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Origin (Scales 'N' Spells Book 1)

Page 34

by AJ Sherwood

  Cameron looked over and there was no telltale smile or anything to give away that Dieter knew exactly what he was talking about. The old dragon had a very good poker face.

  “You’re the king’s advisor and things are getting a little crazy with the Jaeggi. I’m sure there are more important things for you to do right now, and there are plenty of guards available to run to town with me. I’ve got Warin in the car behind me, in fact, which begs the question of why we’re in separate cars. With you driving. This seems a little below your pay grade. Did Alric or Lisette send you to keep an eye on me?”

  “Do you really think there’s anything more important than the safety and well-being of the king’s mate?”

  “Oh god,” Cameron muttered, sinking lower into his seat. His heart skipped, tripping over itself to find an exit from his chest. “You think I am?”

  Dieter’s laugh was louder this time, and his smile lingered. It made him look younger in a way, his eyes brighter and the lines in his face shifting from worry to joy. “I suspected the first day when Alric returned to the castle after meeting you. He didn’t talk about a mage who would help our people. He talked about the man with hair that kept falling into his large brown eyes, who had the sparkling sense of humor and brilliant mind. When Alric talks about you, I see a glimpse of the young, happy man I knew prior to the war.”

  Cameron was pretty comfortable with the idea that he was a mage and he could perform magic. He was finding himself, his true self, for the first time ever. Which involved moving to another country, learning another language and culture, and the whole shebang. All of that was huge enough on its own, but did Cameron stop there? No, he had to date someone on top of it all. And not just any man. No, his boyfriend-possibly-mate was KING of the FREAKING DRAGONS.

  “But to answer your earlier question, they both sent me. Since it’s my job to help Alric think clearly and use reason when things feel overwhelming, they thought I might be able to do the same for you.”

  “It’s too much,” Cameron complained on a sigh. He turned his gaze out his window, watching the rolling green countryside unfold just past the car as they drove down out of the mountains and into the valley that held Sonthofen. The air warmed a bit as they left the mountain and went into the valley. Enough that Dieter adjusted the car’s temperature.

  “You can’t honestly tell me you’re surprised.”

  Cameron groaned softly. “No, not exactly. I mean, I campaigned hard for him to date me. It’s not like I went into this blind, as it was mostly me to begin with. It just seems fast.”

  “Some know right away. Your sister—”

  Cameron huffed a laugh. “Cassie is different. She’s always been different. She’s fearless. She has no problem jumping straight into something with a woman. Doesn’t seem to care if her heart’s gonna get stomped on. She just leaps.”

  “Do you think Alric is going to stomp on your heart?”

  Sighing, Cameron dropped his head back against the seat and closed his eyes. Would Alric intentionally hurt him? Never. There was zero doubt in his mind Alric would do anything and everything to keep him safe and happy. “No. No, it’s more the culmination of everything on top of what I feel for Alric. Which is a lot. Because choosing Alric means I’m immigrating to another country, learning a new culture, a new language—all of which is stressful and huge by itself—and to top that off, I’ll be gaining two new jobs. TWO. Because being a mage is only one job that I come with. Being Alric’s mate also means learning how to be a co-ruler of a clan, and that’s…whoa. Just a lot to take in all at once, you know?”

  “I do not discount what you are saying, as you’re perfectly correct. It is a great deal to consider. But you’re wrong to think Alric would demand all of that from you at once.” Cameron opened his eyes to see Dieter give a little shake of his head. “You will have every ounce of support that he can give you, young mage. For that matter, the entire clan is behind you. I don’t want you to hesitate to choose Alric because you feel overwhelmed.”

  “I can’t help feeling overwhelmed, Dieter. Like, that emotion isn’t easily shuffled off to the side.”

  “I do understand. What I’m trying to convey is that you need to speak more candidly to Alric about this. Your hesitation with him has not gone unnoticed, and he fears you might have doubts. Or that you’re second-guessing your choice in him.”

  Cameron jerked around in alarm. “What? What have I said that gave him that impression?”

