kissed back? Cameron hadn’t meant to give the wrong idea; he’d just been startled. And then magic. Magic was very distracting. But he’d strongly hinted about kissing dragons more and that Alric was handsome, trying to get his interest across. And still, Alric hadn’t made a move.

  Cameron suspected something else was at work here. And he had a very dark suspicion as to what the hold-up was. “Lisette. Correct me if I’m wrong, okay? But you said Alric was body shy. Baldewin told me Alric doesn’t think of himself as attractive. And the man doesn’t seem to know how to approach me. Is this”—Cameron waved a hand toward his own left side in illustration—“the issue?”

  Lisette sighed, her shoulders slumping for a moment. “He won’t say as much to any of us. Not even to Baldewin, and he and Baldewin have no secrets. But that’s what we suspect, yes. At least part of it.”

  “And the reason you’re encouraging me is because he’s interested?”

  “Yes. I think he likes you a great deal.” Lisette shot him a look as she opened the jar of carrier oil. “I do hope you’re good at taking the initiative. Now, focus. We are losing time. And the measurements on potions must be precise.”

  Cameron focused and made notes. He’d been using the note section of his daily planner so far, but he really needed something else—an actual notebook for this sort of thing. Did mages in this day and time have grimoires? If they didn’t, could he convince people it needed to make a comeback? Because Cameron so wanted a grimoire.

  The potion was easy to make. It reminded him of his halmeoni’s mixture of essential oils, actually. They poured it into a glass container with a screw top lid and then more or less speed-walked back up to the king’s wing of the castle. Lisette didn’t do more than briefly knock before sailing through. “Alric! I have your salve.”

  “Thank you,” Alric’s voice floated toward her, sounding relieved. “There wasn’t much left in this jar. And I’m due for a—oh.”

  Cameron rounded the open door leading into the king’s bedroom, and he could tell Alric was flustered and embarrassed to have him in there. The king was half-dressed, black slacks on and a shirt hanging on the tri-standing mirror nearby. Alric was expecting the salve, yes, and had stayed in this half-dressed state. But he did not want Cameron to see him shirtless, that was clear. The man couldn’t meet his eyes and he sat stiffly, head turning away.

  Oh yes. Cameron saw the problem. He wished Alric would look at him because then he’d see that Cameron absolutely wasn’t disappointed. The damage on the left side was extensive, yes. The lines of injury were red in parts, puckered where things hadn’t healed right. The white lines of scars wrapped around his arm like a lightning strike across his skin. They didn’t detract from him—they enhanced the rest of his taut body. Alric clearly exercised on a regular basis, and it left him toned in a perfectly yummy way.

  Was Cameron drooling? He might be drooling. Also, he really wanted to lick a nipple.

  But Alric was getting stiffer and more uncomfortable by the nanosecond, and that had to stop. Cameron put on a cheerful tone and strode right in as if he were oblivious to Alric’s unease. “I hope you don’t mind if I practice on you. I mixed this one up myself.”

  That brought Alric’s head up a notch. “You did? You’re learning potions already?”

  “Yeah, Lisette said this one wasn’t complicated, and she wanted to introduce potion making to me.” He screwed off the lid and knelt just off to Alric’s side, dipping his fingers generously into the jar. How did he ease Alric’s tension? How did he communicate that he liked the look of this man and the scars were absolutely not a deterrent?

  First order of business, activate the salve. “Fekats gev adi.”

  The salve sparked briefly, the magic mixing in like glitter. He scooped a generous amount onto his fingers. Fortunately, Cameron’s mouth had never had a problem supplying words. He touched three fingers to the top of the shoulder and then jumped. “Damn, you’re hot! I mean, you’re hot in that sense too, but I didn’t realize dragons ran this warm all the time. I find the inside of the castle a little cold, and you’re sitting here shirtless like it’s nothing and you’re still warm. This is unfair.”

  Alric’s attention was on him now, and was that a blush heating the man’s cheeks? Making the King of the Fire Dragons blush was kind of fun and very adorable. Cameron would so be doing that more often. “It’s common for the fire dragons to be warm generally, yes. We carry a great deal of heat with us.”

