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Origin (Scales 'N' Spells Book 1)

Page 21

by AJ Sherwood

  Cameron heard his door click open, Alric and Lisette joining them in his sitting room. Alric strode directly to him, leaning over his other shoulder, his hand warm as it cupped the top of Cameron’s arm. It felt good to have him in contact like this. Cameron appreciated it and leaned into the man. Alric was comforting and grounding in a way that he needed. Frankly, Cameron had been through enough of a roller coaster over the last several hours. Some stability would be nice.

  And Alric was definitely that.

  Lisette hissed out a breath. “Another mage, as we suspected.”

  Cassie’s voice rose in excitement. “So the glow means I pass? Awesomesauce. Oh man, that almost makes up for this idiot. But does that mean he came after me because I’m also a mage?”

  “Let’s ask him and find out.” Sasha stalked into view and then out of it again, heading supposedly for the man still duct taped on the floor.

  “Cass, prop the phone up so we can see the room,” Cameron requested. “We’re having trouble following what’s going on over here.”

  “Yeah, sure, hang on.” The phone was set down on a table, then adjusted a little to be propped up, the view changing as she moved it. “There. Good?”

  “That’ll work, thanks.”

  They collectively held their breath as Sasha removed the duct tape over the man’s mouth. Cassie had been very thorough in securing the man. He looked like a duct tape sushi roll. And panicked—the whites of his eyes clearly visible as he looked up at the two dragons leaning over him.

  Baldewin propped him up so he could speak a little easier before asking, “Why are you here? How did you find her?”

  No answer.

  Frowning, he repeated himself in German. Still no answer. He switched languages three more times, and the man stared at him but didn’t respond. Didn’t even try to speak.

  “I think he understands you fine.” Alric leaned in a little more, his voice flat with anger. “He just doesn’t want to answer.”

  Baldewin cracked his neck to either side. “Oh, I can make him answer. He might not like my methods, though.”

  The man paled, wriggling futilely against the duct tape. He hadn’t the leverage to get it off, and it ended with him falling sideways again with a thump.

  “I’ll get Cheryl.” Cassie went for the baseball bat lying nearby. “If we’re getting violent, I get first crack at this asshole. I’ll show you what it’s like to be at the mercy of others, you fucking bastard.”

  Lisette abruptly leaned over, grabbing the phone and snapping out, “BACK AWAY FROM HIM, NOW!”

  Wait, what? Cameron had no chance to ask for an explanation.

  Neither Baldewin or Sasha hesitated. They immediately dove for cover, Sasha snatching up Cassie as she moved and taking her swiftly away. Cassie gibbered out a half-spoken protest and then they were all out of sight. In less than a second, Cameron understood Lisette’s order and alarm. The duct-taped guy lit up, magic in clear use, but it was wrong. All of it was wrong, not like the magic Cameron had seen. That he himself had performed. It was obviously unbalanced, the light twisting and writhing instead of flowing outwards, and it didn’t move smoothly. Instead, it seemed to furl back in on the caster, and it imploded with a dull thud.

  The man jerked once, doubling in on himself, then flopped with all the life of a dead fish.

  “Idiot,” Lisette snarled. “He just used an anti-spell to free himself, and now he’s dead because of it. We wouldn’t have killed him.”

  Alric groaned low. “Panicked men make poor decisions. Baldewin, double check if he’s still breathing.”

  Baldewin strode over and knelt on one knee, putting two fingers to the man’s neck. He shook his head immediately. “No pulse. This is beyond aggravating. Now what do we do with him?”

  With a sigh, Dieter instructed, “Search his body. See if there’s any clues to his identity. Then fly his corpse away from the city and dump it somewhere not to be found. Water would be best.”

  Baldewin gave them a nod. “I’ll do that. Do we have a flight back yet?”

  “Not yet. I need Noh Ha Na’s information before I can buy all of your tickets. As soon as she arrives, give the phone to her.”

  “Will do.”

  In the background, Cameron could hear Cassie say in a soft, charming voice, “Thank you for shielding me, Sasha.”

  “It was my pleasure,” Sasha all but purred back.

