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Wait for Me: Family Love Story in Alaska... A Christian Romance Novel with a Sidearm of Suspense (Vacation Sweethearts Book 3)

Page 20

by Jan Thompson

  He nodded. Flipped through his Bible and began reading Ephesians 5. When he reached the twenty-eighth verse, Jonas—and the wedding bands—still hadn’t appeared.

  “‘So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.’” And he kept reading.

  Marie prayed silently like she had never prayed before.

  “We can still be married without the wedding bands,” Logan whispered in her ear. “Our marriage depends on God, not manmade rings.”

  Marie nodded.

  When Pastor Moss reached the end of the chapter, he kept reading. “Ephesians 6, ladies and gentlemen. ‘Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.’”

  The crowd chuckled.

  Marie spotted one of the Mendenhall guards carrying Jonas in his arms, as though he were a football. Esperanza was running behind him. Mrs. Ping stopped to catch her breath.

  “Mommy!” Jonas was screaming.

  Behind Marie and Logan, Pastor Moss was still reading. “Hear this, everyone. ‘And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.’ Ephesians 6:4. Do I get an amen?”


  As Marie watched Jonas approach her, she saw that there were stains all over his black tuxedo. They were in all colors of…

  Ice cream.

  Remain calm.

  No need to panic.

  This is only a wedding.

  We have a lifetime ahead of us.

  The security guard put Jonas down on the grass, and shook off the ice cream on his hands and sleeves. There was ice cream on his hair and face as well, but nobody dared to point it out.

  Esperanza’s hair was all over the place, like a bunch of springs that went this way and that. Marie regretted telling the hairstylist to remove the pins.

  Esperanza held the two wedding bands in her hand, but hesitated to give them to Jonas.

  Sticky fingers?

  Here came Mrs. Ping, with hand wipes. What a dear!

  In front of everyone, and as though it were all part of the process, Mrs. Ping gently wiped ice cream off Jonas’s face and hands.

  Then she took the two rings from Esperanza and handed them back to Jonas. “Now give them to your mommy and daddy when the pastor says so, okay?”

  Jonas nodded.

  Mrs. Ping didn’t return to her seat. She stood next to Jonas, just in case. For that, Marie was appreciative.

  The ring exchange ceremony went without a hitch, even with an added lemony scent from the antibacterial hand wipes.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife,” Pastor Moss said. “Again.”

  The entire crowd cheered and clapped.

  “You may kiss the bride,” he told Logan, who promptly discharged his first duties as a newly re-minted husband.


  They stepped down the platform hand in hand. Logan scooped up Jonas and let him ride on his shoulders, smearing ice cream all over his tuxedo.

  Logan didn’t seem to mind, and neither did Marie.

  She loved that man for putting his difficult son above etiquette and decorum—even though they’d have to discuss later how to teach some common sense into their five-year-old.

  It was pointless for Marie to say that she hadn’t been like that at that age. She wasn’t Jonas.

  It was also irrelevant at this moment to say that if their marriage hadn’t broken up, Jonas wouldn’t be like this or that.

  The wedding was a new beginning for their family. To start over. To start fresh again. For that, Marie was grateful to God.

  From this day forward…

  Marie smiled and waved to everyone as they walked down the aisle back toward the house, as if it was the most natural thing for wedding gowns and bridegroom tuxedos to be smeared with multiple flavors of ice cream. On camera, to boot.

  When they reached the house, they would change into clean clothes. Maybe Jonas could take a quick shower.

  And no ice cream for him for at least a week. Or two. Or a month!

  Marie chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?” Logan asked. “You don’t like strawberry and chocolate flavors?”

  Marie didn’t say anything.

  “I’m sorry, Mommy,” Jonas said. “I won’t do it again.”

  “There won’t be another time, Son,” Logan said. “This is our last wedding and we’re married for life, aren’t we, love?”

  “Absolutely,” Marie replied.

  “Jonas, I’m going to put you down now because I’m going to kiss your mommy.” Logan squatted down and Jonas climbed off.

  “Can I watch?” Jonas asked.

  “You only do this to the only woman you ever love whom you want to spend the rest of your life with.” Logan gently pulled Marie toward him.

  She lifted up her chin toward him, waiting to see what he was going to demonstrate to their son.

  Logan sure took his time, moving his lips from her forehead to her cheek and then her chin before he reached her waiting—craving—lips.

  He didn’t disappoint.

  It was more than what Marie had expected. And she knew he meant to tell her that there would be more of these kisses to come for the rest of their lives together as husband and wife.

  Many, many more.

  God’s Word is Sweeter than Honey

  Farewell from Logan & Marie

  The Lord will give strength unto His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace.

  Psalm 29:11

  For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy.

  Psalm 61:3

  And He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord.