  “It’s not what you’ve said, but what you’ve failed to say. I believe Alric has known you are his mate since that first day, but he’s been terrified of making a mistake too similar to the one that cost him his family. Not to mention he doesn’t believe he deserves someone as perfect as you.”

  A loud scoffing noise erupted from Cameron’s throat, and he shook his head. “I am not perfect.”

  “True, but you are in Alric’s eyes.” Dieter paused, and his smile softened to something a little dreamy. “The same way I am sure no one is as perfect as Lisette.”

  Insecurities. Cameron sometimes forgot those rode along in Alric’s brain, whispering evil things. He’d been so wrapped up in the huge consequences of his actions that he’d failed to really think about how Alric perceived all of this. Oh damn. He really didn’t mean to give the impression that he had doubts. Well, he did have a few, but they were perfectly natural and could be dealt with.

  One doubt in particular reared its head. Cameron hoped and prayed that he and Alric were meant to be, but really, he had no baseline to guide him. How did the dragons and mages know? With such confidence? “When did you know Lisette was your mate?”

  Dieter slowed the car for a particularly tight turn and lowered the visor against the glare of the sun. “It took a little while. I was young and brash. Best friend to the king of the Burkhard clan and his most trusted advisor, I was sure I knew everything. She was a young, know-it-all mage we’d met on a trip to England. We butted heads from the first moment. I was sure there was no one more insufferable and she thought the same of me. Every time we spoke, it was like thunder rumbled through the air. And yet, when it was time to leave, I couldn’t. My human brain was in denial, but my dragon knew she was mine. I had to take her home with me.”

  “What about Lisette? Did she know?”

  “Luckily, she did prove to be smarter than me.” Dieter looked over at Cameron and grinned broadly. “She’d figured it out. When I arrived at her home to ask her to return to Germany with me, she was already packed and waiting.”

  Cameron snorted. Yeah, that sounded like Lisette. But his happiness was short lived. It drained away when he thought about being Alric’s mate, because it wasn’t just about being mate to a dragon. He would be the mate of the king. That was big. Huge. His talk with Lisette had helped him get perspective on that, but it was still hard to wrap his head around. Hell, his parents didn’t even trust him to manage his own life, making all the big decisions for him. And yet this clan was eager to have him as a leader? It really made no fucking sense.

  “This is insane,” Cameron whispered.

  “In what way?”

  “In every way!” Cameron sucked in a harsh breath and threw his arms up in the air. “Don’t get me wrong. I love a good challenge. Love figuring things out, but I’m still learning how to be a mage. I feel like I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. Am I trying to take on too much at once? I mean, I’ve hurt Alric because I’m so wrapped up in my own head with the logistical issues of me moving here that I failed to realize he’s also struggling. I have to learn how to be a good mate, and not just any mate. I’m the mate for the freaking king. I don’t know how to be anyone’s mate, and it’s so much bigger when it comes to Alric. I don’t know what he needs. All of the clan and its future depends on him. I’m not as mature as he is and I’m really afraid I’m going to screw something up.”

  When Cameron had finally run out of words, he had to wonder if Dieter had actually heard him. The dragon’s smile had never wavere
d. This was important shit! How could he not take him seriously?

  “Cameron, being a mate doesn’t change because Alric’s the king. You’re first and foremost a mate to Alric the man. And from what I’ve seen, you’ve already been a wonderful mate to him.” Cameron snorted, but Dieter continued. “I’ve seen Alric smile and laugh more in the past three weeks than I have in the past five centuries. He’s lighter and happier because of you, even when you’re not around. He makes jokes. Teases his friends. And the fact he didn’t order the guards to raze the Jaeggi town is thanks to your positive influence. The dark shadow that has enveloped him since the death of his parents has finally retreated. The first duties of a mate are to bring joy and comfort. You’ve done that.”

  Crossing his arms over his chest, Cameron sank into his seat. He turned that over in his head for a moment. “Is it really that easy? You guys keep telling me how different he is, but…I mean, he’s ridiculously easy to please. I feel like I’m not really putting much effort into this. Even the simple things I do make him happy. It actually worries me, how little he asks of me.”

