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Origin (Scales 'N' Spells Book 1)

Page 37

by AJ Sherwood

  Just what was he about…? Alric watched with his heart in his throat. He wanted to tell Cameron to go, but he knew this man. As long as Alric was pinned like this, Cameron wouldn’t abandon him. Just as Alric could never leave him behind. But if Cameron had a plan, Alric couldn’t see or understand it.

  What kind of magic did Cameron plan to use that he thought powerful enough to overturn at least two dozen mages?

  Cameron lifted both hands and he called. Alric felt that call right down to his soul because he was part of it. His lover was calling on every magical element within reach of him, every speck of every realm. Alric stared at him in awe as raw power wrapped around Cameron like a lover’s embrace, lifting his hair and swirling it, a light pouring out of him all of his own. It was as if Cameron demanded every powerful filament of the world, every trace of good power it could offer.

  And the world answered.

  Alric’s heart beat in his throat. He’d never seen a mage do this, even during the heart of the war. Nothing was visible of Cameron but his silhouette, that’s how much power swarmed around him. Surely he’d burn out at this rate. Surely this was too much for any living being to hold. “Cameron,” Alric breathed, both awed and enraptured by this man who held his heart.

  The rest of the courtyard was not oblivious to Cameron’s actions. In the thirty seconds he’d taken to drop and pull power to them, they’d realized he was once again free and in front of Alric. Someone screamed in raw panic, “GET HIM! WE HAVE TO STOP HIM!”

  Cameron’s head turned ever so slightly, Alric could see the motion if not his expression. Cameron spoke the spell with cold finality. “Klak AESE!”

  All of the power he’d gathered flowed out like a riptide. It flew across the courtyard’s grounds, splashing up the sides of the buildings and flowing over the tops of the roofs before disappearing out of sight. Alric staggered a half-step as the trapping spell holding him broke without warning, leaving him free once more. Every other spell in range of Cameron’s magic suffered the same fate, all of them breaking and dissipating like ash in the wind.

  Alric stared down at Cameron in disbelief. Had he just overpowered an entire clan’s strike team with nothing more than willpower and whatever he’d scrummaged up out of Gunter’s research bag?

  Shaking the thought off, he lifted his head and bellowed, “TAKE NO QUARTER!”

  The dragons roared approval and dove back into the attack. With no magic barring their way, it was a short-lived fight in the extreme. Panicked screams died off quickly as bones broke and heads were bitten off. Alric stood guard over Cameron in a protective stance and snapped up one who came too close, catching him by the neck and shoulders and throwing him against the side of a building.

  His tail lashed with satisfaction. Yes, revenge was best served hot after all. Who else could he take on? Spying another, he whipped about and smacked them with his tail, sending another body careening into the building which landed with a meaty thud and no movement afterwards.

  “Simmer down, love.” Cameron came closer, touching his leg lightly. “We need at least one person for questioning, right? I didn’t overhear anything while they had me.”

  Alric regarded him with one eye, expression baleful. “You speak sense.”

  “Sorry for ruining your fun.” Cameron grinned up at him. “Just one. You can choose the smallest one if you’d like.”

  Why did he sound like a parent trying to coax a child into eating a vegetable? Sighing, Alric let the responsible part of his nature take back over, and he turned to issue the command. “Ravi! Bring me one!”

  “Dead or alive!” Ravi called back.

  “Cameron says he has to be alive.”

  “Oh, are we starting that stage of your relationship already?” the wind dragon asked, tone sing-song as he teased.

  “Shit!” Baldewin dove in to land nearby and reported on a pant, “They had a contingency in place. Cameron, did you see how many cars they had?”

  “Six, why?”

  “There’s only four here, so we’re probably short on bad guys.”

  “Two vehicles?” Alric demanded in alarm. “How could they possibly escape when we have them surrounded like this?”

  “I don’t know, Hoheit. I really wish I did. But I counted vehicles as we came in, wanting to be thorough on the cleanup, and it matches what Cameron saw, so we’re short. I know we didn’t drive them, so…”

  Alric used the vilest swear words he could think of in every language and still didn’t feel it adequately relayed his frustration. “So you’re telling me that once again, we were attacked, and we still don’t understand our enemy’s motivations.”

