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Origin (Scales 'N' Spells Book 1)

Page 28

by AJ Sherwood

  “Where are you?” Alric immediately demanded.

  “Getting the hell out of that town,” Gunter replied. He sounded out of breath, which was strange since he was supposed to be in a car and not running around the town in question on foot.

  “What’s going on? Were you attacked?”

  “No. Worse.”

  Alric looked over at Dieter, who only shook his head, a matching look of confusion on his face. Calm, collected Gunter wasn’t making any sense at all.

  “Gunter, what’s going on? What happened?”

  “We found out who’s after Cameron and all the mages. It’s the Jaeggi.”

  Alric’s mouth fell open as his brain locked up at that single word. He’d never thought he’d hear it again. Alric locked his eyes on Dieter’s wide grey ones, willing him to say something that would prove Alric had misheard Gunter. But his old friend was no help. The dragon was pale and shaking his head as if in denial.

  “Gunter, can you repeat that? I think we misheard you. Did you say Jaeggi?”

  “Yes. Jaeggi. The clan that destroyed our lives. That killed thousands of dragons. The bastards who wiped out nearly all the mages. The Jaeggi are living in that town. Their bloody name is scrawled on dozens of business signs.”

  “Dieties preserve us,” Dieter whispered in horror-filled tones.

  “Where you spotted?” Alric demanded.

  “I…I don’t think so. We weren’t exactly cautious about entering the town, but we quickly turned around as soon as we spotted the signs.”

  Alric nodded. “Get back here as quickly as possible. I’m sending out dragons as an escort. Don’t stop for anything. Do you hear me? Don’t stop.” Alric stared at Dieter, and his advisor was already nodding and starting for the door. “Baldewin and his people will be in the air in a matter of minutes.”

  “Thank you,” Gunter said, breathing a heavy sigh of relief.

  “Be careful, my friend. I’ll see you soon.” He hung up and told Dieter, who’d paused at the door, “Get Baldewin. I’m going to call Rodrigo. He needs to know what we’re up against.” Dieter nodded once and then disappeared out the door. In all likelihood, Gunter and Melissande had gotten away safely, but Alric would take no chances.

  Pulling up the Ice Clan king’s number, Alric winced for only a second as he pressed call. It was after midnight where Rodrigo was, but the ice dragon would understand the urgency.

  The first sound he heard was Rodrigo’s snort when the call picked up. “We do not speak for fifty years, and now I have you calling to whisper sweet nothings in my ear as I fall asleep.”

  “I almost wish that was the reason for my call, Rodrigo,” Alric murmured.

  There was a sound of moving fabric, and Alric could easily imagine Rodrigo sitting up in bed, pushing the covers to the side. “What’s happened? Have they made another grab for your mage?”

  “No, but we sent scouts into the town where we believe they’re hiding.”

  “What did they discover?”


  The line was silent for several seconds. Rodrigo said nothing. Alric couldn’t even hear the dragon breathing.

  “That’s not possible,” Rodrigo murmured, his voice barely over a whisper.

  “My scouts didn’t exactly meet a mage in the town who claimed to be of the Jaeggi Clan, but he said he saw the name spread across dozens of business signs. Jaeggi is not a common name here. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the same town that houses these mages also has human families with this name.”

  “It’s no coincidence. It’s them,” Rodrigo snarled. “How is this possible? They were dead! They died in the war! We saw to it.”

  “No, all we saw to was the destruction of Kaiser Jaeggi,” Alric corrected. “He saw to it that we took most of his clan into oblivion with him when we tried to get to him.”

  Alric’s heart pounded in his chest so hard it was becoming difficult to catch his breath. His dragon was snarling in the back of his head, ready and willing to go right back into battle—not that there was an enemy in front of him to charge. How could this be happening? After all they’d already suffered, how could this damn clan be back to destroy their lives further?

  A lengthy string of Portuguese curses filled his ears that left him flinching and wishing he could join Rodrigo with more than a few German ones. But it wouldn’t help. They had to plan now. Be smart. Uncover what the Jaeggi wanted with the mages and find a way to stop them once and for all.

