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Neighbor Girl (Southern Girl Series Book 2)

Page 13

by Georgia Cates

  “Who the fuck are you?” Her voice is a slur.

  She was trashed so I’m not shocked that she doesn’t remember seeing me the day she interrupted my business meeting with Oliver at the restaurant. “I’m Adelyn.”

  Her eyes start at my naked thighs and move up my body. “No. I mean who the fuck are you to Oliver, standing there almost naked?”

  I want to say that I’m the woman he was about to fuck until you came along and interrupted. But I don’t.

  She’s staring me down with dilated pupils. Angry, looking like she might jump me at any minute. And that’s okay. Bring it, sister. I will stomp your drunk ass into the floor.

  I give Oliver the maybe-you-should-answer-that-one look.

  “Adelyn and I are seeing each other.”

  “You mean fucking each other.”

  Well, we were trying. I widen my eyes and shrug. “What now?”

  Oliver grasps the woman’s arms and guides her to the couch. “You. Sit.”

  “And you, come with me.” Oliver grasps my hand, leading me to the kitchen, and pulls out a barstool. “Park it.”

  I tuck his T-shirt under my butt before I sit. Doesn’t feel right to put my bare ass on one of his chairs.

  He swivels me to face him and parts my legs so he can stand between them. He grips my outer thighs and squeezes. “Listen. I want you to know I haven’t been fucking around with her.”

  We aren’t a couple. Oliver owes me nothing. “Okay.”

  “I haven’t and I don’t want to.” He leans in so we’re eye to eye. “I. Want. You.”

  Relief floods me as I hear his words. “Good because I want you too. But what do we do about her?”

  “I’m going to put her in a cab and send her home. As soon as she’s gone, you and I are going back to my bed and picking up where my mouth left off.”

  I lean in and nip his bottom lip. “I like that idea a lot.”

  “Me too.” He slides his hands up my legs and groans when he discovers I’m without panties. “I swear I’d fuck you right here and now if she weren’t in the next room.”

  I’m tempted to tell him to do it anyway. I doubt she’d remember it. “Come on. Let’s get her out of here so we can continue our exploration.”

  “I’m all for that, baby.”

  I hop off the barstool and follow Oliver into the living room.

  “Well, motherfucker. She’s passed out.”

  Oh great. “What are you going to do about that?”

  “I’m getting her ass out of my house.” He goes over to her and shakes her arm. “Lacey. Lacey. Get up. You can’t stay here.”

  She doesn’t budge. Not even a little. It’s obvious she’s not moving off that couch before morning.

  Oliver sighs and utters, “Fuck me,” beneath his breath. “Would it be a dick move if I asked you to go upstairs with me and pretend she isn’t down here?”

  I look at the blond cockblock stretched out on the sofa. “You could ask, but honestly, being in the same house with a woman you used to fuck is a turnoff.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “We’re gonna need to give this a try some other time.”

  “Can you come over after work tomorrow night?”

  It’s a no-go. “Probably not. I have an event tomorrow night. It’s small but I don’t think I’ll be done until late.”

  “Tuesday night then?”

  Another no-go. “My parents will be here. They aren’t leaving until Saturday so the whole week is a bust.” And then your surprise birthday party is that night.

  “I’m tied up Saturday. Some band that Lawrence loves is playing and she insisted I go with her. Maybe we can score another ticket so you can go with us.”

  Sorry, Thorn. I’ll be tied up making sure everything is lined up for your party. “I’m sure I’ll be exhausted from my parents’ visit. Five days with them will be enough to kill me. I should probably plan on hanging out to relax at my place.”

  “That means we have to wait until next Sunday. That’s a fucking week. Explain to me how I’m supposed to wait that long to have you.”

  I love hearing him say he’s dying to have me. Makes me feel confident about going into this. “I don’t know. You just do.”

  “There’s no way I won’t lose my mind this week. You’ll be so close yet so far away.”

  Next Sunday does seem like a long time from now. “I’m certain you’ll find a way to survive until next weekend.”