  Cameron pinched the bridge of his nose, more than a little irritated with his sister. Of course the smoking hot dragon took precedence over a body in her living room. Of course she fucking did. He thought about verbally prodding her.

  Then thought better of it.

  Alric leaned in to murmur near his ear, “I promise you we will get to the bottom of this.”

  Cameron lifted a hand up to squeeze the one still holding onto him. “I know you will. Sis, maybe focus on packing. And isn’t Halmeoni supposed to be there soon?”

  As if his words had summoned his grandmother, there was a knock at the door. Halmeoni didn’t wait for someone to answer it before going right in. “Cassie!”

  “Halmeoni, wasseyo?” Cassie hurried to her front door, narrowly scooting by Baldewin in the process. Her eight hundred square foot apartment really wasn’t big enough to hold this many people at once. “Be careful, we had something bad happen.”

  His grandmother stepped just into visual range of the camera. She was in slacks and one of the billowy, loose shirts she favored, her purple hair done up in a sleek bun. She peered first at both dragons, then the man on the floor. “That one looks dead.”

  “He cast an anti-spell and it backfired,” Baldewin explained, standing and offering her a hand. “I’m Baldewin, King Alric’s retainer.”

  “Noh Ha Na, pleasure to meet you. Anti-spell, you say? That sounds nasty. Oh Cameron, I see your face.” She turned to face the camera directly. “Lots of faces. Hello, faces. How are you doing this evening, Alric?”

  “Very worried about what is happening over there,” Alric answered in that formal, soft-spoken way of his. “Hello, Ha Na.”

  A smile took over Halmeoni’s face, and as any one of her children or grandchildren could tell you, nothing good followed that smile. “Likewise, Alric. Very worrisome, what’s going on here. I think it’s better for us to come to you.”

  “Please do,” Alric invited. “I’d prefer it, in fact. If you don’t mind, can you face Baldewin for a moment? He wants to test if you’re a mage.”

  “Oh! Oh, he does? That sounds exciting.” Halmeoni promptly turned and faced Baldewin. The camera angle was such that they all could see the triangle light up immediately. “Oooh, please tell me that means I am.”

  Baldewin cast a glance at the people watching that said, Seriously?! Then he blinked, smoothing out his expression. “Yes, you are. Most definitely.”

  Halmeoni cackled. Outright cackled and threw a fist of victory into the air. “I knew it! Look out world, here I come!”

  His grandmother. A mage. Cameron couldn’t say he was surprised. He’d kind of expected it on some level. But on the other hand…his grandmother. A mage. Magic, apparently, didn’t care how old you were.

  It was kind of a nice thought. Although it seriously made him wonder about his mom.

  Dieter cleared his throat. “I realize it’s quite late both here and there. You’re not going to be able to board a plane immediately. But let’s get tickets bought and bring you here as quickly as we can.”

  Both women zeroed in on the phone in near tandem, the same excited expressions on their face. In unison, they said, “Yes, please!”

  Cameron watched this and just shook his head. Now they were in for it.

  After that, Cameron understandably went to bed. It was the wee hours of the morning, after all. He woke up to a single text message from Baldewin.

  You owe me for this.

  Wincing—as he could well imagine what poor Baldewin was juggling with both women likely beside themselves with excitement—he shot bac
k a query: How bad are they?

  The answer came within seconds. Cassie and Sasha are making eyes at each other. I give it five minutes before they’re making out despite the audience. Your grandmother has been peppering me with questions for hours non-stop. You owe me.

  Cameron winced again. About as he expected. He typed back, I totally do. Sorry, man.

  He apparently needed to know what Baldewin liked to do as a hobby. He had a feeling he was about to add to the man’s collection.

  Guilt sat heavily on Alric. Knowing Cameron was being hunted, he really should have taken more precautions safeguarding the rest of his family. He’d assumed that with them in an entirely different country, they were safe enough for the time being.

  Well. You know what they say about assumptions.

  Cameron had to be worried about them, even with Baldewin and Sasha there. Their flight wasn’t due to leave for another hour, and having them on US soil away from the rest of the clan frankly unnerved even Alric. Cameron probably felt the same, considering all that had happened. Alric strongly felt the need to reassure him that they would be alright. Nothing could get past those two. It’s why he had sent them. But Cameron didn’t know them that well, didn’t know how strong they were. He was still learning much about the clan.