  “Makes sense.” Cameron smoothed oil over Alric’s shoulder, dipped his hand in for more oil, and kept going, keeping a weather eye on Alric’s expression as he did so. He didn’t want to cause pain, but wasn’t sure how much pressure to apply, either. He didn’t see any hint of discomfort on his face, so he figured he’d gotten it correct.

  Lisette cleared her throat. “It seems that Cameron has this well in hand. I’ll leave it to you, Cameron.”

  “Sure.” Yes! The chaperone had left the room. Now Cameron had a chance to get some game on. He waited until he heard her high heels on the wooden floor in the hallway outside before speaking again. “I imagine your right side is trying to compensate for the left, so I’ll oil up that side too, okay?”

  Alric was back to shifting uncomfortably. “No, that’s fine. I’m taking away time you should be spending with the rest of the clan and your studies. If you’ll leave the jar with me, I can—”

  Cameron needed a clue by four. So he could hit Alric over the head with it. Right, time to change tactics. He shouldn’t try to come on as nurturing. Make this sexy. “Alric. You ever have this fantasy you think will never come true?”

  Alric paused, studying him as if Cameron was a puzzle he couldn’t quite figure out. “I think we all have those.”

  “Well, mine involves a sexy man—older men are my preference, by the way—and oil, and a little privacy.” He dipped his fingers in again, this time soothing the oil directly over Alric’s chest with both hands, looking the man dead in the eye as he rubbed the oil into his skin with a firm sweep of his palms. Alric’s breath audibly hitched in his throat, and he stared back as if mesmerized. Cameron murmured in a low voice, “Let me indulge, okay?”

  Alric’s voice was husky as he breathed, “As you will.”

  Alric’s body burned. Every seductive pass of Cameron’s amazing hands left Alric aching to pull Cameron closer. He wanted to claim his mouth in a deep, drugging kiss that would finally wipe away his knowing little smirk. The man massaging tense muscles was well aware of how he was driving Alric crazy. It was all Alric could do to hold back the moan rising in his throat.

  He was fairly certain all the blood in his body had flooded south to his throbbing cock pressed against the front of his slacks, demanding to have a turn with Cameron’s magical hands and that wonderfully slick oil.

  To have those long, nimble fingers wrap around him and—

  No! No thinking about that.

  Clenching his teeth, Alric fisted his right hand at his side, inwardly praying Cameron didn’t notice the fine trembling of his muscles as he struggled to get control of himself.

  Of course, that wasn’t possible.

  Cameron chuckled softly, his warm breath brushing against Alric’s bare neck. Goosebumps broke out across his flesh, and Alric sucked in a breath through his teeth.

  “Relax,” Cameron murmured. “The point of the massage is to help you relax. Make you feel good.”

  “Would you be able to relax if someone was doing this to you?” Alric asked, his voice little more than a harsh growl.

  Cameron hummed as if he was giving it some thought. He bent, dipping his fingers into the oil again. Moving behind Alric, he cradled his neck on either side, gently massaging muscles there before sweeping down across his chest. Alric’s nipples hardened to painful points, and there was no stopping the quick breath he sharply sucked in. This wasn’t his fault. He couldn’t stop how his body reacted to each amazing caress. He could only control
what he did about it. And right now, he was going to sit there and take it because it made Cameron happy.

  Alright, fine, he might be enjoying it too. A little.

  “Just anyone massaging me?” Cameron asked.

  Rage scorched through Alric’s body, and he glared at the wall in front of him at the thought of anyone putting their hands on Cameron. No one should touch him. Just Alric. Only Alric. Scheiße, and that was his dragon flaring up with possessiveness. Alric shoved it back down mentally.

  “Whoa! You just got really warm,” Cameron gasped, his hands leaving Alric for a moment. “Are you okay?”

  Alric nearly groaned at himself. “Yes. Of course. Hot flash,” he muttered and then rolled his eyes at himself. A fucking hot flash? Wonderful. That was really sexy. Now he was a menopausal woman.

  Cameron’s hands tentatively returned to his shoulders, resuming their slow course over Alric’s bare skin. “I’m guessing that’s a dragon thing. Hot flashes. I bet you would be amazing to snuggle with at night, all warm and toasty. My feet would never be cold with you.”