  Baldwin grimaced. “I’ll search for survivors.”

  “Go.” Alric highly doubted there were any. His clan had been too enraged to pull any punches. He couldn’t remain in dragon form, though. His left arm couldn’t hold up his body weight anymore. With a grimace, he shifted back into human form and tried not to show how much pain that caused him.

  “Hey. I can tell you’re in serious pain right now.” Cameron eyed his arm already starting to tremble with pain and fatigue. “What the hell were you thinking, dropping in like that in dragon form? Although your dragon form is hella sexy, honey, I have to tell you. I about swallowed my tongue. I kept thinking, man, this is one powerful looking dragon, who’s this, then I realized it was you, and I almost forgot about the bad guys. But seriously, landing on your bad arm?”

  “They were aiming at the back of your head,” Alric explained simply. His whole body felt like one live wire of pain now that the adrenaline had worn off. “I had to shield you.”

  Cameron stopped dead, and stared at Alric. “I’m not sure whether to shake you for the stupidity or kiss you for being so protective of me.”

  “I’d rather a kiss. If I get a vote.”

  “You most certainly do.” Cameron leaned in and kissed him softly, the kiss sweet and filled with not only gratitude that each of them were alive and well, but together. “I love you.”

  Alric smiled and kissed him again, relishing in those words. Words he’d half lost any hope of hearing from a lover’s lips. “I love you.”

  “Thanks for coming to the rescue.”

  “Of course I’d come. Although I’m rather glad my chosen mate is intelligent enough to rescue himself.”

  “So it was my brains you fell for?” Cameron teased as he put a supportive arm around Alric’s waist, taking some of the weight onto himself. “Not my beauty?”

  Alric sighed and leaned into the hold. “Fortunately for me, you have both. Right now, I choose to be thankful for your brains.”

  “I too like my brains, but even if I can get myself out of sticky situations, I want you to understand that I do not want to face the bad guys by my lonesome. You got me? That was scary as fuck.”

  Alric looked up at him in concern. “You seemed fine so I didn’t think to ask, but you are well? They didn’t hurt you?”

  Cameron snorted. “I barely have bruises to show. They were too worried about you guys quickly catching up to do much to me except throw me into a room. It’s why I sadly don’t know much. I didn’t spend much time listening to them. I picked up only a little. Thomas was here, he’s British, and he said that he wants mages as a stepping stone? It didn’t make sense to me. I’m not sure what their aim is.”

  “I’d rather you safe and we figure out the mystery later.” Alric meant every word of it even if he did wish they had something of an answer. But it was a problem to be solved a different day.

  “How’s Dieter? And Warin?”

  “Both in pain and a little shaken, but fine. They were recovered enough to join the fight.”

  “Thank fuck. They were down for the count when I was taken.” Cameron heaved out a relieved breath.

  Alric’s eyes roved over him again, drinking in the sight of him hale and unharmed. Right now, he had a handsome man he wanted to reconnect with in every way possible. He knew how to tease Cameron a little and trai
led a hand up the man’s thigh. “If you don’t mind, I want to examine you for myself.”

  Cameron gave him a hopeful look. “Sexy examine?”

  “Is there any other kind?”

  “With you? I fucking hope not. We’ll figure this out. I promise. Let’s go back, okay? We’ve got wounded to tend to.”

  “You speak wise counsel to me, Liebling.” Alric sighed. He was in pain from landing hard on his left arm, tired from the magical draw Cameron had demanded of him—not that he blamed him for that one iota—and in need of just a few minutes reassuring himself that every hair on Cameron’s head was still there.

  And maybe a stiff Scotch.

  The battle, for today at least, was over. It was time to do cleanup so they could go home. It wouldn’t happen quickly, what with the building and general area on fire, people injured and in need of care. Alric would need to shelve his own pain long enough to attend to everyone else.