  After a late lunch, he stole enough time to go and see Cameron. Lisette had postponed their magic lesson, and he’d been reliably informed Cameron was still in his room. They’d stashed him near Alric, for security reasons, but that was very likely to change when Cameron’s family arrived. There weren’t many open rooms left on this floor, for one. Putting all of his family on the same floor would be a kindness.

  And Cameron was far, far too temptingly close, for another. Alric wasn’t sure how much longer he could survive knowing that Cameron was a two-minute walk from his own bedroom. Not monopolizing Cameron’s every moment was proving difficult as it was. Their date (interrupted date, no less) notwithstanding, they didn’t have an understanding between them yet, after all.

  Shoving that thought firmly out of his mind, he gave the door a solid rap. “Cameron?”

  There came a muted thump and then the door swung open. Cameron’s smile instantly lightened Alric’s mood. The mage couldn’t be that worried if he was smiling like that.

  “Hey,” Cameron greeted. “Come in, come in. Wait, tell me this isn’t another emergency.”

  “Not an emergency,” Alric assured him as he walked in. This room suited Cameron, now that he was paying proper attention. It was originally meant for the clan’s head family and was decorated accordingly. A very masculine room with its wood tones and the hunter green rug, thick and plush, on the floor. While there was a sitting area off to one side, near a fireplace, it didn’t have a separating wall between it and bedroom. Alric carefully put his back to the four-poster bed dominating that area of the room, pretending he was in a proper sitting room and nowhere else.

  “Hallelujah. I’m not sure if I can take any more emergencies. So what’s up?”

  Alric gave him a faint smile, taking him in. “I wanted to reassure you that they’re in capable hands. Baldewin and Sasha are the strongest fighters I have. Nothing will get past them.”

  Cameron gave him that blinding smile that robbed Alric of all breath. “Aww, that’s sweet of you. This is going to sound wrong, but I’m not all that worried now. I mean, I was, but I just got off the phone with my sister and the whole family is over the moon right now. Well, my parents are torn between concern for us and fascination, but Cassie and Halmeoni are over the moon. And my sister is so not worried about being attacked. All she could talk about was magic and somehow jumping Sasha on the ride over here.”

  Surprised, Alric blinked at him several times. “She—she is?”

  “According to her, Sasha is the hottest woman in the universe, and how dare I not tell her about this beforehand. I’m only slightly paraphrasing. Pretty sure Sasha’s going to get a lapful of Cassie. Hopefully she’ll be okay with that.”

  “Knowing Sasha as I do, she’ll be thrilled.”

  “Good, good.” Cameron let out a breath of relief. “Otherwise that was going to get really awkward. And I hate awkward. Speaking of…I’ve got two questions for you that I really want answered. Before this gets more awkward.”

  Alric had no idea what he meant to ask but nodded encouragement. “Of course. Ask so that I may answer.”

  “You’ve introduced me to the entire clan, and hinted, and other people have hinted, and all of that. But I’d feel better making this clear.” Cameron sucked in a breath, let it out. “Alric. Formally, I’m asking, do you want me to be a member of this clan?”

  “Yes.” Alric had no hesitation on his part, no question. Conversely, he felt uneasy that he hadn’t made this clear to Cameron—but then he’d been trying to be cautious and considerate of the man. “Yes, of course I do. I wanted to give you time here, let you become comfortable, before formally asking you. I…” Alric stopped, trying to find the right words to convey his thoughts without scaring Cameron or putting more pressure on him.

  The mage placed his hand on Alric’s arm, his gaze worried. “What is it?”

  “I’m worried about scaring you,” Alric surprised himself by admitting.

  Cameron’s grin returned. “I don’t think you can, but I appreciate your concern.”

  “It’s just…I don’t know how much has been explained to you about being part of a clan—particularly a dragon clan. Expectations. Duties. How your life inevitably changes.”

  “I’ve got some guesses, but what are you thinking about?”