  “Maybe you should sneak out of the house and come over after your parents go to sleep.”

  I haven’t done that since I was a kid. “Like I’m thirteen?”

  “No. Like you’re twenty-seven and horny.”

  “Well, I am both of those things.”

  Oliver looks over at Lacey. “I swear I could choke the fuck out of her.”

  “Are you sure about that?’

  Oliver cups his hand around the side of my neck and uses his hold to pull me in for a quick kiss. “Smart-ass.”

  “You walked right into that one.”

  “I guess I did.”

  “It’s getting late. I should go home.” Drunk Lacey has ruined this night for me. The longer I look at her, the more I want to throat punch her.

  He slips his hands under the T-shirt I’m wearing and palms my bare ass cheeks. “Going home like this?”

  “I was going to run upstairs and get my clothes. But yeah, I was planning to wear your shirt home.”

  “Will you at least leave your panties?”

  “Why? Do you plan on wearing them?”

  “No. I plan to sniff them while I jerk off every night.”

  Holy shit. I get to think about that all week.

  “Yeah. Keep the panties.”


  Oliver Thorn

  I haven’t done the meet-the-parents thing since Eden. I forgot how nerve-racking it can be. And the pressure is doubled—no, quadrupled—when the woman you want to date has a preacher for a father. A Southern Baptist preacher, no less. That’s a different kind of animal.

  “Oliver, Addie tells us you’re from Savannah.”

  Neutral conversation. No hellfire and brimstone. Yet.

  “Yes, sir. I lived there until I left for college. I go home for the weekend every three or four months because my parents still live there.”

  I can tell by Mrs. Maxwell’s that-is-so-nice-of-a-son smile that she likes my answer. “You must be close to your parents since you go home so often.”

  “We’re very close. They come here to visit my sister and me in between our trips to Savannah so I see them every couple of months.”

  I can tell that she likes that answer too. Maybe my beer-brewing career and tattoos haven’t turned her against me completely.

  “I wish we could see our Addie more often, but it’s such a long drive. Michael’s bad back keeps us from being able to ride in the car for long periods.”

  I can’t imagine not seeing Mom and Dad whenever I like. “I’m lucky my parents enjoy being on the road. They travel all the time. It’s nothing for them to decide the night before that they’re going to take off and go somewhere for the weekend.” I’ve always loved that adventurous side of Mom and Dad. It made for a fun childhood.

  “It’s hard for us to get away since we have so many responsibilities at the church with our congregation. Just as with this trip, we have to leave early Saturday morning so we can be back for church on Sunday.”

  The thoughts I’m having are wrong, especially while I’m sitting here across from her God-fearing parents, but I wish they were leaving a day earlier. I’m eager to get my night of sexual exploration with Adelyn.

  “My parents were able to retire early so nothing holds them down. They travel the world. Globetrotters. That’s what my sister and I call them.”

  “They’re probably making up for the early years of their marriage when they were taking care of little ones.”

  I see Adelyn hasn’t mentioned my adoption. But I don’t guess there would
be a reason for that.

  “No, ma’am. They didn’t adopt us until they were in their midthirties. They’d already traveled all over the world by the time we came into the picture.”

  “Oh. I guess they stopped traveling after they adopted you and your sister.”

  Most people would think that but they’d be wrong.

  “Only long enough for Lawry and me to adjust to them being our new parents. It wasn’t long before we were going everywhere with them; adapting wasn’t hard to do once we figured out they weren’t going to beat or starve us.”

  I still remember the first time I slept in my own bed in my own room. It was the first time in my life I ever felt truly safe. The first time I ever felt loved by someone besides my sister.

  “You were taken away from your birth parents?”

  “Yes, sir. I was six and my sister was ten.”

  “Praise God you were plucked from them and placed in your adoptive parents’ lives.”

  I’ve always been grateful we were taken from Jimmy and Christie, but I spent a lot of years being bitter about how long it took. I’m still not in a good place when it comes to the whys.