  Images of a naked Cameron stretched out beside him, wrapped in his arms, their bodies pressed flush from toes to lips, crowded into his brain, and his cock throbbed a happy yes. Alric closed his eyes and clamped his mouth shut when his tongue fought to offer his bed up to Cameron any time he wanted.

  This was wrong. Cameron could belong to another dragon, and he was sitting here basking in the man’s slippery touch over his body. He was imagining kissing him, sinking deep into him until Cameron screamed his name over and over again.

  But it wasn’t enough to simply fuck him and claim him.

  Alric wanted Cameron to claim him as well. He wanted Cameron to trust him, believe in him, place his life into Alric’s hands and know that Alric would always keep him safe. He wanted Cameron to fight for Alric.

  Beautiful, sweet, funny Cameron couldn’t possibly be his. Alric was too dark, too weak. He didn’t deserve someone as perfect as Cameron. The mage likely belonged to Gunter—they both had brilliantly sharp minds. Or maybe he was Ravi’s mate—they both had a playful, free sense of humor.

  There were at least a dozen other dragons who would be a better match for Cameron and here Alric sat, greedy and selfish, loving every pass of his wonderful hands over his skin. He was stealing from another member of his clan. A lump of self-loathing formed in his throat. This behavior started the war, and he would not be like Kaiser.

  Closing his eyes, Alric parted his lips to finally ask Cameron to stop, but the mage pressed his cheek to the side of Alric’s head, his lips brushing against the shell of his ear. “Shhh…relax. Remember, this is for me. You promised to give me my fantasy.”

  Alric managed a small nod as Cameron’s wicked hands slid down his chest and across his flat stomach, dancing so damn close to the waistband of his slacks. Just another inch or so and Cameron’s fingers—

  “But you asked me a question,” Cameron started again, dragging his hands up Alric’s chest. His index fingers lingered on Alric’s nipples, circling them slowly a few times before moving back up to his shoulders. Alric couldn’t remember what they’d been talking about at all. “Relaxing if just anyone was massaging me? No, I don’t think I could.”

  Right. Alric’s destructive thoughts had spiraled out of control when he’d thought about someone else placing their hands on Cameron.

  “But if it was you?” Cameron hummed, and this time the sound was of pure pleasure. “I think that would be amazing. You’ve got amazing hands.”

  Just the mention of hands had Alric instinctively pulling his left hand toward his lap. There was no hiding it or his scars from Cameron when his upper half was naked like this. He would love to massage Cameron, to rub away all his tension and worries, but there was so little strength in his left hand. Cameron deserved—

  “No,” Cameron said sharply. “I can practically hear the evil thoughts in your head.” Cameron slid back around to face him and snagged Alric’s left hand in his. The mage’s gaze was hard and fierce, holding Alric’s eyes captive while he lifted Alric’s scarred hand to his lips and brushed the lightest kiss across his knuckles. “A massage from you would be perfect. I know it.”

  Alric couldn’t look away from Cameron’s brown eyes as the mage squatted to dip his free hand into the oil. He spread it across Alric’s left hand and worked it up his arm, fingers digging deep to knead injured and worn muscles. There was no stopping the moan of intense relief that broke from Alric’s lips, and Cameron smiled.

  “Now we’re getting somewhere,” Cameron purred.

  That wicked smile had Alric’s dragon perking its head up. He rumbled in his chest, and one word repeated with a fiery urgency. Mine.

  His dragon wanted Cameron. Wanted to claim him, drag him off to his secret hoard, and hide him away from the world.

  Well, his dragon needed to get used to disappointment. Just because he wanted Cameron didn’t mean he got to keep him. If they weren’t mates, then there was no changing it. He’d have to give Cameron up.

  “Would you give me a massage if I was injured?” Cameron asked.

  Alric’s head snapped up, and he blinked. At least a little blood was left in his brain. “Of course. Anything you need.”