  “Joining the Burkhard Clan is a major change for your life. Being a part of the clan means living here. Of course, you can visit with your family—preferably after we’ve taken care of the current threat. I don’t want you to think you’re a prisoner,” Alric hastily added while mentally cursing himself. He wasn’t doing this right. He should have called for Dieter. “Being in a clan means devoting yourself to that clan. As a mage, that means studying magic and using that magic to support your fellow clanmates.”

  “So…all the clan lives in the castle?” Cameron said. The tiniest hint of a smile toyed with the corners of his mouth.


  “And being in the clan means I get a job in the castle?”

  “Yes, though your first job is student. You’ll mostly work with Lisette, but the other mages will be helping you as well. As a student, you’ll also assist them in gathering spell ingredients, spell preparation, and research.”

  Cameron’s would-be smile turned into more of a smirk. “You haven’t said a single thing to scare me yet.”

  “Are you sure?” Alric demanded before he could stop the words from leaving his mouth. Cameron’s bark of laughter nearly covered Alric’s groan.

  “Don’t get me wrong, this is all new and unexpected. It’s not at all what I thought I’d be doing with my life, but I love it, Alric. I truly do. When I’m working magic with Lisette, I feel like I’m finally doing what I was meant to do. So, leaving my old life behind? Joining the clan? Being a mage? Those things don’t scare me.”

  “Good,” Alric said on a sigh. “You have a standing invitation at all times to join us.”

  “I figured that was the case. I just wanted to clear the air before everyone got here.” He did seem lighter, his shoulders relaxing a touch. “Thank you. I want to accept.”

  “Please do,” Alric replied huskily. He couldn’t imagine anything that he wanted more than this, to have Cameron with him. That possessive snarl rose up in the back of his mind, and he slapped it hastily down before the growl could come out of his throat. Cameron didn’t ask to be his, he only asked to belong to the clan. That was an entirely different matter.

  Even if his heart rebelled at the difference.

  “I assume something has to happen to make that all official, and we’ll do that tomorrow. Right now, I want my second question answered.”

  Alric startled a little as Cameron stepp
ed close enough that his chest brushed lightly against Alric’s. Their eyes met, and Cameron’s were nearly swallowed up with a deep black that Alric was sure he’d never stop tumbling through. The mage’s breath hitched, and Alric’s heart tripped as Cameron leaned the last little bit to claim Alric’s mouth in a slow, sensual kiss.

  Eyes fluttering shut, Alric happily kissed him back, wishing more than anything this moment could last for a thousand heartbeats. This kiss was different than their playful little pecks to borrow power for a spell. This kiss spoke to him of want, and there was nothing casual about it. The pressure was exquisite, and Alric nearly moaned at the alluring touch of Cameron’s tongue sliding along his bottom lip, asking for entry.

  Groaning, Alric parted his lips, welcoming him in. His right hand clamped down on Cameron’s hip, holding him in place. Not that Cameron gave any indication he wanted to escape. He’d wrapped his arms around Alric, pulling their bodies flush together so that Alric could now feel his lean muscles. Cameron’s growing erection rubbed against Alric’s hip, and the dragon wanted nothing more than to grind their bodies together.

  If Cameron had meant for this to be an innocent first kiss between them, the heat was quickly flaring out of control.

  Pulling back, Cameron looked directly into his eyes. He appeared slightly dazed and a beautiful flush painted his cheeks. Hunger and heat darkened his brown eyes, enough to spark Alric’s own heat, and god, that was a heady feeling. Alric hadn’t felt it in years.

  “Where is this going?” Cameron asked him, his usual smooth tenor a little rough around the edges. “This sexual tension between us. And before you answer me, I don’t want the king’s answer. I want Alric’s.”

  How astute of him to have figured that out. That Alric was trying to give him a chance with the entire clan and not pressure him. Because Alric-the-king and Alric-the-man had two entirely different answers. It was a little hard to answer him because Alric wanted so very, very much. Too much. “I want you. But it’s up to you where this goes.”

  “Alrighty!” Delight exploded over Cameron’s face, and he immediately hauled Alric to the bed by the arm, pushing him down on the edge of the mattress. Alric allowed this, sitting where directed, half-surprised when he suddenly got a lap full of amorous Cameron. Cameron only hesitated long enough to remove his glasses, tossing them onto the mattress, where they landed with a soft thump. Then he caught Alric’s head and leaned in.


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