  “We were badly abused. I’ve struggled with how God could leave us in that kind of environment for so many years.” We were innocent little kids. We didn’t deserve that.

  “The Lord works on His schedule, Oliver. Not ours. The Bible tells us there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.”

  I can’t tell you how many times my parents have referred to that scripture. “Ecclesiastes 3:1.”

  Brother Maxwell doesn’t do a great job of hiding his surprise and neither does Adelyn. “You know the scripture?”

  Adelyn and I have never discussed my faith. She probably assumes I’m a heathen with no kind of religious teaching.

  “I grew up in church. Mom and Dad made sure Lawry and I were there every time the doors opened. I got out of the routine when I went to college. I haven’t been back except on Christmas and Easter when I go home to see my parents.”

  Adelyn’s mom turns to look at her daughter. “Addie. You’ve not invited Oliver to attend church with you?”

  Oh shit. They think Adelyn goes to church. Even I know better than that.

  I guess my little heathen needs saving. “She’s invited me several times. I’ve been resistant but she’s determined to get me there so I’m thinking of going.”

  Damn. I just lied to a preacher and his wife about going to church. That’s gotta be bad.

  Adelyn turns and smiles at me. “Does that mean you’ll go with me this Sunday?”

  “Yeah, I will.”

  I’m not sure Mrs. Maxwell could smile bigger if she tried. “Oh, that’s wonderful.”

  Adelyn pushes away from the table. “Time for dessert. Want to give me a hand in the kitchen, Oliver?”


  Mrs. Maxwell pushes away from the table. “I can help you with that, honey.”

  “Not necessary, Mom. Oliver is very handy in the kitchen.”

  I follow Adelyn into the kitchen. “Well, I’m not really sure that I’m all that handy in the kitchen.”

  She puts her finger on her lips. “Shh.”

  She grabs my hand and leads me into the walk-in pantry, pulling the door closed slowly.

  “You saved my ass. Thank you.” Her voice is barely more than a whisper.

  “No problem.”

  I probably saved my own ass as well. I’m sure the next step for Brother Maxwell would have been to talk to me about getting back into church.

  Adelyn reaches for the button of my jeans and yanks it open before lowering the pull tab of my zipper. “I want to suck you off.”



  I want that too, but damn. “Your mom and dad are right—”

  “Shh,” she interrupts and pulls my jeans apart, pushing her hand inside my boxer briefs. “See? You want me to. You’re already hard.”

  “That’s because my dick is dumb. He doesn’t consider consequences.”

  “No worries. It’ll be okay. Promise.”

  Adelyn pulls out my cock and goes down. Oh, how I love to see a girl on her knees. I can’t think of anything any hotter.

  Her warm, wet tongue starts at the base and licks my length. When she gets to the head, she swipes her tongue over the tip and drinks the droplets of moisture there. She just swallowed my pre-cum without hesitation. I bet she swallows when I get off. I hope so.

  She wraps her hands around my balls and massages when she takes me into her mouth.

  All. The. Way.

  Deep. Throating.


  I put my fingertips in her hair, careful to not mess it up, and encourage her to take me deeper, harder, faster. “You’re such a good girl. MY good girl. No one else’s.”

  Those words of ownership come out of my mouth so naturally, but I guess they should. They’re the same ones I’ve said to her in every fantasy I’ve had about us since we were last together.

  She is mine and I can’t wait to show her. Control her. Dominate her. I’m going to be everything she needs and more.

  Her suction increases and the pleasure ignites my orgasm. “I’m about to come in your mouth and you’re going to swallow it. Every last drop.”

  She grasps my hips and sucks harder as her mouth slides back and forth over my cock. “That’s it, Max. Fuck me with that beautiful mouth.”

  My cum shoots into the back of her throat, and I feel her swallow around my tip. Not even a hint of a gag. Damn. Her sweet, greedy mouth took every drop I had to give without a bit of reluctance. That fills me with a pride like I’ve never known.

  I rub my thumbs down her cheeks. “That was amazing.”