  Cameron sighed extravagantly and stood up. “Thank god. You see, I bumped into my doorframe this morning when I was heading to see Lisette.” He bent his forearm, holding it up so Alric could see it. “I know you can’t see a bruise, but I swear it’s coming.” His skin looked pristine and flawless to Alric, but if Cameron said he was injured then Alric would do anything to help him feel better.

  A smirk lifted one corner of his mouth, and he dragged his eyes up to Cameron’s face. “You bruised your arm?”

  The mage nodded, his smile so very dirty. “Yes, and I need a massage. The bruise must have pinched something because I kind of ache everywhere.”

  “ not just your arm?”

  Cameron shook his head. “Everywhere,” he repeated in a low, husky voice that did things to Alric’s cock.

  A loud knock on the chamber door had Cameron guiltily jumping backward and Alric shoving to his feet.

  “What?” Alric snarled.

  The door opened, and Dieter stepped over the threshold. “Forgive the intrusion, Hoheit, but I’ve received a message from King Rodrigo of the Ice Clan.”

  Cameron sighed beside him. “Duty calls.” Alric looked at his lovely smile. “It’s tough being king.” He winked and strolled out of the room, calling over his shoulder, “Don’t worry. I’ll be back tomorrow morning.”

  Alric flopped down onto his stool. Oh god. How the hell was he supposed to keep his hands to himself if Cameron took it upon himself to massage Alric with the oil every morning?

  Dieter cleared his throat, reminding Alric that he was still waiting for an answer.

  “Ten minutes, Dieter. I’ll meet you in my office in ten minutes,” Alric said as evenly as he could manage.

  “Very good, Hoheit.”

  The second the door closed behind Dieter, Alric was back on his feet, marching straight into his private bathroom. As he crossed into the luxurious room, he had his pants torn open and his straining cock in his right fist. There was no getting rid of this on its own.

  Sitting on the edge of the counter, Alric groaned as he stroked himself. It didn’t take much. His mind was a blur of images. His own fantasies. Cameron on his knees in front of him. Cameron’s hand wrapped around him while he leaned in and whispered dirty desires in his ears. Cameron stretched out on his bed, arms reaching for him, begging for Alric to take him.

  Just a few strokes, and his orgasm barreled through him. Nerve-endings tingled and he gasped, coming so fucking hard blackness crept into the edges of his vision.

  For a moment, he sat gasping on the edge of the sink, his left hand gripping the counter, trying to steady him.

  And Cameron was supposed to massage the oil on him each morning?

  He was so fucked.
br />   “Cam!”

  Cameron turned at the hail. He had been crossing the courtyard but paused, waving back as Ravi jogged to him. “Hey.”

  “You’re going out?” Ravi asked in worry.

  “Well, I’m kind of running low on a few essentials,” Cameron explained to him with spread hands. “I packed for a two-week vacation, not an extended stay. I thought I’d ask someone to drive me into town and guard me.” Well, he wasn’t too low thanks to the castle having nearly everything, but after being in the castle eight days, Cameron needed to just get out and stretch his legs.

  “Ohhh. I can do that.” Ravi bounced a bit on his toes as he admitted frankly, “Alric’s given firm orders that we’re to protect you. You have priority if you want to go anywhere.”

  “Um, thanks?” Cameron felt like that should be flattering but really, it was weird. Having a bodyguard available to him who was also a dragon was just really, really weird. He felt like an imposition, and it wasn’t a comfortable feeling. “I only need about two hours or so.”

  “You can take as long as you’d like,” Ravi assured him cheerfully. “I’m tired of being stuck in the castle.”

  “Oh. Well in that case, let’s definitely get some fresh air.”

  “Wait right there. I’ll grab one of the cars.” Ravi darted off to the garage. He returned in under a minute with a Jeep, one of the more modern versions with an enclosed hard top.

  Cameron hopped in, still buckling as Ravi headed for the main gates. “Do we need to alert anyone?”

  “I texted Baldewin as I grabbed the keys, no worries.”

  Ravi darted him a quick, hopeful look as they passed through the gates. “So, you really intend to stay? You don’t want to return to your home?”

  “Eh, not really. I mean, I have friends I’ll miss in the States, and of course, I’ll want to visit family too, but…I don’t know how to explain this and have it make sense.”


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