  “I want them dead, Alric. I want all of them dead. My family was destroyed by the Jaeggi. My clan—”

  “I know. Mine too,” Alric said softly.

  Rodrigo sighed loudly. “Sim. Yes, I know. Forgive me, my friend.”

  Alric found himself unexpectedly smiling. He’d not known the king of the Ice Clan well before they’d stopped speaking so many years ago, but he couldn’t remember the dragon running so hot and cold. Of course, the reappearance of the Jaeggi Clan was enough to rattle them all.

  “What are we to do? Should I send members of my clan to you?” Rodrigo offered.

  Alric was already shaking his head. Not that he didn’t appreciate the offer, but the competition was already fierce for Cameron and his family. He didn’t want to add more tension by introducing members of the Ice Clan to the mix.

  “The Burkhard clan greatly appreciates your offer, but not yet. Are you sure the Jaeggi are not operating in Brazil? I wouldn’t want to deplete your guard if the Jaeggi are there threatening any mages who might be hiding in your area.”

  More Portuguese swearing. “You are right. I’m not sure. It’s not as if we were looking for them. My mages have only just begun new searches with the information you shared with us in regards to the Noh Clan and the other minor clans. The Jaeggi were tricky to locate before the war. I cannot imagine five hundred years of living in the shadows have made them any easier to uncover.”

  “Too true. Be cautious and vigilant, Rodrigo. I will call again if I learn anything new.”

  “Thank you, Alric. I hope your next call brings good news.”

  The call ended, and Alric stood in the middle of his office for a moment, his mind still spinning. The Jaeggi were alive and trying to steal mages. How was this even possible? They’d just assumed the Jaeggi Clan had been wiped out during the war.

  Dieter and Baldewin would see to it that Gunter and Melissande reached the castle safely. For now, he needed to speak with Cameron and his family. They needed to know who was after them.

  Frowning, Alric marched through the castle. At this time of day, Cameron and his family would just be settling in with Lisette for their magic lessons. It was the first day of lessons for Cassie and Ha Na. He hated to ruin the day this way, but it was better if they knew. Their safety was most important of all. It would also give him the chance to break the news to Lisette. She and the rest of the trained mages could possibly start working on a more effective way to locate the Jaeggi Clan members.

  At the door to Lisette’s work space, Alric paused at the sound of laughter filling the room. For a heartbeat, he felt lighter to hear Cameron laughing and joking with his family. With a sigh, he knocked a couple of times on the door before pushing it open.

  Lisette’s happy expression froze on her face, as if she was afraid he was bringing some bad news. He wasn’t sure if he should take that personally or if she was just thinking about Gunter and Melissande.

  “Melissande?” she whispered, confirming his thoughts.

  “She and Gunter are safe,” Alric replied, and her shoulders slumped as she released a deep sigh of relief.

  “Today was the trip to that suspected mage town,” Cameron said with a gasp. He jumped off the stool he’d been perched on and walked right over to Alric. “I can’t believe I forgot. What’s happened? Were they attacked?”

  Alric’s heart swelled over Cameron’s concern and his willingness to jump straight into the fight. Giving in to the urge, Alric picked up Cameron’s hand with his right and thre
aded their fingers together. “They weren’t attacked. They’re fine and headed back to the castle as we speak. Dieter is dispatching Baldewin and some other guards to watch over them until they are home.”

  “What’s going on?” Cassie inquired.

  “Did they find something?” Lisette added.

  “Evidence of the Jaeggi.”

  Both of Lisette’s hands jumped to her mouth, and she shook her head, as if she could simply will it to not be true. “How?”

  Cameron’s hand gently tightened in his, drawing Alric’s gaze to Cameron’s worried eyes. “Who are the Jaeggi? The name sounds familiar.”

  “Here. Sit.” Alric reluctantly released Cameron’s hand and ushered him back to the stool he’d been sitting on just moments ago. The explanation was as much for Cameron as the rest of his family. “When Cameron first arrived, we explained that the Great Dragon War was caused by a mage who had fallen in love with a dragon who was not his mate. He refused to walk away from the dragon when he found his mate. The mage’s name was Kaiser Jaeggi of the Jaeggi Clan.”