  “What about Alric? Is he being a good mate to you? It’s not just about his needs. Has he failed as your mate?”

  “What? No. Absolutely not!” Cameron lurched upright and turned to face Dieter, bracing one hand against the dashboard. “Alric is amazing. He’s sweet and attentive. He’s always worried about my happiness. He—” Cameron broke off his passionate defense and glared at the man’s smug smile. “You’re an ass. I don’t know how Alric puts up with you.”

  Dieter threw his head back and laughed. The sound was so deep and free that Cameron reluctantly found himself smiling as well.

  “I know you feel overwhelmed, Cameron, but my best advice is to simply be you. That’s enough.”

  “But what if it’s not?”

  “It is. Trust me. I’m old.”

  Cameron laughed. “No, you’re ancient.”

  “All the more reason to listen to me,” he replied, not even blinking at the descriptor. “You make him happy. You make him kinder, more thoughtful. Those are all very good things for a king. As his mate, you are a friend, confidante, trusted advisor, voice of reason, and when necessary, a much-needed reality check. Alric can get too bogged down in his dark thoughts. He needs someone to remind him that the world is not always so dark. That there is joy and hope. He need only to look at you to remember that.”

  Had he not done all those things already? Had he not pulled Alric out of his black mood and made him smile? Had he not listened to Alric’s worries and fears as they lay cuddled together in bed? He wanted to be all of that to Alric and more.

  “And the wonderful part is that he will be all those things for you as well. It’s not just about what he needs. You have your own dreams, desires, and responsibilities. He will want to be there to support you. I urge you to speak to him about your concerns on immigrating here. He’ll be happy to learn what it is that worries you, and you’ll feel better with his open support as you figure out the logistics of moving.”

  Cameron rested his head back and sighed, watching the mountains roll past his window. It was so beautiful here. The place called to something in his soul, almost like how Alric called to him. They fit. They’d fit from that very first day, and Cameron hadn’t wanted to admit it to himself because it was too surprising and scary. How was he supposed to fall for a guy in Germany when he’d expected to return home and start a life he didn’t really want?

  But falling for the guy with the magical eyes and sexy smile had been the start of finding the life he wanted. The life that fit him perfectly. Maybe he’d been overthinking this. Being in love with Alric was like any other relationship, really. Cameron would figure it out in time, but the thing he needed to focus on was that he wanted to be good to Alric. He wanted, more than anything, to make that man happy and enjoy him to the fullest. Dieter’s advice was to do that, to focus on that first and foremost. And really, it was good advice.

  Cameron would focus on Alric’s heart and try his damnedest to enjoy being in love with that incredible man.

  Taking a deep breath, Cameron blew it out again, ruffling his own hair. “Ugh, you’re right. I really should have talked this all through with him. I panicked. I never panic.” Okay, well maybe he panicked occasionally.

  “It’s understandable. I doubt you came to Germany thinking you would change your entire life in the span of a few weeks.”

  “True. Do you think I hurt him when I panicked?” Guilt cut through Cameron, and he shifted in his seat. He never wanted to hurt Alric.

  “Maybe a little, but it’s a good wake-up call for him. His brain needs to finally accept what his heart has been telling him. You’re his mate. Doubting it and fearing it isn’t going to make it less true.”

  Cameron turned in his seat, looking back the way they’d come. He couldn’t see the castle any longer. “Should we turn back? Maybe we should go back to the castle. I need to talk to him. Tell him how I feel. I didn’t mean to hurt him. I—” Whatever he’d been about to say broke off at Dieter’s laughter.

  “I’d forgotten how cute new mates were,” Dieter said with a chuckle. “We’re not far from the town now. Let’s get your paperwork for the visa, and then we’ll head back. Maybe we can even stop in that bakery he likes for a pastry or two.”

  “The one that makes those amazing tarts? Yes, we can get a box of those.” He didn’t want to be away from Alric, but the pastries might help his apology.