  Even as he opened his mouth to do so, Cameron handed him over to Baldewin. “Take him, get some salve on him. Alric, take five, I’ve got this. Carla! Can you be fire control, we gotta get this put out before it spreads!”

  Alric watched his lover go ahead of him, calling out questions to people, starting triage, forming people into work teams to handle the damage. He did it effortlessly, as if he’d led and commanded others for years. Alric knew he’d been nervous about leading the clan, that he’d had doubts about his ability to do so well. But in the thick of the action, there was no doubt in Cameron’s mind. No hesitation in his orders or movements.

  “Look at him,” Alric sighed to Baldewin in true pleasure. “He’s a natural at this. I knew he would be.”

  “He’s a people person, of course he’s good at leading,” Baldewin snorted. “We all knew he’d be fine once he got a feel for the clan. And look, he’s not even ordering so much as asking people what they’re doing, and they’re the ones choosing tasks, playing to their strengths. You did well picking that one, Alric.”

  “That I did,” Alric agreed, still beyond pleased. He could watch his Cameron in action all day.

  “I, for one, intend to follow his orders.” Baldewin hauled him off to sit on a nearby section of rubble. “Let’s get you tended to before Cameron realizes I haven’t done my job and comes back to bite my head off.”

  “Baldewin, are you more scared of my mate then you are of me?”

  Baldewin pulled out the salve from his pocket, already unstopping the lid. He gave Alric a flat look. “He just stopped a magical attack by multiple mages. By himself. Frankly, Hoheit, he’s terrifying.”

  Alric beamed in response. “Isn’t he? I couldn’t be more proud of him.”

  Wounded or not, Cameron was damn sure Lisette was going to smack Alric if he complained one more time about her “needless fluttering.” After the smoke and dust settled, they piled the mages into cars while the dragons took to the air. They counted bodies and took note of how many Jaeggi Clan members were left behind. It still left the question of how many managed to escape. Their only lead for tracking them down was the town the Jaeggi had claimed as their own. The Jaeggi needed to be eliminated now before they went after another mage.

  “Lisette—” Alric said sharply, but he didn’t get any further.

  The mage sat up and narrowed her eyes at him. “Go ahead. I dare you, Eure Majestät. Say ‘you’re fine’ one more time. I swear you won’t be by the time you finish getting the words out.”

  Alric’s mouth fell open and laughter erupted from Cameron, but even that was quickly silenced when Lisette turned her glare on Cameron. She was not screwing around.

  Cameron cleared his throat and gently placed his hand under Alric’s chin, closing his mouth. He turned Alric’s face toward him while Lisette continued to work on healing Alric’s numerous wounds and aching muscles. None of them were particularly serious, but they were taking no chances with their beloved king.

  “Honey, let her take care of her king,” Cameron said softly. He let his fingers drift up Alric’s cheek and comb through his hair. “It makes her feel better to be able to care for you. Reassures all of your clan that you are safe and protected.”

  Alric’s Prussian blue eyes fell shut and he leaned his face into Cameron’s touch, a look of peace smoothing out his features. “Liebling,” he said on a sigh. “I am well so long as I have you in my arms.” As he spoke, he tightened his arm around Cameron’s shoulders, pulling him in closer. He had a feeling that if the car comfortably allowed it—and if Lisette wasn’t on the other side of him, trying to heal various cuts across his frame—Cameron would have been in Alric’s lap.

  Cameron nuzzled his face into Alric’s neck, kissing his jaw before murmuring, “I love you.” He couldn’t stop saying it. Didn’t want to stop saying it. Alric needed to know at all times how he felt, needed to be bathed in those words.

  A low rumble came from deep in Alric’s chest, and Cameron’s head popped up. He took in Alric’s satisfied smile and relaxed form.

  “Did your dragon just purr?” Cameron asked.

  “I love you too, but dragons do not purr.”

  Cameron smirked at him. “Yeah, and humans don’t purr either, but I swear it sounded like you purred.” Cameron looked around Alric at Lisette, who looked like she was fighting very hard to hold in a smile. “Lisette, do dragons purr? Or should we be more worried about Alric’s lungs and breathing?”