  “He started the war—the one that ended five hundred years ago?” Cassie asked.

  Alric nodded. He remained standing next to Cameron, his hand pressed to the mage’s lower back. Just touching Cameron made him feel calmer, more centered than when he’d been speaking in his office to Rodrigo alone.

  “Alric said that Kaiser and his clan cast the spell,” Cameron paused and looked up at Lisette. “It was an anti-spell considering the damage it did. It killed off entire clans of mages. Dragons fought the Jaeggi Clan and died.”

  “And they’re still around? You didn’t kill these bastards off?” Ha Na asked, her voice full of shock.

  “Halmeoni!” Cameron and Cassie said in unison.

  “No, she’s right,” Alric said. He smoothed his hand up Cameron’s back, and some of the tension flowed out of his shoulders. “After everything we lost, you would have thought we’d get rid of every last Jaeggi member. When the dust settled, no Jaeggi could be found. The rest of the mages had scattered and went into hiding. Most dragons were dead. We just wanted to return to our homes, care for those who’d survived, and mourn those we’d lost.”

  Cameron surprised him again by jumping back to his feet and tightly wrapping his arms around Alric, pulling him in so close that it was like the mage was attempting to pull him inside his body for his own protection. Alric closed his eyes and hugged him, burrowing his face in the hollow of Cameron’s neck for just a moment. His hands gripped Cameron’s shirt, holding him tightly. When his parents had died so many year ago, he’d not been able to have a moment like this. His clan had suffered. They’d all lost someone. Alric couldn’t be weak. They’d all been looking to him to lead them forward through their time of pain and grieving. But his sweet Cameron was giving him something his battered heart had longed for over five centuries.

  “Thank you,” Alric whispered in his ear before slowly pulling out of Cameron’s fierce embrace.

  “What do you need us to do?” Ha Na asked, bringing a smile back to Alric’s lips. If Cameron, Cassie, and Ha Na marked the revival of the Noh Clan, then Alric was so proud to have them at his side.

  “When Gunter and Melissande saw the name Jaeggi, they immediately retreated. We can’t take any chances. We don’t know how many there are or why they are after other mages. Are they simply seeking to keep them away from the Burkhard dragons? We need more information.”

  “What we need is a drone,” Cassie announced. “Something to swoop in and spy on them all stealth and ninja-like.”

  “Stealth is the optimal word,” Lisette grumbled, and Alric could easily understand the worry drawing lines on her face. “The Jaeggi Clan were renowned hunters among our people. They were exceptional at all forms of stealth and cloaking spells.”

  “Shame you didn’t bring your drone with you from the States,” Cameron said. He was looking over at his sister, but still leaning some of his weight against Alric, as if he didn’t want to be physically separated.

  Cassie shrugged one shoulder, her frown deepening. “Yeah, but we need more stealth than a drone. They’re fun, but you still hear it buzzing over your head. It’s still going to draw attention.”

  Lisette tapped her lips with one finger, and Alric loved the calculating look in her eyes. “I think I have a few interesting spells that might work. At the very least, they will give us a closer look at the town without one of us actually walking down the streets.” She paused and then nodded as if she’d made a decision. “When Melissande reaches the castle, I’ll call the other mages together so we can discuss a plan. I think even our newest mages will be able to help with this one.”

  Alric nearly chuckled to see Cassie and Ha Na’s faces light up at the promise of doing magic. “Good. Come see me when you have a firm plan in mind. We’ll work out the timing and any further assistance you might need.”

  Stepping away from Cameron, he bowed his head to the gathering and then hurried from the room. He needed to find Dieter, see if he knew how close Gunter and Melissande were to the castle—

  “Alric!” Cameron said in a harsh whisper.

  Alric halted sharply and turned around to see Cameron slipping out the door. He closed it and hurried over to Alric, slipping his hands around his waist. “Are you alright?” Cameron asked.

  Carefully wiping his face of all fears and worries, he smiled at the young mage. “Of course. I’m fine.”

  Cameron narrowed his eyes and cocked his head to the side. “Yep. There it is.”

  Alric stiffened but didn’t pull away from the man whose hands were starting to slide up his back. “What?”