  Psalm 40:3

  Thank You for Reading WAIT FOR ME

  Thank you for reading Wait for Me, Book 3 in my Vacation Sweethearts travel romance novel series that celebrates the immeasurable grace and undeserved mercy of God through Jesus Christ.

  I hope you enjoyed the story of Logan and Marie. If you did, would you please write a review of the novel? Reviews are very helpful to other readers, especially those who might be new to my books. Follow the link below to post your review on a retailer site.

  Wait for Me (Vacation Sweethearts Book 3):

  Did you enjoy the suspense side of Wait for Me? You might recall that Esperanza Diaz-Mendenhall appears in the previous novel, Reach for Me. That book takes place before Mendenhall Security is formed. Esperanza will appear again in Once a Hero (Protector Sweethearts Book 2) and Once a Spy (Protector Sweethearts Book 3) and then in a new techno thriller series coming soon.

  Reach for Me (Vacation Sweethearts Book 2):

  Once a Hero (Protector Sweethearts Book 2)

  Once a Spy (Protector Sweethearts Book 3)

  While Wait for Me is about a summer vacation in Alaska, in which a broken family boards a cruise ship to bury the past and sail to new beginnings, the next novel, Look for Me, is a second chance romance set in Florida. Continue reading for more information.

  The Next Book is LOOK FOR ME

  Vacation Sweethearts Book 4

  She needs a champion. Just not him.

  Four years after his girlfriend ghosted him, Martin MacFarland finds her in Key Largo, abused and pregnant with her second child. Martin wants to be there for her, but she won’t give him a second chance.

  Remember the MacFarlands in Smile for Me (Vacation Sweethearts Book 1)? Look for Me is the story of Tina’s brother, Martin. A Christian second chance romance with a dash of suspense, Look for Me takes us to the southern coast of Florida, where Martin MacFarland goes to find his long-lost ex-girlfriend. There are muscles cars, bright sunshi
ne, and a lot of chocolate. With some bad guys thrown in for sound effects.

  She needs a champion…

  A single mother living on minimum wage, former office manager Corinne Anderson has made many mistakes since she broke up with Martin MacFarland four years ago. Each mistake compounds the other problems in her life.

  Down and out, Corinne and her three-year-old daughter ends up in the small beach town of Key Largo, hiding from people looking for them.

  Anyone but him…

  After his father gives him half the ownership of the MacMuscles Classic Car Restoration business in Savannah, Georgia, Martin MacFarland is convinced that he is ready to settle down and start a family. Unfortunately for him, the only woman he ever loved has vanished without a trace.

  After his private investigator tracks her down, Martin drives to Key Largo, praying that Corinne will forgive him for what he did before he became a Christian, and hoping she might consider starting over with him.

  Well, she tells him to get lost.

  Yet he won’t leave…

  Corinne knows that some day she’ll have to find closure, but right now, she is in a whole heap of trouble and doesn’t want Martin anywhere near her or her daughter.

  Martin doesn’t believe that the little girl is not his, no matter what Corinne says. He thinks he has a responsibility for both of them, and throws himself into their lives. However, his very act of heroism could get them all killed…

  Look for Me is Book 4 in USA Today bestselling author Jan Thompson’s Vacation Sweethearts collection of contemporary Christian travel romance novels celebrating the immeasurable grace and undeserved mercy of God. These Vacation Sweethearts novels are a spin-off of Jan’s inspirational Savannah Sweethearts series. Some of the novels in Vacation Sweethearts are also a prelude to the Protector Sweethearts Christian romantic suspense series.

  Look for Me (Vacation Sweethearts Book 4)

  Vacation Sweethearts

  Jan Thompson’s Book News Mailing List:

  About Vacation Sweethearts

  From USA Today bestselling author Jan Thompson come these clean and wholesome, sweet and inspirational Christian vacation romance novels set in some of her favorite vacation places.

  Travel with these Savannah residents to the coast and to the mountains, and cheer them on as they celebrate the immeasurable grace and undeserved mercy of God through Jesus Christ.

  Book 1: Smile for Me

  Book 2: Reach for Me (Romance with Suspense)

  Book 3: Wait for Me (Romance with Suspense)

  Book 4: Look for Me (Romance with Suspense)

  Book 5: Cheer for Me

  Book 6: Pray for Me

  Book 7: Care for Me

  The Vacation Sweethearts novels are a spin-off of Jan’s Savannah Sweethearts series, and fans will recognize familiar faces from Riverside Chapel, a church in the coastal city of Savannah, Georgia. In fact, we do visit Savannah and the beach town of Tybee Island from time to time to see old friends and beloved families.

  Vacation Sweethearts:

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  Many thanks to my Georgia Press publishing team for keeping up with my writing schedule.

  With God-given eyes for copyediting details, Lenda Selph is my patient proofreader extraordinaire. I appreciate her and thank God for her invaluable hard work.