  “See, you’ve already got this mate thing figured out,” Dieter teased, and Cameron could only roll his eyes at the man.

  Dieter wasn’t exactly making it sound like being mates was easy. Only that Cameron might be blowing things out of proportion. Which was entirely possible. It all came down to Alric. Did he want the man? Did he want to build a life with him? Did he want more mornings wrapped in each other’s arms, sharing jokes, and little looks? Did he want the laughter, pain, and a future with Alric at his side?

  For all those questions, the answer always came back ‘yes.’ No doubt, no hesitation, no fear. When it came to Alric, the answer was simply yes. The rest they would just figure out.

  “What in the world…” Dieter’s voice drifted off as he leaned forward a little, squinting at something in the road. Cameron did the same, but it was so small he wasn’t quite sure what he saw until it was already too late.

  Three of the four tires suddenly let out hideously loud bangs and the car skidded across the asphalt as Dieter slammed on the brakes. What the hell had they hit in the road? Freaking caltrops? Cameron’s heart raced in his chest, and he gasped loudly, bracing his feet against the floor and grabbing the handle on the door. His head hit the glass hard and he winced. They hadn’t been going incredibly fast, but it was enough for them to fishtail and slide off the side of the road. The other car behind them also skidded, nearly crashing into them from behind, and missing them by inches.

  The car came to a hard stop, the whole world seeming to tilt toward the passenger side. Groaning, he rubbed the side of his aching head and glanced at the door. At least he hadn’t hit it hard enough to break the glass.

  “Are you okay?” Dieter asked.

  “Yeah. Shaken, but I’m fine. You?”

  “I’m fine. Old dragons are tough.” He flashed Cameron a smile that didn’t reach his pale grey eyes. He was worried. Cameron forced himself to smile in return, not wanting to add to Dieter’s worries. “I’m going to check out what happened. I want you to stay in the car and call Alric. Tell him to send down some help. Even if it’s Ravi in his dragon form. I want to get you back to the castle as quickly as possible.”

  The offer to get out of the car and help him sat on the tip of Cameron’s tongue, but he swallowed it back. With everything happening, it was safer for him to remain inside.

  Dieter got out and called to the other car, “Warin! What happened, do you know?”

  Cameron reached for his phone in his back pocket only to come up empty. Had
he forgotten his phone when he left the castle?

  No. He’d had it in his lap. The damn thing must have fallen when they swerved to stay on the road. Unbuckling his seat belt, Cameron started to lean forward to search for it when a screech of tires came from behind them. Had someone from the castle been following them? Riding on a dragon was always fun, but he appreciated leather seats and air conditioning as well.

  Twisting around, he sat frozen, his breath trapped in his lungs as a white, unmarked van idled behind them. It all happened too fast, and at the same time as if he were watching it all in slow motion. He was trapped. His limbs unwilling to move as he saw the side door thrown open and four men dressed entirely in black with masks jump down. Dieter rose from where he’d been kneeling next to the rear driver’s side wheel. He threw his arm out, his mouth opening in what was likely to be a shout, but one of the men pointed something at Dieter. Two wires shot out and hit Dieter square in the chest. The dragon shouted in pain and convulsed.

  A taser. The bastards were tasing Dieter! As he thought it, another one aimed at Warin, who went down just as quickly.

  Dieter’s and Warin’s pained shouts finally broke Cameron free of his paralysis. He shoved open the passenger door and nearly rolled down the side of the damn mountain before he could get his feet under him.

  “Leave them alone!” Cameron shouted. Not that he actually expected that to work. He had no doubt in his mind this attack had been orchestrated by the Jaeggi. As he clawed his way back toward the road, the four men seemed to stare at him in surprise for a moment. Had they not expected Cameron to be in the car? Were they just trying to attack a dragon?

  Those answers weren’t going to be coming anytime soon. The two bastards were still shocking the hell out of Dieter and Warin, both dragons twitching on the asphalt. But before Cameron could approach them, the other three attackers descended on him.


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