  “You, your sexy highness, are a horrible liar.” Alric gasped and started to jerk away, but Cameron tightened his hold on Alric. “What? Gonna tell me you’re not a horrible liar? That you’re an excellent, accomplished liar?” he teased.

  Alric attempted to glare at Cameron. He was damn good at glaring even if he wasn’t spectacular at lying. At least, he’d been good at glaring prior to meeting Cameron Park. Now all he wanted to do when he was near the man was smile like a besotted idiot.

  “You’ve outwitted me again, young mage. What would you have me say? The potential appearance of the Jaeggi means I failed to protect my people and wipe out this threat like I should have.” Alric felt that failure to the quick. Like the knife was already pushed in to the hilt. No one needed to twist it further.

  “No, it means the bastards are sneakier than anyone thought. Did any other dragon think they were still around?”

  Alric huffed, but Cameron had a point. Rodrigo had been as shocked as Alric. They’d all thought the Jaeggi had been eliminated. If he’d known they were still around he would have kept hunting.

  “And even if they are still around, this is the first you’ve seen of them in five hundred years. I’d say you did a hell of a good job beating them back.”

  There was no stopping the smile that lifted the corners of Alric’s mouth as he stared up at Cameron’s brightly shining eyes. He looked at Alric with such pride and confidence, as if fate herself whispered in his ear that Alric could do whatever Cameron believed of him. His people looked at him similarly, but Alric had always told himself he’d just inherited what his father created.

  But not Cameron. The mage had never known his father. He knew only Alric, and for some reason, Cameron believed in him.

  Lifting his hands, he cupped the side of Cameron’s face. “How did I ever get through my day without you?”

  Cameron’s cheeks flushed and he chuckled. “I imagine with a lot less laughter and fewer distractions.”

  “Very true.” Leaning in, he captured Cameron’s mouth in a sweet kiss, dragging it out until he got that blissful hum of pleasure. He lived for that sound from the man, needed it more than air. He pulled away and brushed one last kiss to the tip of his nose. “Go learn magic. We’ll talk more soon.”

  With a great deal of reluctance, Alric stepped away from Cameron. The mage
winked at him and dipped back into Lisette’s room. Alric started for his private office again. Danger lay ahead of them and they desperately needed answers, but Alric felt like he could conquer it all because of Cameron.

  Lisette clapped her hands together. “Places, everyone!”

  Leaning into his side, Cassie muttered to her brother, “I feel like I’m doing some kind of theater production and I’m a chorus girl.”

  “Same,” Cameron muttered back. In truth, though, he was more than a little nervous. None of them had a great deal of magic training under their belt, but for this, they all needed to pitch in.

  Today was the day they sent a drone into enemy territory.

  A magical drone, of course.

  Every mage the clan had was present, all of them cooperating to do the working. Spells over a long distance like this functioned in multiple parts: one part to control the ‘drone’—in this case a shadow cat—another to stream all of what the drone heard and saw back to the castle, and yet a third to display that information in a mirror so everyone could see it. Lisette had tacked on a fourth spell to record everything into a memory crystal in case they wanted to review it again later. Odds were good they would.

  Nine mages were arrayed around Lisette’s worktable. Dieter, Alric, Sasha, and Gunter were all nearby, trying to stay out of the way but close enough to watch the proceedings. Baldewin was holding up the door with Ravi, keeping people out, but both of them were watching with intent interest.

  Cameron ran his eye over the table once more. Map with precise location to deploy shadow cat, check. Energy stream powered by will o’ the wisp, check. Connection between that and mirror ready, but not in place just yet. That was the last spell to do.

  This was interesting for Cameron, in more ways than one, as he’d never worked a spell in conjunction with other mages before. But it was also interesting to see how Dieter and Lisette orbited around each other. She was clearly drawing on dragon magic to do some of her prep spells. Dieter would sometimes come in close, breathe a kiss near her temple, or place a hand at the small of her back, like he was giving her a boost. Then he’d step back, propping himself up against the wall like furniture. Cameron watched this play out from the corner of his eye with extreme interest. So that’s how a dragon-mage partnership performed during a major working, eh?


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