  She looks up at me from her knees, so submissive, like she’s willing to give me any– and everything I want. “I love hearing you tell me I’m your good girl.”

  “Because you are very good and you’re mine.”

  What I’m discovering is that this relationship isn’t going to be difficult for me. I’m prepared and ready to give Adelyn everything she desires because I desire it too.

  I help her up and rub my thumb over her lips before placing a kiss against her mouth. “I may die, like really fucking die, if I don’t get to have you soon.”

  “Sunday night. Only three more days.” Only three more days? Fuck. That feels forever away.

  She brushes her hands over her knees.

  “Baby, your knees are really red. Don’t let your parents see them.”

  It would be a fucking disaster if they figured out their daughter was on her knees giving me a blowjob in the pantry while they’re sitting fifteen feet away.

  She kisses me back. “Paying attention to details. I’m proud of you.”

  We leave the pantry and go to work on plating dessert. Adelyn calls out from the kitchen, “Daddy, you don’t want whipped cream, right?”

  “None for me, honey.”

  I wrap my arms around her waist from behind and move my mouth over her ear. “Why don’t you come over later and I’ll give you some whipped cream?”

  She giggles as she moves a slice of pound cake to a plate. “I think you just gave me a whole mouthful.”

  “And you loved it.”

  “I did and I’d love to have more but not while my parents are here.”

  “Sneak out. They’ll never know.”

  “Trust me. Daddy would know.”

  Yeah, I bet Brother Maxwell kept his eyes on this one.

  “Then don’t sneak out. Tell them you’re coming over for something.”

  I don’t want to rush things, but I’ll take a quickie if it’s all I can have.

  She turns in my arms and puts her hands on my face. “Listen. I want my parents to like you. And I think they do, despite the whole beer and tattoos thing, which is like a fucking miracle. I don’t want to push my luck and ruin it.”

  Adelyn wants them to like me. I don’t think she’d care if she
weren’t planning to keep me around for a while.

  I definitely won’t be on the top of their favorites list if they think I’m fornicating with their baby girl. I see this relationship going somewhere so I need to keep my nose clean. And out of her pussy until Sunday. But after that, it’s game on. “I know you’re right. I’m just eager to be inside you.”

  “And you will be in a few more days.”

  Fuck. I’m a patient man but I may lose my mind before I get between Adelyn’s legs. “You’re killing me. You know that, right?”

  “You’ll survive. No one ever died from not fucking.”

  “That could be debatable.” I pull her close and press a kiss to the top of her head. “But I’ll somehow manage.”

  I look over Adelyn’s head and see Mrs. Maxwell standing in the kitchen. Watching us. Damn. I hope she didn’t overhear that conversation.

  “Sorry. I was just coming in to see if you needed any help.”

  I release Adelyn and she immediately returns to working on dessert. “Mama, you want extra strawberries?”


  Mrs. Maxwell comes up behind me and rubs her hand side to side over my upper back before patting it. “I’ve got this, Oliver. Why don’t you go talk to Michael?”

  I know he sent her in here to lure me back into the dining room. Fuck. What does he want to talk about?

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I take my seat at the table and wait. Wait for the other shoe to drop. Wait for the firing squad to shoot. Wait for the interrogation to begin.

  “I can see Adelyn likes you very much.”

  And here we go.

  “I hope so because I like her.” I want whatever this is with Adelyn to progress. And I feel like I’ll need the Maxwells’ approval to make that happen.

  “It’s easy to see how much you like her.”

  “Your daughter’s an amazing woman.” He doesn’t even know the half of it. How strong she is. How resilient.

  “She deserves an amazing man.”

  “She definitely does.”

  “I want to tell you a story.”

  Oh fuck. Here we go with the hellfire and brimstone.

  “I was eighteen when I met Adelyn’s mother. She was something else and still is, but dear God… there’s nothing like the first time you lay eyes on the woman you’re going to love for the rest of your life. There’s nothing like that first touch. That first kiss. Or that first time she lies beneath you.” Mr. Maxwell pauses a moment. “Rachel and I were not married when that happened.”


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