  Alric pulled Cameron back down against him and growled. Definitely a growl. “There is nothing wrong with my lungs and dragons do not purr. That is a cat thing.”

  “Yes, and we all know you’re a large lizard,” Cameron teased. “Or maybe dragons are related to crocodiles. You’ve both got that same toothy grin.”

  A choking noise came from Lisette as she tried to hold in her laugh. Dieter didn’t even try as his low chuckle filled the front of the car.

  “Don’t encourage him,” Alric muttered, but he was still smiling at Cameron.

  “To answer your question,” Lisette started and then cleared her throat. “Dragons don’t purr, but a very happy dragon has been known to make this kind of happy rumbling sound sort of like a distant roll of thunder.”

  Cameron snickered at Alric’s very pleased expression. “So you don’t purr, but you thunder?”

  “Yes.” Alric leaned forward and pressed his forehead against Cameron’s. “And when our mate is in danger, we rage like a firestorm very well too.” Alric closed his eyes, and Cameron could feel the swell of pain and fear rise in Alric again. “I cannot lose you, my sweet Cameron. I—”

  Cameron silenced his words with a short, tender kiss. He wanted a hell of a lot more, but he didn’t want it with the audience they already had. The truly fun part of their reunion would have to wait until they were home and alone.

  “I am safe. They didn’t hurt me. And no one is ever going to come between us. I will always fight to get back to you, just like you will always fight to be with me.”

  Alric sighed. “I know you’re right. It will just take time to shake this fear.”

  “I have no problem reminding you every day of our lives that I’ll always be right here with you.”

  The rumbling rose from Alric’s chest again, and Cameron’s heart swelled. He’d do anything to keep his dragon happy.

  “Hoheit?” Dieter said from the driver’s seat.

  They all turned their attention out the front window as they pulled into the town where they’d first found evidence of the Jaeggi living. The streets and sidewalks were largely empty, and the few people Cameron did see walking around were actually Burkhard dragons. This didn’t make any sense. It wasn’t a large town, but the cat drone had revealed a bustling village full of life and people when they’d last seen it.

  “Pull over, Dieter. Pull over,” Alric ordered sharply.

  In the first opening, Dieter pulled the sedan into a spot just off the main street and turned off the engine. They all jumped out of the car, and Cameron immediately found himself surrounded by
dragons. It wasn’t just Alric with his arm tight around Cameron’s waist, but three other dragon guards who’d seen the car enter the town had hurried over and were now flanking Cameron on all sides.

  Peering between the large, muscular bodies, Cameron spotted two other dragons around Lisette along with her mate. At least it wasn’t just him, though Cameron knew it was going to be a while before the clan gave him a little breathing room. Not that he blamed them. But it was clear they were taking the protection of their mages to a new level so long as the Jaeggi were out there.

  “What the hell…” Alric breathed, tearing Cameron’s attention away from their guards and back to the town.

  Alric directed them over to a line of shops on the main street with Jaeggi in the name. All of them were closed despite the hours on the window showing they should each be open for at least another couple of hours. Cameron turned and looked across the street to find two more shops with Jaeggi in the name also closed. One even had writing in bold white letters across the window. Unfortunately, it was beyond Cameron’s knowledge of German.

  “That one,” Cameron pointed toward the store, nudging Alric. “What does that one say?”

  “Out of business,” his mate read.

  “How is this possible?” Dieter breathed in horrified tones.

  “Ravi,” Alric called, and the short dragon appeared in front of them. “That woman across the street. She’s not one of the clan. Ask her about the stores.”

  Ravi nodded and jogged off toward the woman carrying a canvas bag that appeared to be filled with produce. Ravi’s friendly face and slight stature made him the least intimidating of the clan. They wouldn’t get any information out of the locals if the dragons went around scaring everyone.

  “Lisette, could this be a spell? An illusion maybe to make us think they are abandoned?” Cameron asked.

  The older mage was already shaking her head. “I thought that as well, but it’s no spell. There’s just the slightest tingle of magic in the air, but it feels old. Probably from the Jaeggi Clan’s presence in the town for so long. There’s no new magic.”


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