  For additional proofreading, I thank copyeditor Lesley Ann McDaniel, who is a fellow author as well.

  A huge shoutout to my early readers, who read this novel ahead of the world: Debbie, Paula Marie, Julia, Pat, and Lois.

  I am grateful to God for my husband and son for their support and encouragement.

  And I’ll always remember my beloved mother and my late father for having instilled in me the love of reading and writing from a very early age. I miss my father here on earth, but I will see him in heaven some bright day.

  Most of all, I am eternally thankful to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to save me from my sins and rose again from the grave to give me eternal life. Without Him, I can write and do nothing.

  Jan Thompson

  John 3:16

  Books by Jan Thompson

  Contemporary Christian Romance & Romantic Women’s Fiction

  Savannah Sweethearts (11 Books)

  Vacation Sweethearts (7 Books)

  Savannah Sweethearts Collection (4 Boxed Sets)

  Seaside Chapel (9-12 Books)

  Christian Romantic Suspense & Inspirational Romantic Thrillers

  Protector Sweethearts (6 Books)

  Suspense Sweethearts Collection (Box Set)

  Binary Hackers (3-6 Books)

  Christian Bible Studies

  Writing Days

  Christian Historical Romance Parodies

  Jane Austen Upside Down (5 Books)

  SAVANNAH SWEETHEARTS (Contemporary Christian Romance)

  Prequel: Ask You Later

  Book 1: Know You More

  Book 2: Tell You Soon (Romance with Suspense)

  Book 3: Draw You Near

  Book 4: Cherish You So

  Book 5: Walk You There

  Book 6: Love You Always (Romance with Suspense)

  Book 7: Kiss You Now

  Book 8: Find You Again

  Book 9: Wish You Joy (Christmas Romance)

  Book 10: Call You Home

  Meet a group of multiethnic churchgoing Christians who love the Lord, work hard in their careers, and seek God’s will for their love lives.

  Against a backdrop of ocean, sand, and sun, these inspirational romances showcase aspects of the human need for God and for one another.

  Have some tea, settle on a comfortable reading chair, and enjoy these sweet celebrations of faith, hope, and love in Jesus Christ.

  VACATION SWEETHEARTS (Contemporary Christian Romance)

  Book 1: Smile for Me

  Book 2: Reach for Me (Romance with Suspense)

  Book 3: Wait for Me (Romance with Suspense)

  Book 4: Look for Me (Romance with Suspense)

  Book 5: Cheer for Me

  Book 6: Pray for Me

  Book 7: Care for Me

  Travel with our friends from Savannah, Georgia, to the coast and to the mountains. Cheer them on as they celebrate the immeasurable grace and undeserved mercy of God through Jesus Christ.

  The Vacation Sweethearts novels are a spin-off of Jan’s Savannah Sweethearts series, and fans will recognize familiar faces from Riverside Chapel, a church in the coastal city of Savannah, Georgia.

  In fact, we might even visit the beach town of Tybee Island from time to time to visit old friends and beloved families...

  The collection begins with Smile for Me, the story of Byron Moss and Tina MacFarland, spending their summer on the Caribbean islands of the Bahamas where the water is blue and hearts are warm…

  SEASIDE CHAPEL (Contemporary Christian Romance & Romantic Women’s Fiction)

  Book 1: Share with Me

  Book 2: Step with Me

  Book 3: Sing with Me

  (More Books to Come)

  The novels of Seaside Chapel blend women’s fiction with contemporary Christian romance to celebrate the grace of God and hope in Jesus Christ.

  Visit Jan’s favorite beach town of St. Simon’s Island, Georgia, where our friends
live and attend Seaside Chapel, a little church by the sea known for its beach weddings and fair shares of love and life.

  As these Christians grow in their knowledge and understanding of God, they are tested in their spiritual maturity, their relationships with others, and their love lives. Share their heartaches and healing, and cheer them on as they celebrate faith, family, friends, and yes, happily-ever-afters.

  The Seaside Chapel novels are all about life by the Atlantic Ocean, which in essence, is not much different from life in landlocked cities. Inherently, the human nature is such that we have in our hearts a need for the Lord, for His salvation, sustenance, and sanctification.

  PROTECTOR SWEETHEARTS (Christian Romantic Suspense)

  Book 1: Once a Thief

  Book 2: Once a Hero

  Book 3: Once a Spy

  (More Books to Come)

  Protector Sweethearts is a spinoff of Savannah Sweethearts. Protector Sweethearts begins with Book 1 (Once a Thief), Private Investigator Helen Hu's story. Helen makes cameo appearances in Tell You Soon (Savannah Sweethearts Book 2) and Step with Me (Seaside Chapel Book 2). Helen is petite and feisty, and wears 5-inch heels. And then there’s Mama Hu, the one with all those secrets causing commotions…


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